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Friday, February 4, 2005

We have Chapter 2 of my Digimon/Shaman King story. If you missed the first chapter yesterday, it's in my archives. Now, onto Ch. 2!
Somewhere in a forest not far from Yoh’s house, sat Hao Asakura. “I think it would be fun cause a little mayhem for those annoying Tamers. Don’t you agree, Dorumon?” Hao said, looking at his partner digimon. “Yes, Master Hao.” Dorumon replied. Then, he disappeared.
----------------------- Meanwhile ------------------------
Suddenly, Allison’s D-Power began to beep. “Oh, great.” She said to herself, rolling her eyes. “Where is that annoying beeping coming from?” Ren asked. “I have to go do some thing.” Allison said, grabbing Patamon, putting him in her backpack, & heading for Yoh’s window. “Allison, you know you can use the door.” Yoh said. But it was too late; she had already climbed out through the window.
“Let’s go follow her.” Manta said, heading for the door. “Yeah.” Everyone agreed & followed after him.
Meanwhile, Allison had unclipped her orange D-Power from her backpack. It said the digimon was in the park. “It figures.” She mumbled to herself. She also took out her sunglasses.
When she had reached the park, she looked around & saw the other Tamers. What she didn’t know was Yoh & the others had followed her. “Okay, Patamon. Come out of my backpack.”
“Why she’s telling her stuffed animal to come out on it’s own?” Horo Horo whispered. The others just shrugged.
Patamon came out of the backpack gasping for air. “It’s hot in there! You need to put air vents or something in there.” The orange digimon said. “Oh, stop it.” Allison replied.
Seeing that Patamon was a real digimon made Yoh, Ren, Horo Horo, Pirika, Lyserg, & Manta to freak out. “That’s a real digimon!” Lyserg said in a whisper. “That must mean those one standing with her friends over there are real ones also!” Yoh replied in a whisper, pointing at the other Tamers.
Takato & the other Tamers ran over to Allison. “Where’s the digimon?” Rika asked. “Over there!” Henry said, pointing to over by the slide. Allison held out her D-Power & the info on the digimon came up.
“It’s Dorumon. Rookie level. Beast type digimon.” She said, reading the info off her D-Power. “Rookie level? We should be able to beat that!” Kazu said.
“But my D-Power says it’s a digimon with a Tamer.” Allison said. “Say what?” Everyone asked.
“That’s right.” A voice said, “I’m his Tamer.” Said Hao, appearing beside Dorumon. This made Yoh’s eyes grow wide.
“Hao! What are you doing here?!” Yoh yelled. “Good job, Yoh. You blew our cover!” Pirika said.
Allison looked at them. “What are you guys doing here? And how do you know him, Yoh?”
“It’s because…” Yoh started. “It’s because he’s my little brother.” Hao finished. “Well, that doesn’t stop us from kicking your digimon’s butt!” Ryo said.
That’s when their partners got ready & attacked Dorumon.
“Diamond Storm!” Renamon said. “Boom Bubble!” Patamon shouted.
“Pyro Sphere!” Guilmon said. “Terrier Tornado!” Terriermon shouted.
Dorumon dodged their attacks. “Hao, I need more speed.” He said. Hao smirked & pulled out his black & purple D-Power along with a speed card. “Digi-modify!” He shouted swiping the card through it, “Speed activate!” Dorumon then moved at top speed towards the digimon. “Quick! Use the speed card too!” Henry said, and everyone repeated what Hao did.
“Wow, look at them! They’re moving so fast!” Pirika commented. Then, some thing appeared in front of her, Yoh, Horo Horo, Manta, Lyserg, & Ren. They were D-Powers!
Hao saw the D-Powers appear in front of Yoh & his friends. “So, Yoh & his friends are Tamers to. How fun.” He said. Then, he looked at Dorumon. “Come, Dorumon. We’re going.” “Yes, Hao.” And with that, they disappeared.
“They ran off with their tails between their legs. Or in Hao’s case, his really long hair.” Terriermon said. “Terriermon.” Henry scolded.
Allison walked over to Yoh & the others. “Why did you guys follow me?” She asked them. “We wanted to know what you were doing.” Lyserg said. “Now, do you mind explaining why we have these?” Yoh asked, & everyone held up the D-Powers they had just received. Allison gasped.
What did you think? Next Chapter will see Anna & Tamao & Yoh, Lyserg, Ren, Horo Horo, Pirika, & Manta get their partners! ^^
Takuya: That chapter was great! But not as good as seeing Allison pounce on Kouji earlier.
Me & Kouji: Don't bring that up!
Tommy: Apparently, when Allison first met Kouji, she thought he was cute! ^o^
Me: I told you not to tell!
JP: And when Allison first spirit evolved, Kouji thought Angelmon, her spirit was hot. ^_^
Kouji: *cheeks are red* So what?
Zoe & Kouichi: Stop you three! You're embarassing Allison & Kouji!
Me & Kouji: Exactly!
Takuya, Tommy, & JP: Oh fine.
Me: Well, see ya!
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