inuyasha luver118
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Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Hiya everyone!!!! Yes i'm happy today (you might nothear that much) well i guess I should start with what happened to me late last night..... Well after I got finished talking to my BF, I went to my room to watch tv... Well, unaware of a head of the bed plate in the hallway, I tripped over it, causing a loud *bam* It was right next to my moms room. I was in alot of pain, but I didn't want to get in trouble so I ran to my room and jumped in my bed and acted like I was sleeping. My mom ran out and was like "who's there?" I jumped out of bed and well told her the truth ^_- I told her I was using the restroom, the dog got out of my room, so I went to get her and I tripped over the stupid thing in the hallway. Lol. I looked at my foot and it was bleeding. So I told her in a calm voice that it isn't anything important it was just bleeding. So she got me a bandaid and then she went back to bed. After she left my room I was like ow ow ow...Lol. Thats what happened to me last night. Ok now for today.....I went to school and I have 54 problems to do in math for homework....The End ^-^
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A Word Of Advice
Advisor: Dont listen to other people
Me: *walks in the room*
Advisor: Ok i'm leaving *runs out of the room quickly*
Me: Eh? oh well *sits down and eats a lollipop*
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Monday, September 3, 2007
Need A Laugh?
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♥«´¨`•° Ashlea °•´¨`»♥
¸.·´¸.·´¨) ¸.·*¨)
(¸.·´ (¸.·´ .·´ ¸
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Tagged again!!!
LOL I got tagged again heheh
1. Post these rules.
2. Each person tagged must post 8 random facts about themselves.
3. Tags should write a journal/blog of these facts.
4. At the end of the post 8 or more people are tagged and named.
5. Go to there page and leave a comment telling them there tagged
1. My eyes always change colors
2. I'm right handed
3. I have some problems when it comes to talking
4. I talk way too fast
5. I'm 13 1/2
6. I love talking on the phone
7. I had heart surgery when I was 3 (I almost died)
8. I'm in 8th grade
japanese kitten
koga luver332
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Sunday, September 2, 2007
Sorry I wasn't on yesterday. I went over to a friends house to spend the night. Let's see yesterday I finally got to try pocky ^-^ It's delicious *licks lips* yumm.....I'm almoost out though and I got 2 boxes. >_< heh I'll just get more later.....I hope ^-^ *looks around* I ran into the wall today....I actually got hurt this time. I have the mark on my arm to prove it...Heheh......Anyway....I think I'm starting to lose it again...I can't seem to stay in this world. Now it seems I'm off in my own little world lol.....Well have a good day.
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Friday, August 31, 2007
Everthing Goes On When Nothing Goes On.
Don't ask me what the title means because I made it up *looks around the room* I woke up ths morning with a stomache ache so I might not eat much today. *cries* its hard because I love food. Heh. Anyway, I'm out of school today and monday because it's Labor Day Weekend. I got to sleep in ^-^ I was watching Inuyasha last night and well....I fell asleep during the second episode of the night >.< I don't know why I keep falling asleep. I don't feel tired but I keep falling asleep. Oh well ^-^
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I put 3 up because one is for today, tomorrow, and sunday. I might not be on because I will be very busy.
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Thursday, August 30, 2007
Yatta!!!!! OMG!!! I'm in choir!!! *jumps up and down* AHH!!!! I'm so freaken happy!!!! Let see I rab into a desk today and about two seconds later I ran into a person *looks around the room* heh... But I still made it!!!!! I was so nervous when I auditioned. Let see I was just fine at first then while I was singing I started shaking and I almost collapsed that's how bad I was shaking. ^-^' Heh. Anyway, I made my friends hurry at lockers and I ran to the music room to see if I made it and as soon as I saw my name I started yelling in japanese lol. I was so happy. I was jumping up and down and all three of my friends were trying to hold me down. lol.
Questions For You
1. Are you in any school activities?
2. What do you want to be in?
3. Do you like musicals?
4. Do you like singing?
5. Dancing?
6. When I say exquisite, what do you think of?(trust me that is the biggest word I know)heh ^-^'
7. Have a good day ^-^ *hugs you all*
Pic Of The Day
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A Word Of Advice
Advice Giver: Go for your dreams you might make it
Me: What if we don't?
Advice Giver: If you don;t have faith in yourself then you won't
Me: Ok, but you still didn't answer my question
Advice Giver: Your point?
Me: My point is I want you to answer my question
Advice Giver: Ok well if you don't make it then keep trying
Me: What if we get tired of trying
Advice Giver: You know what? This is ridiculous. I'm leaving *slams door behind her*
Me: Did I say something wrong?
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Wednesday, August 29, 2007
HEY EVERYONE!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!! I'm out of ISS now...YATTA!!!!!! I can't believe I made through there...And I didn't lose my mind...I almost did yesterday though....Anyway I missed choir auditions yesterday <.> but Mrs. Brett our music teacher came up to me while I was waiting for ISS to start and asked me if i'm in ISS tomorrow and I said no. She told me to see her in the music room tomorrow during homeroom so I can audition. She told me that she really wants me to be in choir. That made me so happy until I relized that I didn't know the song. So now i'm practicing my song until I get it right. Yes I am very determined....Well today went well....I was really happy and hyper(I had chocolate and glazed doughnuts with vault this morning for breakfast) hehehee....I'm so happy though. I hope everyone had a good day and if you just want to talk...well I'll be on all day and a little tonight ^-^
Questions For You
1. How was your day?
2. What is your #1 fav manga?
3. Who is your fav japanese singer?
4. What is your fav anime show?
5. I hope everyone has a good evening *hugs you all*
A Word Of Advice
Advice Giver:Never let a little bad luck ruin your day
Me: What if we don't believe in luck?
Advice Giver:Then don't let the little things ruin your day
Me: Does that include little people?
Advice Giver:No
Me: But what if they're are mean?
Advice Giver:Then ignore them.
Me: But what if they won't leave you alone?
Advice Giver:You know what i'm out of here!!! *leaves*
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Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Hey everyone. My day was another boring day like always. It's the ISS thing. It's starting to make me go crazy. I think i'm going to lose my mind. I haven't run into anything yet. That's why I think i'm starting to lose my mind. I wanna scream. Well today I left school three hours early. I have to make up those three hours thursday. Later.
(")(") bunny says hi
Random Pics
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Monday, August 27, 2007
OMG I though ISS was gonna SUCK well I got done with all of my work around 11am and then I had nothing else to do. Well they called me in to the office and they put a stack of papers in front of me. They wanted me to file them all. It was actually fun ^-^ I missed you all though. I have to admit I was bored and wanted to chat with my friends but I get to listen to their convo. hehehe they say some pretty funny stuff lol. I get to work in the office tomorrow and wednesday then thursday I get to go back to normal stuff tomorrow.
1. How was school for everyone today?
2. How was you day?
3. Do you like coffee?(stupid question sorry)
4. What's your fav movie?
5. Do you like Hannah Montana?
^. Have a good evening!!! *hugs you all*
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Laugh of the Day...
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I'll be back later for my daily post ^-^ see ya ^-^ *hugs you all*
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