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myOtaku.com: inuyasha65

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

Only one guestbook signature per user. You must be registered with myOtaku.com to sign my guestbook.

Guestbook Entries:

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DarkWolves Faith (12/24/05)

thanks for signing my guestbook. Its cool to see a Kagome fan on Otaku, not alot of people seem to have her as their favorite character.
Anyway, happy holidays to you, and sayonara for now.


star child (12/24/05)

Hey :] This is Kogalover05. I got a new site. And I just checked my kogalover and I saw you signed my gb and YAY! =] I'll add you as a friend.

MasterYamiMarik (12/24/05)

Hi thanks for signing my guestbook.I play the clarinet to........I suck at it!Have a merry Chrismahanakwanzica >.<
See ya

Elriclover (12/24/05)

thanks for signing my g/b i'm gona add u as my friend.

karigirl (12/23/05)

Thanks for signing my g/b and love the color of your site if it's ok with you that i put you on my friendlist.

torigirl93 (12/20/05)

hey, i like ur site. its really cool. my user name mite not sound like it, but i like inu-yasha too. i also like samurai champloo. they roc my sox!!!


CrisisRyo (12/17/05)

Guestbook ... SIGNED! Nice color scheme~

Lost Freak (12/16/05)

Hey. WOW. Ur site is very BRIGHT. But, it's kewl though. FMA is da bestest. Next comes LOST (even thou it's not anime...) Well, thanks for stopping by my site and stuff... See ya around places...

~Lost Freak

Sanjiscool (12/16/05)

Thanks for the sig, and I'm glad to know somebody looks at my work. :3

WitchHunterfan (12/15/05)

Hey there ^_^
Thanks for signing my gb...
Nice site you got here... coolness... lol.... sorry for not saying much... I'm bored...
If you may need any help with your site or just wanna talk... I'm here all the time ^_^
And please come by my site if you want... I'll add you as a friend... And You may PM me any time you want ^_^
Well, I'll see ya later ^_^

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