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*~* In my own little world*~*
Member Since
*~* Student (just for a couple more years. Only if I decide to go to college ) *~*
Real Name
*~* Yushia *~*
*~* Sticking to what I start *~*
Anime Fan Since
*~* FOREVER!!!! *~*
Favorite Anime
*~* Inu Yasha, Fruits Basket,Pokemon, Sailor Moon, Yu-Gi-Oh, Wolf's Rain, and alot more that I can't remember the names for some reason. *~*
*~* Being an artist (hopefully a manga artist) *~* Have a very good life, Have every collectible item of Inu Yasha and Fruits Basket *~*
*~* Drawing anything my little mind can think of *~* Playing my violin *~* Hanging around with friends *~* Talking to people *~* Playing video games *~* Talking and spending time with my family *~* Just being myself *~*
*~* mmmm... my biggest talent... would have to be my talent for music *~*
Sunday, October 31, 2004
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 Your beauty is all your own! You don't like to be
the same as everyone else and find that being
unique makes you more attractive. The normal
trends just don't fit you and things are just
more fun when they're upside down. Actually, it probably bugs you when you find someone wearing the same clothes as you or just copying who you are. You love to be the one that turns heads with individuality and spunkiness. You're kind of beauty, I would say, could be characterized by your confidence. Though it's not a physical trait, it deffinately shows on you. Rock on! (If you can't see the pictures, go to my profile and look near the very bottom)
What kind of beauty should you have? (girls w/ pics) brought to you by Quizilla
 You're like an angel. As everyone knows, angels dwell in heaven. They were desribed as shining ones wearing white and the idea that they have wings is believed as well. Guardian angels are the ones that many people think are dead loved ones who try to protect the living friends or family they have on Earth. They usually had blonde hair and maybe brown with flawless appearance and sweet dispositions. They were cheerful, hopefull, selfless, loving, and kind. Angels are the one mystical creature that a majority of people truly believe in. Encounters with angels are poping up all over the world and reassuring people's beliefs in angels. (If you cannot see the picture, go to my userpage and look near the bottom. There should be the picture and description for all the results)
What Mystical Creature Are You? (Pictures) brought to you by Quizilla
 Hello, my happy friend. You have high spirits and know how to have a good time. When your friends go out, most likely they invite you almost all the time. You most likely will enjoy your Halloween. Good for you. Keep up the excitement. You probably light people's dark days with your smiles and laughter. Although you're good, doesn't mean you're an angel. You can tend to have a scary and/or other type of side to you. As long as you have fun, do your scares this Halloween. Have a safe and happy one, Joyous Pumpkin.
What Halloween Figure Are You? (MANY RESULTS WITH SIX ALL NEW ONES!!) brought to you by Quizilla">
face="Monotype Corsiva" color="#663300">Your Beauty lies
in Plain Sight.
color="#663300">Plain, simple and the girl next
door. People tend overlook you as you are the "normal girl", but you're actually
very beautiful. And you have plenty about you to set you apart, but more that
lets you blend. People love the stability you have because as others may come
and go, you will always be there and you may always be the same. You like simple
things and that's what people like about you. You most likely enjoy things most
consider normal, like movies, shopping, that sort of thing and are very friendly
and probably have many friends. You are sweet and kind and that shows on you,
but you're also strong and not very naive. You're a rather well-rounded
individual. Even though some people pass you off as just another girl, shrug it
off because they don't know what they're missing.
face="Monotype Corsiva" color="#663300">face="Monotype Corsiva" color="#663300">Some Things
That Represent You:
face="Monotype Corsiva" color="#663300">Element:
Earth, Light Animal: Cat Color: Pinks, Blues, Browns Song:
Girl Next Door by Pilot Expression: Simple Smile
face="Monotype Corsiva" color="#663300">Gemstone:
Alexandrite Mythological Creature: Fox Demon, Hobbit Sign:
Tauros Planet: Jupiter Hair Color: Light Brown Eye Color:
face="Monotype Corsiva" color="#663300">Quote:
"To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world."
Where Does Your Beauty Lie? ..::Amazing Pictures And Ten Detailed Results::.. brought to you by Quizilla
 Fire. Impulsive. Unlike Air, you do jump before you look. When you have something in mind, you won't let go. You have a strong will, and will do anything to get what you want. From time to time you can forget that other people have feelings too, but at most, you're a happy jumping friend.
What is your element? brought to you by Quizilla ho-oh ledgendary pokemon of dragon and fire... you are highly respected by all for your immerse greatness and power... your mystical flame lies deep within the dragon shrine and is highly protected by are also known as the pokemon of destruction and rebirth... anything you destroy is reborned in a much more mightier form... you are the rainbow of life*burn with passion*src="" loop=100>
src="" border="0"> style="cursor:url(;">
which ledgendary pokemon are you brought to you by Quizilla
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