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Monday, February 7, 2005

Chapter 5! Yeah!
Yoh & the others arrived in Allison’s backyard. Yoh looked in her window & saw no one there. He opened the window & motioned for Biyomon to fly in.
She flew in, grabbed the deck of cards, & flew back out. She then handed the cards to Yoh, who put them in his pocket.
“I didn’t see her D-Power in there.” Biyomon said. “It’s ok. Allison has it with her.” Patamon said. “Ok, Patamon. Lead the way to Allison.” Guilmon said.
Patamon nodded & flew towards the forest. Everyone followed him.
--------------------------- Meanwhile ------------------------------
Allison had fallen asleep in the cave. Just then, her D-Power started beeping. “Huh?” she said, lifting it up. It showed Patamon with Takato, Rika, Henry, Yoh, & the others following him. They were already in the forest.
“Yes!” She shouted, but quickly covered her mouth. “What are you shouting about, brat?” Hao said, walking into the cave.
Allison hid her D-Power behind her back, but Hao had already seen what it had showed her. “So, you’re digimon has found Yoh & the rest of your pathetic friends. This should be fun.” He said, pulling out his black & purple D-Power.
“You hurt Patamon, Yoh, or any of my other friends, and I’ll make you regret it!” She said. “Please, your pathetic.” Hao replied.
At that moment, Allison felt something fly into her arms. She looked down & saw Patamon there. “Allison!” Jeri’s voice came from outside.
Allison ran outside. “Hi guys!” She said. “Good, you’re all here.” Hao said from behind them. Dorumon appeared beside him. “Should I digivolve, Master?” He asked. “Yes. Good idea, Dorumon.” Hao said, pulling out a blue card.
Yoh handed Allison her cards. “You might need these.” He told her. “Thanks, Yoh.” She said, then she turned to the others. Let’s make our digimon digivolve too.” She told them.
Everyone nodded & pulled out their blue cards. Yoh, Lyserg, Ren, Manta, Anna, Tamao, Horo Horo, & Pirika watched & did the same.
Hao swiped his card first. “Digi-modify! Digivoloution activate!” “Dorumon digivolve to….Dorugamon!”
“Our turn!” Henry said. Everyone but Kenta & Jeri swiped their cards. “Digi-modify! Digivoloution activate!”
Henry, Takato, Rika, & Allison’s digimon went first.
“Patamon digivolve to….Angemon!” “Guilmon digivolve to….Growlmon!” “Terriermon digivolve to….Gargomon!” “Renamon digivolve to….Kyubimon!”
Next were Ryo, Kazu, & Suzie’s digimon.
“Monodramon digivolve to…Cyberdramon!” “Guardromon digivolve to…Andromon!” “Lopmon digivolve to…Antylamon!”
Then Yoh, Ren, Manta, Horo Horo, & Lyserg’s digimon digivolved.
“Gabumon digivolve to…Garurumon!” “Impmon digivolve to…Beelzemon!” “Tentomon digivolve to…Kabuterimon!” “Gomamon digivolve to…Ikakumon!” “Terriermon digivolve to…Gargomon!”
Finally, Anna, Tamao, & Pirika’s digimon digivolved.
“Renamon digivolve to…Kyubimon!” “Salamon digivolve to…Gatomon!” “Biyomon digivolve to…Birdramon!”
“Oh, man! They look so cool!” Yoh said. “Attack guys!” Kazu said.
All the digimon attacked Dorugamon.
“Dragon Wheel!” Both Anna & Rika’s Kyubimon said. “Gargo Laser!” Both Henry & Lyserg’s Gargomon said. “Hand of Fate!” Angemon said.
Dorugamon got hit by the attacks but attacked all the digimon himself. “Power Metal Cannonball!” He said.
Some of the digimon were able to dodge it.
“Lightning Paw!” Gatomon said. “Howling Blaster!” Garurumon said. “Electro Shocker!” Said Kabuterimon.
All the digimon attacked Dorugamon & he de-digivolved back to Dorumon. Hao got irritated, picked up Dorumon, & disappeared.
“That guy is a sore loser.” Angemon said before de-digivolving back to Patamon. “Oh, Angemon.” Allison said, rolling her eyes.
Hope you liked it! I submitted four new pics yesterday, so go vote on them!
Estee, Rei, & Sen: Yeah! Please go vote on them!
Mushra: Hyper kittens, aren't they?
Yakumo: Be nice, Mushra.
Mushra: I was being nice!
Rei & Sen: Hey Mushra, we have something to tell you!
Mushra: What's that?
Estee: Rei & Sen say you're a runt.
Mushra: Hey!
Kutal: Now, kittens, be nice to Mushra.
Sago: Well, See ya!
Me, Mushra, Kutal, Yakumo, Estee, Rei, & Sen: Bye!

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