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I'm not dead yet. That's the best achievment you can have.
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Pokemon and Sailor Moon
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| inuyasha luver118
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Sunday, August 26, 2007
Hi. everyone. I was going to be at church today but then my brother surprised my mom and me with a kidney stone and was screaming and crying since 5am.....I heard something and I was having a dream that I was watching a TV show so it didn't matter anyways I heard something and I shot up in my bed my elbow slammed against the wall...That was so not fun...So my morning beens like crap. I'll probably read a scripture out of my bible I don't know where my bible is though so I'll try my hardest to find it ^-^ I havent been to church in awhile because either we get sick or my mom has to work >.< I hope everyone has a good day ^-^
1. How was your morning?
2. Do you go to church?
3. Do you like church?
4. What religion are you?
5. Do you have any pets?
6. What is sober?(seriously i have no clue)
7. I hope everyone has a good day!!! ^-^ *hugs you all*

I was bored so I wanted to make an anime version of myself...Well its pretty close except my hair is brown not black ^-^
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Saturday, August 25, 2007
Hey Everyone!!!!

Hey everyone. I have a stomache today and I feel like im going to abchuck. It kinda annoys me. I think its because of me crying and being really overwelmed....I don't cry much and it takes alot to make me cry. So ISS isn't my thing. I want to get into college, but I cant do that with a bad record. I hope I can still get into college though.

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Friday, August 24, 2007
That's it I have had it with school this year. It's only my 5th day and I already got ISS(in school suspension) This girl who hates me(amanda) at my school told the VP and officer that I had a pocket knife at school. I almost got ALC. I haven't gotten ISS since 4th grade and I'm only in 8th. Now it's going to be on my permanant record for college. *sniff* I started balling my eyes out. It was all an accident. Lets see I ran into the wall earlier and the door slammed on me twice. The entire time I was in ISS today...I was thinking about my BF. *sits in a dark corner and cries* I have ISS till next thursday. I wasnt going to use the knife for anything bad I just forgot to take it out of my purse. One of my fav teachers saw me crying and being taken to the principles office and I just knew he was dissapointed in me. So in other words my day SUCKED!!!!!
1. Have you ever been in ISS or detention?
2. Have you ever had one of those days?
3. Has anyone ever been dissapointed in you?
4. I hope everyone's day was better than mine.
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Thursday, August 23, 2007
Im A Disaster Waiting To Happen!!!!!!!
Ok, well today during gym class we were leaving to go back to lockers and the door was closing. Well i slid through the door and it scraped half of my stomache. It made me spin and I slammed into the wall. I riqueshaded off that wall and slammed into the other one. I was surprised I could still walk. Then later on I ran into my desk on my way back to class. Yes I run into things that's why yesterday I was surpirised I didn't run into that pole(I almost did though). Other than all the pain I went through today(i'm used to it) my day was boring.
Questions For You
1. How was your day?
2. Have you started school yet?
3. Do you like school?
4. Apple or Banana?
5. Drawing or Reading?
6. Tv or Computer?
7. Milk or Orange Juice?
8. Are you bored?
9. Do you want more questions next week?
10. I hope everyone has a nice day.
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Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Ok, last night I took the dog out and when i do that i usually have a botan with me because around our neighborhood kids like me can get killed, kidnapped, or whatever. Well i take the dog behind the houses because she like "privacy". Well she spotted something and started going off. I screamed and started running. I tripped and hurt my ankle, but i kept running anyway. I was ready for bad guys well i wasnt ready for demon cats. After all of that happened i wanted someone to hold me like my dad used to when i usedto get scared over something like monsters under the bed. My dad would hold me and usually it would make me feel better. Thats what i wanted last night but i dont have my dad to hold me because he moved to florida >.< I just about cried yesterday because of the demon cat thing >.< yeah it shows how tough i am peh. Well today at school i was bored out of my mind i didnt trip,fall,get pushed around,made fun of or anything. But i did almost run into the wall because i usually dont watch where i am well i hope everyone has a great evening! ^-^
Word of the Day
"Ai" in japanese means "love"
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Tuesday, August 21, 2007
School today was boring. Lets see I got pushed around by people taller than me because they dont watch where they put there dumb feet. One of them ran me into the table and didn't even appologize. I'm really starting to hate school even more. Math was really easy today. I'm starting to wish that I didn't purposly fail that pre algebra replacement test in 6th grade. I wanted easier math because I'm a slacker. Well math is way to easy this year >.< We have an 8th grade prom this year. I don't know what I'm going to do. because I would like to go qith my BF but he doesn't come to my school >.< Well I hope everyone elses day was better than mine ^-^ *hugs you all*
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Monday, August 20, 2007
1. Are you excited about school starting?
2. What is your favorite subject?
3. Water or Soda
4. Sugar or Caffine
5. Bleach or FMA
6. Do you wake up early when school starts?
7. Have you ever been last for school by sleeping in too late?
8. Am I asking too many questions?
9. How do you like my site?
10. I hope everyone has a great day ^-^
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Sunday, August 19, 2007
I'm happy today and here are the reasons why:
1. I got highlights
2. School starts tomorrow(dont think im wierd if you do think im wierd then i saw F you
3. I got a BF(yay!!!)
4. I got the high school musical 2 CD
5. I have new outfits
6. I get to hang with highschoolers(my bro's friends)
7. My doggy is with me
8. I have all my friends in my homeroom this year
9. I get to get a job in 6 months
10. Because I feel like being happy!!!
I hope everyone else is happy ^-^
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Saturday, August 18, 2007
Story Time!!!!!!!
Answers to yesterday's questions!!!
1.Edward Elric-Full metal alchemist
4.Kyo-Fruits Basket
___________________________________ok this is a small little story that me and my friend did ^-^ now enjoy...please comment if you like it ^-^
"kagome, will you-" "nope" "but you dont even know what I was going to say"
"I don't care what your gonna say, go away," "hmph!"
"Miroku you'll never learn will you" Shippo asked "but I was going to ask for more ramen"
"Ramen? You weren’t gonna stroke her but?" Shippo said!” please shippo, you know I love Sango, I wanted that ramen that kagome has, its good!"
"Oh...HEY KAGOME!!!" "Yeah "Do you have anymore ramen?" "Yeah here you go Shippo" "thanks" Shippo takes it and gives it to Miroku. "thanks Shippo"
Inuyasha comes up behind Miroku and slaps the ramen out of his hand and takes it! "Inuyasha!" he cried!"Ha, this is mine!"Inuyasha started slurping it."Err! Inuyasha!"Miroku got mad. Kagome saw what was going on "sit!" she cried,” I gave that ramen to Shippo"
"and he gave it to miroku1" Inuyasha shot back!
"Grr...I never asked you!" Inuyasha hid behind Sango "she scares me" Shippo said...."aww sorry Shippo" kagome gave Shippo a lollipop. Edward elric walks by with winry rockbell and alphonse elric.
They see kagome with ramen and run up to her!” I want ramen!" ed cries!” I want some too1" al cries!" you 2 be more nice and polite, may I have some ramen ma'am" winry asked nicely. "no, get your own" Inuyasha cried. "you dog-eared freak, don't speak to her like that" ed cried."you shrimp,don't yell at me like that!" Inuyasha shot back.!" shrimp,i'll kill you!" ed cried swinging his fists!
Inuyasha grabbed ed’s fist and threw him into a tree. al gets mad and runs up to Inuyasha and bites him. winry runs after al with her wrench. ichigo pops in with orihime...the first thing Miroku sees is her chest. he forgets about winry and runs over to orihime. "will you please bear my child"
being the sweet and gullible girl she is she just stared at him but ichigo got mad and punched him in the face. "you sick son of a cow! leave her alone!" he cried. ed got up Inuyasha and the others sigh as Miroku does his same old thing. sango walks up to ed and offers her hand. "inuyasha, stop it, you've gone too far" kagome said. orihime looked down and saw Miroku looking up, at her skirt then kon popped out of ichigo's pack and jumped on miroku's head. "hahahaha!i am kon! cower before me!" Inuyasha started punching his head, ichigo laughed.
sesshomaru, rin, and jaken walk by and look at them in disgrace. "Inuyasha, you are an embarrassment to our family" "oh save the lecture for someone who cares" Inuyasha shot back.
sesshomaru glared at him then saw kon and orihime and ichigo. rin saw orihime and ran uop to her, she gave her flowrs and smiled. "you're pretty, can we be friends!" she asks, orihime takes the flowers and says "you're cute too,what's your name?" "rin" i"'m orihime, nice to meet you rin, she saw sesshomaru and ichigo looked at him."i don't like that guy, he's giving me a bad vibe. "ichigo said. "you too?"inyasha said."um...what's going on" kon cried jumping up and down on ichigo's head.
"wow! that guy is short for 15" kon exclaimed. ed looked at him then ran up to him and tried to tear him to peices. sesshomaru kept walking on. "umm lord sesshomaru." "yes what is it rin" "umm can we stay for a little while. I want to play with orihime" "rin, lord sesshomaru doesnt want to do that how could you ask him such a question" jaken said. sesshomaru hit him with a rock. "sure rin we can stay for a little while"
"thank you lord sesshomaru!" rin runs off to orihime!jaken glares at her.sesshomaru felt that and slapped him"i'm sorry lord sesshomaru."sesshomaru looks at orihime then sees ichigo walk up to him."i don't think i've seen you around here,"he said.ed was still chasing after kon who jumped on jaken.shippo tugged on sango's sleeve and saw Miroku lying face down on the ground,they started laughing.sesshomaru looks at kon."what is that thing?" he asked,"it's a mod soul,his name is kon,he's crazy,you want him." sesshomaru loked down at jaken.'no,i have enough crazy people in the group." he said.inuyasha punched ed and ed punched him back,"if I can't kjill that thing i'll just kill you,!" ed cried!he cam after inuyasha."you short little whelp1" he teased."what!!!!i'm not a shrimp!!" ed cried!
winry,kagome,sango,rin,and orihime went to the sacred tree and hung out there. they had enough of all the caus so they had girls time. Shippo wanted to come to because he didnt want to be with all of the idiotic men. the girls started to give each other makeovers and then they all had a pic nic.
Shippo went along with them and they gave him a makeover too.sesshomaru,ed inuyasha,miroku,ichigo,jaken,kon and al stayed and had their own little quarrel,they all started cursing and hit eachother,sesshomaru stared at them all and glared!"will you feebleminded bastards shut up!" he called out.everyone stopped and looked at him "you people are really pissing me off,and if you don't shut up i'll kill you all1" "i'd like to see you try1" Inuyasha said going over to him,you could'nt kill your way out of a paper bag!" "that makes no sense!" kon cried!" shut up you stupid plushy animal thing!" sesshomaru walked away to another side but they all followed him."you can't tell us what to do just who the hell do you think you are 1?" ed cried! "i'll kill you if you don't get out of my way!" sesshomaru said to ed,al gulped and walked away and ed stayed glaring at him."ae they goinna kiss?" kon asked ichigo.miroku and Inuyasha started laughing,sesshomaru punched them all in one swing.
the fight went on for a day and they all fell to the ground exausted. the girls and Shippo were sleeping because they felt tired.
orihime got up and searched for rin and saw her asleep next to kagome,she got up and saw ichigo breathing hard next to inuyasha,kon,miroku,ed,al,jaken,sesshomaru looked up at her,then looked back down,"um...where is rukia?" she asked him."who?" "oh,did she not come?" she asked."i guess not." he said back,ichigo looked up and smiled."hey orihime,what's up?"he said sitting next to sesshomaru."i was just hangin' around,rin fell asleep and I wanted to know if rukia came by." "oh,i don't think she's comin'" ichigo said glaring at sesshomaru."are you give me that dirty look all night,you wretched being." sesshomaru said to him."what,wretched being?what time period are you from?" "that is none of yur business," "you know I don't like you." ichigo said."that makes both of us." sesshomaru said.
inuyasha,miroku,ed,al,kon,and jaken were all sleeping. ichigo doesnt want to sleep and sesshomaru thinks he's too good to sleep. orihime yawns and decides to go to sleep tto. so she lays right next to rin and falls asleep. kirara comes back from her journey with Miroku and is tired so she finds Sango and sleeps right next to her.
sesshomaru and ichigo keep glaring at eachother,everyone was asleep and so were all the girls,eventually,ichigo walked away and fell asleep next to the tree next to him,sesshomaru sat up and stared at everyone,then found himself getting sleepy...
he started to close his eyes and before he knew it, he was asleep. and know the world is at peace...well for the night atleast...
created by inuyasha luver118 and sesshomaruluvr47
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Friday, August 17, 2007
which character said that?
ok im going to put down some phrases from anime shows and you have to tell me the character who said it and the show the characters are we go...
1. "Don't call me short!"
2. "You lecherous monk!"
3. "SIT!"
4. "Damn rat! I'll beat you one day!"
5. "I will not lose to Sasuke! Believe it!"
6. "You better figure out how to repay for my bike Ash Ketcham!"
please tell me who said those and what show they were from. yes some of them have names in them so that should give you a hint. oh an i wont posts the answers until tomorrow ^-^
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