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Thursday, August 10, 2006
Kaede riding pigs
**still laughing**
just a second.
Kouga: sorry, we were browsing the net when we found this site.
yes, it features Shippou as a Ping Pong Ball, Inuyasha Jumproping, and Kaede riding a pig trying not to get killed, and much more Here is the link : Stupidly Addictive.
Kouga: heh
oh yeah, did nothing today.
Kouga: again?
Kouga: **sigh**
The school hasn't sent in my new scheudal and list yet. Along with today, I got a replacement phone. Since my other cell phone was needed for repair, they sent me a spare. It's really cool even though it's not as fancy as my other one, I love it.
Kouga: keh. and to think of it, a while ago you never wanted a cell phone.
Kouga: why is that
I don't know. mebe because I thought cell phones came to life at night and ate your socks
Kouga: a logical reason
Kouga: keh.
Kouga: my turn to have Kaede ride a pig
go ahead Well, when he get's killed (which won't take long, trust me) I'll play. Until then, we'll answer your comments.
ghettostar0492: (akuma) thank you, and your lobster comment made remember the crab I ate earlier, ugh... it's coming up sour
swtanimelvr: (akuma) sorry, I forgot to take those down. And thank you.
Veggie-Ann: (akuma) I'm really sorry you are pissed off. Can you tell me your AIM name...cause Tim and I want to talk to you. **hugs** I'll never betray you.
Night shade2: (akuma) thank you
Kikyo luver19: (akuma)...baka.
lordsesshomaru: (akuma) great idea!!!! And you're right about a girl dressing up as Kouga. (kouga) I HEARD THAT (akuma) and thank you
Yugiohyami: (akuma)thank you. (ruby) Ugh, it's you two again. Fine, I'll give in. Hi.
SessLover18: (akuma) thank you, and thank you again for telling me about the double post.
Magnus Lensherr: (akuma) thank you for the comment on my artwork. and thank you and I hope you have a good day too.
Kouga's Pics.
Akuma: I chose this one because it was a birthday gift from a friend.
Kouga; what, your friend drew that?
Akuma; Yeah


Comments (7) |
Wednesday, August 9, 2006
evil twin? or a simple alter ego.
Kouga: **yawns**
**falls asleep and falls onto floor**zzzzzzzzz
Kouga: we are really really really really tir **yawns** ed.
**mumbles in sleep**
Kouga: Wake up, Akuma. You are making me **yawns** sleepy.
**mumbles more**
Kouga: **droopy eyes, then falls asleep and falls on floor**
(Ruby: Oh god no, **blast an air horn** WAKE UP YOU TWO. I'M NOT GOING TO POST FOR YOU AGAIN)
O.o. **shifty eyes** it was a dream...
Kouga: whew
Thanks, Ruby. (ruby grumbles)
Kouga: okay then, uhh...where are we.
I don't know.
Kouga: me either. are the wolves doing.
Kouga: uhh...good. and, how was your day...
...fine. Just stuck around the house.
Kouga: ...well this sucks.
okay, the end of the post, we must have been sleeping for a while. Keh. So, here is us answering your comments once again.
InuyashaWindScar: (akuma) **kisses** later (kouga) oh god, did you guys really have to do that here.
kagomeinuyasha199: (akuma) first off, that was not a picture of me. Just to make it clear.
KillMeCrimson: (akuma) Yeah, Ruby told me she like you too, Itachi,
Night shade2: (akuma) thanks
inuyasha311: (akuma) Yeah, Ruby is confusing in that way.
lordsesshomaru: (akuma) hey, she chose the picture, she is the one that hates cosplayers. (kouga) wait a second, that Kouga cosplayer is a girl!!! (akuma) well, it's not that big of a diffrence.
Kouga's Pics.
Akuma: I chose this one because it has Kouga...with a pointy thing. What is it called **thinks** oh yeah, a sword.
Kouga; What's so special about that/
Akuma; Well, I never see you with a sword, along that. I'm not to sure if that was a translation, or someone put it there for a joke. I think it was a joke.

Birthday Pics:
Akuma: today marks the day for the Birthday of My Cousin, Dakota, (HoT InDiE123) and one of my online sisters, Satsuki, (brittsrosieworld) I drew pictures for both of them. Here they are

Happy Birthday Satsuki

Happy Birthday Dakota.

Comments (7) |
Tuesday, August 8, 2006
evil twin? or a simple alter ego.
Ruby: You may not know me, but my name is Ruby. Akuma's alter ego. In otherwords I'm like her twin sister, except we are both emotions. Yest, tha'ts true, we are emotions that control the same body. Just imagine us as two different people. It would be less confusing on your little minds. The reason i'm posting is because both Akuma and Kouga are asleep. Some of you may have seen me in comments and such. Well, I am the one Akuma asked to decorate her sites mostly. Then she complains cause she says it's too depressing. Feh, shows what good she's for. I guess she does help a bit. Well, I'll be answering your comments for today. Even though I've only heard of most of you through the loud mouth Akuma has, I'll see what I can do.
InuyashaWindScar: Oh yes, your welcome.
Magnus Lensherr: Did Akuma say she's race around the world? Feh, I'd love to see that, and see her finish the post before the new day. **watches you collapse** ...And I'm going.
KillMeCrimson: Feh, Akuma ususally stays up till like 4 or 5 or 6 in the morning. I agree with Itachi. It's only ruining her health. I just wonder why does she do that. and I bet Kouga could win, too. Akuma is too weak.
swtanimelvr: ...look at the comment above this one, that is my answer.
angel kat: Feh, sugar does nothing to you, except ruin your health.
Veggie-Ann: I have to be on Kouga's side. Just because he wears a skirt doesn't mean he's gay, he just means he likes to show off.
ghettostar0452: I'm sure akuma can forgive you.
lordsesshomaru: You are logic, and yeah. Kouga is a dork, plain and simple.
HoT InDiE123: Hi Cousin.
Yugiohyami: comment at all.
Kouga's Pics.
Ruby: I chose this one because it actually proved to me that there are people weird, just like Akuma
(people who are posing in this picture, do not take the joke as a insult, Akuma is a cool person, and Akuma thinks being weird is a complement. Don't sue my ass off for placing that picture there)


Comments (6) |
Monday, August 7, 2006
My Life
**is found running around the house.
Kouga: I think I gave her too much sugar.
Kouga: **races akuma** STOP IT AND I MEAN IT. you finally want to race eh?
Kouga: No I don't,
Aye, you'd lose anyway. You girlie girl.
Kouga:what? AND I'M NOT GIRLIE
O.O...uhh...okay. Well anyway, You're too slow.
Kouga: No, I can race you around the world faster than you. I got sacred Jewel shards still. (this is before Naraku took his shards, or did Kouga get his jewel shards back)
**shakes her head** I have the power of the sugar.
Kouga: fine then, I race you, around the world.
fine then.
Kouga: fine
Kouga: FINE!!
fi- wait, the post is done? **growls** awww...okay. We'll answer your comments...although I did want to race around the world. Keh. (by the way, what happened today was...well...I slept all day for some strange phenominal reason. So, I don't really have much to tell you except that I got to level 5 of the Da Vinci Code. Also I'm leaving the cabin today, so I might not be able to get to your sites today. We'll see.)
Magnus Lensherr: (akuma)Keh, if a movie I acted in was to me made into a movie, I'd let them record my voice for the game. (kouga) **to Magnus Lensherr** WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY (akuma) oh shut up you silly sod.
YugiohYami: (akuma) **is on the floor, laughing so hard, her face is red** (kouga) **growls** Keh, it's Rumiko Takahashi's fault for making me wear this (akuma) Oh yes, blame it on someone else. Good one Kouga. (kouga) THE OTHER GUYS IN THE TRIBE WEAR THIS TOO, DOES NO ONE BUT ME NOTICE THAT!!! (akuma) I though you said it was Rum- (kouga) shut up.
kikyo luver19: (akuma) lol, (kouga) KIKYOU!!!, DON'T **glances over to akuma, worringly**.. (akuma) **glares at Kouga** what...Keh, **folds arms and looks away** You are a real dummy. **thinking** got to keep it cool, Akuma. It's not the end of the bet yet.
tinkerbell 1991: (akuma) **wide grin** well, heh, I wouldn't say I was that creative. **stands on soapbox** I DEMAND THA- (kouga) **brings out the hook and pulls her down** you're getting ahead of yourself again, wench
Veggie-Ann: (kouga) AKUMA, YOU JUST HAD TO PUT THAT IN THE POST YESTERDAY!!! (akuma) hey, I was just kidding. You silly sod. (kouga) and stop calling me that.
OnexPeicexNami: (kouga) **lifts eyebrow and sighs** okay, I'm lea- (akuma) **takes out duct tape and ties him to a chair** Look at what you did Kouga, you tied yourself up again. (kouga) FLALUDFU DKAJFE KDAJ EKJFDJA (akuma) KOUGA, don't say that kind of language, you understand there are children on this site.
Kouga's Pics.
Akuma: The strange reason I chose this one, was because, I wanted to know why Inuyasha looks like that.
Kouga: **looks at picture** looks like I'm pulling him by the hair...
Akuma: **whispers** weirdo. **normal** then again, I'm not sure if any of you will be able to see this picture, because it's a inuyashajourney one, and I don't think my site likes those that well.


Comments (9) |
Sunday, August 6, 2006
everything is going to be allright
My Life
**sits in my usual dark corner,**,
Kouga: Something is wrong about her today.
Kouga: She hasn't spoken all day.
Kouga: ...
Kouga: Kind of nice, not having that loud mouth scream all over the place.
...**turns to him and gives him glare**
**flips off**
Kouga: AHHH...she FLIPPED me off.
**shakes her head**
Kouga: **bonks her on the head** she has to say ow or ouch.
...**punches him the stomach**
Kouga: ...**growl**
**twitch, then puches him again*
Kouga: **bonks her on the head again**
**growls, grabs a maker and paper and writes on it 'You dare hit a girl?' Then smirks, then turns over paper and writes 'I guess it doesn't matter, you are a girl'
Kouga: DAMN YOU!!!
DAMN IT KOUGA, YOU KNOW I WAS KIDDING!!!! Okay, now we'll answer your comments
Magnus Lensherr: (akuma) I never liked playing movie-based games either.(except for the Nightmare Before Christmas game of course ^^) but I wanted to try this out. I suggest you rent it, not buy. But then again, the game is hard, a few times I found myself walking around, lost and confused. I don't suggest buying it, but renting it could end up with you not finishing the game, which would bother you very much. But knocking out creepy monks and security guards, even though the fighting is hard to do. I'm not sure, Robert didn't sound like Tom Hanks, but then again, I haven't seen the movie in a while, so I'm not too sure. (kouga) AKUMA, YOUR TALKING!!!
angel kat: (akuma) book and movie are both good, game is okay.
kikyo luver19: (akuma) X~x (kouga) great, Akuma is speechless again (akuma) RAMEN!?!?!!?!?!?
tinkerbell 1991: (akuma) thanks.
Veggie-Ann: (akuma and Kouga) uhh...hi
OnexPeicexNami: (akuma) totally, ah shit, it didn't work again. **sigh**
Kouga's Pics.
Akuma: this picture just pissed me off.
Kouga: Why?
Akuma: **groans** just look at wh-!!!!... nevermind. >~<(read it like a Japanese manga to get it)


Comments (6) |
Saturday, August 5, 2006
moonshine hehe
My Life
I finally found out the name of the announcer,
Kouga: yeah, who is it
After it left, it gave me it's resume' Then there was it's name.
Kouga: why are you calling it, it?
Cause I want to, anyway, it's name is Sue.
Kouga: so, the announcer was a girl
No, it's actually a he. silly goose.
Kouga:'re acting strange.
and you just noticed.
Kouga: did you have raw sugar this morning. **sniffs**
**punches hard** STOP SNIFFING ME, and yes, I did have raw sugar this morning, but only a slight taste.
Kouga: ugh...
I also played the Da Vinci Code game for the first time. I read the book, I watched the movie, now I played the game. How fun. Not to mention I got a Da Vinci Code bookmark.
Kouga: you really are obbsessed with that stuff aren't you.
I don't know, Da Vinci was always my favorite painter.
Kouga: why...
mebe he also did science and stuff and inveted inventions that wouldn't have been made in years.
Kouga: doesn't sound that great to me.
**growls** I found out most of you couldn't see the pic, I'll try again, it's right below this line, if you still can't see it, here's the link

Kouga: **snarles**
**barks** okay, anyway, here's us answering your comments again.
Magnus Lensherr: (akuma) I know, it was very stupid of me. **nervous laugh**
lovinmanga4eva: (akuma) that's okay,
kaitnic: (akuma) go ahead, I don't care. I practicly gave up on the story anyways. Let me just place a few more chapters in before you do. I want to finish it. k. Don't worry, I won't forget. If I do, then you can give me lots of sunflowers. (you know how much I hate those)
CrazedMiko: (akuma) TOTALLY, damn it, you can't see it either?
KillMeCrimson: (akuma) he's cute when he's confused (kouga) werido...
angel kat: (akuma) I love horror films too, can't get enough of them. Except, that I haven't seen that kind of gore in a while, so it surprised me.
kikyo luver19: (akuma) @.@ (kouga) look, you confused Akuma (akuma) look, you confused Kouga. (kouga) huh? (akuma) my point exactly
YugiohYamy: (akuma) You take care too.
Nightshade2: (akuma) keh, that's okay...
lordsesshomaru: (akuma) ... **lifts eyebrow** (kouga) Hey, Billy's actually cool.
Veggie-Ann: (kouga) @.@ (akuma) YAY, i'll get the sugar (kouga) duh, you know exactly where all the sugar is (akuma) not unless I don't know where the sugar is, but I say I do, which means that I am lieing, but I'm actually not so I must know where the sugar is ^^ (kouga)...
OnexPeicexNami: (akuma) I HAVE INSPIRERED SOME ONE **stands on a soapbox** I DEMAND THE COST OF ANIME GO DOWN TO A PRICE US FANS CAN AFFORD!! (kouga) great, she's in la la land again.
Kouga's Pics.
Akuma: I saw this picture a long time ago, and I loved it, and I just got a chance to post it here. I call it, Kouga Samurai. (i think that's what the artist was aiming for)
kouga: uh....


Comments (5) |
Friday, August 4, 2006
My Life
**Akuma sweats as she cocks her water gun** Where is he?
Kouga: Akuma, what the hell are you doing?
**sees Kouga then sprays him with the water gun** GOT YOU. **speaks into a toy walkie talkie** i got the enemy sir.
(Announcer: and here we meet our heros again...but...what is Akuma doing. Also, I have bad news, Akuma just ran out of peanuts this is my last time being here .)
Kouga: **dripping wet** my god, what in the world is Akuma doing?
WHA, I thought you were dead. **squirts him more until she runs out of water** oh no, **speaks into walkie talkie** I NEED AMMO AND BACK UP,
Kouga: **grabs Akuma and sets her in a chair** calm down, wench.
(Announcer: Akuma looks angry...but there are no more peanuts.)
**sigh** fun lasted for a bit. Okay, about my day, I had the most strangest dreams, (which I'm not going to tell you, since I forgot most of it anyway...something to do about me forgetting my lines in a play) then I went on the internet for a bit...then I watched Dead Man. A great movie with music played by Neil Young along with Johnny Depp starring in it. Some parts were creepy, like when one guy shot another guy and ate him, after he had smushed a guy's head, and they showed the brains and blood spewwing out of his head and nose. **shiver**
Kouga: keh, you woman are all alike. Scared of a simple thing.
**glares** are you calling ME scared?
Kouga: of course, wench.
**punches hard** AND STOP CALLING ME WENCH!!
Kouga: ugh...
Also, I would like to congratulate lordsesshomaru, for yesterday was his anniversery on otaku. Wow, three years and still kicking...but my second anniversary is this year, second of November. whew.
Kouga: that long eh?
it feels like I just came on.
Kouga: ...
I wonder how people thought of me back then, I'll have to look at my first post, but hten again, back then I also delted my post so I can just have them all on one page. that was stupid.
Kouga: keh...
Kouga: **snarles**
Since of the thing yesterda that made it hard for people to comment, I won't answer your comments today. Sorry, if you hadn't I still have yesterday's post still in the archives. Except for one, yes, in the last picture, that is Kouga's name right by him. I still remember that by heart. That was the first one I remembered.
Kouga's Pics.
Akuma: I chose this one, cause how many times in the anime do you see Kouga with that thing on his head.
Kouga: you love seeing me in pain...don't you
Akuma: it's all fun and games, until someone gets hurt. Then it's hillarious.


Comments (11) |
Thursday, August 3, 2006
My Life
Kouga: you understand that you'll lose...
**trembles, then reaches and grabs a cup**
(Announcer: and here we meet our heros is a fierce match of memmory, or whatever the game is called when you put something under a cup and ther other person has to guess out of three cups which one has the object under it.)
Kouga: **looks at announcer** and your still here?
Pay no attention to him, Kouga, I found out that he'll stay until I run out of peanuts.
Kouga: ...**still looking at the announcer**
(Announcer: A very stressfull moment for Akuma.)
**while Kouga is looking away, Akuma looks under all the cups silently then grins once Kouga turns her attention back to her** I choose this one **picks up cup**
Kouga: ...**looks at the bouncy ball underneath.** you cheated.
...**lifts an eyebrow** now, come on, do you see me as a person who cheated in a simple game like this? **imaginary halo appears on head**
Kouga: ... yes...
evil...**halo disappears**
Kouga: hmph...
Hn... and it's official I lost my Kouga Keychain.
Kouga: Hard to believe, isn't it.
What's that suppose to mean?
Kouga: baka
I noticed only one person voted was Magnus Lensherr. So, Arashi got 1, the pink box of doom got zippo!!!
Kouga: women...
**bonks on head** men...
Kouga: you are so evil
I know you are, but what am I? Well, anyway, We'll now answer your comments.
Kaiz Dark Angel05: (kouga) Peice of coke **tilts head**
Magnus Lensherr: (akuma) if I was to contain myself around Kouga for a week, Kagome would be eating out of a dogdish eating dogfood. But, if I lose, then I'll have to wear a pink dress to the FMA movie in LA... (kouga) I know she'll lose, after all, who can resist me. (akuma) **bonks kouga on the head** Let me guess, you were talking to Miroku.
kaitnic: (kouga) ...O.O... (akuma) @.@ MY TURN (kouga) NO, that won't be needed, your under a bet. (akuma) I knew that, I just wanted to fool around.
CrazedMiko: (akuma) actually today, he came so close to beating me today at fuedal fairy tale. **whew** maybe cause I got the japanese version and it's all backwards. And he's japanese so he got the controler down
Leiko Yume: (akuma) **hugs** it is long time no write. **hands a box of pocky** I think you are a great writer.
angel kat: (akuma) thank you thank you **bows** (kouga) don't over flatter yourself, now Akuma. **rolls eyes**
kikyo luver19: (akuma)...heh...I've allready met Inuyasha. right **gleams over to Inuyasha** Remember when you were young and I tried teaching you fighting teqniques, Inuyasha?
YugiohYamy: (akuma) **grabs cookie and sits in my usuall dark corner and nibbles** (kouga) OUCH, akuma stop her!!! (akuma) DO IT YOURSELF!!
kagomeinuyasha199: (akuma) Kouga is in a dress (kouga) IT'S A KILT, WENCH!!
lordsesshomaru: (kouga) It's on know **cracks knuckles**
Veggie-Ann: (kouga) I'M NOT SCARED, IT'S HER FAULT, SHE KEEPS ON SWITCHING AROUND MY WORDS **points to akuma** (akuma)**has a halo around her head**
Kouga's Pics.
Kouga: WHA, why did you have to use that one
Akuma: cause it'


Comments (4) |
Wednesday, August 2, 2006
My Life
No no no no no...I won.
Kouga: You did not!!!!!! I went easy on you.
**shakes head** yeah right. You lost, and don't give me that crap that you are from the 15th century because I know you were practacing with that game earlier.
(Announcer: and here we meet our two heros in a petty argument about the game, Inuyasha Feudal Combat)
Kouga: Keh, let's play again...
Wait, I have an announcer on this site...**turn to Kouga** YOU'RE ON!!! and whoever wins is the Inuyasha Feudal Combat champ out of the two of us at least. Keh, I'll even give it to you easier by letting you play Kouga and I'll play Shippou.
Kouga: Peice of Cake
(Announcer: A few seconds after starting the battle, Shippou's victory speech that is on the game is given. And Akuma won.)
**looks at the Announcer** WILL YOU JUST LEAVE!!!?? **then turns her attention to Kouga again** HA HA, I told you.
Kouga: ...I'm just too good for this game.
Come on and admit it. I'm better at video games then you are.
Kouga: Nope, and to prove it too you, let's play Inuyasha, Fuedal Fairy Tale tommorrow and see how many times I win.
It's a match **shakes hands with Kouga** Oh, hi everyone...well...sorry for the first part. We were playing Inuyasha Fuedal Combat recently cause there is pretty much nothing else to do here at my little cabin. You noticed my new mascot hatched yesterday,and it's pink...**gulp** Okay, I'm letting my commenter's decide which mascot that should, vote in your comments. please. Wow, fourteen comments, that's the most I got since...ever. Thank you everone who commented. **bows, then thinks** I just found out, when my mom is at work I'm alone with 'Kouga' the whole day here ... **gulp**
Kouga: ...what are you thinking?
**thinks** no, Akuma, remember the bet. Don't forget that if you lose you are going to wear a PINK DRESS in the FMA movie too **speaks** nothing.
Kouga:'ve been acting strange what happend in the past, you would swoon even if you just saw my eye in a picture.
Yeah, and that's suppose to mean?
Kouga: baka...
**bonks Kouga's head** OH, and by the way, addition to me adding funny pics I find on the internet, me and Kouga are both going to answer your comments...or maybe just one of us. If it says (akuma) after your name, that means I'm answering your comment, if it says (kouga) after your name, that means Kouga is answering your comment. of course, it could end up like this: Your Username: (kouga)blah blah blah blah (akuma) yada yada yada. But replace the blahs and the yadas with our words. That means that both of us are repling. Which means those parenthesis are seperating our replys...and I just confused myself. Any questions?
Kouga: ...yeah...when did we agree on this?
...we? Well, I agreed on this just today after I heard peoples comments.
Kouga: ...evil anyway, here's us. commenting you.
swtanimelvr: (akuma) yes, he does look good in a mini skirt **dreams, then shakes it out of her and talks to herself** HOLD IT TOGETHER, AKUMA!!!
Magnus Lensherr: (akuma) keh, let's just say I had no time to rent or buy x-men, along that we have a crappy video store in my town.
kaitnic: (akuma AND kouga) ROCK ON AYAME-CHAN!!!!
CrazedMiko: (akuma) yeah, I made that bg myself... (kouga) Now, don't over do it, Akuma (akuma) hmph.
SessLover18: (kouga) **speaking to akuma** HA, i knew you were in love with me.
angel kat: (akuma) lol, (kouga) WHAT'S WITH PEOPLE HITTING ME ON THE HEAD TODAY!!!
kikyo luver19: (akuma) WHAT!! **growls at Kouga** KAGOME????!!! (kouga) REMEMBER THE BET AKUMA **hides underchair**
kagomeinuyasha199: (akuma) **gulps** old, Miroku, memmories. **sits in dark corner** evil ones too *I'll have to tell you about that someday*
lordsesshomaru: (kouga) **glares** LOOK WHO'S TALKING, BILLY? (akuma) **sighs** he over looked your post about that
Night shade2: (akuma) thanks
Veggie-Ann: (kouga) I'M NOT SCARED OF AKUMA, she's...just...scary when she's mad.
babiixkagome: (akuma) aww...**puts away duct tape**
inuyasha311: (akuma) **tilts head in confusion**
YugiohYamy: (akuma) **whistles Channel Z song** (kouga) you don't even know how to whistle... (akuma) keh, says you.
Kouga's Pics.
I tried to find one funny pic of Kouga tongiht, but alas, I ran short of time. but I found the group eating pocky.


Comments (10) |
Tuesday, August 1, 2006
kouga, Akuma's best dream...then makes it a living hell.
My Life
Hello, and welcome to InuyashaDreams, AKA, Akuma's site. I'm Akuma. Now, our special guest tonight, put your hands together...for the wolf youkai we all love...the only man I know that looks good in a mini skirt...KOUGA!!!!
(remeber the bet Kagome and I made!!!) Ummm...hello Kouga.
Kouga: Why are you looking at me like that? what?
Kouga: oh nevermind.
**shrugs** Okay, I'm sorry for the late post, but my mum decided to stay on the computer for **counts fingers** eight hours.
Kouga: ...
And also today I watched X-Men. I got to admit, that is a great movie..s I watched one and two. And you're right, Magnus Lensherr, Magneto is awsome. But Wolverine has my vote. Also, today is August 1st...JERRY GARCIA'S BIRTHDAY!!!! unfortunetly he's dead. (if you don't know who he is, there is a picture of him below...and he played for the Grateful Dead)

Kouga: You know what, I have no idea what my reason on this site is...I'll just leave.
NO!!!...**pins Kouga to the chair** ...I got to are the theme. THIS IS ONLY YOUR FIRST DAY hmph **lets go of Kouga and folds her arms**
Kouga: **rolls eyes**
**sighs** we'll, this is boring....
Kouga: Hey, what is the meaning of that banner.
only you would know...besides me.
Kouga: ...what?
Think about it you baka. **growls**
Kouga: **growls**
**snarles then growls...then glares.**
Kouga: DON'T HURT ME **hides**
Thought so...hmph. Okay...well, here are my answers to your comments.
swtanimelvr:'re confusing me...
Magnus Lensherr: Channel Z is a B-52 song...kinda a strange song...but hey, **shifty eyes, then whispers** the B-52's are aliens.
kaitnic: WHOOO YOU GO AYAME!!!! ... of course it's Kouga, silly ...who do you think it would be...Hakkaku?
CrazedMiko: WHOO!!! KOUGA RULEZZZ...okay...I hate speling it with a z...
SessLover18: WHOO!!! (the third time in a YES!! another gaian.
angel kat: YES, I GOT SOMEONE ON MY SIDE!!!!...or...are you going for Kagome...
kikyo luver19: INUYASHA...TIME FOR A FLEA BATH **evil laugh**
kagomeinuyasha199: lol...very good.
lordsesshomaru: **nods**
Answers from the last questions.
Kagome'sAkuma's Answer from Yesterday: blah blah blah blah blah blah
Akuma's Answer from yesterday: I am living on Channel Z **starts singing the Channel Z song**

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