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Clause Chan
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Straight A's all year in fourth grade
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Sunday, February 6, 2005

It's time for Chapter 4! Yayness!^^
“So, Yoh & Anna have met up again, and Yoh & his pathetic friends got they’re partners. This should be fun. Don’t agree, Dorumon?” Hao asked, watching from a distance. “Yes, Master Hao. Do you want me to attack them?” Dorumon asked.
“Not really. But tomorrow, I want you to capture that girl & her Patamon. I shall leave a note for Yoh to find.” Hao said, while pointing to Allison and her digimon.
------------------------ The Next Morning ------------------------------
It was early in the morning & Allison and Patamon were asleep in bed. The sound of movement in her room made Allison wake up & look around. She grabbed her flashlight, since it was still dark, & shined the light around her room.
She saw nothing & turned off the flashlight. She lay back down, not trying to wake Patamon up. But Patamon smelled something & woke up instantly. “I smell a Digimon.” He said. “Patamon, I already checked and there’s nothing in here.” Allison said, adjusting her D-Power, which was hanging from a ribbon around her neck.
Suddenly, something grabbed Allison & Patamon. They looked to see what had grabbed them. It was Dorumon! Dorumon kept his grip on them & disappeared.
------------------------------ Meanwhile -----------------------------------
Yoh & Gabumon were asleep. Actually, Gabumon was asleep in Yoh’s closet since it was his hiding place from Yoh’s family.
At that moment, Hao appeared in Yoh’s room. He left a letter by Yoh’s D-Power, where he was sure Yoh would find it. He then smirked & disappeared.
Yoh then woke with a start, screaming. Gabumon woke up & started to get out of the closet, but stopped when he heard Yoh’s parents coming.
Mikihisa & Keiko burst into Yoh’s room. “What is it, son? Mikihisa asked. “I had a bad dream involving Hao.” Yoh said. “It must have been a bad dream, you’re sweating.” Keiko said.
“What was the dream about, Yoh?” Mikihisa asked Yoh. “Well first off, Hao was in my room. And second, it turns out he kidnapped one of my closet friends.” Yoh explained.
“Yoh, I don’t think it was a dream.” Keiko said. “What do you mean, mom?” Yoh asked. Keiko held out a piece of paper that she found by Yoh’s stuff.
Yoh took the paper & read it. “Oh no.” He said, his eyes widening.
“What is it, honey?” Keiko asked. “Hao’s kidnapped Allison!” Yoh said, “I have to tell the others!” “Not until later. It’s still early in the morning.” Mikihisa said.
---------------------------- Meanwhile ---------------------------------
“Wake up, brat.” Hao said to the burnette girl on the ground. Allison woke up & saw Hao staring at her. She gasped. “What do you want?” She asked. “Nothing really. You’re bait.” Hao told her. “Bait for what?” She asked. “You’ll see.” He replied.
--------------------------- Later that morning -----------------------------
Yoh ran into the park with Gabumon behind him. He arrived where Rika, Takato, Henry, Jeri, Suzie, Kazu, Ryo, Kenta, Manta, Ren, Horo Horo, Pirika, Lyserg, Tamao, & Anna were.
“What’s the big deal, Yoh?” Takato asked, rubbing his eyes.
“Yeah, we were sleeping.” Henry & Lyserg said in unison. “Not to mention snoring.” Their Terriermon said.
“Look what I found this morning.” Yoh said, holding up the note. “It’s just a piece of paper, Yoh.” Anna said. “No, it’s a note from Hao.” Gabumon said.
That’s what got everyone to wake up completely. “It’s what?!” They all said. “Hao’s kidnapped Allison & Patamon.” Yoh said.
“If that’s true, then why is Patamon flying this way?” Lopmon said, pointing towards the little orange digimon. “What’s he doing flying in broad daylight?” Rika’s Renamon asked, jumping up catch Patamon.
“Hey little guy,” Biyomon said, “where’s Allison?” “He’s in real bad condition. Look at those bruises.” Pirika said.
“Let’s take him to my dad. He should be able to hep us.” Henry said. “But I thought that the adults didn’t know about digimon.” Manta said.
“They don’t, but our parents do.” Takato said. “I see.” Manta replied.
----------------------------- Meanwhile ------------------------------
“I hope Patamon found the others.” Allison said. She sat in a cave with Dorumon keeping a close on her. “You better be right, for your sake.” Hao said, who was sitting in a tree outside the cave.
----------------------- Later at Henry’s house -------------------------
Mr. Wong walked out of a room with Patamon in his arms. “Dad, is Patamon going to be ok?” Henry asked. “Yeah, he is. He must have a bad encounter with something.” Mr. Wong replied, handing Patamon to Henry.
“Thanks, Dad. Come in to my room guys. Maybe Patamon can tell us where to find Allison.” Henry said. Everyone agreed & followed Henry into his room.
Patamon woke up to see he was with the other Tamers. “Where’s Allison? We got to save her!” Patamon started. “Chill out! We’ll find her as soon as you tell us where she is.” Gomamon said.
“Alright, I tell you. Hao’s holding her captive in the forest not far from here. But Allison didn’t have her digi-modify cards when Dorumon captured us.” Patamon said.
“So we’ll have to go by her house & have one of sneak in to grab her cards.” Anna said.
“I’ll do it.” Biyomon said. “You sure, Biyomon?” Pirika asked. “Yeah. She keeps them on the shelf by her bed, right Patamon?” Biyomon asked.
Patamon nodded. “So, then it’s settled! Let’s go get Allison.” Yoh said. Everyone nodded & made sure they had they’re cards also. Then, they got they’re digimon, left Henry’s house, & headed for Allison’s house to grab her cards.
Hope you liked it!^^
Mushra: Right now, she's trying to draw the three Kittens from Shinzo.
Me: Yep! I'm almost done with the one Rei & Sen(the two boy kittens) & then I'll move onto the one of Estee(the girl kitten).
Yoh: I think Estee may be little harder than the boys.
Me: Maybe, Yoh-kun. Maybe. Who knows?
Kouji: I'm not all to sure, are you Takuya?
Takuya: Not a clue!
Me: Well, I'll leave you with some Shaman King GIF's I found(four of them are in my intro if you haven't noticed). See ya!
Mushra, Yoh, Kouji, & Takuya: Bye!
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