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| inuyashacrazygurl
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Monday, June 28, 2004
Ok, my mom kicked me off the computer, but she let me back on now, so here I am! Well, there's not a whole lot going on; still bored, as usual. Well, the other night I watched this special obout Guantanamo Bay, where the prisoners are being kept. It just set me against Bush even more so than before! There are men in there, losing their minds, because they don't know if they will ever leave. You may say, "well, they're just terrorists, so who cares?" But that is not necessarily true. There are several men in there that are not terrorists, yet have not gotten to plead their cases in court. One group of men who were captured were only at the place where they were captured because they were helping poor refugees on the border. They're not terrorists, yet they have been stuck at Guantanimo Bay since the beginning; like 2 and a half years, unable to plead their case. And the conditions over there aren't very good; the Geneva convention could quite possibly be being infringed, with mental torture and some physical.
Luckily, there was a ruling today saying people held at Guantanimo could appeal their imprisonment! Yay! They can present their cases in U.S courts, and innocent guys could go home at last. As you could guess, this is a major setback to the Bush administration, who wanted to hold them for "an indefinite" amount of time (aka however the hell long they felt like holding them).
Ok, sorry about my political tirade, I just have to let it out now and then, lol.
These terrorists who keep killing hostages just make me sick. I can't understand how a human being could do such a thing to another person. It isn't even accomplishing anything at all! Their people are completely against it too! No one deserves to go through something like that. Do you think maybe thet're getting payback for what some crazy U.S soldiers did to those Iraqi prisoners? Blah, those U.S soldiers who did that make me sick too.
OK, I'm officially done with my political tirade!! hehheh, I couldn't help it, my mom had the news on, lol^-^.
Well, I had a weird dream last night! In the dream, I just came home from whatever, and Zach was home. I was like, "hey, when the hell did he get here?" And we all just took it like it was completely normal. Then when I woke up, I didn't realize he wasn't really here till I came out into the living room, and then it hit me and I was like, "crap." lol^-^ Yeah I miss him, but we got to talk to him on the phone and stuff, so that's good. He seems to be enjoying his stay, and he told me about him spending most of the day at the beach, and him jumping poor unsuspecting crabs (he lets them go though)^-^ lol!
Well, this post is like way too freaking long, but I guess it makes up for the last few days you got nothing, right^-^? okies, bye!

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Friday, June 25, 2004
How to make a Ariel |
1 part intelligence
1 part humour
1 part energy |
Method: Add to a cocktail shaker and mix vigorously. Add lustfulness to taste! Do not overindulge! |
Personality cocktailFrom
Hey I think it kinda describes me
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Well peoples, I am pretty bored in general, the only interesting stuff lately is Adult Swim and the internet. Yeah I joined this gaia online thing, it's pretty fun, it's a forum thing. Oh, and I got to talk to Zach on the phone a few times, yay!!!! I miss him a lot ;_;
Hope he gets to come back soon^-^
okay, since I have nothing else to say, I'll give you more song lyrics! Oh joy!
Frail by Jars of Clay
Convinced of my deception
I've always been a fool
I fear this love reaction
Just like you said I would
A rose could never lie
About the love it brings
And I could never promise
To be any of those things
If I was not so weak
If I was not so cold
If I was not so scared of being broken
Growing old
I would be...
I would be...
I would be...
Blessed are the shallow
Depth they'll never find
Seemed to be some comfort
In rooms I try to hide
Exposed beyond the shadows
You take the cup from me
Your dirt removes my blindness
Your pain becomes my peace

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Wednesday, June 23, 2004
Hello, sorry for the lack of updates and visits to people's sites, I just was too lazy I guess, but now I'm back! ^_- Well, the other day I saw Harry Potter, and I think it was pretty good, though it could of had some parts done better. I really liked the bird/horse thingie, it was coooool!Overall I guees they movie was good. Oh, and yesterday (this is still the same day feeling for me since it's 1:35AM right now, but technically it was yesterday...) we got a truck for my dad to use to drive to work and soccer stuff. It was hard when we only had the van, so this makes it easier. It's an old truck with stick shift, and we got a good deal on it, 7 hundred-something dollars. It has new tires and a new oil change, so we got quite a deal^-^! Eh, stick-shift makes me nervous though, especially since my dad's not used to it...once when he was driving one in Missouri, we were on a slope, stopped for traffic, when it started rolling downhill backwards! Luckily my dad got it under control, but it scared the shit--aki mushrooms outa me O.O! Yeah, and this one was a bit tricky to handle too so...let's just say I'll avoid riding in it for the most part...hehehe I'm so chicken...*cheepcheep*
Well I am gonna go now, sorry if I didn't visit your site, but I'm tired so I'll try to visit tomorrow! bye people! *waves farewell*

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Sunday, June 20, 2004
fetus dudes
I finally got around to adopting some of the little guys^-^ Here they are!
I adopted a cute lil' viking fetus
from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!
I adopted a cute lil' January birthstone fetus
from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!
I adopted a cute lil' monkey fetus
from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!
I adopted a cute lil' mummy fetus
from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!
I adopted a cute lil' kitty fetus
from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!
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Saturday, June 19, 2004

Well hello there! Yeah I am hyper, and I'm lovin it! ^-^ Well, today I woke up at a semi-resonable time for once (9 am), and we walked across the causeway. It's a big bridge that goes across an inlet that's connected to the ocean. It was cool, I saw a dolphin and a manatee! I had lived here for a few freakin years and I still hadn't gotten a good look at a dolphin in the wild here until now! Sure, I'd seen them in the distance, but this time it was cool because we were right above it on the bridge looking down on it. As for manatees, I've seen a lot, I've even petted wild ones...well, wild as in not in a zoo. It was at this dock, and the manatees would come right up to you because other people broke the rules and fed them lettuce and stuff. Of course, I probably shouldn't have pet it...*nervous laugh*...but it was worth it. It was a once-in-a-lifetime moment!...well, technically, it was more of a walk-down-the-street-to-the-dock-to-harass-wild-animals-anytime moment...but who wants details! *maniac laugh*
Weeeeeeelllll...I have very important*cough*business*cough*to tend to*coughcoughliar*!!!

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Friday, June 18, 2004
blah blah blah
Hm, I'm bored and hyper! I went to this cool anime store with lot's o manga, but they didn't have the Inuyasha music I was looking for! *grumble* I can't find those freakin things anywhere! I'll have to buy them on the internet or something, along with the movies I guess *more grumbling*. Uuuhhhhhhhhhhh........So yeah, does anyone know a good online store that sells anime stuff and won't cheat me out of my money by sending me an empty box or something? I'll give ya a eh?
ok well I'm done talking now, sorry to the ppl whos' sites I didn't visit yesterday or the day before, because my computer was being stupid (what's new -____-'). Can you forgive poor lil me? Oh yeah, didn't I say I was done talking? I talk too much...*screams in head* SHUT UP NOW!!! *scampers away in fear* What the hell? Did I just scamper away from myself??? *other Ariel shrugs*...Okies, talk later!

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Wednesday, June 16, 2004
Not much going on, that's why I didn't post or visit people's sites yesterday, sorry! The other day, I had to go to the dentist (-_-oh yay, exciting, I know). Yesterday I went to the seamstress to get my dress for the wedding fitted better, 'cause it was way to long; and then we went shopping for my dad's birthday, which is today (happy birthday, dad^-^)! GAH! These last few days, my little brother has really been pissing me off. He just has to argue about every little thing! For example, he was having some trouble wrapping when we were wrapping presents, so I tried to help a little, and he blew off on me about "telling him how to wrap presents" or something. It was definitely better when I had Zach around for backup, lol. I really miss him!!! I hope he gets to come back soon. Don't get me wrong, I love my little brother, but we don't mix well when he's being annoying and I'm in a bad mood (both of which seem to be the case a lot lately, lol). Well, I'm going to visit people's sites now, so I'll post later! Bye!

Yeah man, Kouga is the coolest!
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Sunday, June 13, 2004
YES! We called my brother Zach (the one on the month-long trip) and I got to talk to him! Everyone in the family took turns talking to him. He told me about the flight and stuff, and said it actually wasn't too bad except for the landing at Reagan airport, because he said it looked like they were flying straight down into the Potomac River! O.O Scary! That's the same thing my mom said when she flew to that airport on a trip. Well, everything's going alright with him, and I'm happy I got to talk to him ^-^
Oh yay, look at my signature!

It was kindly made by rain shower, to whom I am eternally grateful. Thank you! ^-^
Well, it's really late at night, and I keep making really stupid typos...I corrected some, but if u see a dumb typo, you know why. *yawn* I better go to bed, so bye people!

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Saturday, June 12, 2004
this stuff's kinda accurate!
This one, my actual name, really describes me pretty well:
A | Awesome | R | Relaxing | I | Inspirational | E | Elitist | L | Lazy |
Name Acronym Generator From
now this one, my user name, could kinda be me, but notice the part of my name that just says 'inuyasha': doesn't that describe Inuyasha perfectly!?! O.O coooooooooool...
I | Intense | N | Neglected | U | Useful | Y | Young | A | Adventurous | S | Sensitive | H | Hot | A | Amazing | C | Crazy | R | Radical | A | Altruistic | Z | Zippy | Y | Yum | G | Good | U | Useful | R | Revolutionary | L | Lively |
Name Acronym Generator From

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