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Getting away with shit i wasnt spose to
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I was 5
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Thursday, March 24, 2005
100 Questions For Your Answering Pleasure! | Created by CrazySue and taken 17174 times on bzoink! | Basics | Name: | Adrienne | Age: | 13 | Height: | 5'2' or around it | Hair Color: | mix of blonde, red, purple and black | Eye Color: | blue | School Life | What's your school's mascot? | Moe | School color(s)? | blue and yellow :( | G.P.A.? | 3.0 | Who is your favorite teacher? | dont know | What do they teach? | dont know | Is this your favorite class? | I don't think I have one | Internet | Do you use any instant messengers? | Yea | If so, which ones? | Yahoo and AIM | About how many hours a day do you spend online? | about 6 hours | Do you have a digital camera? | dont know | If so, do you post pictures of yourself online? | yea | Music | Do you play any instruments? | kinda | If so, what one(s)? | bass? | 3 Favorite Genres Of Music: | Metal, Rock, Metal | 3 Favorite Bands: | Murderdolls, Slipknot, Marilyn Manson | Do you go to concerts and/or shows? | Yes | What is the most you've ever spent on a concert/show? | My dad spends, around 70$ | What is the least you've ever spent? | dont know | Do you think buying merch at a concert then wearing it there is corny? | no | Do you listen to any bands that you'd be ashamed to admit to listening to? | no | Did you notice the grammatical error in question 29? | Which is queston 29? | Word Association | Blue: | Black | Camera: | Flash | Boy: | Dude | Pretty: | Scary | Pants: | Bondage | Music: | Headbang | God: | LUCIFER | Sweater: | Hoodie | Live Journal: | Die-ary | MTV: | Man fuse is cooler | Labels: | Do you think labels are dumb? | yea | Why or why not? | turns people against another | What do people label you as? | goth | How/Why did you get this label? | dress scary? | Which Is Worse? | Physical Pain/Emotional Pain? | emotional | Blink-182/Good Charlotte? | can't decide | Being Deaf/Being Blind? | being deaf | Being Bored/Rushing around because you have too much to do? | rushing | Losing your dominant leg/Losing your dominant arm? | leg | Love | Do you believe theres a difference between "love" and "in love"? | yea | Is it better to have loved and lossed than to have never loved at all? | uhh second thing | Are you romantic? | i guess | Are you in a relationship now? | yea | If so, for how long? | a few weeks | If not, how long have you been single? | before, a few years | Are you a virgin? | mehbe | What song describes your love life right now? | I don't know many love songs | Ranomosity | War: Good or Bad? | good | What do you think of designer labels? | depends on what kinds there are | Who's skankier: Britney Spears or Paris Hilton? | paris hilton | What is it with guys and cars? | I don't know but i guy should get a hearse | Do you sing? | kinda | If so, what part (Soprano 1,Alto 2, et cetera)? | what?! | Kiss or hug? | hug | What color is your room? | white | How old is your mom? | 42? | Black and white or color photos? | black and white | Who cuts your hair? | i dont know | What color is your toothbrush? | red | What color is your hair brush? | does it matter? | What kind of hair products do you use? | Tresemme' | Is K-Mart just the poor man's Wal-Mart? | I guess so, both suck | Are you sXe? | Don't know | Are you sexy? | I don't think so, some people say so | What color to people tells you looks nice on you? | Black | What color do you think looks nice on you? | Black, red | Clothes shopping or grocery shopping? | clothes? | Who do you sit with at lunch? | Do you like the sound of your own voice when you hear it played back? | no | Who has the nicest speaking voice that you know? | My fruebd Kirbie | What is the website for one of your favorite bands? | | Do you prefer to date people younger, older, or the same age as you? | same age? | Do you listen to songs on repeat often? | yea | Who was the last person you hung out with? | There was about 5 of them | What did you and that person do? | say bye | Do you use internet shorthand (i.e. "lol", "brb", "jk", et cetera)? | no | How often do you bathe? | pretty much every day | Are you a people-pleaser? | not really | Do you dye your hair regularly? | yea | What about your eyebrows? | I put dye in em alot when I was little | Do you wear makeup? | sometimes | If you answered "yes", to #96, are you female? | yea | Do you buy CDs edited or unedited? | unedited | Can you beatbox? | dont know | Does your mom like the song "Hey Ya" by OutKast? | no | Create a Survey | Search Surveys | Go to bzoink! |
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Wednesday, March 23, 2005
Hanson Star Search!
Well some thing at my school called the J. Hanson Star Search. I went there even though I wasn't really supossed to. My dad is in West Virginia and he doesn't want me going up there by myself. So I went with my friend Melissa. Even though we had to wait a while before her mom came to pick us up. Good friend o' mine Breana had to wait too, we waited together as people insulted us after my friend was fake dancing, little asshole guys have no fun. Gave one of me sisters a smooch but dropped her phone afterwards.
YAY FOR MY FRIEND KIRBIE! THE WINNER OF THE VOCALS CONTEST. She sung My Immortal by Evenesance, I swear she sounded just like Amy Lee (I think her name is) and nobody else could sound like she did. I don't see why she was nervous, and she had plenty of people cheering for her.
Jared Finally called me, I don't know why but we don't talk as much as we use to. And my friend told him of me thinking he's gonna break up with me and go out with this boy Tyler so he had to talk to me today. Luckly, he's not. I feel better.
Well I forget what else I was gonna type so I'm gonna shower and talk to you later.
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Monday, March 14, 2005
Boyfriend came over at 7:55 am to come over my house and see me. Spent about 10 minutes at my house and then I shined a flash from a camera in his face. He had to talk to a teacher and clean out his locker. Too bad he kinda got lost on the way to my house, don't know how he did. But other friend was supossed to but didn't, ah well. I threw strawberries at him, then gave him something, I won't mention.
Doctors said that the cyst is too deep in my neck, it could mess up my nerves or something. Then my face would look weird, and some body parts would not work.
I'll be back in a bit, later.
Comments (9) |
Sunday, March 13, 2005
My belleh hurts... i think it's from poking at it for so long.
Gotta go to hospital tomorrow, Jared and my friend Michael wanna get to school early and walk to my house (I don't live far from our school). Meh I might get surgery but oh well, I'm cool with it as long as they dont put a baby in the room like they did last time, thats the only reason why I hate babies. Can't stand the crying.
Jared (ex but now boyfriend again because my friend melissa.. whom makes awesome brownies said so) had an ex girlfriend named Dee. Dee calls me a freaky psycho girl or freaky psycho bitch, I can't remember which it was. I think she thinks I consider that an insult, no actually that's cool to me. I take insults as complements anyway, everyone should. Too bad she wouldn't say it too my face, STILL WHO THE HELL IS SHE?! Jared says she knows me but I have no clue who the hell she is, at all.
Well I'm gonna sit here or look and see if I have any film left to take pictures of Baltimore Maryland, it looks cool up there. And now I leave you with this picture that I found on netscape for my dads daily bathingsuit model view (poor lonely old man) That I killed.

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Friday, March 11, 2005
Well I smell like cake, this dude put cake in my hair and he had it all over his face. Momma Sean did too, so i licked it off, tasted good. He dates a kitty ^^. Well the dude luke was this, picking on meh again, trying to bite me, mean! John aka Kurt Cobain's clone no longer looks like him, he chopped off all his hair. I found out none of them like getting their picture taken... but I got a pretty pic of Sean, I lobe momma. I might put some up, I don't know if they'd mind or not. Got a Wednesday 13 shirt and alot of people kept talking about, two licked him, man I just got that shirt today and they already licked it.
Well I'm tired and I need to wash cake out my hair, I'ma gonna go later
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Wednesday, March 9, 2005
Can't ever go back
Memories of Newport News made me depressed, friends are gone. I haven't talk to them in so long, I don't wanna go back up there unless we can move back to that area again.
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Happy Crappy Birthday!
Well I think Adrienne was being led on... DAMN IT AUSTIN, well that sucks I'm not talking to him. Finally finished msa dun dun DUNNN.
Jared is now sad at Adrienne and he isa scrambled. He now goes out with this one girl, but seeing how I want 'to go back out with someone, finally.'- refered by Kirby... though I don't remember mentioning that, he likes both of us... meh I'll admit I miss him a bit. Nobody can tell this... though there is a low possibility you know my friends, all but one on here... I wasn't even supossed to know. Jared wouldn't tell me what was wrong, EVIL BOY WAS SUPOSSED TO CALL AND TELL ME THAT WE COULD GIVE MONEY TO GET PIZZA TODAY. Meh... he didn't so I knew at the last minute, he pretty much made me go get some. I didn't feel good(not sickly, emotionally) and I'm getting pizza today anyway, I don't want a cake.
Well I need a camera, gonna take pics of friends and Spleek... might put some stuff up. Not positive yet...
Well I'm gonna be a bum, I'll talk to you all later
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Tuesday, March 8, 2005
Wednesday 13
Since birthday is tomorrow, I'm gonna make wednesday 13 *today*
Kinda upset because I wanted to date one of my friends and now he's crushed over my other friend... damn. Wouldn't of found out if it wasn't for me saying, 'the same person I like' yea that kinda gave it away when he asked if I liked him. Well if they go out, I guess that's cool, that's what I get for stalling. After all, I did hear about 4 people say he liked me, but then what do you expect when that person is flirting with you? Well doesn't mean that they like you, that happened to me once.
Got kisses from people today while wearing a shirt that says 'kiss me im not irish' yay! Let's see whom Spleek got kisses from:
Kyle, Jared, Krista, Jello, Lyndsey, Austin(me sad), I forget the rest... but I got like 10 all together... tomorrow... LOCK IN LOAD FOR THE MURDERDOLLS SHIRT! Too bad they sent me a long sleeve shirt -.-" meh it's gonna be too hot soon to wear long sleeves...
Well I will be here sitting, drinking, and thinking of murderdolls porn, if, it exsist... or maybe just looking at Twiggy and Marilyn Manson smooching, LATER
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Monday, March 7, 2005
All I want
Well finding that friends of mine likes the same dude I like, I'm gonna not asume he'll ask meh out... few days ago my friend was telling me she knew he liked me, honestly, I doubt it. This all needs to get straight.
Went to hospital today, speeking of which, I popped the thing on my neck. Twas funny but damn it! It hurt. Stuff came out and then the doctors drew stuff out. For the most part I'm gonna be okay but they're gonna try taking a cyst? out? I need to pay more attention.
Birthdays in 2 days. Ex said he's gonna ask meh back out on my birthday. Got 85$$ to spend now, time to go to hot topic or get some cds. What I really wanted for my birthday was Eric Griffin to jump out of a huge ass cake naked and give me a lap dance. But since I can't get him from California, just gotta deal with money and 2 murderdolls shirts.
I'll talk to y'all later, bye bye.
Comments (7) |
Thursday, March 3, 2005
Ask me
Ask me 6 questions. Any 6, no matter how personal, dirty, private, or random. I have to answer them honestly. In turn, you have to post this message in your own journal, and you have to answer the questions that are asked of you. However, If I don't feel the pressing need to answer them, and refuse, feel free to ask more questions.
Haha the black skater I changed it :P
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