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Getting away with shit i wasnt spose to
Anime Fan Since
I was 5
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Inuyasha, Rurouni Kenshin, Trinity Blood, Bleach, Fruits Basket, Tenchi Muyo, Naruto, Trigun, FLCL, .Hack//sign, Saiyuki, Amazing Nurse Nanako, Tenjou Tenge, Chrono Crusade, Samurai Champloo
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chillin, drawin, writin, smokin, music
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Tuesday, March 21, 2006
An unusal Fetish
I've retraced these steps
In a memory that has suspense
Indecisive about changing
What I've worried about ever since
Clearly I'm still unaware
I'm vulnerable towards them still
I cannot resist though
Just like a hunger I cannot fill
These desires aren't quite bliss
But the craving to me is pleasent
Shalln't I move on?
Yet I'm too stubborn to resent
How did I managed
A craving for these types of people
Something I was once against
I have wanted a lover to be
I am not satisfied yet
I am excited towards these type of men
They are ones I won't forget
Regardless of what may happen
Their terrible activities
Anything illegal they come to be
It's a habit
And them doing it is an enjoyment for me
Maybe it's the typical
"Good girl falling for a bad boy" thing
Something so unbelievable
I want it more than anything
Sometimes I just hope
Maybe it would all just change
I was dragged into their trouble
But a little late to rearrange
Maybe it wasn't that I'm dragged into it
Lately I've began to see
It's the other way around
I've brought it on myself is what I believe
(c) Copyright ho
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Monday, March 20, 2006
Falsehood and Aching Of a Past Occurence
Thought that I should put up some poetry, don't like it? Get off teh page then
Why do I feel like I should regret
Saying it was an act of revenge
But I can't forget
Just agonizing over memories
How I spoke falsehood
Now it has caused a problem
For the misunderstood
Yet she still believes you
Even though it was you
You were the one to lie
And everything I had said
You would just deny
Why would I need to speak of any lies?
I wasn't dating her, you were
You just don't wanna deal with her anger
Not even did I know ya'll were together
It was up to you
Your options, your actions
I claimed I didn't care as you asked
I'd just regret later as a reaction
How I wish I did not
Dwell on such pitiful issues
But I cannot change nor convince
My attempts are no use
Don't try and blame all on me
You claimed you loved her
Yet on those unwanted days
She meant nothing
Even if you loved her
You wouldn't of done more and lied
Don't deny the truth
But that onlys one of few traits about you
Uselessness, Ignorance, and untrustworthy
Thats all that creates you
You couldn't even remember that night
So I told you a lie out of anger
Am I still not right?
You really don't realize
I thought better of you
I tried looking over the lies
In some odd way, you were a decent person
You seemed different to me
Finally I began to learn
You weren't even close to the best thing
I was deeply wrong
Also very foolish that I didn't know
When they knew all along
How could I be so foolish
At the time I just didn't care
But I take the fall for it
Yes thats very fair
You know you disapoint me
Because this is something you've done again
You must be low to lie so deeply
And be such a traitor to turn on a friend
(c) Copyright of Adrienne B.K
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Tuesday, September 20, 2005
So glad for the madness
Current Music: Babylon AD- Cradle of Filth
Current Mood: Not really mad but then not too happy
Current Phrase: "So Glad for the madness!" -Babylon AD and "I don't care, You're still a cunt"
Current Icon Display: 
Well Lucas, I haven't been able to talk to him lately. He got himself in a wittle bit of trouble though, no further details. Only thing I' can really say is he's just going back the way he use to be, sadly. Hmm I'll miss the poor thing if he leaves.
Went to the fair saturday and got funnel cake powder all over myself. It looked like I had crack all on my pants. My friend Kiefer was doing bingo there and he pointed at me when I walked out of the bingo room. I didn't know who was at first because he got a hair cut. Man his hair was sexy too. Then I stuffed grass in Kyles mouth.
Nothing seems to be really bad, although I hate certain people now. Not mad at Jello now but a few days ago I was. Joey though, ah that motherfucking cunt needs to fucking back off. His annoying ass been saying shit like I'm a lying bitch and calling me a slut. Uhh yea he barely knows me so how the fuck can he say that. With his little emo attitude cutting himself. This one guy was sitting next to me and him, he told me he was cutting. Man I don't give at shit, I told him to cut his wrist open next time. Let him hit an artery and die, he probably has no reason to cut anyway. Then John and me are fighting because he kept annoying me a few days ago. Hmm just a war.
My brothers place was weird last friday. I got bored and kept walking in the guys bathroom getting paper towels and stuff. And I'm guessing this boy Tyler likes me because he was flirting with me, but he might of been leading me on... YOU BOYS ARE EVIL.
My brother had on his MSN status he lost his poetic gift. Funny because my poetry has been better lately... Melissa said that I stole it, whoops.
I got obsessed with the name Twiggy13, not sure why but I like it so got that as an email and a account
Thats all bisnatches
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Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Alright forget this
Well someone claims that they can get their brother to ban me just because I reply to the messages they send me. I don't want them sending messages to me and they don't want to get messages from me. Don't send me chain letters then. And I'm sure than Adam wouldn't just let someone's brother ban me is I'm messaging them because they're messaging me in return. They didn't have to spam me with chain letters.
So if I do get banned you'll know why because I'm not just gonna sit back. I'm stubborn and for a good reason, it's not fair. So this is crap and unfair if I get banned from the site... well... that aint cool. I'm asking adam about this ordeal...
But if I do get kicked off, meh I'll talk to you all some other way
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Saturday, September 3, 2005
A dash of literature
Current Music: With Or Without you-Dope
Current Mood: Depressed, Worried
Current Phrase: "You always Find a way to keep me right here waiting"- Staind "Right here"
Icon Display: 
Yesterday, it was without a doubt frustrating. I waited for Lucas to come back to My brothers place... I saw him earlier and tried getting him to come in but he was smoking. I sat down looking through a window so I could see him come back over. Certain times I decided to get up and walk around. Some time later... about five cop cars pop up out of no where. Before that some dude just zooms across my brothers place running. There was a drug bust at the checkers right by My Brothers Place. Automaticly, I thought Lucas was gonna get in trouble... I thought all my friends there weregonna get in trouble even if they didn't have anything to do with it. There were dogs following trails in the woods and the area was lit up. Well, Lucas was found... I saw him talking to some cop. I was already scared that something might of happened to him, now I was about to break down. I was trying to remain calm and then started digging my nails in my skin, which kinda hurt. Yes... I wish I could of actually seen Lucas better than night seeing how he had no shirt on... But a few of my friends calmed me down when they found out he was let go. He didn't get in trouble... I don't think I haven't talked to him yet. Krista told me to stop worrying... and that he doesn't care about me... I think I'm coming to realize that... I don't know why I'm still chasing after him nor waiting for him, guess I'm that foolish.
More than that, I actually got happier that night, though sorrow seemed to have transfered into one of my friends. I tried making my friend David feel better, I think he has a crush on me now. I do kinda like him but I can't let Lucas go... I don't really want anyone else. For some reason, I don't know what... I care about him alot. I was even attempting to run outside if something happened to him. Not to many people understand that, yet, neither do I.
Atleast I made David happy, I don't want him to think I'm leading him on though. But I think he knows I'm somewhat serious about Lucas... Plus, my friend Geannie likes him, they'd be better off with eachother.
I think I'm obsessing over icons now... I'm finding too many... but they are all so pretty, I can't not have too many.
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Saturday, August 27, 2005
Long...... post
Current music: The Juliana Theory- If I told you this was killing me, would you stop?
Mood: Tired, Slightly sad
Current Phrase: If I told you this was killing me, would you stop? -The Juliana theory
Current Icon Display:
 Okay, fixed me website finally. It needed a new design and I wanted someone to shut up and stop bitching... or just get them to zip it period... my site is not to please you.
So, I've been in an emo-tude lately. I thought I got over Lucas a few days ago to realize I hadn't quite. So I decided to hang out with my friend Sammie and a couple other friends. Faerie came which made me realize how much less I like him ever since the concert ended. But I shouldn't worry too much, he's off to college now. But continuing from the mall, all went to the movies. But me and sammie were broke so called Lucas up to go to the mall because no one else could go. But he got kicked out and now can't go to the mall for a year, smart. So we just decided to hang out at the movies and sneek into the skeleton key. I was trying to sit down until he pulled me down onto his lap, then I heard someone call my name so I immediantly got up because I didn't know who the fuck it was and didn't want it to be one of my brothers friends. Luckly, it was my friend Sean, aka mom. Well oddly, Lucas kept trying to hold me. So I told my friend Sammie for help, he decides to run his finger with "finger armour" down my back (which is a very bad idea because I'm very twitchy) making me bust my side on the chair. I yelp at him and he grabs me and holds me. At that point i don't know what to do so I just sit there, then he decided to kiss me. One more, lost and kinda starting to like him again. But I can't help but do run off saying I have to piss but tell my friend Sean for help... I had no clue what to do. I forgot everything I believed in doing. But he decides to hold me again, then we ended up making out. Hmm funny how he said he stopped cheating on his girlfriends because I know he's taken. Then since we came into the skeleton key late we watch it again and find my friend Kirbie, makes me happy ^^ I missed her. But lucas just lost it, I'm not telling how. He ended up blacking out and hitting his rib cage on a chair, I laughed my ass off. Only one that felt sorry for him was my friends mom. I'm surprised he remembered all this... but he seems to be okay. I need to get snuff straight though, confusing. I highly recommend you see the Skeleton key, funny movie.
Uhh not much about mbp, was boring so I went to checkers... Not much more... I'm off to bed, later.
"You don't have to tell me, I know I'm a sucker. Now shut up you stupid motherfucker"
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Monday, August 22, 2005
Nothing else to do on the internet, so i might just say
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Tuesday, August 9, 2005
The concert was good except Dope couldn't play because Edsel's voice got messed up, I think. It was more crowded than last time and hotter. I got to hang out with Virus and Racci some. Racci kept trying to pick my nose at a time.
Virus was around these two ladies my dad was talking with. One of them thought I was gorgeous and then dragged Virus over when I was her I was thirteen and said somethine else about the gorgeous thing. The ladys seemed pretty nice and cool.
Someone brought a duck into Jaxx and we were trying to get a picture of it. Then The duckie got scared and Brix accidently dropped it.
It sucked how Dope couldn't play and how we got there late so we couldnt get up front, but other than that, All was gued.
And now for some pictures:
I looked shocked
This was Brix when he dropped the duckie.

 I was trying to get Raccis shirt but he wouldn't give me it, Motley Crue is gued

Well thats all, lateer all!
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Sunday, July 17, 2005
Dunna dun
001) Name? Adrienne
002) What Sex Are You? Female
003) Height? 4'11"
004) Eye color? blue
005) Weight? 103?
006) Location? Waldorf, Md
007) Where were you born? Waldorf, Md
008) Do you have crush on someone? Yea
009) Do you have a bf/gf? No
010) What are you wearing right now? Emily the strange cat tank top and pants
011) Bump!!!
012) Have you ever had a crush on your teachers? Don't know
013) Whats your fave kind of chip? Doritos
014) Do you smoke? No.
015) Do you drink? No.
016) Fave band? Murderdolls, Deadstar Assembly, I've been listening to Collide and Cradle of filth alot lately...
017) Fave song? Uhh I don't know
018) What are your favorite colors? Black, lime green, purple, red, pink (ahaha), white and silver
019) What is your favorite animal? Wolf
020) Do you have any birthmarks? One on my belly and another on my bu.. nevermind.
021) Have you ever gotten sick on a carnival ride? I was close
022) Who are your best friends? I don't have any.
023) Have you ever beat someone up? Yea.
024) Have you ever been slapped? Yes
025) Do you get online a lot? Yea.
026) Are you shy or outgoing? Shy to people i dont know
027) Do you shower? Yes
028) Do you hate school? meh it's better than sitting at home all day
029) Do you have a social life? Barely.
030) How easily do you trust people? Not much, I'm very paranoid
031) Have you ever lied to your best friends? Yes... I haven't lived up to the icon...
032) Have a secret that would surprise people? Not sure
033) Do you like to dance? No.
034) Have you ever been out of state? Yea.
035) Do you like to travel? Yup but barely do
036) Have you ever been suspended from school? Don't think so
037) Have you ever been dumped? Yea.
038) What's your favorite drink? Code Red
039) Do you like Snapple? Not really.
040) Do you drink a lot of water? Eh. Depends.
041) What toothpaste do you use? How would I know my dad buys it
042) Do you have a cell phone or pager? No.
043) Do you have a curfew? No.
044) Are you a role model? I might be. I don't know.
045) What name brand do you wear the most? Tripp NYC
046) What kind of jewelry do you wear? Bracelets... chains?
047) What do you have pierced? None anymore
048) What do you want pierced? Lip, eyebrows, I was gonna get my tongue but after what I heard... nevermind.
049) Do you like taking pictures? Yea.
050) Do you like getting your picture taken? Not by other people
051) Do you have a tan? Ha no
052) Do you get annoyed easily? Yea.
053) Have you ever started a rumor? No.
054) Do you have your own phone/phone line? No.
055) Do you have your own pool? No.
056) Do you have any siblings? Yea.
057) Do you prefer boxers or briefs? Panties.
058) Have you ever played D&D? No.
059) Whats your fave board game? Checkers
060) Do you get along with your parents? Sometimes.
061) How do you vent your anger? Drawing, poetry, crying... NOT cutting
062) Have you ever ran away? No
063) Have you ever been fired from a job? Never had a job.
064) Do you even have a job? No
065) Do you daydream a lot? Yea.
066) Whats your fave fast food restaurant? Burger King
067) What do you want a tattoo of? A skull and maybe some weird little writing
068) What do you have a tattoo of? Nothing.
069) What are your favorite flowers? Dead Roses
070) What do your ex bf/gfs look like? I'm not describing them all.
071) Are you rude? If I want to be.
072) What was the last compliment you got? "When I saw you with your make up the way it was I was about to rape you" o.O
073) Do you like getting dirty? No.
074) Is your bellybutton an innie or outie? Innie
075) Are you flexible? yep
076) What is your heritage? So far I only know German.
077) What does your hair look like? Blackish/brownish, long and a bit wavy.
078) Could you ever be a vegetarian? Peta makes me want to.
079) When was your last real heartbreak? Uhh a few weeks ago.
080) If you had to completely dye your hair it'd be what color ? Uhh a combination of blue black and purple.
081) Would you ever date someone younger than you? Not anymore
082) Would you ever date someone older than you? Yes, the last guy I dated was 4 years older than me.
083) When was the last time you were drank orange soda? A few days ago?
084) When was the last time you went on a date? Well I considered it a date but a few weeks ago.
085) Would you rather give or receive presents? Receive.
086) what was the weirdest pet you ever had? All my pets are weird!
087) Do you have a pet now? Yea.
088) How many rings until you answer the phone? Depends on who it is.
089) Have you ever been skinny dipping? Yes
090) Who you look more like your mother or father? Sadly, my dad
091) Do you cry a lot? Yes.
092) Do you ever cry to get your way? Sometimes
093) What phrase do you use most on the phone? Bye.
094) Are you the romantic type? Yea.
095) Have you been chased by cops? No.
096) What do you like most about your body? Not sure
097) What do you like least about the opposite sex's body? Body hair
098) When was the last time you threw up? Few months ago.
099) In the opposite sex, do you prefer blondes or brunettes? Brunettes.
100) What do the shoes you last wore look like? Look like snake skin on them, skulls and Anarchy signs on them.
101) Do you ever wear shirts to show your belly? NO!
102) What your favorite shirt say? Don't kow it's just a band shit
103) whats your fave magazine? Hit Parader I guess
104) What is the color of your underwear right now? black
105) What theme does your room have? nothing
106) What size shoe do you wear? 7-9.. chuck taylors are weird
107) What jewelry are you wearing now? none
108) What is your fave place to take a vacation? Don't know
109) How are you feeling right now? Tired, confused
110) When was the last time you partied? A few months ago
111) Have you ever given an animal as a gift? Yes.
112) What do you sleep in? Clothes
113) Has there ever been a rumor spread about you? Yea.
114) What is one of your bad qualities? Alot
115) What is one of your good qualities? Don't know
116) Would you marry for money? No.
117) What do you drive? Nothing
118) Are you more of a mama or daddy's child? Don't know
119) Do you wear Chucks? Yes
120) For $2,000,000, would you pose for Playboy Or Playgirl? Probably not, I'd break the cameras
Yes or no:
you keep a diary ? Yes
you like to cook? No
you have a secret you havent shared? Not that I can think of.
you fold your underwear? No.
talk in your sleep? Yes.
you set your watch a few minutes ahead? No.
you bite your fingernails? Yea.
you believe in love? Yea.
You get embarassed? Yea.
x. song you listened to: 'Babylon AD' -Cradle Of Filth
x. song that was stuck in your head: "Piggy" -Nine Inch Nails you've downloaded: Remedy- Seether
x.CD you bought: I guess Deadstar Assembly, haven't bought any in a while.
x. CD you listened to: Murderdolls
x. person you've called: Lucas
x. person that's called you: Lucas
x. TV show you've watched: Don't remember
have you ever:
-- Played a game that required removal of clothing?: Don't think so.
-- If so, was it mixed company: No.
-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: No.
-- Been called a tease: Yes.
-- Gotten beaten up: I think by my brother.
-- Been to jail: No.
the future:
-- Age you hope to be married: 20-25
-- Number of Children: 0
-- Describe your Dream Wedding: Small wedding on halloween and uhh i dont know
-- Where you want to go to college: England
-- What do you want to be when you grow up: Photographer
what do you prefer?
-- Best eye color?: Green
-- Best hair color?: black
-- Short or long hair?: Long
-- Best height: 5'9"
-- Best style of clothing: Gothic I guess you can consider it... maybe cyber or rave
-- Best first date location: England or Japan
-- first kiss location: England or japan
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Saturday, July 9, 2005
Sodomy is painful
Well I went to mbp and yea... Lucas' girlfriend was there. Lucas didn't really talk to me at all tonight and it hurt. But he called at like 1:30 and told me what he said was going on. Sadly, He said I looked pretty the way I had my makeup and stuff and that didn't help at all. That just made me like him more... Well I wanna know why he broke up with me if he still claims to like me. He told me he dumped me because he hasn't gotten over his girlfriend, this girl Kyra because I was too young. And my friend Kyle because he was high...
Well I'm not sure whats going on but I'm gonna ask him to come over sunday... and Krista is discomforting me right now...
Meh I had to tell dad again that I use to go out with him... meh I'm not sure whats going on right now so I'm gonna sleep on it then chill with Krista.. later all
Love you lots... cept you my lover... ha just joking.. bye
Well Lucas is being stupid... he doesn't care that he lied to a girl that liked him and told her he was gonna go out with her. We saw him riding a bike back to his house... he had some Cradle of Filth shirt on and some anarchy hat. I told him to get off the road and then tried getting my dad to run him over ^^. But meya... I need to talk to him still so I'll give him a note.
Well I swear you people don't listen... I ask nicely if you will please not send me a chain letter and ya do anyway... meh they don't work! But I'll let you believe if you wish but I'm not talking to you if you continue to send them to me.
I gotta get ready to go to my brothers place so I'll update either again today or tomorrow.
P.S Nikki if you read this next time tell me I'm your lover man I'm always last to know things... or not Bwahahahaha... erm ok bye
Yea I put yesterdays post in today, whatcha gonna do about it!?
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