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Getting away with shit i wasnt spose to
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I was 5
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Inuyasha, Rurouni Kenshin, Trinity Blood, Bleach, Fruits Basket, Tenchi Muyo, Naruto, Trigun, FLCL, .Hack//sign, Saiyuki, Amazing Nurse Nanako, Tenjou Tenge, Chrono Crusade, Samurai Champloo
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Saturday, September 9, 2006
This is kinda long
Last night was pretty hilarious, I had fun
But since I've been lazy lately, I'll tell whats gone on lately.
When I was smokin wit dad and one of my girls yesterday, I kept coughing so bad that I had to stop, then ended up puking up the pizza i had.
I've been getting stomach aches lately. I don't think it's been because of the weed, I hadn't smoked in 2 weeks. Maybe its cause of what ive been eating lately. Yesterday was the first day I've smoked since last time carleigh came over, and thanks to a friend of mine, he gave me some. He better have anyway, his dog bit me and bit a hole in my shirt.
I went to mbp, high. I think it was noticable too. This dude Chucky that I knew through Lucas reconized me even without the black hair. He said, "Hello stranger." I didn't know he meant me though so he was like, "You don't remember me do you?" and I did so i told him he was chucky and he asked for a hug and shit. He started talking and i had no clue what was going on though, so he asked if i was high, I couldnt lie it was too obvious. So then he said something again and I got confused, then told me to walk away.
Damn I'm surprised i can remember that.
Jeremy, james and david was there. I was so happy to see them, it's been so long. I saw David at school, but james and jeremy graduated from highschool so i wont seem them. At the end of the night, it kinda felt like David was tryin to flirt and shit, tryin to hold my hands and shit. AND he started chewing on the strap on my purse, what the fuck is that? Weirdish. We remembered some good times, I miss dem times.
I found out Joe liked me, he kept hinting it but I wasnt sure cause guys have the tendency of sending me mixed singals.
I saw him last night when me and Carleigh went to Checkers with james, as I started walking to the tables everyones at, he pops up outta nowhere, gives me a hug and slaps my ass.
Then he got me and carleigh to come wit him to this one place with this other guy. I felt so bad cause I forgot about james. So I took one hit of weed and had to quit, my stomach still hurt and coughing doesnt make me feel any better. So I jus chilled, it doesnt really phase me.
I kinda almost fell asleep laying on joe's back, I was tired. He tried kissin me and shit and was all "I can't believe you didnt know I liked you" and this junk. Eh I ignored it i think and junk wrapped my arms around him and rested my head on him.
I think I'm starting to make this literate, oops, it's starting to sound like a story. Well the "rested my head on him" shit reminds me of a story i was writing, something like that.
And going on... my friend got her first shotgun, I almost fell off a picnic table, joe kept on trying to bite me, I feel kinda odd cause he knows I don't want him doing that shit when he's got a girl.
Then we went back to checkers, he hung wit his girl, I hung with Jon, who kept flirting with carleigh when he was drunk, and james.
I apologized to james and shit i felt so bad.
Then I found Jessi and told her that chris is in jail and that no ones gonna jump her brother and all this shit. It was a relief.
I told james to gimme his white tee shirt since bubba has mine, then I forgot i had it and lost it. When I went back to mbp he mentioned "wheres my shirt?" then i said fuck i lost it. He said I owed him a dollar for losing it, I told him he wasnt gonna get it back either way thats why i asked him for it.
I forgot the rest of the night, if there was even a rest of the night. I'm out, later.
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Thursday, September 7, 2006
We're screwed
I gotta help dad clean the house, chris told maya, then maya told bubba who told dad there is stolen stuff in our couch, which had hidden stolen stuff in it.
Now they got a warrant to search our house, perfect
I cant stand chris, they're gonna search the house, and the house is dirty.
Then chris is gonna try gettin me to call his girlfriends house so he can talk to her. Her mom picks up wit an attitude then hangs up on me, and he wants me to call again
Heh the way he's been actin, i shouldnt do nuffin for him.
But aside from that, there are ants... all around my house, I tried gettin some fruit to eat yesterday and it was covered in ants, ick
Amanda and eddie said i should join the anime club at stone... mhmmm I might
It'll keep me busy throughout the day
Thats all i got to say, later
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Monday, September 4, 2006
My brothers been callin alot since he's been in jail
I've been tryin to avoid picking up the phone but i did after the 20th time he called.
I slept all day today, crap. Oh well for the monday i got to sleep in
Lately ive been flakin on my story, not really writin much lately
But! I did draw a tight ass picture of the character misaki i made at like 3 in the morning, prooving i draw better when im sleepy.
I take pride in it, it looks like it'd be an inuyasha char. anyway.
Alright no mo ego talkin stuff.
I found out 2 of my dude friends like to tell me stuff alot about their relationship shit, which isnt really a big deal to me. But, if they dont get it in their head when i tell them the truth about shit, i dont wanna hear em complain. I told both of them if its not working out already, it probably wont, thats just how i think it is with them. Not for everyone, jus cause they wanna go with girls they cheated on and stuff again and think its all gonna be alright
I watched obscure's music video from dir en grey, twisted... that music video is twisted
cool as hell though
so i decided to have an icon dedicated to it...
but it was this one

sadly, it was too big of a file, so i couldnt use it.
so i got another, its all good
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Saturday, September 2, 2006
Aight so now 4 people I know have gone to jail this year
in order: lucas, sean, terence, and last night my brother was arrested.
So he's getting about 5 years in jail if not more. Terence, i dont know about him. Lucas gets out in 19 daysish. Sean has to go back to court then find out whats going on for him.
I'm thinking about telling jessi and the rest, but im too lazy to walk to her house.
Now dad was playing around with a snake, heh
its all green and skinny
Eh nothing much is going on today but that. later
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Friday, September 1, 2006
Lucas called me yesterday sayin he gets out sept 20... eh. And he said Chris' friend terence is in jail now, on a different offense though, but he's being charged with the robbery offense. Dect. whatever his name is jus called asking if i talked to chris lately.
We got one of them tropical storms. It's been raining all day, this sucks.
I'm tryin to find this song called did I hear you say that you're in love, by mai kuraki... i cant find it though
I miss it so
And speaking of miss... Have you ever had one of those times when you're remembering things that occured a while back that were so much better than the time it is now?
I'm starting to feel that way, a time when I didn't make the mistakes i made this time. back when I didnt know the people i met like nick, lucas etc.
Things just feel better back then then they do now
I wish i could go back in time
So tonight im not going to mbp or checkers, too rainy and such, I'll prolly jus stay home and watch some tv... and listen to music.
We had a german test today, I think i did decent on it, only missed 2 problems at the most. Though I continuously forget what the work is half the time.
I'm go, later
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Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Well mornings are appearently when me and dad are gonna fight.
I was pissed cause he shrunk the hell out of these new shirts i got not even a week ago.
I had a bob marley shirt in a medium... which is now like xtra small in the size. Juelzsantana shrunk like shit. Inuyasha shrunk, but it still fits decently.
He made the remark I only like bob marley cause he smoked weed when he was alive. Then he told me to name some songs from him, and I did so. So he lost that fight. As if I'm dumb enough to like a musician just cause of that, I'm sure there are plenty of pothead musicians.
I think dad is just secretly racist, lately anything that has to do with black people he's been making remarks about. Prolly cause of chris.
Speaking of Chris, i believe i saw him yesterday, and he was talking to joe on aim as well, weird. They don't get along at all. Oops shit i forgot to call him back, ah well.
I have the feeling im going to end up staying up late tonight since i got home at like 3 and went to bed til 7:10
Oh wells ill be alright
I'm out, peace
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Sunday, August 27, 2006
One person back
So I'm guessin me and joe are friends again, he imed me earlier and we discussed some shit
joe (4:35:16 PM): are u like serverely hesitant 2 talk 2 me or sumthin now
mutatedmunster13 (4:35:24 PM): no why
joe (4:35:34 PM): seemed like it friday
mutatedmunster13 (4:35:39 PM): well its jus kinda weird now cause i havent talked to you lately
joe (4:35:46 PM): no shit
mutatedmunster13 (4:35:47 PM): and i aint know if you was still not talkin to me or not
mutatedmunster13 (4:36:06 PM): if that makes sense
joe (4:36:34 PM): well i could give a shit less what ur bro and his boys r gonna do 2 me
joe (4:37:02 PM): terrance and boo r gettin locked up soon and as soon as they find the gun and ur bro hes gone 2 4 the whole blue scarab shit
mutatedmunster13 (4:37:08 PM): im scared of my brother, plus he aint gonna do anything hes gettin locked up
mutatedmunster13 (4:37:10 PM): yeah i know
mutatedmunster13 (4:37:16 PM): i sent that a lil slow
joe (4:37:32 PM): no shit
joe (4:37:38 PM): u nvr were that fast
mutatedmunster13 (4:37:43 PM): psh
mutatedmunster13 (4:37:50 PM): but im willin to help get him arrest now
mutatedmunster13 (4:38:06 PM): he said he was tryin to protect me from you and some others guys, then hes gonna try fightin me
joe (4:38:08 PM): lol
mutatedmunster13 (4:38:09 PM): FUCK NO!
mutatedmunster13 (4:38:15 PM): that doesnt make sense
joe (4:38:17 PM): lmao
joe (4:38:25 PM): hey call my cell **********
mutatedmunster13 (4:38:34 PM): alright
joe (4:38:36 PM): now ur bro and pops wn't kno its me callin
mutatedmunster13 (4:38:45 PM): dad dont really care
mutatedmunster13 (4:39:04 PM): he knows chris was gettin too involved
joe (4:39:21 PM): yeah
aight so thats all thats pretty much happened today, i guess me and him are friends again now..
School starts tomorrow and i slept all day today so i prolly will have a problem fallin asleep tonight
ah well
for now, I'ma have to call joe back and shit... damn im too lazy
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Saturday, August 26, 2006
oh my god
I cant get my foot to stop itching!!
But anyway
I jus got wokin up by some church shit which pisses me off, I was sleeping and i hate bein woken up when im comfy.
Tryin to get me to go to some picnic thing, then i say i dont have a ride so they try gettin some person i dont even know to take me... psh thats smart
I went up to mbp and checkers, it was boring as shit.
Saw joe at checkers, didnt even notice him at first. I don't think i ever do anymore. But he aint like dat... he was sitting then said, "fine dont say hi to me or anything" and i finally noticed him, told him i aint notice him and he starts shoutin "i was fucking staring right at you blah blah kablah!"
Eva was there... i think. That woulda sucked if i had to fight her around 8 ish cause i was smacked at that time, and getting sick but i found out the sick part was something else, its all good
So carleigh and sammie said that It woulda been harder to fight at that time, oh well.
I feel like i got poison ivy, cause my hand and cheek itches & still my foot.
I never use that & symbol.
i wanna go back to sleep, peace
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Friday, August 25, 2006
so today ill be pretty much gone all day
I really don't feel like writing anything or updating, too damn lazy
but ima go shoppin in about an hour
i saw joe again yesterday, i aint notice him when he was wavin at me, oops. He told me he found out about chris robbing the blue scarab cause it was in the news and shit... i forgot most we talked about
but, theres gonna be a fight prolly tonight seeing how someone supposibly attempted to rape some girl, and i know the guy too. damn shame
i think my brothers spose to be comin down soon, for some police thing... i dont know whats going on anymore
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Wednesday, August 23, 2006
What tha fuck is the world comin to
Aight so Chris' friend kevin called the house, I think I should call him back but It'll feel weird calling him, jus cause he's chris' friend.
He probably wanted to stop by and chill. Lately chris' friends been callin here tryin to chill and shit, now that chris is gone, they wanna hang wit me and shit.
Thats really weird actually
But it gets even weirder. His friend terence wanted to come over today, I was talkin to him on myspace and he's all "I want 2b wit u" and this shit. Thats fuckin shocking... cause it's chris' friend. He don't want alot of people knowin cause if it gets back to chris... they gonna be fighting.
So I'm not the only one with friends that dig younger girls seeing how terence is like 18 and I'm 14... chris a damn hypocrite
So yeh... chris called too... or it was mom callin off chris' phone, i dont wanna call back cause i dont wanna talk to chris
I told maya i'd turn chris in cause of the shit he did last thursday i believe it was, I can't really feel bad either, or if im spose to I don't. He says he wants to protect me and then he's going to try and fight me, I'm not forgetting that. I think maya was tryin to get me not to... prolly jus cause thats chris' girlfriend, oh well.
He can know how it feels to have someone you trust fuck you over like that.
I bet he woulda beaten the shit outta me if it wasnt for mom gettin out the car tryin to stop him, and he gonna make shit up to maya and say I kept hitting him, what the fuck ever.
I don't care what people say he is fucked up. He makes everything revolve around violence, oh well, hes going to jail soon anyway.
I'm waitin for friday to come, i get to go shopping and mbp
My ex boy joe might be gettin in a fight, so i wanna see... long story about it heh.
Theres some show startin on adult swim in sept. i forgot what its called but it looks cool. Shin Chan is weird... they replace inuyasha wit dat... dumb hoes
For now, I'm fix my shit, peace out lovelies
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