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In the forest of nightmares.
Member Since
Real Name
Night Wolf
World record of staring at the ceiling.
Anime Fan Since
A long time.
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha, Wolf's Rain, and Witch Hunter Robin; some others as well.
To eventually find myself.
Watching two people have a battle of wits, when one person seems unarmed.
Staying up all night and sleeping in late.
You have just crossed the border of Reality and Fantasy. There is no turning back.
So while your here, make yourself comfortable. You could be staying for quite some time.
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Tuesday, March 22, 2005
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Sunday, November 16, 2003
Every sweet has its sour; every evil its good...only in some cases."
 You are the Demon- You have the authority to do whatever you want. You have total power and the skills to destroy the entire world and have a blast doing it. You listen to no one and follow your own rules. Well… sometimes.
What anime girl resides in you? brought to you by Quizilla
 You are spilt personality chii!
Which Chii Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
 Red! Your eyes are red! You're a very distant person, and you tend to hunger for power. In a Manga, you'd be the sexy evil villan. Nothing wrong with that, although you may want to think about toning down the killing.
What Color Are Your Anime Eyes? brought to you by Quizilla
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Wednesday, November 12, 2003
 Cruel, beautiful, ominous and evil
You are a sprite of Darkness: Most shiver at the sound of your name, you are ominous and something to be feared. Humans are playthings to you, toys for your own horrid uses. Heartless and cruel you love the pain and hardships of others, sometimes you are the cause. You are very beautiful on the outside which will entrance any mortal into believing what you lead them to, but sooner or later they will understand the deadly ways of your true nature. Despite your dark side you are very talented, you have many gifts that you leave locked up in favor of whatever else your doing at the moment. The feeling of love is alien and unwanted, it frightens you. Perhaps the only thing that does, you are quite brave and things rarely surprise or startle you.
.::=What type of mythical Sprite are you?=::. -With Anime Pictures and detailed answers- brought to you by Quizilla
 Lemon Tea...
Strong willed and a bit feisty in temper you stand out from other people! Creative but dangerous you have few friends and those that have been accepted into your small group are special and unique just like yourself. Once your mind is made up that's it and no one can change it. You can think clearly and figure out just what to do in a tense situation which is a rare gift. You arent twisted by societies rules and regulations and are rebel by nature!
What type of Tea are you? {-With Anime Pictures!-} brought to you by Quizilla
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Tuesday, November 11, 2003
 What color are you? (Anime Pictures) brought to you by Quizilla

What .hack//SIGN Character Are You?
 You represent... angst.
You have an extremely cynical outlook on just about everything. It's okay to sulk and be depressed, but life is short, and you only get one. It's only what you make it, and only you can make it improve.
What feeling do you represent? brought to you by Quizilla
 You represent... anger.
Mad at the world, eh? You have a tendency to... freak out easily. Overly emotional about everything, you're most prone to bouts of cruelty and moodiness. Other people may be afraid of the fact that you explode so easily, but at least you're honest... even if you're honest about not liking anything.
What feeling do you represent? brought to you by Quizilla
(females)what is one of your past lives? (results contain pictures) brought to you by Quizilla

What Anime Stereotype Are You?
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Tuesday, November 4, 2003
 You are Ice. You can be Harsh, but most of the time your playful and like to joke around. You do have a kind side, and most people see it.
(`..`..~ What Kind of Element Are You? ~..`..) brought to you by Quizilla
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