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Ontario, Canada
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High School Freshmen/Rep. Swimmer/DDR Player
Real Name
Chris Carin (Chris=Chiisu)
I beat Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts, and I passed Paranoia Survivor in DDR
Anime Fan Since
Back in the day
Favorite Anime
Tsubasa Chronicles, Bomberman Jetterz, Elfen Lied and formally, Inuyasha
To pass PSMO in DDR
DDR, swimming, Collecting Manga, Web Design
Swimming, Web Design, and DDR
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Saturday, February 7, 2004
sesshomaru's list of 100 things to do with a dead inuyasha
even though i completely support inuyasha..... i felt like puting this up for no apparent reason at all..... so if your a sesshomaru fan enjoy......
1) Make him part of your wardrobe.
2) Make some hair extentions.
3) Use him as a pillow.
4) Revive him and kill him again.
5) Use him as a floor mat.
6) Melt him with the Toxic Flower Claw.
7) Mail him to all your friends.
8) Mail him to all his friends.
9) Use him as bait to get all his friends.
10) Draw on his face.
11) Use him as a punching bag.
12) Have a staring contest.
13) Use him as a raft.
14) Make him your new side kick as dead Inu-Yasha is more helpful than Jaken.
15) Laugh loudly and dance on him.
16) Play tag with him.
17) Have him for lunch.
18) Use him as a pinata and see what comes out!
19) Play with what comes out!
20) Make him into a puppet!
21) Rejoice!!!
22) Forge his bones into a weapon.
23) Make soup.
24) Feed him to your pet Oni.
25) Try and sell him for a small sum (not likely you'll get much though...)
26) Mount him over your doorway
27) See if Kikyou notices he's dead.
28) If Kikyou DOES notice, see if she REALLY cares...
29) Use him as a boomerang.
30) Use him as a shot-put.
31) Make him into a flag.
32) Divide him into a gift bag.
33) Wait till he's nice and rotted, bring him to a party, then say, "Phew~! What's the smell?!"
34) Sit him up against a tree, looking normal, and see how long his friends talk to him before they realize he's dead.
35) Go fishing together and have a 'kodak moment'
36) Take him to the zoo and ignore all the 'do not feed the animal' signs.
37) Dress him up like Sephiroth and see if anyone notices
38) Walk him around like a zombie and pretend he's come back from the dead.
39) Chop him up, then try and put him back together.
40) If you can't get him back together, play jacks with the pieces~!
41) Have a pillow fight with him!
42) Use him in a pillow fight.
43) Play hide and seek with him.
44) Have a deep conversation.
45) Complain because your the only one expressing yourself in your relationship! ^^
46) Use him as a Dragonball stunt double.
47) Give him a manicure.
48) Show him to Kikyou and see if she'll die again!
49) Use him as a pic cusion.
50) Practice acupuncture on him!
*51) Put the Tensaiga in his rib cage, then hide him someplace really strange.
*52) Hide the body in Jaken's eye and forget to tell him that you did
*53) Put _Jaken_ in his rib cage, and hide the body
*54) Steal his teeth and make a new necklace (one that looks like his but without that annoying "sit" spell)
*55) Then steal his clothes and ears, then see if you can't charm the Shikon jewel away from Kagome
*56) If you can't, take it anyway. Inu-Yasha's not there to protect her any more ^_~
*57) Roast him and invite his friends for dinner
*58) Use his guts to make a new bow, and his bones for arrows
*59) Then, if you can't shoot, present the Inu-bow and arrows to Kikyou. Don't tell her who they are, she should be able to tell since she is a priestess
*60) Weave his hair into cloth and see if it makes good armor. If so, keep it, if not, give it to Jaken and tell him it is good ^_~
*61) Put his head on a pike in your front yard, next to the traveling salesman from last week
*62) Steal his arm! He's half human so you should be able to use the Tetsusaiga, and it is still stronger that a full human arm. (Why hasn't anyone else thought of this?)
63) Invite all your friends to a BBQ! ^_~
64) Do experiments on him!
65) Try and turn him into a music box.
66) Make a wind chime out of his bones.
67) Turn into a big dog and use him as a chew toy.
68) Turn into a big dog and use him as a toothpick!
69) Turn into a big dog, uproot a tree and use it as a toothpick to get Inu Yasha out of your teeth...
70) Kick his ass just because you can!!
71) Have a family portrait done.
72) Drop him into the well and wait for him to land! *note: Inu can go through the well to Kagome's world so it may be a long wait till he comes back*.
73) Mourn because now you don't have a rival.
74) Bring him to Naraku and laugh in his face because you killed him first!
75) Use him as a shield when Naraku tries to kick your ass...
76) Roll him into a ball and try some different sports
77) Shave his head
78) Use him as a sacrifice
79) Stuff him in Naraku's Jars of Flesh and see what happens
80) Dress him up as you and use him as your stunt double
81) Change clothes with him and pretend you're him for awhile.
82) Practice using Toukijin with him
83) Play dentist
84) Give him to Rin as a giant doll
85) Pull on his ears
86) Send him in pieces all over the country and device a treasure hunt
87) Make him into a futon
88) Re-act Mel's death scene in 'Braveheart'
89) Leave him in a bog and what him rot
90) Hide him somewhere so no one will find him
91) If you hide him and forget where you put him, put up 'have you seen my puppy?' posters
92) Sew him onto a tapestry
93) Exchange him for a dead horse... about the same value I figure
94) Exchange the dead horse back for him... dead horses aren't much fun...
95) Dress him up as a girl
96) Throw him at people just because you can
97) Drag him home with you and ask your mom if you can keep him
98) Dissect him and see what makes (made) him tick
99) Carve him into swiss cheese
100) Make Jaken carry him around because you think he needs some change of scenary
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stupid worm
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Friday, February 6, 2004
pet site
my friend sesshomaru0 made this pet gaming site. u no those wierd per gaming sites like neopets and stuff. my friend made one of those. its kinda plain since hes online using a basic membership. but still.... anyways heres the linkclick here
u should try to join. my user name there if u wanna no is gunmage. |
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Thursday, February 5, 2004
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Wednesday, February 4, 2004
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Monday, February 2, 2004
changing the song again...
im changaing the song back to the watever thing cause before it grew on me and now... ya......... so ya................. ( translation: i wanted it back and a couple of other liked it to and i miss the song now)
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personality disorders...
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Sunday, February 1, 2004
beware of ms. herd
i made this site called beware of ms her (shes my science teacher) because shes super mean... anyways heres the link to it... beware of ms herd
and this is a pic of her  |
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Saturday, January 31, 2004
how the world ends (beware of sweraing gore and blood viewer descretion is adviced)
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need final fanasy X help here
in final fantasy 10 does anyone no how to beat seymour flux. cause ive been stuck on him for more then my usual amount of days were im stuck on a boss (around 3 days)and ive been stuck for about a month. can anyone help???
i couldnt find a picture of him so heres his "normal guado form"
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