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myOtaku.com: inuyashacrazygurl

Welcome to my quiz results page. This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken. 10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.

Result Posted on 06/19/04:
This movie is the greatest!

French Guard I'm French! Why do think I have this outrageous
accent, you silly king-a?!

What Monty Python Character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Result Posted on 06/19/04:
I love this movie!!! And no, I don't have anything against the French, lol

Well, u-- um, can we come up and have a look?

What Monty Python Character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Result Posted on 06/13/04:

Faerie: Faeries are sweet loving beings who love to help
people. They are not held back by reality and
love to dream and fly around. You probably are
very creative and although not the most popular
person in the world you are probably loved by
many for your sweet caring personality.

What Mythological Creature Are You (Many Results and Beautiful Pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

Result Posted on 06/13/04:
Well, my nickname does happen to be Mermaid, so I had to take this quiz^_-

Water emeralds
You are a Water Emerald. You are quiet and to
yourself and then an outburst of joy. You live
to seek peace. Your best freind is right there
and always loving. You might know that special
someone or you might be looking for him. You
enjoy the kelp and sleep, eat, breate, and live
in the greenery of the ocean. You are the most
common mermaid. Would you rate my quiz every
common one counts?

What kind of mermaid are you? (Gorgeous Pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

Result Posted on 06/12/04:

You're Elemant is Wind. You're light-hearted,
care-free, kind, sensative, and mysterious. You
have friends and most absolutely love you. You
can be calm and soothing one minute and ragging
in anger the next so no one wants to get on
your bad side. You're beauty is inspiring and

What's Your Element(girls)? (PICTURES)
brought to you by Quizilla

Result Posted on 06/12/04:
pretty true! pic coming soon

Blue: mysterious, content, and calm. You mainly
have 2 sides. One is used when you are with
your friends and the other is when you are
alone. You tend to think about life and other
deep subjects when you are alone.

What's you anime hair color? (girlz only guyz coming soon)
brought to you by Quizilla

Result Posted on 06/12/04:

Result Posted on 06/12/04:

Result Posted on 06/12/04:

Result Posted on 06/12/04:

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