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Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Akuma: hello
Naraku: Meh
Ruby: hn...
Akuma: Keh...
Naraku: Akuma is not in that good of a mood...
Ruby: Also, we are sorry for not visiting for so long, we've been busy with the play and all...
Akuma: hm...
Naraku: ~pokes Akuma~
Ruby: I wouldn't do that...
Naraku: ~pokes again~
Akuma: ~combust into flames and hits Naraku all the way around the world and back.~
Naraku: ...where did I go just now...
Ruby: ...if I were you...~sigh~
Akuma: I've just been practicing with play...
Naraku: And...
Ruby: Hn?
Naraku: Wasn't there something else she wanted to say?
Akuma: sheesh
Ruby : ...~looks at watch and sighs~
Akuma: It's Red Ribbion Week, and yesterday, some people deomonstrated a Car Crash. I thought they were going to make cars really crash...
Ruby: but it was just the afterwards of a crash, they didn't show any cars crashing.
Naraku: DAMN THEM.
Ruby: They were just proving a point that you should drink while driving.
Naraku: But a girl got in a body bag Ku ku ku...
Akuma: That laught totally does not work for you..
Ruby: It was called ACTING you dummerhead.
Naraku: ...

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Thursday, October 5, 2006
Akuma: hello
Naraku: Meh
Ruby: hn...
Akuma: you two don't seem to be in a happy mood.
Naraku: Why should I be, those three pictures are a disgrace...except the third one (at the top of the page)
Ruby: I was having such a nice vacation, until I was bribed....I mean told to come back here.
Akuma: I'm guess I'm sad too, I had the day off yesterday and now it'sdone with T_T
Naraku: I made the hours go by so you would be in pain...also I made you sleep in for 10 hours.
Ruby: Can you really control how a person sleeps? ~glares~
Naraku: ~shifty eyes~ yes..
Akuma: I just played on the comp, painted my picture a bit more...oh did i tell you I'm painting a picture of bamboo...i'll post the picture when i'm done with it...then went to my Uncle Rogers cause he was up.
Naraku: he had guns there...
Ruby: yes...and what of it
Akuma: yes, I shot a few times with the gun my dad brought, then used Roger's. It was just target practice, don't worry.
Naraku: yes, and you tortured that cardboard homemade target. MUHAHAHAHAHA
Ruby: you just love it when something gets tortured?
Naraku: Yes, except for me.
Akuma: sheesh
Ruby : ...~looks at watch and sighs~
Akuma: Did I ever tell you, this week is homecoming at our school. So we had to dress all fancy. Monday: Freshman had to wear pink, Sophmores wore Yellow, Juniors wore Brown, and Seniors wore I wore pink. Tuesday; Superhero day...I dressed as Jack Skellington ~sweat drop~. Thursday: Lazy Day, PJs and Slippers and don't comb my hair in the morning ^^. Friday: Black and Gold day.
Naraku: It was funny to see you in pink, it tortued you!!!
Ruby: see what I mean
Naraku: That's it, I'll torture you now!!!
Ruby: oh yeah, try it ~sticks tounge out~
Naraku: I'll make you wear make-up...
Akuma: THat won't work, I'm the one who hates make-up, she loves it.
Ruby: HA!
Naraku: DAmn...~sits and thinks of a way to torture Ruby~

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Wednesday, October 4, 2006
back for a bit
Jaken: hmph
Akuma: I'm back. So,don't get mad at me.
Jaken: She's been as busy as hell
Akuma: thank you jaken...
Jaken: hmph...stupid Wolfdogs
Rin: And Akuma changed her site theme, cause it's allready October. ~hides behind Akuma~ and it's scary.
Jaken: you silly girl, you understand Sesshoumaru can kill him.
Akuma: ~sigh~ yes, I did change my site theme, casue I don't want to be really late like last time.
Rin: Lady Akuma...are we leaving now?
Jaken: ~screams with joy~
Akuma: ~bonks Jaken on the head~ yes, little rin, I have to say you have to go.
Rin: awww...
Jaken: suck up..
Akuma: aww, that's so sweet Rin ~bonks Jaken on the head~
Rin: I love you, Lady Akuma. ~hugs her around the leg~
Akuma: now that's going too far
Rin: okay mommy...
Jaken and Akuma: ...
Rin: Just kidding
Akuma: ~nervous laugh~ well, I've been going to practices with hte Anything Goes play. Just recently, the DIrector asked us to choose costumes. Since the Angels are sluty showgirls, a teacher ACTUALLLY told us to look skanky. And we chose this sorta revealing purple dress for me.
Rin: it fitted you perfectly
Jaken: but...
Akuma: ~bonks Jaken's head again,~
Jaken: I didn't say anything yet!!!
Akuma: ~ignoring Jaken~ and to your comments, I loved the FMA ending, it just bothered me. You musthave heard me wrong. Naruto is cool. Bleach is awsome, but not THE best anime/manga in the world. And, Ayame, theatre stole my heart before it stole yours :P
Ruby: Back, what did I miss

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Wednesday, September 27, 2006
back in black and puple and blue...
Akuma: ugh
Jaken: hmph.
Akuma: ugh...
Rin: Lady Akuma, You don't look so well...
Akuma: I'm fine little Rin.
Jaken: Yeah, you hear that Rin. She's fine.
Akuma: hmph..
Rin: Lady Akuma, go to bed this instant.
Akuma: no...
Jaken: ...let's just continue.
Akuma: okay Mr. Green Turd. Well...I've been sick...that's it. The FMA movie was great, but it made me disapointed cause of the ending.
Rin: Yes, of course, Lady Akuma
Jaken: keh.
Akuma: I got a few more Bleach issues. I'm addicted to that manga now...
Jaken: Oh yes, she has. Kisuki is all she talks about now a days.
Akuma: -_-" I talk about Kon too...
Jaken: But Kon annoys you...
Akuma: not when he is in Ichigo's body...
Rin: See, Jaken.
Akuma: Thank you Rin ~pats her on the head~

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Thursday, September 21, 2006
Rin's Comercial
Rin: Hello! Rin Here. I"m here because Akuma is sick with a cold and Jaken is making chicken noodle soup...I have to go check on him so he doesn't put 'secret ingredients' in there.
Well, anyway, have you ever wondered how I can be so I can be so happy...well
There is only one thing that can keep me going

Yes, this helps you be as happy as me :) and some day, you'll be addicted to this stuff and waste all your parent's money, your college intuition, cause you'll love this stuff so bad... MUHHA HAHAHA
Real Rin: MASTER JAKEN, WHY ARE YOU DRESSED AS ME. and...aren't you supppose to be making soup for Lady Akuma
Jaken: You silly child. You understand I was suppose to brainwash these people...whoops...
(this is a real item, I was only doing this out of humor. The owners of the product, please don't sue me in anyway. If you don't want it on I'll take it off imedietly and we'll forget the whole thing. Just don't send those people in the suits and carring Suitcases with them and talk in a monotonic voice that is filled with huge words I would harldy understand)

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Wednesday, September 20, 2006
i've been a sinner, I've been a scamp, but now I'm ready to trim my lamp
Akuma: Hi
Jaken: hmph.
Akuma: I just came back from vocal lessons for my play practice. We sang the songs, "Bon Voyage", "Blow, Gabriel, Blow" and "Anything Goes" my favorite, "Blow Gabriel Blow" it has a lot of low parts that I can sing very well.
Rin: Great for you Lady Akuma
Akuma: thank you, thank you
Jaken: you sing horrible...
Akuma: ~smakes him again~ also, LS asked why are Rin and Jaken doing here. Don't worry, the'll be there in time for your blogs and i just 'borrowed' htem for hte month. so...yeah.
Rin: And that's it?
Akuma: umm...that's it...damn I have boring days.
Jaken: What about duri-
Akuma: oh yes, During English, I was finished with everything, so the teacher said we could take a nap while we wait. I was like totally happy and instantly fell asleep. It was the last class of the day and such.
Rin: Yes, of course, Lady Akuma
Jaken: Your wrist still hurts?
Akuma: oh my gosh, Jaken, are you being nice to me for once?
Jaken: no...I just wanted to tortue you more...
Akuma: -_-" That brings up another thing, during gym, we had to do a T-Drill, where we run backwards, shuffle, and sprint in the shape of a T. WHen I was running backwards, I fell backwards and landed on my wrist, and it got sprained.
Jaken: Stupid Mutt,
Akuma: hmph...
Rin: Lady Akuma, I'm glad you are feeling better.
Akuma: Thank you Rin ~pats her on the head~ (also, I got the FMA movie, it came with the first volume, so I might give that to someone cause I allready got it)

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Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Akuma: Hi
Jaken: >>
Akuma: I just went through play practice and...~yawns~ setting up...lights in ~slugs on desk~
Rin: Lady Akuma...Are you tired?
Akuma: No no...tomato...juice...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Jaken: Stupid wolfdog
Akuma: ~flips over and smacks Jaken in the head~ ow..
Rin: Master Jaken
Akuma: zZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZ
Jaken: Hey Rin, I found out a new guy that Akuma likes.
Akuma: ~wakes up~ SHUT UP YOU GREEN TURD
Rin: Master Green Turd....I mean Jaken. Everyone knows Akuma likes Kouga
Jaken:, she likes N-
Akuma: ~bonks him~
Jaken: I mean Abel Nightroad from that Trinity Blood anime
Akuma: night everyone. If I can, I"ll start going to your sites more.
Jaken: Stupid Mutt, we have more of the post to do..
Akuma: We'll do it tommorrow...
Rin: namu..
Akuma: keh

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Saturday, September 9, 2006
Two Little Brats
Jaken: hmph
Rin: As you can see, Lady Akuma is out at the moment,
Jaken: She's been out for a long time..
Rin: and she just put up a avatar, she'll work on it sometime in the near future
Jaken: hmph...stupid Wolfdogs
Rin: MASTER JAKEN, don't say such. Lady Akuma could be around
Akuma: ~comes out of no where and bonks Jaken on the head~ you stupid green little turd.
Rin: LADY AKUMA ~smiles and jumps up and down~
Jaken: ow...
Akuma: hmph. Well, I'll try to get more Rin and Jaken junk up, as it goes without saying, Rin and Jaken is September's theme. I might only post at least once a week, I've been in High School and I've been as busy as hell.
Rin: Lady Akuma is such a hard worker
Jaken: suck up..
Akuma: aww, that's so sweet Rin ~bonks Jaken on the head~
Rin: I love you, Lady Akuma.
Akuma: now that's going too far
Rin: okay mommy...
Jaken and Akuma: ...
Rin: Just kidding, I'm sorry Lady Akuma.
Akuma: heh ~shifty eyes~ well, anyway. In my advetures as a freshman. I have auditioned for a Musical. Anything goes. And by the way, I got the part as Angel 4.
Rin: You would be Reno, Lady Akuma.
Jaken: but her singing is horrible, sounds worse know...
Akuma: ~bonks Jaken's head again,~ I'm bad, but not that bad. Oh, I'll try to catch up on all of your lives as soon as possible ~bows~ sorry.

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Thursday, August 31, 2006
Away and Beyond
Ruby: hello
Kouga: Yo
Akuma: hey
Kouga: come on, Akuma, it's not going to be that long!!!
Ruby: **pulls akuma** GET OVER IT
Akuma: **is hugging Kouga's leg** NO, I DON'T TO WANT TO BE LEFT ALONE WITH ... THEM
Ruby: oh, hi guys. Today is kouga's last day. He'll be back at the end of the year. But also, I have to be going on a vacation. So Akuma is going to here alone with the next people.
Kouga: please get off me..
Kouga: please...
Ruby: Akuma got sick today, her dad made her eat McDonalds with out asking her first what she wanted.
Akuma: ugh...don't remind me. **lets go of Kouga
Ruby: also, she fell asleep yesterday, tha's why she didn't come.
Kouga: **tip toes away silently**
Akuma: COME BACK HERE YOU WOLF **jumps on top of him**
Kouga: AHHH!!!!
Ruby: Also...Akuma has to spend the day working on the next theme's stuff. She hasn't started.
Kouga: ...
Ruby: oh my...**pushes Kouga out the door** I'll be back in a month, bye Akuma. He'll be back at the end of the year, unless other wise.
Akuma: NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!**sniffle**
Mysterious Annoying Voice: WE'RE HERE
Mysterious not annoying voice:
Akuma: oh god, I'm goign to be babysitting...T.T (also, I am sorry for not visiting your sites, I'll be back one day)

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Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Let's Get Going!!!!
Ruby: hello
Kouga: Yo
Akuma: hey
Kouga: Akuma is sorry for the days late post...s
Ruby: We've been on a break.
Akuma: I promise, when we come back next time, we will have our usual post. And we aren't always going to visit all of your sites, we are as busy as hell.
Ruby: We are sooo sorry.
Kouga: Just don't worry about us.
Akuma: Cause we are doing just fine.

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