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varsity tennis team
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draw realistic ppl really well, greatly improve my tennis game, take karate, run, publish a novel or something someday, travel around the world
reading, writing, tennis, soccer, drawing , street hocky, painting, history, soon karate, chillin w/ ppls
tennis, painting, art, writing
| inuyashacrazygurl
Monday, August 9, 2004's been a while...*coughcough*
Sorry I haven't updated or visited sites in so long! Forgive me!!! I was busy with all the stuff in Missouri, though we made it back to Florida about a week ago. I just felt too lazy to get on myotaku and update...bla. SO yeah, I'm here now though! Forgive my laziness^-^
The wedding was beautiful. As you know, I am the sister of the groom, and was a bridesmaid in the wedding. Basically, I woke up EEEAARRRLYYY to go get my hair all done up, and then I went with the other bridesmaids to the church, where we got our dresses on. Then, we went through two hours of Well, it wasn't so bad, and I got used to all the posing after a while, lol. Of course, the groom couldn't see the bride until after the wedding, so it wasn't until after the ceremony that we got to pose MORE in millions of pictures with groups of the wedding party, families, the couple, etc etc etc etc etc.........@_@
Well, during the ceremony, I was struggling so hard not to cry, seeing as how I had to stand up there at the stage with the rest of the wedding party, but it was hard. It got to the point where I couldn't breathe, or I'd start sobbing or whatever. It was pretty embarrasing, since I don't usually cry in public like that; but I respond to other people's emotions very easily, and the whole chapel was packed with emotional people...I could feel the emotion in the room, it was so solemn, yet joyous at the same time. So, the emotion stuff was added onto the realization that MY BROTHER was getting MARRIED; and I just couldn't hold it in^-^. Besides, the slideshow of Seth and Haley showing them growing up, and then together as a couple, was heart-wrentching, and my dad and Zach got teared up during that too. But what really got me was when Haley was saying her vows all choked up and teary with joy. I held it pretty well during the ceremony, and when we walked out into the reception area. But then, as I thought of Seth, my oldest and now married brother, I lost it, and he gave me a huge hug as I sat there sobbing a bit. I got it under control fairly soon after, but not before my cruel family took a picture of me crying with my own camera, those eviiil peoples! Um, and then there were more posing pics, and then I got to eat at last^-^ eggrolls...yumminess^___^
I am so proud of my brother and his wife ^______^! *jumps around insanely* WoOt! They're married now!!!!!!!!!
Um, so now I'm at home, being lazy...did my highschool registration the other day, but the stupid peoples messed up everyone's schedules and it's really pissing me off...but I'll get it straightened out^^. Wow, I start highschool Tuesday! It's hard to believe...I'm so excited, I can't wait to see all of my friends^-^ I think I'm ready to go back to school, minus the waking up part...But I think I've vegitated enough this summer...*drool* Yeah, I need something to get me out of my steamed vegitable state...
Well I gotta go now! I hope this post was long enough for you all! *laughs eviiiiily*'ll all be transformed into steamed vegitables by the time you finish reading this post! BWAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAhahahahahaaaaaaaaa........... . . . . *evil laughter fades*

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