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Wednesday, January 4, 2006
Elfen Lied and Final Fantasy VI
I've been playing a lot of Final Fantasy VI lately. For something more then 10 years old, it's actually a pretty fun game. The stories pretty neat, and the gameplay is pretty much what I like from what I've seen from the original Final Fantasies (not like FFX where its all turn based and you can take as long as you want). A lot of the bosses are a little easy though, but it's better then all the retardedly difficult bosses in FFV.
Overall, it's actually a really good game for something that old. Anyone who's reading this should probably try it.
Oh yeah, I also started watching Elfen Lied, and I have say (in cap locks of coarse), IT'S BETTER THEN ANY OTHER ANIME I'VE EVER WATCHED!!! EVVAR! Honestly, it's the most awesomest thing since sliced bread. Take Evangelion, Battle Royale, some Nudity, and slight humor, and you'll get this present from God. Unless your weak of heart (cause it does have a f**k load of blood and gore in it), or you're 10 and under...

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Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Changes in Interest
Yeah, over the past year, tons of things have changed over my likes and dislikes and abilities. So I guess I should mention them...
-Inuyasha (oddly enough) isn't my favorite anime anymore. Tsubasa Chronicles, and Bomberman Jetterz are
-I've become strangely good at musical games (like DDR, and Beatmania)
-I've gotten pretty good at web design, and my GFXing skill are pretty good
-I try to talk proper english now (except when I'm being sarcastic)
-I swim... a lot... 6 times a week. Some times even more (twice in one day). All because I joined a swim club |
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Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Back for the Time Being
Yeah... I got bored, so I decided to ressurect this old thing. I got a lot better at making graphics and html, if you haven't noticed, so if you have any request web design related, I could probably help you out.
Anyways, I probably won't update as much as I used to in the so-called "Golden Days", but yeah, I'll try to update once every so often. So it might not seem like it, but I'm still here. But if you want, can to my site which I update usually weekly.
Oh yeah, to my old friends, if you're reading this, Hi! I'm back for the time being, so hi.
EDIT: I made a friend cut, so unless your special like Chaotime (internet friend), or Sesshomaru0 (really good friends), you've been deleted. If you want to be re-added, then just tell me.
SRY ^.^! |
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Wednesday, August 3, 2005
If anyone still remembers me...
I made a new My Otaku
It's not really a blog... it's more of a portfolio... |
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Friday, December 17, 2004
Ah screw it! I'm leaving! (kinda important)
I'm giving up on My otaku cause I never wanna update. Jeez it's soo boring now. I mean honestly... I got absolutely nothing left to do here except send in Wallpaper. I've been to the top (well... kinda like 200 rank or something) and lost it all and I don't want it back cause I don't give a dips**t anymore. I got way too much to worry about to be worrying about my otaku (viruses, school, projects, stupid things like that). I miss the good old days, when, I was so happy about my otaku and I was still a beginner at HTML. It was really fun, and I enjoyed it while it lasted. But that it's gone and there's basically nothing left here at my otaku for me, I got nothing to care for here. So... that means I'm giving up on my otaku. I might come back, but that'll be in a very very very very long time. Also, I might upload wallpaper here to. Well anyways it's been great knowing you guys for the past year or two, but it's time I take my leave so for the last time...

Note: please don't e-mail me but I'll put it up anyways.
Website: My Site
E-mail: dark.vermillion@gmail.com
MSN: dark.vermillion@gmail.com
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Monday, November 15, 2004
Hey check out this flash game its DDR. It's kinda hard (well at least for me) but tyr and beat my high-score which is 476650.
http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/ddr.html |
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Sunday, October 31, 2004

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Wednesday, October 20, 2004
homework spam
Oh god I got so much homework. It's gonna take forever to finish it all. All this novel study, and reading, and writing and history and this sh!t that I really don't wanna do. I mean damn schools sucks.
Well anyways, I got a new blog that I update a little more often then this old my otaku one. If you really see more of me just go there. It's at illfated.blogspot.com.
Other then that, my dad got a heart attack and is in the hospital, my life feels like complete crap, the ragnarok server i play on had to switch server types so they had a character wipe, I have a project due almost every week and everyday I feel sick. God just shoot me now!!! Well not really but you get the picture. |
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Tuesday, October 12, 2004
1000 hits!
Yay I got slightly over a thousand hits! Although my rank is still going down, but I don't really care about my otaku to much anymore so... I don't care.... well anyways thanks agian! |
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Monday, October 4, 2004
Wow... large gaps between updates...
Wow... sry for not updating in a while. I've kinda been preoccupied with Ragnarok Online. Well I'll try to update a little more often but thats it for now so see yeah. |
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