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Osceola|Lee's Summit
Member Since
8th grade, singer in training
Real Name
Stephani, but please call me by Ren, Terra, or Sanji
coming to 8th grade, and being a singer for whatever i can get into
Anime Fan Since
...the first time I saw Sailor Moon and Pokemon
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha, FMA, FMP, Azumanga Daioh, Negima, Bleach, Samurai Champloo, Fruba, Sailor Moon, Pokemon, Naruto (its okay...) Kodocha, Trinity Blood, Eureka7, Slayers, Black Cat, Chrono Crusade, DN Angel, BBI...i think thats it... visit my other site and if i m
to become a famous singer and anime voice actor
Being on the computer and phone, playing volleyball, drawing, singing, writing, acting out anime voices, making ppl laugh (most of the time) and being stupid (like having roman candle fights with my sisters! XD)
ALL OF THE ABOVE! Especially shooting fireworks at my sisters!)
Hi! This is Greedsdoll! I just wanted to make a site that was dedicated to my new favorite anime, Inuyasha! I bet some people will be asking me about the name, and here it is. INUMIROGA is a mix between the names of my 3 favorite men in the show. INUyasha, MIRoku, and kOGA. Thus we have INUMIROGA.
Here is the DUCKIE OF DOOM!
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Help DUCKIE OF DOOM gain world domination, by putting this in your profile! -from Greedsdoll|Inumiroga
1) Please do not PM me chain letters. They take forever to resend and im just too lazy.
2) Please comment something about the post. Don’t just say “Hi good to see you.” (Unless of course you have a hand injury. Then you’re a ok.
3) Enjoy what you see, and have a good time. Don’t be afraid to PM me if you think there is something that could use some improvement. Im always open for ideas and suggestions.
4) If you are new here to my site, sign my guestbook. DO NOT just come and comment and expect me to come and sign your guestbook. You have to sign mine first!
5) I DO NOT like it when anyone talks bad about my friends. Occasionally I will say that im
mad at them and why, but if I receive an email or PM saying that someone has been mean to one of them, I am not afraid to hunt you down and give you a good stern talking to.
6) I do allow language on my site, but overuse of such language will bug me. If you say, “Oh
so fucking mad at the fucking world because of my stupid, lame ass friend you called me a bitch” I will delete you off my friends list. Such use of this language bugs me. I hate it when its used too much. If you must use this language like this, open up wordpad and let your feeling out on it, not my site.
7) I support yaoi and yuri(sp?) completely. The only thing I cant stand is when people ask me if I know anyone single. It bugs me sooooo much. If you are looking for someone, find one yourself and do not ask me.
If you believe these rules are unfair in anyway, PM me.
Then, we’ll talk.
And be sure to read the rules over sometime because I may add some in the future.

Some stuffz...
-Silence is golden... but its no fun :D
-Why do they call it "a pair of pants" if its only one? Some people would say that its because it has two legs. In that case, if there was a person with one leg, would it be called a "pant?"
-When life gives you lemons, use the lemon juice to squirt into the eyes of life.
-Let all problems be solved by letteg a bear eat them!
-This guy created a time machine, and his theory was that you could go so fast that you would go forward in time. So, while flying on his time machine if you got up and walked backwards, would that mean you would go back in time?
-You know that one pair of 3D glasses is 3D right? Would it become 6D if you put two pairs on?
*99% of people stay friends for life ... But only 3% actually do, If you are part of that 3% add this to your profile. -from KH-freak*
Take your pick of the music you wanna listen to. ^^
Guns N Roses "Live and Let Die"
Queen "Killer Queen"
Trace Adkins "HonkyTonkBadonkadonk" (sp?)
Eminem "Cleanin' Out My Closet" (Not edited)
Pink "U + UR HAND"
I think this is the right song... Element "Ice Box"
Panic At the Disco "I write sins not tradgedies"
Ill bet you guys had no idea how many anime guys i like! Well, here they are!
Edward Elric (FMA)
Greed (FMA)
Russel Tringum (FMA)
Jean Havoc (FMA
Inuyasha (all forms) (Inuyasha)
Miroku (Inuyasha)
Koga (Inuyasha)
Negi (Negima)
Kyo (Fruits Basket) (sry jessica but i liked him ever since Anna introduced me to Fruba)
Shigure (Fruits Basket)
Hatsuharu (Fruits Basket)
Hatori (Fruits Basket)
Train (Black Cat)
Ichigo (Bleach)
Shintaro (Kanpai)
Chrono (Chrono Crusade) (both forms)
Dark (DN Angel)
Daisuke (DN Angel)
Ed-Pride (BBI)
Mugen (Samurai Champloo) (hes okay)
and thats probobly it... im not sure...
Thursday, July 5, 2007
 Anybody see Inuyasha last night?
Ya, inuyasha was pretty neat last night, and so was my 4th of july. We had a water fight with purple rose, and my mom's bf's son, and my new found relative! Lolz, well, im gonna go now and talk to jessica! Bai!
A ♥ for Inuyasha,
A ♥ for Miroku, and
A ♥ for Koga...
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