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Thursday, February 15, 2007

Jrockers piss me off


Not them in general, but they have a tendency of having things in their videos that give me nightmares. For example, last night I had a dream bunny people were taking pictures from my back yard... and I've developed a phobia of animal people because of miyavi, as well as a fear of people dressing up like certain animals.

But then I killed the bunny people with a husky and a pitbull... they attacked them. It was bad though I was shaking when I woke up.

And then I come accross this when I'm looking around youtube. And at a certain part of the video there are kitty and other animal people dancing with Gackt I think I don't really remember anymore... Kinda scary to me

[/Thats all I really have to say, besides I only had 1 day of school this week due to snow yay. Bye]

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Saturday, February 10, 2007

Sometimes you jus gotta go


Argh I keep procrastinating, I have an algebra 2 project due at the end of april that I really should get started on... but then I cant seem to get myself from playing around.
But I have finally gotten back to my story writing, 92 pages done so far. Almost done, I'm getting sick of writing it. I feel relieved. I'm tired of writing.
My art teacher told me to take either advance art or ceremics... but then I hate pottery and in advance art I'll probably do stuff I don't wanna do, so I took drawing and design instead. Then some boy comes up and asks him "Will you sign me up to be a pornstar?" and my teacher says "I can try finding a way to get you penis implants then do whatever from there." I got a crazy ass teacher.
The dude jeff I use to like is going to winter formal with my friend brittany, I thought it was kinda funny. It's strange how he stood up for me when he and I barely get along, and we bicker alot. But this guy called me a lesbo and he said "How can she be a lesbian when she dated my brother" eww I did though... bleck. Then some other shit.
That brings me to something else... I don't think I really like white boys anymore... hm. Finally realized it a couple days ago, I was trying to figure out who were hot musicians and I couldn't think of but 1 white guy from the murderdolls. The others where rappers and jrockers: tupac, miyavi, juelz santana, die, and aoi... melissa and I discussed it yesterday. Oh mom will be mad at me if I ever mention it to her, I think that's what really pulled my attention towards it, since she wants people to stick to their own race. Well thats not gonna really work well because of the fact that my brother doesnt date a white girl. We discussed that in freshman seminar 2 days ago... very interesting topic.

I need to redo my site on here... put some other background it or something...
[/I'm getting hungry, I'm gonna eat]

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Tuesday, February 6, 2007



DEG's concert was pretty good, it would of been better if they had played somewhere else though, there isn't as many privledges there than at jaxx or something. No camera and you had to actually buy a cd to meet the band, how lame is that? It was a presale cd too... eh naw, I'll wait til feb 20th to get the cd.
I kinda expected more out of them, more amusing. The only thing that was really done was Kyo spit (fake?) blood out and rubbed it all on his tummy and stuff. He's getting a little bit of fuzzies on his chin, I wanted to touch them.
I think they should play with Wednesday 13 soon because Wednesday has really fun concerts, best I've ever been to. Hopefully it'd be easy for them to play together seeing how Die knows Wednesday.
Speaking of Die... he got hotter. Seeing how I was about 2 people from the front and still short, the only person I could really see well was Die, Shinya kinda because of him playing a huge ass drumset. but it's all good, I got a guitar pick to add to my collection.
Jon (who went with me) was bummed because he expected the visual kei look instead of them dressing normal. Well I guess you can say normal with Die wearing an ac/dc shirt and jeans and chucks and kyo running around shirtless and in jeans.
Everyone kinda looks different cept for Kyo, either growing their hair out or dying it or something else. Makes me wanna play with it.
They had projections of the music videos or somethin up when they played, which wasnt an entirely good thing while they have grotesque things on the videos that my dad is seeing while at the concert with us. They played obscure and hadthe music video up, very strange yet amusing video. Carleigh got creeped out a couple times cause shes kinda not into gore.
Sorry to disappoint, but no pictures. The dickhead staff dude took carleighs camera and i tried taking pictures with dads cell but they didn't show up. And people kept getting in the way. However, the pics this thing took from the concert are spose to be on this site sometime this week musicboxrocks.com

And one more thing, I think dad is considering moving to Baltimore md. When we were riding through baltimore to get home I kept saying things were pretty and he asked if I'd ever want to live there.I did take some thought in it, I could take japanese at a college there and prepare myself for stuff, but I don't know. Okay one more thing MickyD's sucks. We wanted to get 3 double cheeseburgers off the dollar menu and they're gonna say "sorry we don't have a dollar menu now" how retarded is that?
[okay im gones byesss\]

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Saturday, February 3, 2007

Heute is Samstag der Dreite Febuar


(I think I said that wrong)
Only 2 more days til the concert, whoopie. I had a weird dream about it earlier, like I forgot my friend Jon.

So last night I went to mbp, pretty fun I guess. Kinda strange though, I kissed my ex boyfriend Jared, not sure why. There was this kid Kevin that goes to my school I was about to punch because I was drinking out of a water bottle and he hit it and pushed it into one of my teeth and gums, which hurt pretty bad. So instead of going crazy and thus getting kicked out of mbp for 5 months, I just smacked him. Then I laughed afterwards cause my friend Jaelle's boyfriend Mickey said, "You don't wanna piss Adrienne or Jaelle off, don't EVER do that". Still it was fun, but there was this one boy asking everyone for hugs and he kept coming back after my friend said no to him so I finally just snapped and told him to go away. Didn't work though... damn it got old after the 10th time though.

My computers being lame, won't let me go onto myspace, and yes it is a crisis. Don't ever get a myspace if you don't have one, they are addictive. Well not really to me I don't think, that's just how I talk to my friend Rj and some other people that have moved. Damn froogles don't know how to get aim or anything.
Froogles thats a cool word, I'ma start calling my friends that.

Oh me geezers though, I popped my knee when i was pushing a chair filled with stuff out the way a couple days ago, then I fell. It hurt so very bad.. and I didn't wanna get up... pain woo :(

My froogles didn't help when I asked them whether I should put some romance shit in my story.

Let's just say they arent any help.
Darryl said to put yaoi and so did Amanda, but then I realized I didn't have any gay guys in there. I had a lesbian, but that's all.
So then they jumped into a moment of "OMFGZ WUTS WERZ YOU THINKIN!?!?!!??!"

But to answer that, I wasn't thinking. It just didn't come to mind, and the story is nearly down, an estimated 30 pages left to go and I'll be finished.
But since they didn't help at all, I remembered that I have a brain and i can think on my own so I'll just say yes to my own question.
[I'm gonna go do homework and write, bai bai]

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Saturday, January 27, 2007

Today and yesterday


I went to mbp and hung out with Melissa, Carleigh, and Rachel alot. Tom made Carleigh cry and that pissed me off... alot. I said something to him about it, no one else would. Tim tried talking to him and I told him to leave me alone. Then I bitched at him, he wanted to know why I was mad. It was a shame that I couldn't finish my lecture, I didn't even get to my point before he walked off. I feel like an idiot for liking him.

Today I went to see Epic Movie with Jon, funny. I laughed my ass off. But they made fun of chronicles of Narnia, I really wanna see that again now. We went up to the mall and I saw Ducey, he said "what are you doing in my mall" cause he's mean to me since my brother and him don't get along, then he hugged me. Duce is weird, yeah.

I love FYE and Suncoast, they got porn in there now. Me and jon were skimming around and found hentai, I said outloud "look that girls all gooey!" cause I'm strange like that. I'm surprised that I didn't get in trouble from being over there because im only 15... well turning 15 in a month or so.

Joe is trying to talk to me again, sent me a message earlier. I don't really hold nothin towards him anymore, guess I don't care much. hm.

Carleigh sent me this today on myspace.

I really like it, I think Kyo looks cute in that, he's so short.

She also sent me this once, I liked it too.

Thats all, peace

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Thursday, January 25, 2007

So today


I missed school. It would be better to anyway, I had a test today (actually 2) and if I woulda taken it today I would not of been able to concentrate because of my brother going to court today.

So I went to court as well, and let me say something: It's very depressing to have to see your own sibling handcuffed and in a dusky green jumpsuit.
I nearly cried (my family beat me to it) because it was scaring me, I didn't know whether my brother was going to prison or jail, nor how long.

Well the judge was harsh, very very harsh when talking. He continued to say the felonies my brother had, listing the years over and over. It wasn't just one year per felony though, ten years each. Then it was totaled up to thirty five years, for all the crimes he was accused of. Luckily, most were suspended, leaving only ten years, Chris will be doing atleast two years. It's alot better than what was to be if he were found guilty on all his other charges, and his ex-friend Terence is doing alot worse. I guess that's what happened when you bust down someone's door and beat someone with a belt.

Regardless of how long he's in prison, it pains me to have my brother in prison. I'm hoping that when they put him in prison, it won't be a very bad one, if he gets into a fight or anything he can get a longer sentencing.

And also, my mom was there. Dad and mom both being there is not good. Mom when all stupidfied afterwards and blamed it all on dad. Well Chris has a brain, and he's not dumb. He made good grades in school, he knows right from wrong. I think the only effect that dad had was with mom, when they use to fight. Things that occur in the past do seem to have an impact on other things as I've recently discovered.

Just remember this, NEVER do anything that can get you in that type of trouble. Not only does it affect you, but your close ones. Don't make an attempt to ever run from the police, they will find you. I've known 6 people to have gone to jail within a year, about half tried running from the cops. It doesn't work, and it only makes things harder on you.

Well I don't want to bore you with my story of what happened today, I'll go onto something else.
My computer's monitor died and I couldn't get on, and you know what? That really sucks. I was bored, very bored. Luckily I was saved.
Dir En Grey's concert is in about 10 days, sweet.
Fighting some gunky asscrack shell thing in Bevelle in FFX-2 sucks really bad. I keep dying, and I'm on level 99 for Rikku and Paine, 98 on Yuna. I used dark knight to fight it for them all, still nearly kills them all.

"There's gonna be some stuff you're gonna see that's going to make it hard to smile in the future. But through whatever you see, through all the rain and the pain you gotta keep your sense of humor. You gotta be able to smile through all this bullshit. Remember that."
-Tupac Shakur
[I'm out]

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Sunday, January 21, 2007

so tell me


am i the only one that sat and watched samurai champloo angrily last night?

dammit jin and kohana meh.
note to self: next fanfic will be a samurai champloo one, bleach and naruto can wait. although it'll take me til summer before i finish this current one since i procrastinate.. ah well heh

i just got back from seeing my mommy, shes goin to my brothers court thing. hopefully he wont get into too much trouble... hm

well thats all i got to say, ima go back to eating my pork chops

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Saturday, January 20, 2007

I'm not going to lie


This made me cry though

It was all happy ending like. I dont get to see this one in the video game cause i didnt complete all of it, lame. I'm missing like 2% of it, ah well. I just had to put this up though, I cant resist. No updates, It's hard typing on my aunts computer

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Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Gomen, not much today but...


Today was weird. Everything seemed to remind me of Sammie. During Earth Science we learned about the moons, reminding me of Sammie's nickname Tsuki. Mrs. Milman put Sailor Moon on there saying that the moon is used alot. I really wanna watch that show. Also, Freshman seminar was depressing, we kept on talking about funerals and retirement homes

Dad bought the tickets for Dir En Grey's concert in febuary, I can't wait. I'll have fun, Carleigh and Jon is going with me. Tom, I don't really know what he's doing. It may be a good idea if he doesnt go with me because tom and jon don't get along too well or as tom told me. Oh why must we fight?

Finally working on my story and continuing FFX-2 yes. Nearly done with the game, about the middle of the story. I can't wait for myself to finish, then I can go onto a naruto or bleach fanfic.

So I'm currently working on a new design for theotaku, if not obvious. I seriously wish there was some generator or something because i can't have just one picture without it repeating. If anyone knows any good background help sites or anything you should definately fill me in on it so I don't pull my hair out working on my site.

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Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Oh my gawd


My hands are seriously cold. I don't even want to touch them they're so cold! Maybe I'm sick, yes, that must be why I came home early today.

Well lately I've been feeling as if I'm running out of time. I cram too much stuff in, or it seems like I do. Currently I have been playing video games, schoolwork, writing a story, drawing, and teaching myself japanese. It seems like I don't have time to do it all in one day.
I think it kills my brain too cause I can't even think of anything to write for my story now, 70 pages done, at some fight scene, can't think! I was thinking about beginning a naruto or bleach fanfic but I need to finish this! I will go mad and explode! I do that sometimes...
Maybe I should make a planning thing, just a little weekly schedule thing... but I already confirmed with my brain that I'm going to take 2 lessons of Japanese a day.
That brings up another thing, why is it that the teaching person peoples talk so much faster than people in Dir En Grey or Miyavi. I've watched little interviews I don't understand and they don't talk as quick. Maybe it's because the thing I'm learning by is old? Has things changed within some time period? What is the world coming to?!
Only thing I can remember is watashi wa is used when you're talking about yourself. They say hajimemashite is "I am meeting you for the first time" but it says something else in a dictionary I got. Arigoto I already knew, the difference between are, sore, and kore I figured out. Maybe I'm just pushing it too much, I've only been learning for like 4 days.
I can't use the teaching thing my friend gave me cause my computers old, lame. Something else too, his moms making him go to counseling cause he's gay, what an asshole parent. I read once that gays commit suicide more than straight people, well if they weren't harassed by family and stuff all the time then it wouldn't be a problem. We need to learn to accept and tolerate better. If I ever became president, I'd change alot of shit.
There I go imagining stuff again, like I've been doing alot lately. Thinking about the Dir En Grey concert, time to go to baltimore and try hanging with a band again. I hope someone knows a decent ammount of english, my Japanese sucks. I believe Kaoru does just because he hung with Wednesday 13 once and stuff... or maybe that was someone else in Dir En Grey, too far back to remember now.
Dir En Grey should definately tour with Wednesday 13, that would be one kickass concert cause Wednesday has good, weird concerts. Best I've ever been to.
Theres so many bands that should tour in the U.S. besides Dir En Grey. Hmm especially Miyavi, Gazette, Alice Nine, Ancafe, Gackt... ooo I'd love it. I especially wanna see Miyavi cause he's kinda weird and reminds me of me with strange behavior. Besides, he dressed up like a panda, and I have always had a love for pandas.
Hmm so I think I should just hire a tutor to learn japanese cause I'd rather have a person I can go up to and ask questions if I need to rather then some screen. Theres one in baltimore costing 15 dollars an hour, I think that'd work.
Hmm theres a change, I usually hear in Jrock/Jpop only english and Despairs Ray's song Spider was counting in German... yes I realized something! I didn't even know I had them on the computer.
Eins zwei drei vier funf sechs seiben acht neun zehn elf zwolf dreizehn vierzehn funfzehn sechzehn seibzehn achtzehn neunzig zwanzig.
There I can count to 20 in german... actually more cause its hella easy.
I'm looking through my computer and see them and all "Double yuuuu tee efff mate?" ha I'm retarded.
Ooh I decided "lets go put up new icons" cause I got 2,000 now. So what do I gots, Die and Shinya of Dir En Grey, Lulu, something that means love, I don't think it's japanese though cause the way I saw it written looks different, maybe Chinese(but enough of that). Drinking thing, cause I like to drink, alot. And Tupac... my favorite rapper.

Okay I've talked wayyyyyyyyyy too much today, I'm out.

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