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Saturday, October 16, 2004
dude man! It's been a LOOOOOOONG time! Sorry for not updating, or visiting peoples sites an' all that stuff. Just haven't been real motivated to update much^-^ *coughI'mlazycough* -_-
anywho, not much happening, school is good, I like this one guy, and all is well at the moment. No hurricanes seem to be attacking us (for the moment...), and I finally got to have my sleepover! yay! It kept getting cancelled because of the hurricanes, but at last I am permitted to have a social life! Huzzah! ok, I'm going now, and again, sorry for the lack of updates. See ya!
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Saturday, September 11, 2004
Well, today a lady at my apartments broke her ankle on our stairs, and my dad had to call 911. So she's at the hospital, and hopefully she's doing alright.
Anyway, I had lost track of the date since we've been out of school because of the hurricane, but I realized it was 9/11. It is so hard to believe it's been three whole years since the attack, because I remember that day as if it was yesterday. To those who lost a loved one that day, know that our prayers and love are with you. Our nation has grown stronger as we rebuild, and people have drawn closer in the memory of those who died, so they really didn't die in vain. Well, remember to honor those that died, and keep their families in your thoughts.
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Wednesday, September 8, 2004
I'm alive!!!!!
Well, I stuck out the hurricane, and it was pretty interesting. We just got power back yesterday, after losing it sunday morning. We didn't get a lot of damage to our building since other buildings took the brunt of the wind, but we are practically right on the waters edge, so it was pretty bad storm stuff goin' on. My dad and I even went out into the storm, and it was such powerful wind I got blown over by one gust that pushed me back, and I grabbed onto a sign to keep from blowing further or anything. It was pretty exciting, a huge adrenaline rush to try to walk into winds that blow so hard it sucks the air from your lungs! Yeah, and then I video taped a lot of stuff, though I didn't get to video tape a lot of when we went into the storm, cuz I ran out of batteries (and I couldn't recharge them since we had no power). So now I'm glad to have power back, especially air conditioning! The t.v. still isn't really working though, but oh well. At least I won't just fry, and I can eat more that bread and bottled water fo breakfast! WoOt! Well, that's all for now, I'll update again whenever I have the time or actually feel like it, lol. ttyl^-^
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Saturday, August 28, 2004
Not much going on, we're having a three-day weekend now^-^. My post is probably all lazy-sounding because I'm feeling sick, and I'm tired. I even slept in till 1:00pm, and I feel so tired. I think I got something from school, some people were complaining about not feeling well. @_@
Oh, for Karai's question, I play cello in our orchestra. Hopefully I'll get to start playing bass guitar as well sometime! My brother plays violin and electric guitar, and he is thinking about maybe starting a rock band sometime. WoOt, speaking of rock, I've recently gotten a new favorite band! Incubus is awesome^-^! I kidnapped my brother's Incubus cds after I heard their stuff on our roadtrip, since we put in cds while we were driving around. Anyone else like Incubus? I love them^-^. I also like Switchfoot, and hopefully I'll get their cd 'The Beautiful Letdown' sometime.
Well, that's all I'm typing for now, so ttyl and have a nice day!
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Friday, August 27, 2004's been a while, hasn't it?
Wow, I really haven't updated or even been on myotaku in a long time...I didn't really feel like that an ok excuse, along with being plain lazy? X_X
Not much going on, highschool is fun. I've met some cool people, and seen some of my friends from middle school. Yay, and Geometry is EASY! The teacher is nice, but she has a really lame sense of humor: *"If you don't know what a square looks like, you need to go back to SQUARE one!" wink wink!* She uses the same jokes for every period too! I'm first period, and later I heard people from other periods talking about that joke.
Um, the class with the most people I know from my old school is, of course, in orchestra. And it's so fun! Our director is like insanely funny, he's crazy^-^
Well, I could type more, but I'm gonna go now, lol. I'll talk to ya all later, and sorry I didn't update for so long! laters^-^
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Monday, August 9, 2004's been a while...*coughcough*
Sorry I haven't updated or visited sites in so long! Forgive me!!! I was busy with all the stuff in Missouri, though we made it back to Florida about a week ago. I just felt too lazy to get on myotaku and update...bla. SO yeah, I'm here now though! Forgive my laziness^-^
The wedding was beautiful. As you know, I am the sister of the groom, and was a bridesmaid in the wedding. Basically, I woke up EEEAARRRLYYY to go get my hair all done up, and then I went with the other bridesmaids to the church, where we got our dresses on. Then, we went through two hours of Well, it wasn't so bad, and I got used to all the posing after a while, lol. Of course, the groom couldn't see the bride until after the wedding, so it wasn't until after the ceremony that we got to pose MORE in millions of pictures with groups of the wedding party, families, the couple, etc etc etc etc etc.........@_@
Well, during the ceremony, I was struggling so hard not to cry, seeing as how I had to stand up there at the stage with the rest of the wedding party, but it was hard. It got to the point where I couldn't breathe, or I'd start sobbing or whatever. It was pretty embarrasing, since I don't usually cry in public like that; but I respond to other people's emotions very easily, and the whole chapel was packed with emotional people...I could feel the emotion in the room, it was so solemn, yet joyous at the same time. So, the emotion stuff was added onto the realization that MY BROTHER was getting MARRIED; and I just couldn't hold it in^-^. Besides, the slideshow of Seth and Haley showing them growing up, and then together as a couple, was heart-wrentching, and my dad and Zach got teared up during that too. But what really got me was when Haley was saying her vows all choked up and teary with joy. I held it pretty well during the ceremony, and when we walked out into the reception area. But then, as I thought of Seth, my oldest and now married brother, I lost it, and he gave me a huge hug as I sat there sobbing a bit. I got it under control fairly soon after, but not before my cruel family took a picture of me crying with my own camera, those eviiil peoples! Um, and then there were more posing pics, and then I got to eat at last^-^ eggrolls...yumminess^___^
I am so proud of my brother and his wife ^______^! *jumps around insanely* WoOt! They're married now!!!!!!!!!
Um, so now I'm at home, being lazy...did my highschool registration the other day, but the stupid peoples messed up everyone's schedules and it's really pissing me off...but I'll get it straightened out^^. Wow, I start highschool Tuesday! It's hard to believe...I'm so excited, I can't wait to see all of my friends^-^ I think I'm ready to go back to school, minus the waking up part...But I think I've vegitated enough this summer...*drool* Yeah, I need something to get me out of my steamed vegitable state...
Well I gotta go now! I hope this post was long enough for you all! *laughs eviiiiily*'ll all be transformed into steamed vegitables by the time you finish reading this post! BWAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAhahahahahaaaaaaaaa........... . . . . *evil laughter fades*

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Friday, July 30, 2004
bla bla
We just had the rehearsal for the wedding, and it was fun. Earlier today I helped decorate the church, and it actually looks really nice, though at first I thought there were a few corny things. Wow, I can't believe it's all finally coming together...But it's going by fast. We've been hanging out with Seth when he's not at work or busy with wedding stuff, and I'm glad to be with him^-^ We play a lot of X Box and stuff, and he has tons of dvds. He's planning on taking us to see King Arthur sometime, and it's been cool just hanging out and catching up.
Well, thanks for your feedback on my last post, but it was pretty deprssing, lol. I just don't know why the pics showed up ok on my computer in Florida; I can't believe it's looked like this the whole time! I guess the problem is how I save it; should I save a pic as .gif or something? My computer automatically saves them as .art unless I tell it otherwise, but when I saved it as .jpeg one time, it didn't show up @__@! I'm pretty confused, lol.
Well, that's it for now; I think I'll get rid of the faulty images, and I was wanting to do a color change anyway, though the purple isn't that bad Himura, lol^-^ Later peoples!
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Wednesday, July 28, 2004
Hello from my brother's house in Missouri!!!
Well, as the title says, I'm at my brother's house right now, and I thought I'd check in on my otaku page....but something is really bothering me- on my computer, the colors on my site match better, and the pics show up, but on this one (which is way better than mine), the colors look weird, and all my pics are just little white boxes with red X's in them O_O! Tell me, do the pics show up on your screen, or are they messed up like on this one??? I'm going to be so embarrassed if it's looked this bad all along and I didn't even know...It may have something to do with how I saved them as .art; maybe it should be .jpg or .gif...Please tell me what it looks like, so that when I get back to Florida I can fix it if it's messed up, okay? Thank you! I'll try to see what I can do about the colors; does it look like the sidebar is purple or something? It looks like that on this, but it looked like dark blue on my computer O___o'...I know my computer was crap but I didn't know it was this bad!!! Well, I'll appreciate your feedback, and I'll talk to ya all laters!
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Saturday, July 24, 2004
Stuff changed!!!
Hey everyone, sorry I haven't visited myotaku in a while, I just hadn't felt very motivated, but I'm back now! Well...actually we're leaving tomorrow, like at 3 or 4 AM, to start driving to Missouri for my brother Seth's wedding; so I won't be here for about a week or more O___o' It's pretty funny though, because I could just stay up all of tonight, watching Adult Swim until it's time to go. I mean, I usually have stayed up to about 4 AM most of this summer, so what's the difference? I could probably get some sleep in the car, and I know it won't kill me because I'll be so hyper and awake, because I get excited about road trips^-^ We'll see, but I should get a little sleep, at least.
Then when we get back, I have a week to get my highschool registration in order, and then it's back to school! I'm pretty excited about going to highschool, and seeing my friends, making new ones, blablabla. It's going to be really fun, but with school I won't be able to update myotaku quite as much (but hey, I already slack off with it, so you you probably won't even know the difference, lol^-^).
Well, it turns out we won't be getting a puppy when we get back... ;_; the whole point of waiting till the summer was so we'd be able to spend time with the puppy, but stuff came up, like Zach's month-long trip and Seth's wedding+graduation from college. So, hopefully we'll get the puppy fairly soon, probably at least before Winter break...*fingers crossed*
Oh yeah! the title of the post is "stuff changed!!!" because I just got on, and now there is this private message thingiemabob! How cool is that! I already got some pm's, though when I got on I was pretty suprised when I saw the pm thing^-^ I guess they've been continuing to add new features, and it's very keeeeeewl^_______^
Oh, here's a news flash: visit my friend inuyasha princess, because she is finally updating again now that she's no longer grounded! Visit please!
Well, that was a long post, and hopefully it makes up for my slacking off...hehehe....Well, I guess this is goodbye for now; I'll see you all when I get back from the trip!

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Monday, July 19, 2004
muahahaha! I got an A on my first try when I didn't know what the heck was going on!!!
 I did it in 14 seconds. I deserved an A!! Take the How Dexterous Are You? Quiz!!
WoOt, and here's my second try:
 I did it in 5 seconds. I deserved an A++!! Take the How Dexterous Are You? Quiz!!
hehe after those I lost my touch, but oh well^-^
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