inuyasha luver118
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Tuesday, September 11, 2007
I still have a cold of course but today it is way worse. I've gone through an entire box of tissue since yesterday >.< Well I got out of school like 5 hours early today because I don't feel good then I watched the inuyasha 1st movie ^-^ It was like really good ^-^ I'm like losing my voice and it like really sucks! My throat is starting to hurt too and I have an ear infection >.< As my dad would say it "I'm falling apart" lol.
Well I was playing in the rain with my dog today too and my nose got stuffier >.< But it doesn't rain much here so I take every oppratunity I can lol.
I know I haven't done this in awhile but I can't think of anything for A Word Of Advice so I'll ask people questions ^-^
1. How was your day?
2. When was the last time you had a cold?
3. What is your favorite recipe?
4. What type of food do you like to eat?(japanese,chinese,american,italian.ect...)
5. What is the best remedy to get rid of a cold?
6. Everyone enjoy your day ^-^
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Monday, September 10, 2007
I'm so miserable. I have a cold and I can barely breathe. I don't like listening to my voice much at the moment so I try to stay as quiet as possible. I really hate having a cold. My friends still love me no matter how bad I sound lol. They are like always there for me. ^-^ They make me happy alot. Let's see. School today was boring like usual lol. OMG I finally don't have homework YAY!!! Lol. Umm..During English class today, Mr.Kaliszak called on me because I had my hand raised to answer a question then all of a sudden I forgot what I was going to say. Lol. So I said huh? He said Huh? That's something I would expect from Grogan(first name's Trevor)(A very absent minded boy in my class) Lol. And I started laughing at my own stupidity lol. Well I hope evryone has a good day.
A Word Of Advice
Advice Giver: Be respectful to the people around you.
Me: Ok what if that person was being mean to you?
Advice Giver: Well You should still; be nice to them.
Me: What if I get punched in the face?
Advice Giver: Then punch them back I-I mean tell them that wasn't very nice.
Me: Oh.Ok. So you're telling me to tell them that it wasn't very nice then punch them back? Thank you. *runs off*
Advice Giver: NO! WAIT! Oh forget it.
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Sunday, September 9, 2007
Hi. Ok so me and Tamara went swimming today and we splashed each other. We tried water ballet (that part didnt go to well) lol. We were fighting over frozen grapees earlier and we were still fighting over the same book as last night.
Then we started fighting over chicken lol. By the way, when I mean fighting I don't mean i literally lol.
well later
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Saturday, September 8, 2007
Ok Well I was in the woods a little while ago with my sis Tamara. Well we were racing down the hill and I was in the lead and I ran into a spider web then another one. Well the second one had a spider on it. The spider was on my should and I started screaming. I yelled OH SHIT!!! A SPIDER!!!AHHH!!! Tamara started laughing at me and now she won't leave me alone about it. I have arachnaphobia so I'm terrified of spiders. After that we started laughing our heads off.
P.S. You people who think you know us, get us together and see what we do. mwahahaha *cough* *cough*
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Weekends RULE!!!!!!!!!!! I won't be on much this weekend because I get to have fun. Have either a good weekend or a boring weekend...Either way enjoy....oh and school SUCKS!!!!!
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Friday, September 7, 2007
What was it called again?
Ok well my day was fairly good. I had choir practice. We were practicing the dance moves and I kept running into everything(people, walls, the seats) yeah. No wait they were running into me(people, walls, seats) Yeah they all jumped right beside me and behind me so I'd run into them ^_- Anyway, Once again, I have homework. Last year I never had homework and this year I have homework just about every day. Well, I'm reading Rouruni Kenshin. I have to give it back to Tamara this weekend. Lets see I may or may not be on ok scratch that I will be on tomorrow because Tamara will want to get on. ^-^ Tomorrow I have my friend Kayla coming over from Maryville, so we get to play with like bratz or something. Then Tamra is coming over (she might end up torturing me) lol not really. We might go outside and explore the woods in my backyard. Then sunday we are going swimming at the fitness center. ^-^ that'll be fine if I don't drown first(I know how to swim so that shouldn't be a problem) ^-^ Well I hope everyone has a good weekend ^-^
A Word Of Advice
Advice Giver: Sorry everyone I don't really have any advice today. That little monster almost killed me yesterday.
Me: A monster almost killed you yesterday? COOL!
Advice Giver: No! Not cool.
Me: It's no use too keep running. Lollipop?
Advice Giver: Sure! Why not?
Me: Well I don't know why not but I do know they taste good.
Advice Giver: Ya know it's not worth it. *limps out the door*
Advice Giver: *crash*
Me: stairs.
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Thursday, September 6, 2007
Ok it's official. I'm an idiot,moron,bakatera,or whatever you want to call me. During literature today I got a test back and I made a 64. My first F of the year. So we have a chance to bring up our bad grades. Well we have to write about two external andtwo internal conflicts that happened in our story. We just learned about those things I think yesterday. Well I forgot. So I asked Tamara and she told me that internal was inside and external was outside. So I asked inside and outside of what. She said the mind. So yes I'm an idiot for asking that. Well anyway, my day was boring....The End ^-^
A Word Of Advice
Advice Giver: Never lie to people.
Me: *walks in the room* Well it looks like your fine.
Advice Giver: No I'm not. I'm clearly in pain. *liar*
Me: Ok well anyway what if you are lying to save your butt like if you ate the last cookie and your brother asked you who ate the last cookie and you blamed it on the dog because you didn't want to get yelled at?
Advice Giver: Well sooner or later he'll find out so you'll still get in trouble.
Me: Ok well what if your friend asks you does this make me look fat and you dont want to hurt their feelings so you say yes I mean no.
Advice Giver: Well then that's a different story.
Me: But you just said never lie to people
Advice Giver: Well I dont have to explain everything to you.
Me: It might help.
Advice Giver: I'm leaving *jumps out the window once more*
Me: But the door was unlocked this time....
Ok this little picture is kinda like yesterdays but not exactly. Uh enjoy?
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Wednesday, September 5, 2007
My day?
Ok. Now in my last class people think i'm good at giving advice. I was like the only one who got a big round of applause out of like the entire class. I have homework again! I hate homework! My day kinda sucked. Choir costs like $75.00. Talk about rip off. On the bright side I didn't run into anything today ^-^ Well next year for highschool I have to go to one called GP. It is for upperclass people and my family is lower class. I have to go to a snob school >.< I call it hell. There will be too many preps and stuff which means I have to spend extra time on my look in the morning. Well I hope everyone elses day was better than mine.
A Word Of Advice
Advisor: Make the most of your life because you don't know when you'll die
Me: *sneaks in the room and locks the door*
Advisor: Eh? You! No! *runs for the door but finds it locked* You can't get out either!
Me Yes I can. I have the key. Now for my question. What if we are scared to do anything?
Advisor: Then sucks for you *jumps out the window*
Me: Later *waves*
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ok 4th time im getting tired of this lol
The rules are:
1. Post these rules.
2. Each person tagged must post 8 random
facts about themselves.
3. Tags should write a journal/ blog of these
4. At the end of the post 8 more people are
tagged and named
5. Go to their page and leave a comment telling
them that they're tagged
1. I have like 44 mangas
2. I love the computer
3. I love manga
4. I have a dog
5. I used to have a cat
6. I vacation in florida
7. I'll be going to GP next year its an upper class high school with a whole bunch of snobby people (in other words hell)
8. I hate school
People I tag
angel kitsune
JD Person
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Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Gah! I got tagged for the third time dammit!!! lol...
The rules are:
1. Post these rules.
2. Each person tagged must post 8 random
facts about themselves.
3. Tags should write a journal/ blog of these
4. At the end of the post 8 more people are
tagged and named
5. Go to their page and leave a comment telling
them that they're tagged
1. dazzle13 is like my big/lil sis(she's taller but i'm older ^-^)
2. I love the color black
3. I have a BF that I love to death(you know who you are)
4. I love the smell of vanilla
5. I love the taste of banana
6. I'm in choir
7. I have an older brothe and he is a pain in the kass
8. I get bored easily
People I tag:
Ekedo (hehehe)
M e d i c a t e d
Rurouni Kikyo
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