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varsity tennis team
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Cowboy Bebop is pretty cool
draw realistic ppl really well, greatly improve my tennis game, take karate, run, publish a novel or something someday, travel around the world
reading, writing, tennis, soccer, drawing , street hocky, painting, history, soon karate, chillin w/ ppls
tennis, painting, art, writing
| inuyashacrazygurl
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Monday, May 10, 2004
blah blah blah
Yes, Disney trip tomorrow!!! I'll tell ya all about it after the trip^_- oh, did anyone see the Inuyasha episode Saturday, about Shippo's first love? It was so cute, and I loved the part where Inuyasha hit the lizard and it was just this tiny little wiggly thing, and Inu looked all pissed^-^
well, I got to go before my mom physically kicks me off the computer...O.O

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Saturday, May 8, 2004
another dream
I stayed up really late reading Inuyasha fanfictions, so I had Inuyasha dreams! Well, it was a really long cool dream that me and some friends were in, but I can only remember bits and pieces of the earlier parts, so I'll only tell you the part I remember clearly. It was so funny! The gang made it to this village or whatever, and Kagome told Inuyasha she'd bring new foods from her era that were like ramen. So he got all excited...the next scene I saw him creeping into the clearing where there was a bowl of rice. He picked it up, breathing in the smell of it deeply. Then Kagome walked in, and yelled at him for taking the food. Inu jumps up with a terrified look on his face, and runs away so fast, clutching the rice bowl, that Kagome was just left staring. Suddenly he came to the bottom of a huge cliff, and jumped all the way to the top in one leap, landing among several bowls of delicious looking food. Looking very pleased, he picked up his chopsticks and prepared to eat, but then all the food fell off the cliff edge! He just stood there in shock, then broke his chopsticks and threw a tantrum! It was so funny, I woke up laughing!
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Friday, May 7, 2004
my count-downs
Oh my gosh, I have so many exciting things coming up!!! Next Tuesday, our orchestra performs at Disney World Magic Kingdom! I'll wake up at 5:30am, since the bus leaves at about 6:30. The bus ride will be so fun, my friends and I being all happy and retarded. When we get there, we get to be in the park for several hours, then we change into our uniforms and perform, after which we have a few more hours to roam the park. And last year, there were practically no lines--we had to run through the whole waiting line of Space Mountain to get to the ride, and we had it to ourselves! Ha, we would've rode it more, but when we came out it was pouring rain so hard, we were soaked instantly, so we went barefoot to try to save our shoes. Yeah, we were running through the park barefoot, trying to find a place sheided from the rain, but after a while we didn't even care; we even entertained a group of old people when we ran by...and Raimar lost my socks. Ah, good times, good times...And now we get to do it again! It would be so much fun if it rained again...but it can do it towards the end so I can ride Space Mountain as much as I want ;). Well, when it's all over, we're supposed to get back to the school at 9:00pm. Oh, and the best part's only $15 for transportation! We get to enter the park for free, baby! So that's exciting.
Then, there's only 8 days of school left, which is even more exciting than Disney...we're getting a puppy first, and then we're driving over to Missouri for my brother's wedding. I've missed him so much! You see, we moved to Florida from Missouri, but he stayed for college, and has only visited us a couple times; the last of which he proposed to Haley (who is like a sister to me, but now she'll really be my sister-in-law^^). So I'm really excited to see my old friends and family there...we'll have to take the puppy with us, because she'll be so young--we can't just leave her with someone else! hm, it should be an interesting journey. Well, it won't be as bad as when we moved here; that drive, we had 2 cats, a gerbil, and a hamster--and the first thing one of the cats did was piss in the car. Needless to say, I rode in the moving truck and my brother's car the rest of the trip ;].
Anything else...oh yeah, Inu-Yasha and Wolf's Rain tommorow! yay ^-^
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Wednesday, May 5, 2004
Ok, everyone's talking about wierd dreams they've had, so it's my turn. And it is WIERD all right! Ok, it starts off with me being at school, and even though it doesn't look like my school at all, in the dream it always seems like that's how it's supposed to be. Anyways, me and my friend are walking, and suddenly everyone starts screaming in terror. Then we see the cause is the angels of death or's the Apocalypse! But they're dressed like football players!!! chopping everyone to pieces with swords, wearing red football uniforms...well, you'd think everyone would be acting like something was wierd about it, but everyone was screaming and running in terror. Then everyone around us has been killed, and when I lead them away from my friend, I get killed. That's when the dream ends technically, but I sorta subconciously rewound the events, so then when I confront them, *poof!* I have a sword! Then it just kinda ends. Is it a sign??? BEWARE THE FOOTBALL PLAYERS!!!! They will bring the Apocalypse! Hey, I told ya it would be weird! okies I'm goin, ttul!

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Tuesday, May 4, 2004
Random Quiz Thingie
Three things that scare me: | 1: | war | 2: | losing a loved one | 3: | Michael Jackson | Three people who make me laugh: | 1: | my friends (i know thats multiple ppl, but who cares) | 2: | Adam Sandler | 3: | David Spade | Three Things I love: | 1: | God | 2: | friends+family | 3: | anime (Inuyasha, Trigun, Wolf's rain, etc.) | Three Things I hate: | 1: | this war on Iraq | 2: | evil politicians | 3: | stubbing my toe | Three things I don't understand: | 1: | Fooly Cooly at times, though I'm starting to get it | 2: | how Bush got elected | 3: | why Michael and Jannet Jackson look like the same person | Three things on my desk: | 1: | computer (no really?) | 2: | notebook | 3: | cup | Three things I'm doing right now: | 1: | typing this | 2: | trying to improve my anime drawing skills | 3: | thinking up ideas for my book | Three things I want to do before I die: | 1: | go to Japan, plus other parts of the world | 2: | become anime artist/creator, or at least be an author of novels | 3: | learn Japanese | Three things I can do: | 1: | play cello | 2: | draw pretty good anime | 3: | play street hocky | Three ways to describe my personality: | 1: | fun & happy! | 2: | mediator a.k.a. phsyco-helper | 3: | nice | Three things I can't do: | 1: | lick my elbow (seriously--try it! it's impossible unless you're really good at yoga or something!) | 2: | survive a jump off a ten-story building | 3: | wrestle a shark |
Three Things brought to you by BZOINK!
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Sunday, May 2, 2004
Yes...I am the big cheeeeeese!
You are Cheez-its!
Find out Which
Cheezy snack you are.
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some random stuff

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Saturday, May 1, 2004
Blah. Being sick is not fun. Well, I'm mostly just trying to recover, and pass the time until Inu-Yasha comes on. I was looking at my favorite site, and I found really cool pics of Inu-Yasha in his human form ^-^ Ah, I wish my scanner was still set up and working, cuz then I could post some more fan art. I'm working on a series I call "Behind the Scenes of Inuyasha", that has the characters in funny situations with their everyday lives when they're not doing the show. I was going to have Izzy scan them, but now HIS scanner is broken! Oh well. Hopefully I'll be able to scan soon, if my dad ever gets around to fixing it back up. Well, here are the pics!

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Friday, April 30, 2004
this is too funny!!!
uh.....I have no comment at this time. -________-;
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yeah...sounds like a very fulfilling relationship...O_____o;
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