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• PimPcess
• 1992-06-14
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• 2004-07-23
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• 04.08.2004
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• InuYasha, Teen Titans, Totally Spice ... uh I cant think of n.e thin else
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Wednesday, July 28, 2004
News update on Inuyasha
Okay i coppied and paste this information from another page .. info on inuyasha ... the day estimated that the last episode of Inu-Yasha will air. The episode will be a double bill (episodes 166 - 167) according to anime on DVD. It is thought the manga may continue however over all no one is 100% clear on what will happen. If the manga does continue however, it means that the true ending of Inu-Yasha may be lost to a movie or OAV . However annoucements at anime con's by VIZ who hold the American liscence to Inu-Yasha seems to confirm that the show will end in September, with 166-167
(taken from Rumic World)
At last week's San Diego Comic Con, Viz announced that Maison Ikkoku DVD boxed set 4 will be released on November 23rd and will only be available from and Right Stuf International. Viz representatives confirmed that the Japanese broadcast of the Inuyasha TV series will conclude with episodes 166 & 167, broadcast as a back-to-back special in September.
However: Inu-Yasha will probably continue to be shown in America for 2 - 3 more years. Do not worry. And if your not sick of it by then, they'll probably show it on re-run non-stop.
more [note i got this from another site so i never said this okay!]
I've had a few people telling me I hate Inu-Yasha because I'm glad that it's ending. To all these retards #1 - I have probably seen more episodes of Inu-Yasha than you and spent a lot more money getting episodes rather than watching it on cabel or satalite which my parents pay for; #2 I run one of the largest Inu-Yasha image galleries, so why on earth would I run it if I hated Inu-Yasha.
Before you idiots make anymore rude comments to me, I love Inu-Yasha. But Inu-Yasha deserves a good ending and the fact that it is ending means that we'll have a conclusion a lot sooner. The show has been running for four years now, where as most shows run for half a year on 26 episodes. Inu-Yasha has already had a good run.
Think before you bother to leave a message. I can delet your offensive messages anyway. Stop being utter retards. You're completly insane if you think I hate Inu-Yasha because I'm happy it's ending. I'm just looking foreward to having a conclusion to the story. Infact read the full news and I'll tell you a few things you wont know if you have only been watching the American episodes.
if you have read that .. tell me .. would it be better if inuyasha goes on for a little longer .. or has it gone for too long and the episodes seem to be the same so it deserves an ending .... [hopefully the ending should turn out to be great ... meaning inuyasha n kagome r gonna be together n so as songo and miroku, and everyone else lives happly every after ^_^]
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