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Getting away with shit i wasnt spose to
Anime Fan Since
I was 5
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Inuyasha, Rurouni Kenshin, Trinity Blood, Bleach, Fruits Basket, Tenchi Muyo, Naruto, Trigun, FLCL, .Hack//sign, Saiyuki, Amazing Nurse Nanako, Tenjou Tenge, Chrono Crusade, Samurai Champloo
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chillin, drawin, writin, smokin, music
Not sure...
| InuYasha Fan019
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Thursday, July 7, 2005
Things you probably don't know
Some other things that you probably don't know about me
1. I shoved a peanut up my nose when I was either 3-5.
2. I was the first one to listen to Deadstar Assembly at my school.
3. I was walking a dog once and it started chasing another dog and I ended up running into a tree
4. I was first to get the wednesday 13 cd in school
5. I have no exact best friend
Ah ha! I'm not putting 100 again
But skipping that, I need to call lucas and i can't ever get in touch with him now, I'm better off just giving him a note and talking to him about it that way
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Tuesday, July 5, 2005
100 things
100 things about me... do this on your site too
1. I like all colours except for brown, orange, aqua, sky blue, pea green, and yello I think.
2. I don't like my feelings overcoming me
3. I do like glitter
4. I'm open to all types of friends
5.I love the word emo
6. I don't really like labels
7. I like to date older guys
8. Homosexuals are cool
10. 'Pedaphiles' are cool
11. I don't care about religions
12. I am not a satanist
13. I have to pee alot
14. I like wearing make up
15. I have low self esteem
16. I love rock music
17. Techno is cool
18. Chatspeak bugs me
19. I can't stand being around people when they're depressed
20. Staring into the sun hurts my eyes
21. I'm somewhat intelligent
22. I love pizza
23. I don't like to talk much to people I don't know (like first time meeting)
24. People don't talk to me alot
25. I like to draw
26. My favorite band in 5th grade was either the used or taking back sunday
27. I'm not suppose to eat alot of sugar
28. I like to stalk occasionally
29. I prefer older guys rather than younger guys
30. Boys in makeup are purdy
31. I am greatful that I was born
32. I have been in the hospital before
33. I suck at skateboarding
34. I'm very short
35. I can't stand conceited people
36. My last boyfriend was 4 years older than me (and two months)
37. I lied to my dad that my boyfriend was 16 to proove just because an adult hangs out with a teenage doesn't mean there is anything wrong with them.
38. I'm jumpy
39. At times I still get creeped out by things I got creeped out by when I was little.
40. I believe you shouldn't look into the race, religion, gender, age, physical appearance, or what family a person is in when you love them.
41. I don't like stereotypes
42. I don't believe in doing what I'm not comfortable with
43. In my oppinion, you should wait atleast until your 16 to have sex and be sure you love them.
44. I do promote abortions in certain cases
45. I hate pms
46. I like emo shoos!
47. Platforms are cool
48. I don't like people feeling sorry for me.
49. I occasionally smile
50. I'm easily amused
51. I talk alot
52. It's hard for me to fall asleep at night
53. I have a huge imagination
54. I could care less what the size of a man's thing is
55. Shallowness sucks
56. I say dude alot
57. I use to like country music
58. I have been hurt alot in the past.
59. I don't like digging up the past
60. Wednesday 13 is purdy
61. I sometimes get too obsessed then hurt afterwards
62. I don't feel sorry for anyone that screws alot of people then gets pregnant and doesn't know who the dad is.
63. I don't trust that many people
64. I like taking pictures
65. I followed the dro around at a concert before
66. Candles are purdy
67. I like skulls
68. I have an eye for beauty
69. 69 makes me think of something else
70. I need to loose some weight
71. I can kinda type good with my eyes closed
72. I can't colour that good.
73. I like poetry
74. I know some druggies/drug dealers
75. I like scary movies
76. When I think of 76 I think of 197666
77. I'm the youngest girl in my family.
78. I kinda like the colour pink
79. I prefer red lipstick over black
80. I don't like old people that much
81. It makes me mad when people ask if I'm gothic
82. I don't consider myself gothic
83. I believe Marylin manson is part of shock rock but also an attention whore.
84. When people cheat on me... I don't cheat back.
85. When people cheat on me, I hope they get some s.t.d
86. I don't know if I can trust the last person I dated
87. Jahova(can't spell it) Witness people are annoying to me
88. I forgot how long I've been sitting at the computer
89. Llamas rock
90. My parents were divorced when I was 6
91. I sleep alot
92. I bite hard
93. When I stare at people, I can't help but to laugh.
94. I forget things I wanna remember
95. Cradle of filth annoyed me last year
96. I don't think it kills to smile once in a while
97. Sometimes I feel alone
98. I use to get depressed alot
99. I can't paint my nails without messing them up
100. I'm done with this!
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Sunday, June 26, 2005
It's over
Well... Lucas is still in love with this one girl. Yet he is still falling for me, but it is hard. He broke up with me... I feel hurt. But he is still coming over tomorrow, yet, I don't know if I can face him with out breaking down. Things aren't settled yet, as Lyndsey started dating the same time I did, we both broke up at the same time. Her beau is off to college and she cannot wait, mine has not gotten over a past love. I am greatful though that Lucas still wants to see me and such, but Lyndsey has it much harder and so does Jarrod. Jarrod doesn't want to see her now. I do hope that things get better...
I need to recover... and get some sleep, then try to comfort the two. I'll be back later
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Saturday, June 25, 2005
My own boyfriend does his make up better than me, he looked so cute last night. He didn't even have an actual shirt on at Mbp, just a fishnet shirt. I had to pay for him to get into mbp though. then he tried kissing me with black lipstick on, well that didnt turn out good. I have my first red lipstick with some or his black just smeared somewhere on my lips, I could not get that crap off! I tried rubbing it off with my hand and it's still on there now! Meh.. he looked so purdy with only a fishnet shirt on... simply orgasmic.
I watched SAW, that movie was cool and confusing, I gotta watch it again before I can remember what was in it... meh.
And now some pictures:
My Keetty
I did have some other but meya... I kinda deleted them. And some pee pecker kept trying to steal Lucas from me, curse him! Well im done... time to do something
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Monday, June 20, 2005
At the same time, aka really late last night. My friend Lyndsey went out with Jarrod, or is now dating him. At the same time Lucas asked me out. This is weird... she goes out with a guy I like and I go out with the guy she likes, or she use to. But both are purdy and cool. I'm kinda worried about with her dating Faerie... he's 18 and might get in trouble. Lucas is 4 years and 2 months older than me.
Well I'm gonna make this girl mad when she finds out, I think my dad might already know, but Lucas is actually nice and the biting and stuff is just flirting.
Why does the age have to matter anyway? Meh... evil laws and stuff
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It was cool
Once again.. I'm posting the day after.
Today was great. My dad actually let me go over Lucas's house. Usually he disagrees with it. But I stayed over from about 8-11. We didn't really do much but walk around and hold hands... maybe something else. And no for some pervs thinking we screwed. Lucas doesn't really care about screwing. Dad thinks he's nice but he knows we lied about Lucas's age, and Lucas smokes. He doesn't like Lucas's piercings either. But he said we can't go out, or he suggest i don't. It's not dad's choice though, and Lucas is nice. Well he can be cruel when he claws or bites but other than that... he's really nice. He just makes me happy because he's not all about sex shit and stuff... for example... my old boyfriend wanting a picture of me naked. I haven't heard that out of Lucas yet. Plus he's more mature.
I think everything is going pretty good right now, except for my bitch ass friend... fuck her. I don't even trust her anymore, ah well.
I spent all last night watching Jackass... I really wanted to see the movie and finally did. Almost every movie i wanna see I finally got to. I swear those guys have balls... damn they're crazy.
Well I'm gonna go because I just missed robot chicken, crap! Later
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Sunday, June 19, 2005
Stuff that happened yesterday
Well today was cool. Hung out with Lucas at the mall. I almost died laughing when I saw him in a yellow Manson shirt, blue and white skull swinshorts and rollerblades. I should of gotten a picture of it, but it was nice of him to hang out with me... no one was really at the mall.
So we pretty much just hung out in the arcade, Hot Topic and Spencers. He kept making those irritating squeaky noises that i dont like (the noise when you rub your had against a glass wall.) Evil little person... he's still cool to hang out with though. My brother gave him some mean look though when Lucas waved to him in Sears.
Well Faerie finally showed up at the mall even though I didnt ask him to this time. But I think he'll most likely get a job at Sears, more time for me to bug him. Dad met him oh ya, Faerie said I kept him up til 3 last night... FAERIE IF YOU'RE READING THIS YOU WERE ALREADY AWAKE... AND STILL ON AIM! Try blaming me... feh.
Well I didn't know what to get dad for fathers day so I got him a Gelatti at Ritas... those thingies are gued. All the yummy in my tummy.
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Saturday, June 18, 2005
More pictures
You're gonna love some of these, I changes the link adress for the others, I'll fix it later. But tonight at Mbp, Faerie and Lucas made out, wonderful when two dudes you like make out... yay! I can't put much more because I'm lazy right now... but I'll add more later.

Me getting molested by a cat

The simply orgasmic

Talk to me later if you wanna know whats going on. Twas confusing tonight
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Thursday, June 16, 2005
So meya schools out and I'm kinda bored, and sitting on lyndsey... muhaahaha. Well yesterday we hung out at the mall and evil Faerie never went, so we hung out with Lucas. My dad met Lucas be he said he was his brother Courtney... which brings me up to when Lucas wasn't talking to me, it was Courtney, not him. Turns out the two are twins, or something like that. But he met my dad and told my dad he was Courtney so my dad wouldn't question him about biting me, didn't work because Lucas and Courtney look kinda different,no wonder why i thought Lucas's hair looked different. Wait, am I even spelling Courtney right? Ah well.
Well hanging out with Lucas was cool except evil little Lyndsey told him to bite me. I'll get her back but she needs to stop pulling at my back, she cant find my bra strap to pull on it, muhahaha. And Lucas is good at DDR, and Lyndsey fell in love with the songs. John was there for a little while but left.
Weirdest thing, so we were walking around and someone decided to go into up against the wall. But there was some cool shirt in there and I got it... ya... I gotta show you a weird picture of me in there. Lucas hated it... but he doesn't have a choice when I'm dragging him around! Ha! Thats what he gets for rubbing his hands against the glass and making that screatchy sound.
I gotta go before I kill Lyndsey and I'll add some more pictures later, bye
Last day of school:

At the mall
Lucas in Sears, though he said he was Courtney (his brother) to my dad so he wouldnt get in trouble < Don't I look cool? Ha they had some cool shirt in up against the wall... they're spoise to have tripp clothes but they dont. < Billy and Lyndsey, awww
And some moth thingy... weird
More later
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Monday, June 13, 2005
10 Wishes?
What would you do with each of the following catagory of wishes.
1. Apearence- how would you like to look? What do you wanna change?
2. Social abilities- Would you want to have alot of friends? Be able to have famous friends?
3. Fame- Would you like to be a famous artist? Famous musician?
4. Home- Would you like to live in a mansion in the country? City Apartment?
5. Love- Who in your life would you want?
6. Riches- How much money would you want to have?
7. Skills- What do you want to be good at?
8. Possessions- What items to you want?
9. Age- Think you weren't born at the right time? What age do you want?
10. Other- What else do you want?
1. Apearence- Long black and red hair. About 5'7", a perfect, thin body. Blue eyes, pale skin.
2. Social abilities- Able to make people laugh. Have some band members as friends.
3. Fame- Music or art, maybe photography.
4. Home- A house near a cemetary :).
5. Love- Lucas or Jarrod, or Eric Griffin and the Dro (let me dream people!)
6. Riches- ALOT, I guess a millionare.
7. Skills- Get musician, poetry/art, photography, good imagination.
8. Possessions- Anything scary, or death related
9. Age- between 17-28
10. Other- To be happy, a good life.
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