inuyasha luver118
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Wednesday, January 9, 2008
I apologize for the post box and how it cuts off on peoples' computers. I shrank it for everyone ^-^ It was quite easy. First you- and then you- ok it doesn't matter I can show people better than explain. Anyway, for some reason I think my friend still doesn't like me.....She gave me this glaring look as she was leaving today and my friend behind me a smile and a wave. It's a little strange but I really could care less at this point. I'll just stay her friend despite my suspicians. O.o o.O ^-^ Well, I guess I haven't really told anyone what to expect for he New Year. Ok then I'll tell you now. Possibly some new drawings by me ^-^ New advice giver(There is a new one today ^-^) New funny pics ^-^ New backgrounds and more ^-^ (the more part means that I have no clue what else ^-^) Lol.
Advice Giver
Advice Giver: Well it's a new year. Maybe SHE is gone. *looks around* Anyway don't do anything stupid.
Me: *dangles from the ceiling upside down* Why?
Advice Giver: Because you m-m *looks up* AH!!!!!! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING UP THERE????!!!
Me: Just hanging around....You still didn't answer my question.
Advice Giver: Because you might get hurt!!!!!!
Me: *falls off the ceiling on to the hard floor* O-oww!
Advice Giver: That's what I mean. *walks out of the room quietly*
Laterz ^-^
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Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Doki Doki Majo Shinpan!!!!!
Yeah ummm....My new fav saying ^^^^^^ The heading says it all!! ^-^ Ok last time I posted I got a comment saying that a person didn't understand my post. I'm not naming anyone ^-^ Ok for that person what I was saying was my friend didn't want to be my friend anymore. It's ok though ^-^ Me and my friend are friends again
^-^ I can actually remember things now....Well only when I want to ^-^ Well today we had a test in American History and this is the first test I actually studied for and passed ^-^ YAY!!!!!! Hmm......What to rant about....*thinks* *something in the background explodes* Oops...Anyway, I turned on the television set around 4:50 this morning and there was this kid with a bandaged over his head. All of a sudden two robots fighting emerged from his head. I was still half asleep but I was wandering what the heck I missed. It's called FLCL. To me it's a little weird but I can see myself watching it
^-^ Ok I have nothing more to rant about so I'm going to go ^-^ Byez! ^-^
~*~ Ashurii ~*~
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Friday, January 4, 2008
Well, now I've really done it!!!! My BFFE is freakin pissed off at me. It's because I have a hard time listening because I usually zone out or I get sidetracked and because I can't rememeber things. I have a hard time remembering things no matter how much I try and listen. She told my friend Jenny that I better stay away from her at school today. So decided not to go to school all together. It was delayed 2 hours anyway so going to school today was pointless since there weren't many people there anyway. I wish I was a better person though. I can't help it if I can't remember things. So last night I talked to my ma-maw on the phone and she told me that everything was ok and that Monday I should walk into school with my head held high ^-^ Well right now my head is down but that is only because I didn't fll asleep until 3 am this morning and the phone wouldn't stop ringing around 9 am till 11 am and my alarm went off at 8:10 am and- well I think you get the point. Anyway, knowing that my friend is mad at me made me cry so much last night. Yeah so today my eyes are kinda droopy and I'm really tired. Anyone give me some advice on what I should do to help increase my friendship?
Laterz, *big hugs* ^-^
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Thursday, January 3, 2008
I changed my background... ^-^ Yay!!!!! They cancelled school today because it was snowing in Gatlinburg! Yes!!!! I slept in until 12:18pm today ^-^ I also stayed up to watch anime last night so I had a reason to sleep in. ^-^ I'm so glad there was no school today. I wasn't ready anyway and plus...My hair was all messed up >.< It was from all of the hairspray I put in it and then when I took a shower last night someone confinscated my shampoo so I had to use cheap shampoo so not all of the hairspray came out >.< When I found out who took my shampoo....It was my mom.....She put it back in the closet....When I get home tonight I am grabbing that shampoo and washing my hair good! Atleast it will be shiny ^-^ Oh and soft ^-^ Lol. Anyway.....I like a new type of anime ^-^ It's called Lucky Star It's awesome!!!! ^-^ The characters are so kawaii!
Picture Time
Enjoy these funny saying or pics ^-^

I hope you enjoyed that ^-^
Have a good day
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Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Well school starts back tomorrow....>.< Ugh! My friend can't make time for eme anymore. She is always hanging out with her BF! I hate her freakin BF! He controls her life now! He is a freakin NYA! My friend said I was treating her badly but it is the other way around...I don't feel as close to her anymore...We used to call each other sisters but i don't feel as we are that close anymore. *sits in a corner and starts crying* My b-day is in a month exactly! ^-^ Yay!!!!! I'm turning 14 finally!!!!!!! That's when my mom lets me get in the drivers seat! ^-^ Yay!!! And then next year I get my learners permit! But this year I get a job! ^-^ I'm so excited!!!!!!!! *jumps up and down* Well I hope everyone has a good day ^-^
Laterz *hugs* ^-^
" The light shines brightly through the dark window and lights up the room"
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Monday, December 31, 2007
Well It's the New Year- almost........Anyway I have changed my stie completely...I took away a few songs from my playlist ^-^ I changed the icons and the two that say add me and message....They work ^-^ And they are easier to see ^-^ I hope everyone has a Happy New Year and I hope everyone likes what I did to my site and it will stay like this until I have time to add more ^-^ Lol. I did the background special for today and tomorrow and I will change it Wednesday ^-^
Laterz ^-^ *hugs*
~Deserted Feelings Lurk In The Dark, You Just Have To Look For Them, If You Find Them Then Your Life Will Be Better~
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Friday, December 28, 2007
Cellphones belong in the water!!!!!!(Prepaid ones at the least)
So how is everyone? I still don't feel to good. I can barely breathe. People want to know whether it's going to snow or not and I can't tell them because I can't breathe. My gift is I can smell air. It probably sounds stupid but I can smell whether it is going to rain, snow, or hail ^-^ I can also predict when it will happen and I'm always right ^-^ But now I can't smell anything which makes it hard for me. Right now it's raining outside. But I would never know if I was blind, numb, and deaf. Anyway enough of that rant. What did you think of the title? Well I'm getting fed up with my phone. It doesn't have signal when I need it the most, it costs $20 for an hour($40 for 2), And it is so freakin small! Everytime I'm doing something on it, I end up pressing a wrong button or typing a different message than what I had planned. Not to mention it scares the life out of me when it goes off! The screensaver doesn't even work. What's the point in having one if it doesn't work? Oh well! I'll get a better one when I get a job. Take that prepaid phone companies! Hah! *clears throat* Anyway, has anyone been watching the Futurama marathon? I haven't........It's also on after Saturday! That makes me so freakin mad! They are making Futurama take over adultswim for the week......When Deathnote is supposed to be on and Inuyasha, Full Metal Alchemist, Blood+, Eureka 7, and Samurai Champloo are supposed to be on. I hate marathons...unless it is an all anime marathon
Ok all my rants of the day are over ^-^ Here's a pic ^-^

Laterz *hugs* ^-^
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Thursday, December 27, 2007
My Christmas sucked! You wanna know why it sucked? Ok this is why. I found out that me and my mom and my uncle were kicked out of mom's family just because my uncle's gay. I came home that day with a fever of 101.4 and to top it all of I have a very bad sore throat. I can barely swallow anything. Yep. My Christmas wasn't too good. I liekd the presents though ^-^ I got an anime tote bag. It's covered in nothing but anime pics ^-^ I got some other stuff but the tote was my fav ^-^ Oh I finally got a cellphone ^-^ Yay! If any of you want my number...well you have to be a really close friend.....I'm incognito ^-^ Lol. Anyway....I have a cold again >.< I hate colds....They really suck!
What did you get for Christmas?
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Tuesday, December 25, 2007
MERI KURISUMASA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok so I didn't think I'd be able to get on the internet on Christmas. Well apparently I was wrong lol. Well gotta run....Christmas presents are waiting lol.
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Wednesday, December 19, 2007
I freakin hate school dances! My two friends decided to abandon me at our dance today so I was alone. I collapsed once, and I feel really dizzy right now. I may or may not be on tomorrow. I'm going to a friends house ^-^ Yay!Saturday I'm hoping to go to Gatlinburg to visit Chayse. He is so hott and he likes me! Eeeee!!!!!!!!! I feel so lucky! Anyway......Christmas is in 6 days ^-^ Yay!
Have you ever wondered who was on Santa's naughty and nice list and the reasons why? Well weather you wondered or not I'm still going to tell you ^-^ The animes the names are from are as followed: Inuyasha, Full Metal Alchemist, Death Note and I think that's it ^-^
1. Edward Elric- Hurting innocent by-standers when they call you short.
Ed: But I'm not short dammit!
2. Sesshomaru- Going after Inuyasha and trying to kill him without any reason.
Sesshomaru: I had a reason. His exsistance counted for alot of it.
3. Light- Killing people and getting carried away with it.
Light: If only I knew what you looked like and your name.
4. Miroku- Being perverted and asking all women to bare your child.
Miroku: What I couldn't help myself. Will you bare my child? *Sango knocks him in the head*
5. Koga-Taking Kagome without warning.
Koga: What? That muttface doesn't deserve to have her!
6. Naraku- Using people and demons as puppets and trying to kill everyone and for looking creepy.
Naraku: *evil laugh*
1. Kagome- She helped Inuyasha when she could have run away.
Kagome: Well it was nothing really even though I almost got killed but that didn't stop me ^-^
2. Sango- Helping people and slaying demons.
Sango: I still don't know what I want for Christmas.
3. Shippo- Being a good kid and not hurting anyone.
Shippo: I want candy ^-^
4. Winry Rockbell- Keeping Ed in his place.
Winry: Oh it was nothing...Right Ed? *hits him with a wrench*
5. Inuyasha(just barely)- Hasn't tried to do any surprise attacks on anyone.
Sesshomaru: So he gets on the nice list and I don't?! Prepare to die Inuyasha!
Koga: What the?! That muttface got on the nice list.
Inuyasha: That's right! I'm good! *sticks tongue out*
Me: That can easily be taken back!
*Inuyasha shuts up and sits there*
And there you guys have it ^-^
Laterz *hugs*
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