inuyasha luver118
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Thursday, September 20, 2007
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Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Shakugan No Shana

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Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Well I woke up this morning feeling sick to my stomache. It seems I ate something bad and apparently got sick from it. As for what I ate I don't know(maybe I had too much cookie dough) So in other words I didn't go to school today. I still don't feel too well. I hope the people that go to my school had a good day because mine sucked. I sat at home watching Summerland and trying to fix my hair into the perfect style. I still haven't found a good style. For once in a long time, I didn't watch anime when I didn't go to school. I watched like alot of recorded episodes of Summerland all day lol. They give out good advice in the show. There isn't any action though >.< That kinda sucks. I still think it's a good show though.
1. How was your day?
2. Have you ever missed anyone so much that you wanted to cry?
3. Have you ever thought you were in love but started to reconsider?
4. Do you even know what love is?
5. Do you get stage fright?
6. I hope everyone has a great day! *hugs you all*
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Monday, September 17, 2007
Well today has determined that this week won't be a good week for "personal" reasons. I want to stay home but I know my mom won't let me. She thinks it's a stupid reason to stay home for something like that. Well we have a stupid verb funeral in school tomorrow (at least we get to miss class) That's pretty cool lol. I went to my secret spot in my backyard today when I got home from school and I sat there and thought for about 30 minutes and I'm usually there for 5 or 10 minutes but I had alot to think about. I had my dog with me to keep me company. Well I hope everyone has a good week.
1. Do you have a spot where you like to think or relax?
2. Have you ever been so lonely that you just wanna drop dead?
3. What is your fav place to be?
4. How was your day?
5. (stupid question?) Is you pants zipper afraid of heights?(mine apparently is cause it never likes to stay up) lol
6. Do you like to go on walks by yourself to think?
7. Have you ever been so mad that you wanna kill someone?
8. Have you ever been so happy that you wanna shout for joy?
9. Enjoy your day(or what's left of it)
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Sunday, September 16, 2007
Well today went ok. I have new rules to follow at my house. I have choirs, I only get like 2 to 3 hours on the computer now, no computer on sundays(i begged my mom today and she said go ahead) I have a time to take a shower, if I miss my time then no shower for me, I have to take a shower for 5 to 10 minutes any longer then i'm in trouble, I think that's it. My life just got worse >.< My mom is being a pain with this new rules thing and I have no clue where she got it from. I've never had to do house work so this like really sucks. I'm really starting to hate my life. I'm also becoming more skittish. Everytime I hear the slightess noise I jump. Example: Phone rings, someone IMs me, or someone walks in the room. Like I said very skittish. Well I hope everyone had a good day.
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Saturday, September 15, 2007
Hey everyone! My day has been interesting. I put blue dye at the tips of my hair. It looks AWESOME!!!!!!! I was doing my agility thing today and I fell. This time it hurt! My friend Emma is ovver here. We are watching Inuyasha. lol she loves Inuyasha. We were watching summerland because it had Jesse McCartney in it (she loves him too)lol. I'm like o bored. I was sitting in my special and secreet spot that I only show my friends when they come over to my house. I kinda wished my BF was sitting there with me because of the Autumn weather ^-^ Well I hope everyone has a good day ^-^
1. What is your fav season?
2. Fav holiday?
3. Do you like the cool weather around the Autumn time?
4. Are you getting ready for Halloween?
5. Do you watch scary movies on Halloween night?
6. Do you like going to parties?
7. Have you ever TPed someones house?
8. Have you ever played pranks on people at Halloween time?
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Friday, September 14, 2007
Well today at school, morelike this evening, our school got put under lock down because there were intruders outside. It was under lock down for 30 minutes. They made my group hide in the closet. I was acting all come and stuff but in my mind I was like a hepless little child who need a hug from her daddy. In other words we could have died today. When it was all over I was like thank god. Thaat's like the only exciting thing that happened today. Anyways it was raining and when I got home I took the dog out and we played in the rain for about 15 minutes so when I came back in the house I was soaking wet. But now I'm going to live life to the fullest because I don't know when I'm going to die. *hugs you all* Thanks for being my friend everyone ^-^
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Thursday, September 13, 2007
Today's post is long so if you don't want to read the little story then don't
Ok my brother was supposed to let me on like when I got home and he let me on like 30 minutes after. He gets on my nerves alot and pisses me off too. Ive never said this before and I may regret saying it in the near future but I wish I never had a brother! I want to be an only child! I'm also kinda sad today too. I have my voice back mostly. It still doesn't sound too well but atleast I can talk and sing a little. Any way back to the brother thing. He is 18 and he acts so freakin immature. I act more mature than him at times and I'm only 13. He always has this attitude like I'm pissed off at the world and he takes it out on my and sometimes it makes me cry. (I don't cry much so it's big when someone makes me cry) He is mad just about every day because his GF and him always get into fights and they start cussing each other out. (ive heard their convos) I feel like so lonely today and I really hate this feeling. I hope it goes away soon.
Sorry I don't really have any advice so I'll let you peoples read a little short inuyasha story i wrote like a long time ago. Enjoy.
Inuyasha VS. Painter
Kagome and Inuyasha are in present day Japan. They are walking around a fair ground. Inuyasha is in his baseball cap and red kimono. Kagome is in her regular school day outfit.
Kagome- Inuyasha. Let’s get a portrait done.
Inuyasha- What the heck is a portrait?
Kagome- It’s a picture that…that…oh just follow me and I’ll show you.
Inuyasha and Kagome keep walking until they see the portrait area. When they get there they see a little kid walking away crying.
Painter- Konichiwa.
Inuyasha- Konichi-what?
Painter- Nevermind
Kagome- Here we are.
When Inuyasha sees the kid that is leaving crying he starts to get a little concerned.
Inuyasha- I wonder what’s wrong with him.
Kagome- Ok Inuyasha take a seat.
Inuyasha sat down and found the seat rather uncomfortable so he sits in the floor instead.
Painter- Ok Mr. Inutasha you’re going to have to sit in the seat.
As soon as Inuyasha heard the word sit, he flinched then when he relized nothing happened he let out a breath of relief.
Inuyasha- Ok first of all it’s Inuyasha so get it through your damn head and second of all I don’t want to sit in the damn seat.
Kagome- Inuyasha…SIT BOY!!!
Inuyasha was pulled to the ground by the prayer beads around his neck. When Inuyasha regained his strength he got up and sat in the seat.
Painter- Ok Mr. Inubasha I’ll need you to take off your hat.
Inuyasha- Ok I sat in the stupid seat but there is no way in hell that I am taking off this damn hat and its INUYASHA!!!!!
Kagome- Inuyasha S-
Inuyasha- Ok Ok I’ll take off the dumb hat but please don’t say sit
Inuyasha took off the hat. The painter was amazed at what he saw. He saw Inuyasha’s dog ears.
Painter- Ok Mr. Inudasha very funny now take off the dog ears. I cant paint them on you. Well I can but it’s not in the contract.
Inuyasha- Ok these are my real ears and its INUYASHA DAMMIT!!!!!
Painter- Ok Mr. Inuposha I understand that-
All of a sudden the painter got punched in the face by Inuyasha and the painter fell to the ground unconscious.
Inuyasha- And it’s INUYASHA!!!!
Kagome- Inuyasha….
Inuyasha- Uh Oh
Kagome- SIT! SIT! SIT!
Inuyasha goes headfirst into the ground and keeps going deeper and deeper until Kagome stopped saying sit after the first three times.
Inuyasha- Why me?
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Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Wow.... I haven't felt like this in awhile. I don't know what's wrong with me. I feel so sad and depressed today. It's probably because I can't talk. Yeah my cold is gone but I think it took my voice with it. >.< In other words I can't talk and if I can't talk means I can't sing either. And singing is like practically my life. Well I stayed home from school today and I almost cried when I tried to talk but to hear barely anything come out. Well I hope everyone has a good day.
A Word Of Advice
Advice Giver: Everyone needs to smile at least once a day to build up spiritualness
Me: *sigh* But what if we are too sad to smile
Advice Giver Thne watch something funny to make you laugh or smile. Or you can be around the people who make you smile
Me: You make me smile at times
Advice Giver: O...k I'm creeped out. Later *runs out of the room but falls down the stairs*
Me: *rolls on the floor laughing*
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