inuyasha luver118
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Saturday, February 16, 2008
When I went to my site today my hit counter said a really huge number which makes me believe someone got bored. Since they took off how many site visits we get I wanted to put in a hit counter. I saw it frrom lordsesshomaru's site. Please don't play with it. Now on to today's real post. ^-^
Well, today I'm going to a movie. We are going to see the movie Definately, Maybe
It's just my mom and I.She wants to get away from the stress. OMG! There is this game that I love to play. It is called Okami. It is so much freakin fun! I have checked it out for three weeks in a row. My mom says she is going to buy i for me. So she asked her friend to ask the manager if I can buy it off of them lol. ^-^
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Friday, February 15, 2008
Hotels and Parties
Ok, well first of all...The title isn't what you think.
Yesterday I got picked up in a limo and then I went to a hotel with my friends. My friend Tamara was having a b-day party. We got two master suites. It was two stories and had a spiral stairway. Well, clumsy me was going up the stairs and then I fell, bruising my ankle that just got healed from getting sprained. I think I sprained it again because I can't move it. Pch, it never fails. I always get hurt. Then I was up until about 3 this morning talking to one of my friends' because she couldn't fall alseep either. Then around 8 this morning Tamara turned on all the lights and said get up. I woke up and went "ahh!" She started laughing. She scared me. If it was my mom waking me up I probably would have slap her by accident because my mom gets close to my face and says "WAKE UP!" But Tamara was far away from it so I couldn't. Well that was the party lol.
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Thursday, February 14, 2008
Well I don't feel well today but I'm determined to go to that party so I'm holding my head high in the darkness of my mind. Yes that was probably a dark saying but it is Valentines day. This is the day I dislike the most. I don't hate it I just dislike it because it is about love. Love is too dark. Love is dark because it makes people hurt inside. So today I'm wearing a shirt that says "Love Hurts" It is black with a pink heart bleading with and arrow through it. Yes it is an emo shirt but I really could careless. Today is just a dark day for me.......
OMG! I told my cousin that I cut my wrists when I'm depressed and she turned around and told her mom. Her mom told her to tell Mam-maw. Leslie said no and told her mom not to tell either. I just know that she will tell Mam-maw who will tell my dad and my mom. Then they will most likely not let me touch sharp objects. Grr......I don't want them knowing. *sits in a pitch black corner crying*
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Monday, February 11, 2008
Well, the title says it all ^-^ Now I'm going to tell you more ^-^
Ok, I spent the night with my friend and that night we started comparing our bras and undies.We were like, well mine has this, so! Mine has this. It was funny. Then she spent the night with me yesterday and we were talking to that "guy" that now knows my bra size. He asked us if I was straight and here's a little roleplay of it.
Trevor: Are you straight?
Me: Yes....I think....I don't know Tamara will you go out with me.....I'm kidding! I'm straight
Trevor: O.o Umm....Ok...........
Me: You still there?
Trevor: Yeah........................
Lol. That's what happened...Well for the most part.
That's all for now people's ^-^
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Friday, February 8, 2008
Ok my cousin is starting to get on my nerves! I thought she would have grown up by now! Ok this is what happened while I was gone. WARNING! INNAPROPRIATE INFORMATION FOR CHILDREN UNDER THE AGE OF...UH.....11..*nods head* YEAH Ok anyway...My cousin asked me my bra size and I told her then she went around my back and told this totally cute boy. He was like WOAH! O.O Only because my cousin is "smaller" Way smaller in that area. Then the guy gave me his number. He apparently doesn't know that me and my friends like to talk about guns and other things involving them.............Then last night my cousin started texting my mom's phone because it was the phone I was using. Later I'm going to tell her not to text the damn phone because I get in trouble for it....My cell phone has no more minutes because now I have a 12 year old stalker. He is my cousin's friend...Of course but he isn't the cute one....WARNING! INNAPROPRIATE THINGS OVER!
Well...Sorry I wasn't on the entire week. Here's what happened.
Monday Came home from school early because I didn't feel good because of the Super Bowl party I went to the night before
Tuesday No school and I decided to go to the mall
Wednesday Stayed at school all day then I came to get on the computer but the internet was down due to the big storm
Thursday Internet was still down
Today Well I'm on I guess that explains itself
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Friday, February 1, 2008
Sorry I haven't been on in awhile....I haven't really had anything interesting happen to me. Tonight I'm having a friend atay the night oh and tomorrow too. Tomorrow is also my b-day. Yay! ^-^ I'm turning 14 as of 2:35am ^-^ I even get to stay up for it ^-^ lol. Only because anime is on.
Ok today in art class we were supposed to draw something nice. I drew a plane crashing into a temple, and plane crashing into a mountain, then a person fall off the mountain, but he had a parachute...Until I made it a shot parachute...Then I gave the mountain an elevator...Then the mountain had ledges and that's what the guy fell on.......Hehehe ^-^
I got a giftcard to walmart in the mail and it HAD $60.00 on it....Until last night I felt like spending 30 of it....But really, what is there to buy at walmart....I'm still trying to figure that out.
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Thursday, January 24, 2008
*yawn* Gakt! I'm so tired. Well our phone doesn't work....Then again neither does most of the apartments where I live. I missed school today because they were having a field trip and I couldn't go because people in choir aren't aloud to go >.< They are evil! Well school was delayed two hours today anyway so I don't know if the people went anyway. It snowing!!!!! YAY! I'm so happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lol! Ok I'm about to change my playlist again. Do you people want it to stay the same or have japanese songs on it? Ok well please tell me ^-^ Thanks.
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Laterz ^-^
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Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Hey everyone....Gah! Today has been a tiring day and it's only morning! Well I won't be on later.....It's because the road iced over and yeah ^-^ Well I woke up this morning, ate breakfast then we were walking out the door when my phone rang. If I hear the phone ring I dart for it. So that's what I did. It was a phone call saying school was canceled so then I called my friend to tell her. ^-^ Lol.
My weekend was awesome! I went over to my friend's house on thursday and friday then she came over to my house on saturday and sunday. Well I got to meet her friend Jessica and her friend Ajulia and her friend Cindy. Well Jessica is awesome. So she is now my friend. ^-^ Yay! Me and Tamara went over to her friend Cindy's house. I would have rathered tried vadka. Actually I still wanna try vadka. Lol. When I'm older.......But I have tried alcohol and well...I liked it ^-^ Lol...
Laterz ^-^ *hugs*
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Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Well, Sunday I hung out with my dad and we went to the mall. I got a chinese fan ^-^ My dad gave me a french lesson and I gave him a japanese lesson ^-^ French seems really hard to learn! Well Monday woke up and my knee hurt like crap. My mom said it was swollen. That is so not cool! It still kinda hurts today. I left school early because of the "pain." Hehehe....It didn't hurt that bad but I am a type of person who hates school and will make excuses to get out of it. But I still pass every grade ^-^ Sometimes with flying colors. ^-^ Heheh ^-^ I get out of P.E. as much as possible too. There is supposedly something wrong with either my back, knee or ankle. Sometimes it's my bronchitus acting up. Tomorrow I get to get out of P.E. because of my knee. As for the game tomorrow...Well I kinda have to be there to perform >.< At least we get to chinese food and watch Phantom of the Opera ^-^ I like that movie ^-^ Lol. As for the food, I ordered Sweet and Sour Chickin and my friend is sharing doughnuts with me ^-^ My b-day is coming up soon! ^-^ Yay! All the excitement is growing in me and then it gets let out by fear. The fear comes from nighttime. When I wander the house when it is a little past midnight and no lights are on and the wind is blowing causing things to hit our house.....Very freaky. I stay in my room as much as possible. Anyways, my b-day is February 2. I'm turning 14. When my mom is able, she is going to take me down to chik-fillet and get me a job there and I have a feeling I didn't spell it right. Lol. Oh and my mom is going to give me driving lessons
^-^ Eeee!!!! I just have to try not to run the car into the building or off a bridge.....Lol......I almost did that before lol...
Laterz ^-^
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Thursday, January 10, 2008
Well last night I set my alarm for 3:40am so I could watch a show at 4 am. My finger must have slipped last night because it woke me up at 1:18 am instead. I looked at the tv to see what was on to watch in the meantime and their clock said it was 1:18 am. I was so freakin pissed off! I turned the tv off and changed my alarm again and this time I woke up at 4:30 am. I watche Eureka 7 and Inuyasha. I stuck with that because I was so tired. I hate alarm clocks. I wish my tv would wake me up instead. Well other than that, I have someone coming over to my house tomorrow after school so I'm not going to be on until next Tuesday. Because Monday I have to go to after school practice. And I very rarely get on on Saturdays. Hmm.....I rented a game Monday and I had homework on Tuesday and Wednesday. So I couldn't play it because I had buttloads of homework. It was hard too! Well today I don't have homework and we have to turn the game in today. >.< It just figures. I think next time I rent a game it's going to be over the weekend!
Ask The Girls
Ok so I said it was going to be posted on Mondays well it's posted today ^-^
And now it is time for: Ask the Girls. That's is where you state your problem and one or both of the girls answer it ^-^
Ok this question is from lordsesshomaru
Do you have any ideas for a good recipe involving pineapple and peanut butter?
Kaoru: Ummm.......The way I would eat that is bake the pineapple and the put the peanut butter over it....Like a cake ^____^
Kistuka: Ok, Kaoru that sounds gross! lordsesshomaru, try going to the store and buying some food.
Kaoru: He said he wanted a recipe! You could eat the peanut butter by itself follwed by the pineapple ^_____^
Kitsuka: I think that's the smartest thing you've ever said.
Kaoru: Actually I'm just reading this out of a book.
Kitsuka: *grabs the book* How to cook pineapple and peanut butter for dummies...Well they got the dummie part right.
Kaoru: Yeah ^-^ Wait- What?
Ok. If you want your problem or question to be answered then send me a PM and these girls will try to answer it the best the can ^-^
Kaoru: Mmm...Pineapple ^____^
Laterz *hugs you all*
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