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draw realistic ppl really well, greatly improve my tennis game, take karate, run, publish a novel or something someday, travel around the world
reading, writing, tennis, soccer, drawing , street hocky, painting, history, soon karate, chillin w/ ppls
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| inuyashacrazygurl
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Friday, April 30, 2004
...I'm not going to any zoos july 7, 2012! ^_-
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Mr. Freckles!!!!
This is my draggie, Mr. Freckles. Aw, you adorable winged lizard, you! ^^
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Wednesday, April 28, 2004
This is an awesome Inuyasha site!!! It has so much stuff! It is now my favorite^_^
Sengoku Jidai

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Hello, all. I'm not doing much, just chyllaxin'. Glad I finally saw the new Inuyasha episode! Wolf's Rain seems like a really good show so far, too. ugh, but I've had the worst freaking song stuck in my head ALL DAY. You know, that gay "Naughty Girl" song by Beyonce. GAH! It won't shut up! Once again, it makes me wish MTV and VH1 played REAL music (a.k.a. hard rock...a.k.a. Linkin Park!!! ^_^). ttul8
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Sunday, April 25, 2004

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Friday, April 23, 2004
103 visits
hellelujah! I've broken past 100 visits! This shall be a day of celebration! ^_^
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Great news! The whole running away crisis is over! Apparently, someone told Mrs. Cottle (the Social Studies teacher) and she told a bunch of other teachers, and then my friend's parents. She is now working things out with her parents, and is back to her old, cheerful self. I'm just glad everything is back to normal.
Also, my painting is being shown in the Melbourne Art Festival this weekend :) Yup, I'm happy about that, my art teacher said it's a big honor for artists!
Lastly, new episodes of Inu-Yasha tomorrow at 11 pm! yayness ;]
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Wednesday, April 21, 2004
I'm so stressed out. My best friend has now said she is going to run away from home, and I don't really know what to do. I'm so worried about her, but nothing I've said seems to work, which makes me question my own value as a friend to her. I'm worried about her, but I'm also getting tired of it all. She lets herself get so depressed over some jerk, and keeps thinking she has a horrible life. I'll always be there for her, but I just wish she'd listen to me about this. I didn't even get to talk to her today, since she got ISS for skipping to see the jerk spoken of at his lunch. I don't know how bad things are at her house, but her parents were pretty nice when I met them. She's just taking the whole rebelious, my-life-sucks teenage thing way to far. She just doesn't realize how much her family really cares about her. Sure, my family can annoy the hell out of me sometimes, but I know you can't just run away from your problems. If there is an issue, you face it head-on. Life only becomes a pointless waste when you let yourself believe it is. Otherwise, there is always a way to work things out, always hope. You just have to learn to appreciate the good things in your life, instead of feeling sorry for yourself all the time. There's no point in being pessimistic; you've only got one life on this Earth, so you might as well try to enjoy it. Besides, it gets annoying to others that are trying to help you when you insist continualy that your life sucks. Lots of people have it way worse than our petty problems, like our little scuffles with parents and such. Hell, there's lots of people who probably wish they had a whole family to get on their case. I am grateful every day that I have my family; especially in this day and age. Well, that's basically all the stuff I need to tell her, and hopefully she'll see sense! I never imagined I'd have to deal with something like this, and I'm so stressed out and worried about her! GAH, this whole ordeal is driving me insane. Advice at this point would be pretty welcome, though I don't normally ask people on the internet for that kind of help. Hey, did I say I'm desperate? If I didn't, well, I am @.@
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Saturday, April 17, 2004
now this has been a fun saturday! i set my alarm to 6:30 am (which is unheard of for me on the weekend; or the weekdays for that matter ^^), but it was for a noble cause. i went to my little brothers school trash bash thing. we met at a church, and when the kids were all there, we drove off to a park to start cleaning it up. well, me and my little bro Jared had a really big bag of junk (that smelled terrible) accumulating, and it was pretty amazing how many cigarettes could be found. oh, and we got several beer bottles, and my little brother HAD to throw in a bag of chips that had angry ants swarming all over it (as long as i'm the one carrying it--geez. it was making me pretty nervous.) well, i got muddy, splashed with toxic pond water, and a little scratched up; but it felt really good.
after the trash thing, my family and i went to the beach. suprisingly, there happened to be this big event at the beach we went to. there were all these really neat kites flying all over the place, and a band was playing music. i played some paddle ball w/ my dad and older brother, and during the game my dad seemed intent on killing everyone within a 10-mile radius with the ball. then i got a free kite, and it was fun flying it around. later on when i was sitting in a chair trying to draw, this lady with a phsyco kite almost killed me when it swooped down and almost crashed into my face. luckily i blocked it with my sketchbook, but it scared the hell out of me! O_O oh yea, i think today is supposed to be the start of the [AdultSwim] Animatrix thing. it's a bunch of short anime things inspired by The Matrix, to kick off adultswim Action saturdays in which new Inuyasha episodes will be shown next saturday. man, i sound like a walking advertisement O__o; sorry if i'm wrong, but thats what i saw on the adultswim message board; i'm not totally sure though because i looked it up in the t.v. guide, but it didn't say anything about it. so i appologize in advance if i'm wrong about any if the info i've given you ^^ i know i'm going to watch and see! well, bye ppls, talk to ya later; hope i didn't bore you to death -_^ a great place for Inuyasha images: inuyashaimagesmain

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Friday, April 16, 2004

oh man, today was soo much fun. well, that was only because at the end the sub let us have a paper ball war....I CAME, I CRUMPLED PAPER, AND I CONQUERED. :::mwahahahahaha:::
yea, there's nothing quite like pegging people to death with crumpled paperballs ;P
well, before that my day seemed kinda crappy, cuz i did extra credit for science and left it at home,i was blind because my contacts were messed up so i couldn't wear them; little things like that. also, my best friend is all depressed about this guy she likes, who i think is a jerk and a munchkin. not that i have anything against short people, but he annoys me. i have about three other friends that liked him that he completely blew off. why does everyone like him anyway! its a disease i tell you! i mean, when i first saw him, i won't deny i thought he was semi-cute, but i just thought he was just a little 7th grader (lol no offense to any 7th grader who may be reading this; it's an 8th grade thing, hard to explain.) anyway, when i saw how full of himself he was, i couldn't believe how many people liked him anyway. i think there's more to a relationship than just looks! oh well. i told my best friend that liking a guy like that would only lead to inevitable heartbreak an all, but her mind is set. well, i can't wait until highschool! one of my sayings is, "the guys here either look like second graders or act like it." lol. ;]well those were my boring musings of the day, and anyone who even bothered to read all of it is probably vegitating at this point^^ well, cya, and thanx to those who have rated my art and all!

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