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Saturday, June 11, 2005
Spent 1:30 to 6:00 at the mall with Krista. Yea... there wasn't much to do til we found my friend Lauren and hung out with her and some other people. Then we went into Jc Pennys and took pictures of Lauren hiding in a dress in this dude Brent, which looked like he had the dress on.
Found Sammie, this girl that I thought was Lucas's girlfriend, which I was wrong about I guess... I'll get back to that. Well I talked to her for a few and then left. I think she likes him, tis not the only one. I don't see why almost everyone does like him, tis a bit weird.
Speaking of Lucas, the little Pecker was at the mall and didn't talk to me. Then Krista said it wasn't him and it looked way to much like him to not be him. He was with some girl... possibly his girlfriend so that might be why. Either way... I still wanna find out. I think he said hi once, I'm not positive but it doesn't look like he was to happy. Ah well... he doesn't really give off that look anyway. I'm talking to him about that next time I talk to him.
Well I'm kinda tired so I'll talk to you all later, bye
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It was so hot today! Meh. Went to my brothers place only to get burned up for something hours. Twas so hot poor little Lucas was sweating himself to death. He didn't have much to say about the little bite mark. Meh... either way I still like him. So do a bunch of other girls, like one that kept talking about the Dro, annoying groupie. Sadly, Lucas had to go home so he wouldn't die in there. It was kinda weird though, before he left he said that he loved me... which I'm not sure if it was meant as a friendship way or what. Probably just the friend way.

There is my Lucas... and yes he is mine because I can't have my friend Faerie, whom I dearly miss and is not really talking to me anymore.... meh. I probably made him mad somehow. I need to really talk to him but he's gone somewhere. I don't know if Lucas wants me to put his picture up nut I'll do it anyway as revenge.
Gonna go to the movies tomorrow I think. With this dude Billy, I don't really talk to him much but Krista wants to hang out and yea... thats about it. I really don't have anything else to say so I'll talk to all later.
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Saturday, June 4, 2005
Deleted yesterdays post when I was gonna edit it, so gots to copy it off
Well I acted mean to Kirby for some time tonight but he apologized and some other stuff and we're friends again. According to him, he likes me but he doesn't want to date 'goth girls' because he thinks he'll like them too much and then get all sad when they break up. But I hung out with him for the rest of the night and called this one guy pretty; he looked at me like I was crazy.
Lucas... saw him tonight, I was happy yet... sad. I like him and my friends told me to tell him, but if I did tell him, he'd act meaner to me than usual. Well guess what, I was right. I have cuts on my neck and a bunch of bit marks on my arm now. And he left a bloody, bruised bite mark on my arm, ouches. I still like him though, then I hugged him at the end of the night and yea, he left afterwards. My arms kinda screwed up though and I got really dizzy afterwards. I smell like him right now.
Soon I need to sleep, party tomorrow for my friends birthday. I had to re-invite John after he made me mad... gosh he can irritate sometimes. I don't see why my dad and Jello have to have the same birthday... meh.
Talk to you all later
-Zimmie, Pinball, Skwerl, Ziggy, Zigzag, and all my other nicknames.
But anyway, Lucas told my friend he was sorry for biting the crap out of me. I'm shocked, as mean as he can be he apologized. Then he told her of the time where he got me in trouble, I got food poisoning afterwards. That was a bad time; I don't hurt in my arm anymore really, I kinda am use to it now. Then I asked if she could find his number, some girl's brother has it but he's not home.. figures...
Well Jello's party was cool until her mom got mad at me and said I lied to my dad about not knowing the time to leave. Ya... I feel offended kinda from some other stuff.
Dad gots a digital camera, which means more pictures to put up. I'll add some as soon as I figure how to use it.
Once again, buh bye
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Monday, May 30, 2005
Well my weekend was odd... yet, everyday is. Went to a party and stayed over my friends house. Twas fun, sadly, my knee hurts after attempting to jump on some ball thing... Ah well, I'll survive. I was supposse to Drag Kirby (a.k.a. turn him into a Drag Queen) but his butthole dad had to start drinking and not give him a ride over. Meh... got John in a dress though but people look weird with they have a dress on, a shirt under it and a pair of pants. I'm suprised he didn't act all mean because his girlfriend wasn't there...
My Brothers Place was weird, people that weren't expected to come came. Plus I think one of my friends like me. Or he's just trying to lead me on, either way... ah well. I'm not gonna worry too much about that. I'm suprised he actually hugged me...
I think I kinda made my friend a bit mad because I threw her razor out a window... ah well I don't want her cutting... and thats why.
I'll talk to all later, bye
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Sunday, May 22, 2005
About Teh murderdolls
according to my friend talking about hit parader, they band is getting back together, according to wednesday. I was gonna ask him at the concer but i forgot to. I'm gonna think about the time my cat chased around a lizzard today and killed it, bye
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Saturday, May 21, 2005
My heart... it's crushed
Murderdolls are broken up, I'm over positive it's no longer a rumor. I've heard it so many times now... now all the bands are going seperate ways, Wednesday with his project, Joey in Slipknot, Eric in Napoleon Blownaparts, Acey in Trashlight Vision, and ben... well I don't know about him. I need to recover
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Thursday, May 19, 2005
Some Concert pics
...I shouldn't be putting Dearborn up... he didn't give me an autograph...
Pig and some foggy stuff
Me and Dro, gosh im ugly and I started laughing afterwards Sexy Dro... oo glowy thing
I'll add more later, bye
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Friday, May 13, 2005
Concert *cough*
I think I'm getting sick, Mubo from Deadstar probably did it because he was sick when he was playing and coughed alot when i was around him.
Speaking of that, that concert rocked! I got to find the Dro, which rocked because he is hot. I hung out with him for a while and got some autographs from DSA, sadly, didnt get an autograph from dearborn... ah well. Dro gave me a hug. Got another wednesday 13 shirt and hung with wednesday, I screamed to him I loved him and he gave me his guitar pic, which he is on. The other one I got, I got from Kid kid, I told kid kid he rocked and he had it in his mouth, then stuck it on my fore head, I had spit on me! It was worth it though. Wednesday played love at first fright and some other songs, but when pig was singing 'will you marry me?' in the song, he started pointing at me then grabbed my hand. I felt loved. I think this one girl hates me now because i got more things then she did. Ah well...

Pig complemented me on knowing every song they played, even though they played some songs from FDQ I didnt know. I got a hung from him, and dude, Kid kid is really tall. He's gotta be over 6 foot. and I looked down at his shoes when I told him and he barely had any plantform stuff on them. Then I told him I felt short compared to him after I found im still under five foot meh -.-; then I told wednesday to come home with me and I'll feed him off chicken, the reply i got, 'I'm going back home, this was our last stop" or something like that... then I told him next time I go to North Carolina I'm kidnapping him.
Didn't get much sleep though and fell asleep in third block, ah well, it was worth it. As soon as the film develops, I'll show you some pics. Later for now.
-Zimmie Ramrum
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Wednesday, May 11, 2005
Ah well
Wednesday 13's concert is tomorrow, I wanna go now... sadly, can't. Had to lie to mom about the hair dye thing. I think she fell for it, if not ah well.
I finally got the boy Randen to stop liking me, awesome as hell because he fucking irritates me with poking my chest, stomach and ass. I cant stand it anymore! It's old now. And he knows little about me... poor poor idiot.
I screamed I love faerie outside of school today. I'm not sure why... wait, yea I am. But I saw some cool pictures of him at a cemetary, I called him cute wittle Jarrod, but insteads he wants freakin sexy goth man... mkay, though I'm not much for the goth part, ah well.
I'm gonna eat now, later
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Monday, May 9, 2005
Since it was deleted, writing it again
Continuing on this evil little stuff... my friend Lyndsey stayed with me all weekend.
At mbp, found Lucas dressed in the south pole clothes company... which was funny, yet confusing, he reminded me of my brother. Later on, he explained to me what was going on, I'm just surprised he didnt act mean to me or anything.
Asshead john kept spinning me around when I had a belly ache! And picking me up, then he told this dude I thought was hot then I thought that, any other time I told him... he flicked me off, WHY MUST YOU BE LIKE HAT DANNY?!
Hung out at the mall for 4 hours then got kicked out of waldens books ofr going into the ADULT section... that was funny. Jarrod came with us later on... he's so pretty, I'm starting to like him, but if I ever went out with him, dad would kill me because he's 18... I'm uhh... 13. Ah well... maybe when I'm older, I mean.. brazdon was 21 when he was dating a 15 year old.. I think.
Jarrod, kissing some guy... yea I stole his picture off of didn't have any other pictures of him, actually... no I'm not gonna go get it. He jumped on some dudes back... anyway if you got a vampire freaks thing talk to me on Bloodyrose13
Well talked to Anthony at the mall and he's gonna play at MBP next month, kinda cool... then I told him to give me the guy from emergency exit. That guys hot...
Me with black hair now, again. Too bad the photo thing sucks. Ah well.
Wednesday is coming in 3 days! Woo hoo, too bad most people I was bringing cant come now... ah well, I got to see the Dro.. he is sexy... and pretty.

Well I'll talk to you all later.. bye bye for now
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