inuyasha luver118
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Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Well....I'm not usually on today or on thursdays but I got my mom to let me on *glares at her and smiles evily* Anyway, my day today was boring. I've had a stomache all day. When I got home I was in the restroom for a little while -_-' I still don't feel to good. Well I was walking through the lunch line today and I was talking to my friend Jenny(koga luver332) and I turned around and rann into the pole right in front of me. The officer turned to me and said "Hey. There's a pole there" I started laughing my head off. Usually when something like that happens, I end up laughing at myself. lol. Well...I'm gonna go...I really don't feel good.
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Monday, October 8, 2007
I'm tired.....Well last night I painted my nails black. My mom is pissed off that I did that because...well...she just is. Lol. Today i'm wearing a black shirt, black skirt, black necklace, black nail polish, and i was wearing black shoes but i took those off cause i'm in the house. My day at school was ok...Really boring but ok...OMG! I LOVE YAOI!!!! You people can hate me if you wanna but I love the yaoi manga books. Thanks Matt for telling me about them *hugs* Well I hope everyone has a good day ^-^
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Saturday, October 6, 2007
Hi everyone. Yes i'm all sad and depressed today. (Then again i'm also half asleep) I'm watching pokemon right now. Later I might be going to Gatlinburg to look around and stuff like that. My mom said we might be able to go to the mall there so I can see Chayse. Yeah he just moved so I'm kinda sad, because he was one of my friends. I miss Matt though....I'm on the phone with him YAY!!! Well my day is a little better ^-^
Ok I just got back from Gatlinburg....I got to see Chayse and before I left he wanted a kiss on the lips and I was like um uh. My face turned really red. I was a little freaked out because I think kissing is gross. Plus I alrady have a BF and I don't want to cheat on him. Unlike alot of people, I have a conscience and it bothers me when I do bad things like that. That's why I'm depressed alot. Well I turned Chayse down and he was like, ok, so I don't think I'm getting rid of him so easily. >.< Well I hope everyone has a good day.
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Friday, October 5, 2007
Heheh....judging by the title you can probably tell that I got hurt once again...Well I did. I was walking inside the house and the screen door slammed into my head.Knowing me my eyes would start to water because of the pain, but they didn't. I ended up going AH!OUCH! Yes it hurt like crap, but I guess because I've had so many injuries in the past I just got so used to it. But it still hurt like crap! Well today at school we had choir practice for 2 hours. I kept tripping over my jeans(they were past my feet today) -///-' Heh....I fell about 4 times because of my pants. Well today I've been depressed and lonely. People now think I'm emo(Well I kinda am) Anyways, I just have alot of things on my mind so if I talk to anyone today, please don't try and cheer me up, because that usually just pisses me off. Well I hope everyone has a good day ^-^ *hugs you all*
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Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Ok. Well since I wasn't on I have a long post ^-^ Ok well yesterday I played more football with the guys and...well...I ended up practically breaking my middle finger. Since there were guys out there I didn't cry no matter how much I wanted too but I didn't want to seem like a wimo so I kept playing football. I ended up doing some bad damage to my finger. -_-' Hey, now I can flip people off by accident and not get in trouble for it. Hehehe ^-^ That's was practically what I was doing all day today.(Mostly to the people I hate) ^-^
Today, was boring. I'm lonely and saad. I'm also happy because this guy who won't leave me alone and won't stop asking me out is moving today ^-^ YAY! I'm so happy because I'm going out with Matt so I don't want another BF cause I'm not a cheater ^-^ Everytime this guy asked me out I said uh NO! And everytime I said no, this look went across his face. It was a WTF look and it was funny too. He told me he dunped his GF for me and I was like "aww that's so sweet" But when he asked if I would dump my BF for him I said "NO!" That's only because I love my BF ^-^ *shakes head* ^-^ I thought it was rude of him to do that and now I definately don't like him but he still likes me >.< I wish he would give up! Well I hope everyone has a good day.
A poem by me
Love is like a shadow
It never goes away
You fall in love
And then that's it
Love is also like a rose
It can fall apart easily
A broken heart is a terrible thing to have
Sorry. I'm not too good at writing poems, so please comment and tell me how I can improve it, oh and FYI it is a non rhyming poem. I'm aware of that. It doesn't rhyme because I'm not Dr.Suess.
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Monday, October 1, 2007
Ok well my day was alright. I was up real late last night thinking. Yeah you might not hear that much from me because thinking is something I don't do real often. Heh -_-' Well this morning I had a SOBE energy drink so it was supposed to wake me up and well it didn't. I was walking to thie music room and I started to fall asleep(till I ran into something) Heh -_-' Well anyway I was pretty much dragging all day. Well, when I left school, I was walking out with Tamara and her brother and half of my heal ran into the grass causing me to trip. So I ended up falling on the concreate and the frist thing I yelled was sh*t. This 6th grader(looked like one atleast) came over to me and was like "Are you ok?" and my face turned red. I was just like "umm I think....yeah im fine yeah" I injured my ankle and I'm supposed to play football later with a group of guys. Heh. This is gonna be interesting.
This is for Ekedo
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Hope you like it ^-^
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Saturday, September 29, 2007
Ok. I went to the store today and I got Inuyasha season 4 YEAH!!!!!!!!!!! So I get to watch that. Ummm I won't be on tomorrow >.< Rules SUCK!!!!! Well I don't really have much to write today...sorry. welp laterz......
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Friday, September 28, 2007
I'm not grounded anymore ^-^ Yay!!!! I'm free!!! Ok well today we had a dance. I fell about 5 times lol it hurt too!!!! lol. The dance was fun though. I learned the dance to Souja Boy ^-^ lol it's fun!!! Umm there is this guy who mis 14 and he won't stop hitting on me. It's starting to get annoying >.< I want to kill him. He keeps saying i'm pretty and stuff like that. I need someone to straighten him out. Hmm...Well I hope everyone has a nice weekend.
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Monday, September 24, 2007
I think i'm dead!!!!Or in hell!!!!
Well, it seems I can use the computer at the library but it's only for an hour. >.< I was so freakin' bored this weekend so I made alot of phone calls. Let's see. I called: (this is in order too) Mat, Maamaw, Mat, Tamara, Jenny, Ashtyn, Mat, Maamaw, Leslie, Mat, Tamara. That's it I believe. I think I started to annoy them I'm not sure. I called Mat the most though. Hehehehe. Well, I'm going out of my mind! As soon as I got to the computer I literally hugged it. I love you all!!!!!!! *hugs you all*
A Word Of Advice
Advice Giver: If your parents tell you to do something, do it!
Me: Take her advice! I'm about to kill myself without the computer(not really)
Advice Giver:You have no questions?
Me:Well, come to think of it-
Advice Giver:Nevermind! *walks off*
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Friday, September 21, 2007
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