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Cowboy Bebop is pretty cool
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reading, writing, tennis, soccer, drawing , street hocky, painting, history, soon karate, chillin w/ ppls
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| inuyashacrazygurl
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Monday, July 19, 2004
hey, this is pretty cool^-^
Well, not much going on lately. Tomorrow we all have to wake up early for what my mom calls a cleaning "party". In other words, we're doing tons of chores in the house early in the monring.... -_- yep, my definiton of a "party". Oh well, guess it's gotta be done before we're living in a pig sty. Other than that, we're prepearing for the wedding I guess. I can't wait, I just really feel like going on a roadtrip^-^! It'll be really good to see my oldest brother Seth, and all the other ppl that are back in Missouri. It'll also be nice just to go to Missori, I've missed it a lot! Well, gotta go, so later peoples!
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Thursday, July 15, 2004
 Your a chinchilla:
Super cute and adorable, groomed to be the fuzzy master!
Your the FUZZIEST!!!!!!!! You have so many layers of fuzz you cant even find your own feet. Your cute and proud of it, so fuzzy and outgoing, no wonder people like you! And just look at those whiskers! =^_^=
=^_^= What fuzzy animal are you? =^_^= {-With Pictures!-} brought to you by Quizilla
 Bai Hu - Tiger!
Mythological Background: The tiger is associated with strength and the desire for a challenge. It is also associated with hope to win, or rather, the blooming season. It is also linked to meandering, or the ability to be in contact with a lot of aspects. The tiger also stands for war and soldiers fighting to the end, for the sake of their country.
Which Chinese Mythological Being Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
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Wednesday, July 14, 2004

ok, this is one of my favorite songs, so enjoy!
We turn away to face the cold, enduring chill
As the day begs the night for mercy, love.
A sun so bright it leaves no shadows,
Only scars carved into stone on the face of earth.
The moon is up and over One Tree Hill
We see the sun go down in your eyes.
You run like a river on to the sea
You run like a river runs to the sea.
And in the world, a heart of darkness, a fire-zone
Where poets speak their heart then bleed for it
Jara sang, his song a weapon in the hands of love.
You know his blood still cries from the ground.
It runs like a river runs to the sea.
It runs like a river to the sea.
I don't believe in painted roses or bleeding hearts
While bullets rape the night of the merciful.
I'll see you again when the stars fall from the sky
And the moon has turned red over One Tree Hill.
We run like a river runs to the sea
We run like a river to the sea.
And when it's rainin', rainin' hard
That's when the rain will break your heart.
Oh great ocean
Oh great sea
Run to the ocean
Run to the sea.
Here's some background info on the song:
"The song is named after the highest volcanic hill in Auckland and was dedicated to Greg Carroll, who had become Bono's personal assistant after the September 1984 concerts in Auckland. Carroll was killed in a motorcycle accident and his funeral was held in Wanganui, New Zealand on July 10, 1986. The lyrics 'Jara sang his song a weapon, in the hands of love / You know his blood still cries from the ground' referred to the Chilean folk singer/songwriter Victor Jara. When dictator Pinochet overthrew the government, Jara was tortured by having both his hands cut off and made to play the guitar while he bled to death."
Sad, isn't it...
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Monday, July 12, 2004
The story of Zach's return
Well, I woke up early Saturday morning to hop in the truck with my dad to drive over to the airport. We got there all right, Early in fact (his flight was supposed to get there at 2:30 pm). We looked at the board thing that shows departures and arrivals, but his flight wasn't listed! So we stood there, me and my dad, not sure what to do. We wandered over to the place you go through to get to the gates, but I realized we needed to get a pass, besides the fact we still didn't know what gate to get him we went back to the board, and there was still no listing of his flight. So we wandered around some more, until my dad finally asked a lady who worked there what to do, and she told us where to get the pass, which would also tell us what gate to go to. She also told us his flight had arrived about a half hour early. So, we got the pass, went through the security, and debated whether he would still be at the gate or the baggage we rode the shuttle train to his gate, rode BACK because he wasn't there, and made our way with a large group of people who had just gotten off their flight to the baggage claim. Of course, annoying people tried to give us tourist pamphlets and stuff, but we dodged them and escaped to the baggage claiming. There, I just happened to see a guy sitting, with a guitar leaning against his chair, and then I looked away absently. Until I realized what a moron I was, and then I did a double-take and yelled something out in surprise. It was Zach! So we were all jumping around talking and being hyper, and tourists were looking at us like we were insane or something.The ride home wasfun but I had to sit in the middle of the front and only row of seats in my dad's truck, squished between them with the stupid stick-shift right in front of me. I'm just glad my brother is back now, and everything is back to normal^-^
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Saturday, July 10, 2004
Zach is BACK!!!!!
Zach (my brother who was on the month long trip) is finally back! I'm really glad he's back! In fact, I typed out the whole story as a post just a moment ago, but as I was finishing, the damn computer just decided to shut down. Yeah I'm pissed, it was a very long thing I typed out...So, I don't feel like re-typing it right now, but I promise I'll tell you guys the whole story later^-^. I just have to get over the desire to beat the %*$* out of my stupid computer...*eye twitches* It always does this to me...always does something stupid when I'm typing some long thing...
ok, so I'll post about it later, k? Yay, I'm just so glad he's back!!!!!!!

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Monday, July 5, 2004
Well, my Forth of July wasn't as boring as I thought it would be. We didn't do anything, but when I took the trash out last night, people all over the apartment were shooting fireworks off, and they were really good fireworks! So basically, I free-loaded off of other people's fireworks...hehheh. Then I watched the end of that Boston Pops thing on t.v, they have pretty good fireworks.
Hm, I have a few quesions for you guys...
1. have you ever seen Bill and Teds Excellent Adventure? I love that movie, it's so freakin hilarious, and so is the sequel.
2. what do you think of the movie Fahrenheit 911 that's coming out? Personally I think it will be great, and I really want to see it...^-^ hey, you know I don't like Bush.
Well, I was just curious, so post if ya want! Bye^-^

Aw, Kouga's blushing, so cute!^-^
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Sunday, July 4, 2004
Happy Forth!

Happy Forth of July peeps! I probably won't do anything overly exciting, but oh well.
did anyone see the Inuyasha episode last night? it was so funny, when there werer those giant copies of Inuyasha and Kagome, and Inuyasha talks about the one that looks like him: "HA! That proves it's a fake!" and then he mutters, "fake, yet enviable..." I just thought it was so funny^-^ Yeah and so now I understand where my last pic of my intro is from, I always thought it was a funny pic, and now I saw the episode! Well, I'll talk to you all later if I think of anything to talk about...Have a nice day!
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Friday, July 2, 2004
good ol' random quiz thingiemabobs!
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I was played da fool
yep, that's right friend got me with her new screenname! She used the screenname I had never seen, saying "heya sexay!" and "wanna see some pics of my wild self?" I got SOOOOO FREAKIN PISSED at the 'stranger'. I was all like, "leave me the &*#@ alone!", but the 'stranger' kept harrassing me, so my cussing and stuff just got worse and worse. Well, and then a seperate IM box comes up, and it's my friend, and I told her about the "jack@$$" who was harrassing me, and she said "oh, that sux, I hate those people". Then I called the stranger...uh...something else I wouldn't repeat...and my friend replied, "you shouldn't call a friend a (insert word here)!" I was very mad about it, but glad it wasn't a real phsyco person IMing me...still, I feel really stupid...reallyreallyreallyreallyreally stuuupid.....-_-
Well, you should know that I don't go around being so mean to people, but I was being harrassed! And I'm really paranoid about talking to strangers and all on the internet...It was even hard for me at first to join the otaku, because my mom constantly hammers the paranoia stuff about strangers into my head.
Well, I was played da fool this time, but rest assured: I shall get my REVENGE!!! >:D

MY STORY OF REVENGE!!!(use MY 'translation' with manga thingiemabob above)
Me=Inuyasha, Fluffy=my friend :::kukuku:::
IY: You could you set me up like that!!!!!!
FLUFFY: It was simple. You are so paranoid and gullible...I laugh at you! LMFAO :D hahahahaha!
IY: WHAT!?!?! I'm not THAT gullible! Paranoid...yes...but not GULLIBLE! >:O You shall PAY!!!! YAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!
And that is how it shall happen...except that's more like the pre-revenge thing....and there will be a lot more of me not sounding like an idiot...yeah...SO THERE!
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Thursday, July 1, 2004
Wow! Look, she updated! It's a miracle!
Hello all, sorry I haven't updated in a while, but it took while for anything interesting to happen, lol. Well, Zach is coming back Next Saturday! Not the one we'll have this week, but the next one. I'm so glad!!! I've been fighting with my little brother, but I talked to him and we made peace. He just gets on my nerves sometimes, but we're getting along now^-^. Yay, Zach will be back! Then, about a month later we have the wedding, and we'll drive all the way from here to Missouri. Then we'll finally get a puppy, about a week before school starts. There's the master plan of the remaining summer!
Yay, today I bought a Cowboy Bebop manga! It's 4 little compiled things, based on the show, but not in the actual show. My little brother got the first Yu Yu Hakusho manga, and I was reading it, it's good^-^. Ok, I gots to go, so I'll talk to you all later! Bye!

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