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Saturday, February 5, 2005

We have Chapter 3! Hooray! ^^
“You guys got D-Powers! That must mean you’re Tamers!” Allison exclaimed. They each had different colored D-Powers. Yoh was holding a light orange colored one, Ren held a navy colored one, Pirika had light purple, Horo Horo had azure, Manta had dark yellow, & Lyserg had light green.
Henry, Rika, Jeri, Ryo, Takato, Suzie, Kazu, Kenta, & the digimon came over to see Allison was talking about.
“It’s true! They are Tamers!” Jeri said. “But where are their partners?” Kenta asked.
Allison shrugged. At that moment, Yoh, Lyserg, Horo Horo, Ren, Manta, & Pirika’s D-Powers started beeping & a compass like thing appeared on each of them.
“It knows where you’re partners are!” Takato exclaimed. “Ok, here’s what we’ll do. We’re going to split up to find their partners.” Henry said.
“Exactly! I’ll go with Yoh, Henry you go with Lyserg, Ryo you go with Ren, Rika you go with Pirika, Jeri you go with Manta, & Takato you with Horo Horo. The others will stay here in the park.” Allison said. Everyone agreed & did what they were told.
------------------------- Meanwhile ----------------------------
Two girls wandered around the streets together. One had blonde hair & the other had pink hair. The girl with pink hair’s name was Tamao & the blonde was Anna. Tamao was carrying what looked like a small dog in her arms. “Miss Anna, where are we going?” Tamao asked. “We’re going to the park. My D-Power says there are digimon there & I’m sure Renamon is dying to fight.” Anna replied. “Where is Renamon?” Tamao asked. “She’s already at the park. Now come on.” Anna said sternly.
------------------------- Meanwhile ---------------------------
Yoh & Allison were wandering around the area where his D-Power had led them. “It says this is where you’re partner is, but I don’t see it.” Allison said, looking around. Patamon, who was on her head, was sniffing the air. “I smell a digimon.” Patamon told them, pointing in the direction of the scent. Yoh & Allison walked over to the area.
Suddenly, a digimon came out & pounced on Yoh. It leaned down & started licking his face. “Hello Yoh. I’ve been waiting for you!” The digimon said.
Allison pulled out her D-Power & held it towards the digimon. Its info came up on her screen. “Gabumon. Rookie level. Reptile type digimon. He must be your partner, Yoh!”
“That’s right. I’m his partner.” Gabumon said, smiling. “Really? Awesome!” Yoh said, getting up. “Come on! Let’s go back to the park!” Patamon said.
------------------------ Meanwhile --------------------------
Anna’s Renamon sat in a tree in the park looking at Kazu, Kenta, Suzie, Guardromon, MarineAngemon, & Lopmon who stayed in the park. Suzie spotted her sitting in the tree.
“Hey look! It’s Renamon!” Suzie exclaimed. “She’s right. But where’s Rika & Pirika?” Kazu asked.
“For you information stupid, she’s my partner.” Anna said, arriving in the park with Tamao. “Ok, I’m confused.” Kenta said. MarineAngemon nodded. At that moment, Allison, Yoh, & the others returned.
Yoh spotted Anna & Tamao. “Anna? Tamao? You guys are Tamers, too?” He asked. “Yeah, so what?” Anna replied.
“Then who are your partners?” Jeri asked.
Tamao held out the dog in her arms. “Salamon’s my partner.” “And Renamon’s mine.” Anna replied as her Renamon appeared next to her.
“You have a Renamon, too?!” Rika asked, her Renamon appearing beside her. “So, what?” Anna replied.
“What color are your D-Powers?” Ryo asked.
Anna & Tamao held theirs up. Anna held a dark red on & Tamao held a dark pink one. “So, Yoh, you, Ren, Lyserg, Pirika, Horo Horo, & Manta have partners?”
Yoh nodded. “I have Gabumon, Ren has Impmon, Horo Horo has Gomamon, Pirika has Biyomon, Lyserg has Terriermon, & Manta has Tentomon.”
“I see, Lyserg & that blue haired boy both have the same digimon, just like Anna & that orange haired girl both have a Renamon.” Tamao said.
“The name’s Henry.” Henry replied, annoyed. “And the name’s Rika, not ‘that orange haired girl.’” Rika replied, also annoyed.
“Strange, huh?” Lyserg & Henry’s Terriermon said. “Terriermon.” Henry & Lyserg scolded.
Hope you liked it!^^
Kouji: Not bad. I liked it.
Takuya: Yeah! It was cool!
Me: Well, see ya! ^^
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