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Friday, June 30, 2006
mr. belvadir
My Life
Inutaisho: yo
Sigh, play practice was fun... But it is the last one before the performnance. Which is today, Friday, June 30th. **sigh**
Inutaisho: what's wrong?
Cause it's the last day of the month... And do you know what that means? **grabs Inutaisho's shirt** DO YOU!!!!!
Inutaisho: uhhh... it's the end of the month?
and... **glare**
Inutaisho: well, your not really happy about it so does it have to do with something bad with Kouga or Kail?
Inutaisho: what? Oh well, I guess I'll pack. **goes pack**
NOOOO **grabs Inutaisho and hugs him** I DON'T WANT YOU TO GO. NOT ONLY WILL AN EVIL PERSON COME, BUT... I'll **whisper** miss you
Inutaisho: what did you say?
Inutaisho: well, I guess I'll be going.
NOOO... **watches Inutasho leave** don't go... **someone else comes in**
Unknown at this moment: Hello, is Akuma here?
I'll pretend she isn't here if I answer questions.
SessLover18 Sesshoumaru is 5' 8'' Kouga's acutally 5' 9''. Animal Planet is awsome too.
swtanimelvr: thank you, **bows** thank you
Magnus Lensherr: That'll be the funnest time ever. You'll have Magnus and I'll have Kouga...then we can do like a business where we can bring fatasy people to life. Sci Fi has been a little boring yesterday too. Yeah, but this is two more lines long. heh heh
kaitnic it would be so awsome to have that same picture (not the flower) on my phone, but alas, I'm not allowed on the browser anymore. Wait, you can send me the picture... I'll make you an icon (was it for otaku? Cause I'm confused on what icon you want) I can make you an icon, if you can text message me that picture...but not yet. And no, my mom didn't find the Kouga pictures yet. She is currently 3 hours away, she works across the state so I don't see her much.
lordsesshomaru: Me neither, and it was about the ant movie. **shrugs** and your comments on my story always make me feel better. Even on this...ever so...evil day.
tinkerbell 1991: Thank you for your concern.
Note 1: Today's song is Dirty Little Secret by Sarah McLachlan. Note 2: Find this song and listen to it during the chapter. Note 3: Tommorrow is the last chapter.
Chapter 25: Dirty Little Secret
Yuuki still stood by her mate. She stared at his face, waiting for his eyes to pop open and she could see her eyes that were ice-cold blue, but give her a sense of warmth. She brushed some wild white hair from his sweating face. His breathing was heavy. Yuuki knew she should keep her heart hoping for Kousen to be all right, but she knew she had to expect the worse. When Tsumi went inside the wolfdog youkai's soul, he took most of the power from him, and when Tsumi left, he didn't supply Kousen with the power Kousen lost and it was too much for even a youkai like himself to handle to live. She tried to smile, but then it changed to a gasp when she felt an extreme pain in her left palm. She knew it was the scar, telling her that Kousen was in pain. She felt his pulse, and felt scared at the result. Kousen's pulse was going slower and slower.
She knew that it was no use thinking everything can't be alright. She held Kousen's right hand in her left, making their scars touch another again. "Kousen..." she cried out. She wished she had the amazing medical supplies that Kousen's Aunt Kagome had. She remembered Kagome's box of mediciene that worked almost like magic back when Yuuki lived with her mother and father. "Kousen, don't leave me now." She couldn't hold back her tears anylonger. "What am I to do without you?" She placed her right hand on his bare chest that was covered with dressed wounds. Kousen's pulse was so slow, she couldn't feel it any longer. Yuuki placed her cheek on Kousen's chest, and didn't realize that she was damping the cloth used for the dressing of wounds. "Kousen, don't leave me forever."
If I had the chance love
I would not hesitate
To tell you all things I never said before
Don't tell me its too late
Cause I've relied on my illusion
to keep me warm at night
and I've denied in my capacity to love
but I am willing to give up this fight
Been up all night drinking to drown my sorrows down
But nothing seems to help me since you've gone away
Im so tired of this town where every tongue is wagging
When every back is turned
Theyre telling secrets that should never be revealed
Theres nothing to be gained from this but disaster
Here's a good one
Did you hear about my friend
He's embarrassed to be seen now
Cause we all know his sins
If I had the chance love
I would not hesitate
To tell you all things I never said before
Don't tell me its too late
Cause I've relied on my illusion
to keep me warm at night
and I've denied in my capacity to love
But I am willing to give up this fight
Oh I am willing to give up this fight
Yuuki gasped, her nightmare became true. Kousen's dog ears had a devilish point to them, his fangs were long and dripped over his lower lip, his claws were full of sticky maroon blood, and his eyes glazed an evil red. "Kousen." Kousen kneeled down and grabbed the front colar of her yukata and brought her face close to his. Yuuki could smell the flesh and blood blowing from Kousen's breath, He has been eating humans
"Tell me, are you Yuuki." Kousen growled.
Yuuki's ears hurt to hear the raspy voice, "Yes." She boomed out, "I am Yuuki."
Kousen narrowed his eyes on her, "You are my mate that never loved me. Just felt sorry for a 'poor wolfdog"
"What are you talking about, Kousen. I l-"
"Don't you dare speak lies you wench," he backslapped her, letting his claws scratch her cheek
Yuuki endured the pain, and looked once again deep into Kousen's blood red eyes, Kousen, I know your true self is inside there. Scratching to get out.
"Kousen, I love you. And nothing can change it." Yuuki snapped, "I know the real Kousen is inside there. I know you are no human eating youkai."
Kousen curled his lips and hit her once again. "You will die in my arms if you do not fight back."
"I don't need to fight back." Yuuki smirked.
Kousen growled, "Then die."
Kousen memory replayed over and over again in his mind ever since he caugh conncincios. Yuuki was to upset to notice, Kousen's heart rate was increasing. Kousen slowly opened his eyes to a blury world. It took him a few seconds to get into full focus. He felt that his haori was off and a force was in the middle of his chest. He scented Yuuki, and her tears. What's wrong with her, Kousen wondered. "Yuuki?" he said but noticed that his voice was soar and very soft.
Yuuki's eye popped open by the soft voice of Kousen. She felt the pulse again, and it was normal. Kousen, she lifted her head up and looked at his face. Her heart leapt when she saw the sight that was too good to be true, "Kousen...I thought you died on me."
Kousen's voice still felt sore, and he couldn't say anything. He tried to get up but his body felt sore. "Damn it" he whispered.
"Don't get up, you are still weak." Yuuki pushed him down to relax. She brushed more hair out of his eyes, "Sleep, it will be good for you."
Kousen sighed, there was no use argueing, and he did need the sleep. He stared at the celing, So bored..., he told himself over and over again until he fell asleep.
Yuuki stayed by his side, she never wanted to leave him alone again. After a while watching Kousen, she started to feel sleepy herself. She layed down with her head on Kousen's chest, and she let her droopy eyes take her to sleep.
A few hours later, Kousen's eyes popped open again, he felt Yuuki's sleeping body on him. He smiled and realized he felt a lot better than before. He slowly stood up, careful not to wake Yuuki. But alas, his task failed when Yuuki gave a stir and she woke up herself. "Well, good morning." Kousen smirked.
Yuuki looked up at him, and lifted her body to face him at eye length. "Good night actually, I think." She spied outside, it was almost dusk. "Yep, it's night." She turned her face back to him, "Well, I see you are well."
"Strong as before." Kousen smiled.
Kousen smiled at her, until his words came back, You will die in my arms if you do not fight back. "Yuuki, I'm sorry."
"Sorry for what?"
"When I was that human eating youkai. I never meant to hurt you in anyway."
"Kousen, you don't have to say sorry for that. I knew that was Tsumi making you say that." Yuuki stood up.
Kousen, with his full streanght back, stood by her, "Was Tsumi killed?"
"No, he flew away before we could get to him." Yuuki knew Kousen was going to be mad.
"Good, now I can personaly smash his head in for what he made me do to you and Miyuki and what he did to you." Kousen cracked his knuckles.
Yuuki smiled, "I am surprised you can remember what happened to you."
"Painful memmories they are. But I'm glad I remember them, no matter how painful they are. Makes me want revenge more." Kousen sighed, "What happened to Miyuki and Kiba. When Kiba saved Miyuki, they seemed like they were in a fight or something."
"Well, Kiba told Miyuki some stuff that meant that he never loved her and it was all a huge plan to get to Ayame when Kiba first met her. Kiba's father, Kuro, didn't let Kiba explain the whole thing and Miyuki turned a cold shoulder towards Kiba."
Kousen shrugged, then looked out the window, "Well, they don't seem like it now."
Yuuki looked at Kousen in a strange fasion, "What?"
"Look outside." Kousen smiled.
Yuuki spied outside and saw Miyuki leaning on Kiba's shoulder. "Well, it seems Miyuki did let Kiba have a second chance." She giggled, then leaned on Kousen's shoulder. "And I'm glad your back."
"I don't think I'm going to be leaving for a long time." Kousen let Yuuki's head lay in the curve of his neck and wrapped his arm around her shoulder, "But Yuuki, we need to kill Tsumi."
He just ruined a good moment, Yuuki glared, "I guess so."
"We should leave as soon as possible." Kousen stated.
Again, Yuuki knew she had to agree. Their life was never to be in peace again until their enemy is killed once and for all. "We should go tell Miyuki and Kiba."
"And ruin their alone time?"
"Let's do it."
Yuuki and Kousen left the hut, and Miyuki and Kiba stood up instantly. "Well well Kousen, I see you are up and running." Miyuki smirked.
"And I see you two are back together," Yuuki smiled.
"Enough chit chat, down to work. We need to kill Tsumi as soon as possible." Kousen shouted out.
"So early?" a voice boomed.
Everybody knew the voice like they knew the back of their hand, "Tsumi." they all growled.
There was Tsumi in his human form again, with pale skin, black hair, black eyes, and maroon stripes on his cheeks. "I wanted to have more fun with you four."
"Well, Tsumi, your reign of terror has to end sometime." Kousen growled.
Miyuki and Kiba stepped forward, "Kousen, stay back. You need to rest just a bit longer. We will weaken him for ya."
"Does that have to do anything about me being a wolfdog." Kousen growled.
Miyuki glared back at her brother, "You should stop thinking that. You're my brother and I've lived with you for my whole life. If I wanted to see you dead because of your being of a wolfdog I would have done it when I first learned my first fighting move."
Kousen couldn't help but retreat for just a bit. "Fine."
"Kiba, come on." Miyuki motioned and KIba followed.
"Well, bring it on." Tsumi grinned.
Miyuki didn't have time for chit chat and leapt forward to take him head on. "Damn you." She shouted as she aimed for a punch. Tsumi got his block ready, but he found out it wasn't aimed for the place that he thought it was heading for. Miyuki smirked as she knew Tsumi fell in her trap allready and kicked Tsumi straight in the stomach.
Tsumi stepped back by the shock of the blow, his lungs empty of air. Before a few seconds, Tsumi gained his breath, "Is that the best you can do?"
Miyuki growled at the back of her throat. She lunged again and kicked at his legs. Tsumi jumped and punched Miyuki in the face. Before long, Kiba soon kicked Tsumi in the back and made Tsumi fall off his 'soapbox' he was about to talk on. "Don't you dare touch Miyuki in such a fasion."
Yuuki knew that it was no use standing there. She was the daughter of a youkai exterminator and a monk. She had to fight. So she unsheathed a katana her mother gave her and lept into battle.
Kousen watched as everybody fought, and he didn't. His hands were itching for a little violence they could cause. He had to enter the battle. Tsumi and the rest paused for just a moment. Tsumi spied Kousen, "Did I ever tell you, that I was the one who killed her mother."
Kousen gasped at this, "What."
"I killed your mother just before she was about to give birth to you. She was a wolfdog like yourself, and I wanted to marry her mother. If I did marry her mother, then she would have been a wolf raven youkai. So would you. You know wolf ravens are accepted into the tribe as much as any wolf."
"I don't give a damn about that acceptance stuff. All I care about now, after you told me, is the revenge for Kiba, Miyuki, Yuuki, Ayame, my father, and my mother. I bet if you never came into our lives then we would have a happier life." Kousen felt a angst rise over him, and he noticed it was nighttime. And the just-about-full moon rose in the sky. He swore the moon wasn't bright once more, and two stars, that were by the moon for a while, were gone. And he knew what that meant
"What are you going to do about it!"
Mother, Father, please give me the strenght I need to defeat him. Kousen pleaded. Everybody stared at Kousen and Tsumi during their conversatons, until now. They all stared at Kousen. Kousen didn't know it, but behind him were two ghostly figures. Kousen spied behind him and saw them both. And he smiled.
The two were his own mother and father. Kouga and Akuma stood their, "Hello Kousen." Kouga smiled.
Kousen didn't want to say anything, and he couldn't. Akuma and Kouga instantly held on to their son's shoulders. Kousen gasped, and he felt a sense of strenght he never knew before. His mother and father were giving him strenghth. Kousen felt the power of both of them. Yuuki gasped at him, his body glowed like the moon itself. Kousen stared at Tsumi finally with new eyes, eyes that were an electrict blue. His white hair was whiter than new-fallen snow. And his glare sent a chill right through you.
Tsumi couldn't stop staring at Kousen, and didn't get a chance when Kousen lifted his right palm, and a shot of bright white flashed from the palm. Tsumi was caught in the light. The raven screamed in a defeat of terror and was dissolved into nothingness. Kousen dropped his palm to stop the flash.
Kouga and Akuma both let go of their son to set him free of the power. Kousen caught breath for a bit, before facing his parents. "Hello mother, hello father."
"Hey" Kouga ruffled Kousen's hair. "Hello Miyuki." Kouga waved to his daughter.
Kousen kept on staring at Akuma, "Mother, why did-"
"We wanted as much revenge as you did. No doubt about that." Akuma smirked, "Your father just wanted to tag along." she rolled her eyes.
"You can't be the only one who gets to see the pups." Kouga growled.
Akuma again rolled her eyes, "Well, I guess we better get going."
"Your mother says hi Miyuki, she just couldn't make it. She wished she did but she had something to do." Kouga mentioned to Miyuki. "Kiba, you take good care of her you hear? Or I'm going to have to tear your head off and take out your stomach through your neck."
Miyuki giggled, there's the original over-protective father meeting his duaghter's mate.
Kiba gulped, "Don't worry sir, I will take care of her."
"You too Yuuki. Keep Kousen out of trouble" Akuma smirked.
"I'll be sure to." Yuuki waved.
Kousen stared at his mother slowly walk away with his father, and he felt it again. He couldn't stop himself and ran towards his mother and wrapped his arms around her. "I love you mother."
Akuma turned her head, and smiled. She slowly attempted to turn her body around and grasp him in his arms again. "Don't worry Kousen, if you need me, I will be at the moon." She brushed his hair between the dog ears.
Kousen slowly tore apart and smiled to his father too, "I'm sorry father, for accusing you of hating me and all that stuff. I love you father."
Kouga nodded, "All is forgiven. If you need me, I will be with your mother."
Kouga speed off into the sky, Akuma glanced back at her son, I'm so proud of you, Kousen. She smiled and left for the sky as well.

Comments (6) |
Thursday, June 29, 2006
My Life
Inutaisho: yo
I went on the radio this morning with the actress who played Hermes. It was fun. I had to go there because I had to speak for the play. Then when I got to play practice, everyone was clapping for me and Brooke (the Hermes girl). Today I slept a lot but once in a while I would switch to Sci Fi, then I would watch Discovery Channel. That was all I wanted to watch today.
Inutaisho: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
We are really tired so yeah. I'm going to make it a short post tonight just because we want to sleep.
Inutaisho: **blink** shut up, I want to sleep.
k, **grabs Kouga Chibi Keychain and goes to bed** I'll answer questions before I go to bed.
KyuubiKhaos: (inutaisho talking) WHAT? Aww come on, I was saying that so Akuma wouldn't hurt a bad place.
KillMeCrimson: Don't talk about that movie, please. I don't want to remember. please.
babixxkagome: yeah, I actually said no to ice cream yesterday.
Magnus Lensherr: I don't want to speak of the makes me sick. **twitch** KOUGAS REAL? **runs around** (inutaisho talking) Akuma, read the rest of the comment (Akuma now talking) Aww....
kaitnic SPLEE. It would be sweet revenge to see your mother.
lordsesshomaru: Why does it feel like I had this conversation before?
tinkerbell 1991: Chibi's are always better.
Note 1: Today's song is Got to Get You Into My Life by the Beatles
Chapter 25: Got to Get you into my life
Kiba stared down at the hut that Miyuki and Yuuki placed Kousen in. He remembered Miyuki yelling at him for saving her. Don't you think she would have forgiven me just a bit when I saved her like that? Kiba growled. He watched the hut's doorway, waiting for the person he wanted to see come through the door. He would have followed them to save Kousen, but Miyuki warned him to back off and not enter the hut. Kiba sighed, "Miyuki..." was all he could say. He could never think of anything else when the only person he ever loved was in pain. He layed on the grass and stared up at the sky. "Miyuki, will you ever forgive me?"
"I really think you should forgive Kiba." Yuuki stopped dressing Kousen's wounds. Luckly Kousen regained his breath once they got into the cabin.
"Keh, what for?" Miyuki growled, "After all, he doesn't love me."
"Are you sure? He saved you at Kousen's attack." Yuuki smirked.
"Saving me won't buy you a one way ticket to my forgiveness. After that stunt he pulled off won't be forgiven as long as I live!"
Yuuki sighed, "I think you at least should hear him out. I can tell he cares a lot for you."
"Yuuki-chan, are you okay? I think Kousen wacked you a bit too hard, Kiba doesn't care for me." Miyuki growled.
"For once, would you stop being a mocking bird and say what you say. You keep on saying that Kiba doesn't care for you. If you think more about it, Kiba might actually want a second chance." Yuuki turned back to the sleeping Kousen, "Not to mention you have the mating scar which means you are stuck with him for your whole life unless one of you dies."
"Then I'll kill him then." Miyuki started to head out the door, "That shouldn't be a problem."
Yuuki stopped her, "Miyuki, just listen to him first."
Miyuki looked back at Yuuki again, and she thought about the relationship she and Kousen shared. Yuuki, you and my brother share a partnership that will never break. And you Kousen has found the perfect mate that doesn't care for you mixed blood. Miyuki spied the scar on her left palm, But Kiba and I, should have never known each other. She glanced once more at Kousen and Yuuki, and closed the door behind her to confront Kiba.
Kiba's eyes fell droopy, "Miyuki..." he sighed again. Damnit, I can't forget about her. Why did I have to be the one to revenge our tribe. Now I can't get Miyuki out of my mind. And I might just go crazy being away from her forever. "Miyuki, will you ever forgive me."
"Weren't you just listening to the conversation Yuuki and I were having. I don't think I'm going to forgive you soon." Miyuki kehed.
Kiba woke instantly and looked at the wolf youkai girl he wanted to be around so much. "Miyuki..."
"I have been standing here for a while and that's all you were saying. I think you were staring at the sun a bit to long."
Kiba laughed just a bit, "Miyuki, may I speak to you."
Miyuki rolled her eyes, "Well, Yuuki just ordered me too, so I guess I will. Also, I think I should leave the love birds alone for a while." Miyuki sat by him. "So, would you like to plead for mercy, or did you just want me near you."
Kiba didn't listen to her scarcasim, "Miyuki, do you promise not to debate with anything I'm about to say. I need you to hear me full out."
Once Kiba got hte okay from Miyuki, he started, "When we first met, I had no intention to mate you." He could see out of the corner of his eye that she was staring at the ground with an angst expression, but she kept her word and kept quiet to hear him full out.
"I was foolish, my mind was set on avenging my tribe. I was a total selfish baka." Kiba sighed when he saw her nod her head in agreement. "Very soon, I...I didn't know what happened or what made it happen, that kind of stuff is way to complicated, I started to...fall in love."
Miyuki felt her heart leap, and she listened to Kiba closer like one of the pups when the elders told them stories of the brave hero's of the past. Kiba saw her intrest, "And I couldn't hold myself any longer and tried to ask you to be my mate. I was not allowed to do it, since I was ordered not to love you so I was scared. I didn't raise up enough courage since I knew I was going to decieve my tribe. But, I couldn't keep myself away from you. I was being torn apart, until I remember a story my mother told me when I was only a pup. My father always told me that he and my mother met one day and fell in love. The real story was he wanted to love someone else and had to lure my mother into loving him so he could get close to the woman he loved. Of course his plan backfired."
Miyuki rolled her eyes, It seems like that Kuro guy is always trying to lure woman. She shivered at the sound of that sentence.
Kiba sighed, "Miyuki, after we became mates, I panicked when I remembered why I had to meet you in the first place. I knew I was going to hurt your feelings once you found the truth of me. I tried to think of something to help me tell you the truth. But all I could think of it resulting it was you in pain. I didn't want to see you like that." the wolf boy sighed, "I felt like I should have never met you like this. And I realized, there was no easy way to give it to you and I couldn't change what happened. So I decided to give it full out. I was about to tell you when my father burst in and gave it to you in the worst possible way."
Miyuki stared at him, she still looked like one of the pups that wanted to hear more of the story. Kiba...I never knew you were in so much pain. She stared down at a blade of grass. "Was that all you wanted to tell me."
"Do you forgive me?"
"Well, I have to admit, that story did touch my heart and made it a bit easier for me to forgive you." Kiba's heart leaped, until she droped the bomb, "But I'm still not convinced."
Kiba knew this was going to be a problem. He agreed since this might be his last chance with Miyuki. "Miyuki, when we splited apart. I couldn't stop thinking of you. And I knew, I had to get you back into my life. Because. I truely and deeply love you." he stared at her with his amber eyes more serious than they have ever been.
I was alone, I took a ride
I didn't know what I would find there
Another road where maybe I
could see another kind of mind there
Ooo, then I suddenly see you
Ooo, did I tell you I need you
Every single day of my life
You didn't run, you didn't hide
You know i wanted just to hold you
And had you gone, you knew in time
We'd meet again for I had told you
Ooo, you were meant to be near me
Ooo, and I want you to hear me
Say we'll be together every day
Got to get you into my life
What can I do, what can I be
When I'm with you I want to stay there
If I'm true I'll never leave
And if I do I know the way there
Ooo, then I suddenly see you
Ooo, did I tell you I need you
Every single day of my life
Got to get you into my life
I was alone, I took a ride
I didn't know what I would find there
Another road where maybe I
could see another kind of mind there
Ooo, then I suddenly see you
Ooo, did I tell you I need you
Every single day
"Kiba..." Miyuki felt her heart leap when Kiba chose those words to tell her. And after all those days ever since she learned the truth of Kiba, she thought her heart was forever cold towards him. When after all, she was deaf to her heart's words and shouts. She always wanted to be with Kiba, no matter what he did. "Kiba, I..."
"I understand." Kiba sighed, "You can kill me if you want to."
"But Kiba, I love you more than anything. I was just deaf to my heart and never knew, I need you every single day of my life."
Kiba felt his heart leap into his throat by those words. "You do." his amber eyes mixed with her emerald ones. Her smile made the sunshine seem dull. Kiba grasped her in his arms and forced a kiss on her lips.
Miyuki knew that Kiba wouldn't hesitate so she expected him to throw himself to her and she instantly melted into his kiss.
Yuuki giggled at what she saw and rememberd when she and Kousen first met. How Kousen gave her a kiss like that. "You know, Miyuki, I know you threw that rock."

Comments (6) |
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
My Life
Inutaisho: yo
Today has to be the best play practice ever. The Run through was awsome, the guys were treating me normal again, (except for when I showed them the Kouga Chibi Keychain, then they tried to kill it. I smell a bit of jealousy. -_-') Ayame (known as kaitnic on Otaku) called me from Disneyland **growls** Lucky Wolf. Anyway she was talking to me when she was in line for the Pirates of the Carrabean ride and it was broken down. Yada yada. **looks at Kouga Chibi Keychain** Hey, dad, isn't he cute? **dangles it in front of his face.**
Inutaisho: uhh...**swats at it** I am not meant to give comments about such things.
hmph, OH did I mention that during my there-is-nothing-else-fun-to-do-but-watch-Sci Fi time. Threre was a movie on it called The Ice Cream man. It almost made me kinda sick. This Ice Cream man came from this insanasylim or somthing like that after the Ice Cream man in his childhood was killed. Then he killed people, and put their body parts INSIDE the ice cream he sold. Along with mice and cockroaches. Then he gave the ice cream to people while he not only killed people, he killed children too. It was okay but it almost made me barf when I saw him sqeeze something out of an eyeball into the chocolate Ice Cream and scooped it up, making sure it was hidden in the ice cream, and he gave it to a police officer. "Chopped up Police Officers make great fertilizers." **shivers**
Inutaisho: uhh...okay.
**dangles the Kouga key chain in front of Inutaisho again** Isn't it cute, and you have to give yes or no.
Inutaisho: yes or no
Inutaisho: You said to give 'Yes or No'
Answer it with a yes, or answer it with a no.
Inutaisho: **gulps**
Come on, how can you say no to a face like that?
Inutaisho: er...fine he's cute.
**mouth falls open** you dirty gay old man. **hides Kouga keychain** stay away from him. Okay, time to answer questions...with answers.
KyuubiKhaos: marry Inutaisho? He's my father...or did you mean someone else.
SessLover18: Yep, I'm a Kouga Fan and I'm proud of it. **nudges** did you know that Kouga is 5' 8'' it's true. I can send you chapters you missed. If you don't mind.
Yamisgirl: I just came soooooo barely to going to Summer School, I'll explain tommorrow.
Magnus Lensherr: heh, it was called Leeches. And it's a good thing you didn't talk about that keychain...**glares at the gay old man.** hmph
Somegirl: I have no idea, i have a super bad memory. I'm a toe head. Yeah, make all the jokes you want, I don't care. Okay...umm...yeah. Cartoons (this doesn't include anime) doesn't really apeal to me that much anymore.
lordsesshomaru: What, I need a break from showing these guys about the story.. Although this story is ending in like 4 days (including today) anyway. But someday I'm going to post the seqeal. I didn't think it would go this fast.
OnexPiecexNami: It's not Slither it was called Leeches. O.O...SANJI CHIBI YAY **looks at Kouga Chibi** I'm so sorry.
tinkerbell 1991: really?
Note 1: Today's Song is Crazy Sunshine by the Pillows. I hope you know that they are a Japanese band.
Chapter 24: Crazy Sunshine
"Miyuki" Kousen growled. There's your sister. The sister who hated you. She never accepted you as a wolfdog., the voice repeted through his head, "I know master."
There he is, talking to his 'master' again, "Kousen, stop hurting Yuuki. I will fight you."
"MIYUKI, D-." Yuuki ordered.
"Shut up you wench," Kousen turned to her again.
Miyuki stepped up, "I'm okay Yuuki, I have to do this."
"I'm glad to see it my way." Kousen smirked, throwing Yuuki. The wolfdog cracked his knuckles and laughed, "How long I've waited to feel your blood go under my claws."
"Kousen, I'm your sister. What have I done to you?" Miyuki glared.
Kousen snarled, "Lies, all my life you told me lies." His claws flexed, "And I want to return them back." He ran with as much speed as his youkai legs could give him.
Miyuki narrowed her eyes and stepped out of the way, but Kousen caught her trick and caught her arm. He pulled to bring her down. Miyuki wasn't surprised, she wanted Kousen to do that. She quickly slipped from under him and pulled his hair.
Kousen yelped in pain like a hurt wolf, but endured it. He dug his claws into her skin on her arm. "Is that the best you can do, dear sister." he smirked.
"A mere claw digging in my arm, you've got to be joking. I knew since you were born that pulling your hair always gave you pain. But that's not my most powerful way to defeat you." She slashed at Kousen's torso.
Kousen leaped his torso from her reach just enough for her to tear the harori. "Ohh...I'm real scared." Kousen scarcasticly laughed.
Miyuki took the time to surprise Kousen by pinning him to the ground by the shoulders. "Wake up Kousen."
"I am awake," Kousen laughed, then positioned his feet under Miyuki and kicked her off him by the stomach.
Miyuki slowly fell, grasping her stomach. Kousen knocked most of the air out of her. While she tried to regain her breath, Kousen grasped his hand around the base of her neck. Just when Miyuki's breath was back, Kousen lifted her up by the neck and held on harder. "Kousen -- stop -- it." Miyuki gasped between breaths.
Kousen's eyes grew a greater shade of red, "Stop what, I like to see my enemies die a slow and painful death." Yuuki ran towards Kousen to hit him out of killing Miyuki, when Kousen sensed her coming and back slapped her, "I thought you were not going to fight me, wench."
Yuuki grabbed a near by building to help her up again, "You let go of Miyuki."
"Don't worry, I'm going to kill you after I'm done with her." Kousen smiled.
Miyuki still tried to pull away Kousen's grasp. She still couldn't sense the one person she never wanted to see again, come back to her.
Everyone looked to the place the voice was coming from, and Miyuki couldn't believe her eyes. It was the wolf youkai boy with black hair and amber eyes. "Ki -- ba" Miyuki gasped out.
Kiba shouted once again, "I don't care if you are Miyuki's brother, I am still going to kill you if you don't let go of Miyuki."
See Kousen, they still wanted to kill you no matter who you are related to, "Come on, I can kill you even with Miyuki still in my hand. Hey, I can kill two wolf's with one stone." Kousen smirked.
"I warned you to lay your paws of Miyuki, but I guess I will have to force them off you." Kiba ran head first to Kousen. Kousen tried to stop him, but Kiba's love gave him extra strength to over come the youkai and Kousen let go of Miyuki from the blow.
Miyuki slowly got up and caught her breath, coughing blood in the process. "Kiba..." Miyuki gasped, she was too much in pain to keep her legging.
Kiba saw her and ran towards her, just in time to catch her. "Miyuki, are you okay."
Miyuki looked at Kiba's face, and she smiled. She felt like when she first fell in love with him, but evil memmories from their break up reminded her why she doesn't want to be with him. "I'm fine Kiba." She growled and leaned up herself. "Just stay away from me."
"Jeeze, I just saved your life and that's how you treat me?" Kiba folded his arms.
Miyuki rolled her eyes, "I bet you are trying to make me love you again I bet. I have no reason for trusting you again. And how do I know you are not the Dairi Spirit again."
Kiba was confused at the last part, until he remember what the Dairi Spirit did to Kousen and thought Tsumi made the spirit do that to her. "Will you ever forgive me."
"Nope." Miyuki looked away
Kiba sighed and looked away as well, "As you wish."
Kousen watched the two, "Well, looks like the two love birds are at it again."
"Are you kidding me, we might have the mating scars. But that doesn't mean we are still together." Kiba sighed at what Miyuki said.
Yuuki saw her chance and knocked Kousen down on his stomach, "Kousen, come back."
"I am back." Kousen was ready to punch her when Miyuki punched Kousen on top of the head. Kousen endured the pain and swiped at Miyuki, haveing claw marks on her cheeks. Miyuki bit at Kousen's neck to leave two marks. Kousen used both his claws to scratch both sides of Miyuki's neck.
Yuuki watched as brother and sister, I've got to do something before one of them kills one another.
zen sekai no koshinuke monkey
mikanei no game ni muchuu
shinu made hanasanai banana no roulette
nui awaseta mabuta hodoite
koboreru namida ga utsusu no wa
jidai ga nakushite shimatta kanjyou nandayo
itami no nai taikutsu ni
obore souda
Crazy Sunshine
fukigen na bokurano mirai wo terashiteyo
Tightrope Dancing
kataashi demo toberu
aoi yokubou ni kimi to hi wo tsukete
nanimo fuan jya nai
nige ashi wo kitaeteru donkey
fusenshou no pride to odoru
itsu datte goal wa areka no mono data
machi awase no yoru ni kizuita
jidai ga yugamete himatta zanzou nandaro
namae mo nai kaibutsu ni
nomare souda
Crazy Sunshine
fukigen na bokurano mirai wo terashiteyo
Tightrope Dancing
kataashi demo toberu
aoi yokubou ni kimi to hi wo tsukete
nanimo fuan jya nai
I know Miyuki doesn't want me interfering with her battle, she will just include me as her target.Kiba knew it was no use interupting the battle. But knew he had to do something.
Kousen was going crazy for the blood that was splattering on his face, making him crave her flesh even more. Miyuki knew that as well. So did Yuuki and Kiba. "I've always wondered what wolf youkai's flesh tasted like." Kousen smirked.
"Let's just hope you will never find out." Miyuki cut another scar on Kousen.
They both paused, and gleamed at each other. Kousen smirked, and licked a cut and smaked his lips. "Delicious."
Miyuki never did like the taste of blood, even when it was hers. Seeing her brother taste her blood that was mixed with his made her stomach churn and gave her a bit of a headach. She then noticed the sun was going down, and her astrology teaching came into use. It's the night of the full moon. That's a good thing. Maybe once Kousen's a wolf he can either lose the youkai that is possessing him, or at least be weaker.
Yuuki knew what she was thinking and stared up at the sky, it was the only time she wanted Kousen to turn into the wolf. Please, I will do anything to make him a wolf.
Kiba didn't catch on until he rememberd that Kousen transformed on full moon night. But he still felt useless around Miyuki.
Miyuki wanted the pause to go just enough to make the moon rise. But it felt like the slowest sun set in her life. Kousen was getting ready to battle by flexing his claws again, "What are you waiting for, the grass to grow. Let's get this battle done now so I can eat."
Miyuki knew she couldn't hold back the battle any longer, so decided to go ahead. "I'm waiting brother. Unless you are too scared to battle me again."
Kousen growled and lept. "HOW DARE YOU SAY SUCH WORDS."
Miyuki looked at the corner of her eye at the moon that was rising, come on, just a bit more. Just when the moon rose, she hit Kousen in the face and made him fall to the ground, yes, that was easy. He's transforming into the wolf.
Kousen stayed on the ground, his hand grasping over his heart as the voice argued at him, What are you doing, Kousen. You are too powerful to have that wolf form take you over.
"But, it's too strong."
Don't you dare complain to me. I have given you more strength than before. You have got to have enough to stop your transformation., the voice growled.
Kousen's true heart, his old self, finally left the barrier, "I know you weren't trying to be my friend, Tsumi." did you.
"I'm going to have to thank my mother for this curse. Akuma's blood flows through my veins, so does the curse. The curse is part of my mother so to speak, so I actually have double the youkai power to transform. I see the goodness in this curse."
You may have your mother's blood, but I still have control over your mind. Tsumi forced again Kousen's heart back into the barrier.
Kousen forced his heart back up, but Tsumi forced it down again. It was like a emotional tug-o-war.
Yuuki saw her chance, the only way to give Kousen enough power to defeat Tsumi's power and have his whole soul back again. She ran towards him, Miyuki and Kiba yelling at her not to go near him. She kneeled by Kousen and stared straight into his face. Kousen didn't see her, due to the battle he was having inside him. Kousen, if this doesn't work. Nothing will. She placed her right hand on Kousen's cheek, and slowly neared her face. She lifted Kousen's right hand with her left and made their scars meet once more. Kousen gave a small whimper in pain. Very soon, she had her lips pressed on his.
That wench, Tsumi growled, but then, saw Kousen's soul return to his body. Tsumi was caught off guard and was forced to leave the body in a black mist, "I swear, you have not seen the last of me." Tsumi yelled and flew off.
Yuuki let go of their kiss, and stared into Kousen's face. And she saw his ice-blue eyes stare back at her.
"Yuuk-" Kousen started, but then his wolf transformation was over due, and he quickly transformed into the wolf being. It was to quick for him to handle in the surprise, and he fell to the ground in a thump.
"KOUSEN." Yuuki shouted, and shook him.
Miyuki ran up to her brother and felt his neck, "He's not breathing!"

Comments (7) |
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
blah blah
My Life
Inutaisho: yo
I'm thinking of not updating the story on the weekend for lordsesshomaru's sake. ewwwwwwwwww... **watches tv** I don't know what I'm watching, but it's on Sci Fi. And it has something to do with Mutant leeches. And there is this huge close up on this mutant leaech and its going inside this guys mouth. It's big, huge, Then there are showing a comercial for the Jolly Roger on Sci Fi on Sunday.
Inutaisho: you watch Sci Fi too much
I watch the History Channel and Cartoon Network, and G4 and Discovery, and Science Network. I don't get the Anime Network here. But Sci Fi has something good on most of the time. They show movies a lot that weren't put in theatres so it's something different. My packages from Amazon came today. It was a Pink Floyd, Wish you were here CD with a Yoshida Brothers CD (Japanese Band, not really J-pop, but it's good), and of course **holds up keychain while a light glows from behind it** MY KOUGA CHIBI KEYCHAIN. I never let it out of my site. I even took it in the shower with me, but I made it look the other way =3.
Inutaisho: oh brother, **rolls eyes**
**smakes head**
Inutaisho: Why did you get a keychain if you don't have keys?
**thinks, then rolls eyes** Cause I DO have keys and for the most part **holds up keychain while a light glows from behind it** IT'S A KOUGA CHIBI KEYCHAIN.
Inutaisho: You are crazy.
yes I am **bows to the keychain**
Inutaisho if you act that way in front of a kouga keychain, I would laugh to see you in front of Kouga.
KOUGA, WHERE **goes up to him and looks him straight in the eye** **watches TV,** eww, the guy who had the leech go down his throat is throwing up blood, now the leech is thrown up out of him.
Inutaisho: Okay, you are watching to violent of movies.
NOOO **jumps on him and sits on him** This is actually a good movie.
Inutaisho: uh...okay.
Now the leech is going inside another man. Okay, enough of hte movie, now to my adoring fans. **Inutaisho rolls eyes**
Veggie-Ann: hope you two are having fun lol. I could send you chapters if you like
kaitnic: YOUR GRANDMA TOTALLY ROCKS AYAME-CHAN. I'm sorry, I've been kinda busy so I'm sorry about that. Well, good luck with the job. I should join you too, but i think I'm going to work at Borders. So we can maybe get a discount on Mangas.
babixxkagome: I know a little grapic at the end. **laugs nervously.**
Magnus Lensherr: Did I tell you again today that all the guys were talking to me. I mean all of them. I was sitting down and they all crowded around me and started talking. The other girls were just standing around. I was amazed. Yeah, I got a licence.
Somegirl: I won't hurt you, I just have stupid Dial Up cuase my dad won't allow High Speed. He doesn't even go on the internet. Damn him. So I can't download those things.
lordsesshomaru: Know what, I forgive you. You're a nice guy and I don't get mad at people a lot.

Inuyasha: Kagome's Instinctive Choice (Episode Number: 151 Season Num: 6 ): 4.5 out of 5
Episode Recap:
Kagome must decide if she wants to save Kikyo, or not.
Episode Notes
First aired on YTV (in Canada) July 28, 2006
Eureka Seven: Into the Nature (Episode Number: 11 Season Num: 1 ) : 5 out of 5
Episode Recap:
Eureka's health continues to decline after realizing the connection between her and the Nirvash. At the same time, the Gekko encounters a strange phenomenon called a "Corallian." Despite her health, Eureka goes out in the Nirvash and is attacked by a new enemy - the Nirvash typeThe End - while inside the zone within the Corallian.
Episode Notes
Renton becomes an official member of the Gekkostate in this episode
Episode Allusions
Episode Title: Into The Nature
This episode title is a reference to the song "Into The Nature" by Hard Floor.

Note 1: **professer like** Todays song it Train Wreck by Sarah McLachlan.
Fanfiction: Why Do I Have To Be Different, Written by Akuma (AKA InuyashaDream)
Chapter 22: I'll Never Leave Your Side
Miyuki ran blindly though the forest, ignoring the sharp whips of branches that scratched her tough youkai hide. She tried to follow Yuuki's scent, but her mind was to busy going over what Kousen showed her. Kousen, after all these years have you held up a youkai inside your heart, like Uncle Inuyasha. She thought of the stories her father, Kouga, had told her of their Uncle Inuyasha and how a youkai controled his heart. Until, she remembered a line Kousen said, 'Yes, Master.' Either he is going crazy, or a youkai possessed him. She didn't know what she was running into, her nose wasn't fully giving her a clear transmission because of her thoughts, and she ran right into her goal, Yuuki.
"Woah, where's the fire, Miyuki?" Yuuki slowly recovered by the shock of Miyuki running into her.
Miyuki didn't joke around, "It's Kousen. He's changed."
"Changed?" Yuuki thought of the nightmares of Kousen. "Take me to him."
"Yuuki, I don't think you should go, after all he could kill you. He's killed AND EATEN a whole village."
Yuuki's stomach churned when Miyuki mentioned eating the whole village and imagined Kousen, her mate, eating humans. Kouga taught both his daughter and son never to eat humans. "I don't care, just take me to him."
Miyuki couldn't make Yuuki change her mind, and she thought it was rather stupid looking for Yuuki only to tell her that Kousen changed. So she decided to take her along. "Come, we have to hurry before Kousen moves on and we have to find him again."
Yuuki nodded and followed Miyuki in a fast running pace. Unaware that Tsumi was watching them.
Tsumi used a special power so he could control Kousen from his hidaway, only for a moment to start a new plan. He called apon the Dairi Spirit that helped him capture Yuuki. "Jodan, Geki. I need to to lure Miyuki away from battle, make Yuuki confront Kousen alone."
Jodan laughed, "Oh yays, another mission where we can suck the soul of of a few youkais."
"I have felt a sadness from Miyuki, and I know a form we can take." Geki cried, "Another love drama."
"Come on Geki, turn that frown upside down." Jodan smiled (which is strange, because he never stops smiling)
"No, Jodan. If I turn happy then the balance of souls will be over happy." Geki sighed.
"MOVE IT YOU TWO." Tsumi yelled.
"We're sorry" Geki pleaded.
Jodan shrugged, "We're going ya raven." The Dairi Spirit flew up and away while Tsumi returned to Kousen's body.
Miyuki and Yuuki ran as fast as they could, until a scent caught Miyuki's attention and she paused. Yuuki paused behind her, "What's wrong, Miyuki."
"That bastard." Miyuki growled, "Yuuki, you go ahead. I have some unfinished buisness to deal with."
"But Miyuki," Yuuki tried to stop the wolf youkai, "Aren't you suppose to take me."
"Just follow the screams, I know you can stand up to Kousen." Miyuki growled again, then stomped off into the trees.
Yuuki stared at the spot where Miyuki went, then listened carefully. Because of her human body, her ears weren't like any youkai, but she could still listen to the screams of many humans. She followed the screams.
Miyuki tore away a few more branches, to see the person she was looking for. "What are you doing her, Kiba?"
"Miyuki, there was never a day I couldn't stop thinking of you." Kiba walked up to her, "I'm so sorry about what I have done. I never wanted to hurt your feelings."
Miyuki's anger lessened as Kiba's words flew through her. But she didn't want to play the fool again, "How do I know you are not fooling me again?"
"Come on, how can I hurt my one and only true love." Kiba curled her hands in his, "Please Miyuki, will you ever forgive me."
Miyuki didn't know what to say, Is Kiba, really telling the truth. "Kiba, I..." His hands, they are so cold. Like death. I remember his hands always warm.
"Miyuki, I'm sorry but I can't hold it in any longer," Kiba sighed and wrapped his arms around her body and kissed her straight on the lips.
Miyuki's eyes were wide, Kiba...he still loves me., she slowly felt like her body was giving away, but her heart was telling her not to go. She was glad her heart was smart enough to tell her, His body, it's cold. Colder than death. Then her eyes followed her heart, and she saw the truth. It was the Dairi Spirit. She tore away from the grasp. "How dare you take the form of Kiba." Miyuki growled.
"Uh Oh Jodan, Looks like the boss is going to hurt us." Geki cried, placing his hand over his ashamed face.
Jodan laughed, "Tee hee, Actually we have done our job. Don't worry Geki."
"All I do is worry." Geki sighed.
"Enough talk, more dieng you two," Miyuki cracked her knuckles.
Jodan laughed once more, "We would love to play...but we can't." And with that, the Dairi Spirit flew away.
Miyuki growled at the departing spirit. Then remembered, "YUUKI. Damn that Dairi Spirt." She ran to catch up, "And damn that raven."
Yuuki slowly walked into the village, blood covered the ground like it was the new soil. Screams were slowly dieing away, either by escape, or a painful death. But some humans were traped with no where to go. She kept on looking around for any sign of Kousen, when a thump knocked her down. She turned around quickly, and it was Koused. She gasped, her nightmare became true. Kousen's dog ears had a devilish point to them, his fangs were long and dripped over his lower lip, his claws were full of sticky maroon blood, and his eyes glazed an evil red. "Kousen." Kousen kneeled down and grabbed the front colar of her yukata and brought her face close to his. Yuuki could smell the flesh and blood blowing from Kousen's breath, He has been eating humans.
"Tell me, are you Yuuki." Kousen growled.
Yuuki's ears hurt to hear the raspy voice, "Yes." She boomed out, "I am Yuuki."
Kousen narrowed his eyes on her, "You are my mate that never loved me. Just felt sorry for a 'poor wolfdog"
"What are you talking about, Kousen. I l-"
"Don't you dare speak lies you wench," he backslapped her, letting his claws scratch her cheek
Yuuki endured the pain, and looked once again deep into Kousen's blood red eyes, Kousen, I know your true self is inside there. Scratching to get out.
Would your love in all its finery
tear at the darkness all around me
until I can feel again
until I can breathe again
Cause Im a train wreck waiting to happen
waiting for someone to come pick me up off the tracks
a wild fire born of frustration
born of the one love that gets me so high
Ive no fear at all
Would your eyes like midnight fireflies
light up the trenches where my heart lies
until I can see again
to find my way back again
Cause Im a train wreck waiting to happen
waiting for someone to come pick me up off the tracks
a wild fire born of frustration
born of the one love that gets me so high
Ive no fear at all
To fall so deep into you
lose myself completely
in your sweet embrace
all my pains erased
From your mouth its all that I wish
the mercy of your lips just one kiss
until I can breathe again
so that I can sing again
Cause Im a train wreck waiting to happen
waiting for someone to come pick me up off the tracks
a wild fire born of frustration
born of the one love that gets me so high
Ive no fear at all
"Kousen, I love you. And nothing can change it." Yuuki snapped, "I know the real Kousen is inside there. I know you are no human eating youkai."
Kousen curled his lips and hit her once again. "You will die in my arms if you do not fight back."
"I don't need to fight back." Yuuki smirked.
Kousen growled, "Then die."
"KOUSEN, STOP IT NOW." a voice ordered.
Kousen spun his head, to face his own sister.

Comments (7) |
Monday, June 26, 2006
chance in a million
My Life
Inutaisho: yo
HEY, it's the New Moon Tonight. Too bad Inuyasha isn't here **snicker.** I was watching Pirates of the Carriabean. I'm kinda feeling better, thank you for everyone who wished me well, I appriciate that.
Inutaisho: you are so not normal.
I am currently watching Family Guy, I am battling a good friend of mine that I can watch more episodes than him. So far, I have.
Inutaisho: that it?
Eureka Seven, again, was great. Oh, and I was in the parade today. I got to sit in the back of the truck and wave to the 'little people' as the god of the sea. Posidon. I was yelling at the guy who plays Odysseus my lines and he was yelling his lines back. I got to admit, he's a really cool guy. And for some reason I can sense that all the guys have a crush on me. It was today that all the guys were trying to hug me and what not.
Inutaisho: **whispers** crazy girl.
You mind repeating that again?
Inutaisho: Crazy Girl
oh, that's okay. **sits down and reads**
Inutaisho: uhh....
oh and I found out that the fourth instalment of Ghost Hunt doesn't get out till Tuesday. YAY!!!! And the fishing was absolute horrible this morning. I was up since 5:00 AM and all I got was a nibble. But turtle hunting was fun. And yes, I'm allowed to shoot turtles. Call me evil, but I'm allowd. They are so evil around here. I once caught one that was HUGE. It was a snapping turtle and he almost bit my leg off. **raises hand** I swear by my life.
Inutaisho: er..
strange I know. Okay, QUESTIons. For Somegirl's sake, I'm calling it Answers.
Sakabato Samurai: Okay, I'll send you one chapter per message, just reply back so I know you got it.
kaitnic: YOU'RE BACK **hugs** I MISSED YOU SOO MUCH AYAME. Yeah, I decided that I wouldn't bleep out the word like I did the orgininal.
Mrs. Elric: You should, Ghost Hunt is a good manga. To me at least
Magnus Lensherr: Fishing was horrible **growls** DAMN YOU FISH.
Somegirl: ohhh **hug** this is for me answering to your comments. I guess I should call it Answers So sorry **hugs**
Note 1: Today's Song is Elenor Rigby by the Beatles.
Chapter 22: This is Not My Brother
"Kousen," Yuuki yelled at the top of her lungs, "Kousen where are you?" She sighed as she knew that there was no chance she would find Kousen. He was to angry at her. So she started to turn, until a rustle came from behind her. Yuuki smiled as she thought she would see Kousen's sympathetic face again, but all she saw was a wolf youkai girl with messy black hair, emerald eyes, dirty clothes, and tear marks on her cheeks. "oh, Hi Miyuki."
"Well, it seems you are not happy to see me." Miyuki rolled her eyes.
Yuuki looked over Miyuki's face. It looked worn out and sad, unlike the Miyuki she knew, "What happened to you?"
Just then, Miyuki's expression changed and she shivered when Kiba was mentioned, "It's Kiba...he-"
"Oh my gosh, did he abuse you?" Yuuki gasped.
Miyuki rolled her eyes once more, "No, he just...just never loved me."
"What, you've got to be joking! Kiba loved you more than anyth-"
Yuuki stepped back just a bit from the shock of the snap, and decided to change the subject, "Have you seen Kousen around anywhere?"
"Why? He's always with you. After what happended last time, he would never leave you alone." Miyuki smirked.
Yuuki didn't have the same feelings, "He thought all of a sudden that I never loved him and left."
"Well, that's men for you." Miyuki smirked while she untied her hair to let it down and combed it with her fingers.
Yuuki giggled, "Do you always try to stay optimistic no matter what you are feeling?"
"Well you have to to live in this damn hell of a world." Miyuki tied back her hair once more to finish it off.
Yuuki stopped giggleing, "Well, I guess we better start searching for Kousen."
"Why do we need too, he doesn't love you." Miyuki pointed out.
Yuuki gasped at was Miyuki just said to her, and knew it could be true. She wanted to say something to defend her reason from Miyuki's offence. Then a small pain went through her left palm, it was the mating scar. Yuuki looked at the scar and saw it white and it felt scratchy. The scar, right, the scar wouldn't have the souls attached if at least one of the two souls didn't truely loved one another. This scar is not hurting from an infection, it's hurting due to Kousen's pain. She closed her palm, "You are wrong, Miyuki. Kousen still loves me, and this scar tells it all. Now you go that way to search for Kousen, while I go this way." And with that, she spun on her heels and walked on.
Miyuki stared at her mating scar, it was full of pain too, Is this...Kiba's pain? And she smiled, Maybe...he still loves me. Miyuki then growled at once she thought about what Kuro and Kiba said, and she growle as she grasped the hand, He never loved me, a few peices of dirt got into it, that's all. If he did loved me, he would have told me about the plan in the first place. She followed Yuuki's orders and walked in the direction Yuuki gave her. He never loved me.
Kiba walked on and on, his nose searching for Miyuki's scent. "MIYUKI" he shouted once more, before he gave up and lowered his nose. Not only did the rain wash away most of her scent, but he felt like Miyuki wanted him out of her life.
"I still don't get why you mated Miyuki." Kuro growled.
"Why are you still following me father?" Kiba growled.
Kuro curled his lips, "Because I want to know why you loved and mated someone you weren't allowed to. After all that training you go and blow it. I've got to say, I am very disapointed with you Kiba."
Kiba shivered at what his father said to him. Almost his whole life, Kiba always obeyed and tried his best to impress his father. Just one sense of disgrace from his father made his hair on the back of his neck stand up straight. But then thought, times had changed. "I'm not the pup you can push around. I am not your puppet anymore you bastard."
"How dare you speak to your father like that, you runt." Kuro snapped, "Like I said before it was all your fault you let down our tribe. Don't you forget it.
Kiba smiled once he remembered something his mother once said to him, "What about mother?"
"What does your mother have to do with this?" Kuro growled, "She has nothing to do with this."
"She had nothing to do with Miyuki, but I when I realized that I was falling in love I knew you were going to be mad and I knew I had to go with the plan. Until I remembered the truth mother told me about you. How you met my mother"
"What truth. We fell in love, mated, and had you. What else did your mother tell you."
Kiba smiled once he saw a small tinge of blush on his fathers cheek, "You said that all the time, but mother told me the truth. Back when Ayame was our tribe leader, my mother was Ayame's friend and assistant. You were in love with Ayame and wanted to mate her. But you knew that you were just a commener and she would never notice you. So you came up with a plan to lure my mother into loving you and get close to Ayame. But your plan backfired when you started to love my mother more than Ayame. The rest is obvious, you mated my mother and had me."
"Your mother breathes lies. And by the way, how do you believe your mother told you the truth."
"Because you always changed your story on how you met mom, mother's tale was always the same." Kiba smirked.
Kuro was backed into a corner. His own son that alway obeyed his own father no matter what, defended himself.
"Now, go back to the tribe, cause I have to find Miyuki to appologize." Kiba turned and ran off into the distance.
Kuro stared at his son, he was dissapointed at his son's attitude. But felt a sence of pride for his son for standing up for himself. Kuro smirked and turned and walked away.
"KOUSEN." Miyuki yelled, "KOUSEN WHERE ARE YOU, YOU RUNT?" Miyuki snarled. "What makes Yuuki so determiend to find Kousen. She knows that he doesn't love her. Just then, she stopped as a new scent filled the air. A scent she never liked to smell. Human blood. As she followed the scent, she heard screams in the distance. And she ran to it. Kousen, please let this not be you, she thought when a tinge of wolfdog youkai was mixed with blood.
Once Miyuki got to the village, she had to cover her sensitive ears from the screams. She tinged as she saw corpses in pools of blood on the ground, their loved ones crying over them and running away from the danger. Miyuki looked closely at a corpse, and saw that the same person who killed them, had eaten a few bits of their flesh. She shiverred, the wolfdog youkai scent was strong here and she imagined Kousen killing innocent people and eating them.
"RUN AWAY, A YOUKAI" one short man ran past her.
Miyuki grabbed the man by the collor of his harori. "Excuse me sir," she lifted him up to face him, "What is murdering your village."
The man wanted to yell back at her, but he knew this was a youkai and didn't want another one to help kill the village, "A wolfdog youkai male, white hair, dog ears, wolf tail, and eyes so evil and blood red."
Almost all of that, fits Kousen. Miyuki gasped.
"Oh and he wore a necklace like yours," the man pointed at the water youkai claw that hung around Miyuki's neck, "except it was red and black. I think it was a fire youkai's claw."
Miyuki thought over the data the man gave her, then let the man go. Kousen, you are in real trouble this time. She followed where the scent of wolfdog was the strongest and freshest. Then once she saw the murderer, she gasped at what she saw. The murderer, was Kousen. She hid behind rubble to watch.
Kousen slashed at every living creature in his path. Then he saw a woman with her son in his arms. She was to terrified to run and Kousen snatched the boy. The young boy started to scream, but then his wind pipe was closed by Kousen's fangs. The woman screamed, but was still to terrified to save her son. The boy fell limp in Kousen's claws as the same voice went through his head, See how the boy's mother doesn't lift a finger to help her son. That's because she hates him. Like your mother, your father, Ayame, Miyuki, and Yuuki all hated you. Everybody hates a wolfdog. But I'm your friend, kill them.
Kousen growled and said in a raspy voice, "Yes master." and he slashed at the woman to kill her. Then Kousen remembered the boy in his hand. He shrugged and took a bite of the flesh of the boy.
Ah, look at all the lonely people
Ah, look at all the lonely people
Eleanor Rigby picks up the rice in the church where a wedding has
Lives in a dream
Waits at the window, wearing the face that she keeps in a jar by the
Who is it for?
All the lonely people
Where do they all come from ?
All the lonely people
Where do they all belong ?
Father McKenzie writing the words of a sermon that no one will
No one comes near.
Look at him working. Darning his socks in the night when there's
nobody there
What does he care?
All the lonely people
Where do they all come from?
All the lonely people
Where do they all belong?
Ah, look at all the lonely people
Ah, look at all the lonely people
Eleanor Rigby died in the church and was buried along with her
Nobody came
Father McKenzie wiping the dirt from his hands as he walks from
the grave
No one was saved
All the lonely people
Where do they all come from?
All the lonely people
Where do they all belong?
Miyuki's stomach churned at what she saw, This is not Kousen, she stared at Kousen's red eyes, and his face that was splattered with different kinds of blood. She saw the fire youkai claw on his neck, This is Kousen. She couldn't believe it, her own brother was killing innocent people. She decided to tell Yuuki, she would have to fight him later. She krept away, before Kousen caught her scent, Kousen, why would you do such a thing. And who is 'master'. She started to run as fast as she could.
Kousen sniffed the air, "Miyuki" he said. There's Miyuki, the voice growled, don't follow her now, she will be back. Kill her then.
Kousen smirked, and took another bite of the boy.

Comments (5) |
Sunday, June 25, 2006
head hurts soo much.
My Life
Inutaisho: yo
I am soo sorry for the one-day delay. I was sick the whole day, but I had to work at the Festival for about **thinks** Six in a half hours. I wouldn't have stayed that long if that rain didn't stop my play preview. This is the first time I am ever mad at rain and thunder. Also the fishing is horrible. Haven't even had a nibble, and the contest ends tommorrow at Noon in my time. Also the parade is tommorrow.
Inutaisho: damn
I couldn't get the fourth instalment of Ghost Hunt, Which is a great manga. But I can't remember if it came out yesterday or not, but I'll check. Ow, my head **sits on ground** damn nap.
Inutaisho: **sigh**
I don't feel that well guys, so I don't feel that humorous. But my head also hurts becasue I had a headach right when I started watching Eureka Seven, and I missed Naruto AGAIN. damn it all. **stares at TV screen** I KNEW she looked like Eureka, but her hair is pink. WHAT, you mean I slept through the first part. damn damn damn.
Inutaisho: mad?
Hell ya, **head aches in pain again and sits on floor** I need something to drink, I can't even type that well.
Inutaisho: **sigh** then why are you still typing?
Because I want to fill this space.
Inutaisho: No, you don't have to, for once in your life can you make a short post.
Inutaisho: you are strange
How many times do I have to tell you that? Okay, maybe questions will get stuff off my head:
Sakabato Samurai: I don't write chapters in parts like you do. Can you tell me what chapters did you miss?
SessLover18: Do you want me to send you the chapters that you missed?
lordsesshomaru: Yeah, I guess it does. And thank you again, woops, sorry. I am just so happy you like it.
Magnus Lensherr: thanks
Note 1: Today's Song is Drifting by Sarah McLachlan
Chapter 21: Drifting
"Kousen..." Yuuki slowly whispered, while her and Kousen were walking on a path.
Kousen's ears twitched, "Yeah..."
Yuuki gulped as she thought about the words she was about to say, "Kousen...if you were to change, somehow," she paused as her indigo eyes shivered, "Would you still, love me?"
Kousen's mouth dropped, "Are you kidding me" he kehed, "Like I said before, why would I mate you if I didn't love you." And with that, he wrapped his arms around her waist and gently kissed her on the lips. Once he seperated their loving kiss; he whispered, "And I will never leave your side, no matter how much I change."
Yuuki stopped breathing, and stared into the deep ice-blue eyes of her mate. The very mate that always seemed to make things better. Her only love in the whole world. A tear rolled down her cheek as she quickly dug her face into his harori. Kousen paused then wrapped his arms around her as the salty water's scent ran through his nostrals. Yuuki tried to hold back her tears, Kousen, I know you will always be near me, but. She thought of the dreams when Kousen was attacking her, what if you ever forget about me...
Kousen brushed her hair, "We have to get going. Miyuki and Kiba are waiting for us" He looked down at her. She still didn't tear from him, and he didn't want to force it too. The youkai sighed and picked her up bridal style. Yuuki gasped as she saw Kousen's smiling face, and she smiled.
A while down the road, Yuuki asked for Kousen to let her down. Kousen hesitated then slowly let her down and kissed her on the cheek. Yuuki laughed. But their joy didn't last long, when a huge red youkai came out of no where, "hey puny, tasty human."
Kousen growled as he wrapped his arm around Yuuki and pulled her closer to him. "You mind saying that again you bastard"
The youkai smiled, "I see you are in love with her. I thought you were going to eat her." he stepped forward, "But no matter what, I'm going to have to battle for a scrap of meat like that human."
"You have no idea what you are dealing with," Kousen flexed his claws, while he motioned for Yuuki to get behind him.
"Of course I do. I am weak with major hunger, but you know why I chose to battle a youkai for a human" he asked Kousen, "Because your a wolfdog. And wolfdogs are weaker than hanyous"
"Fucking bastard," Yuuki glimpsed towards Kousen, and she gasped. His eyes had a red tinge around them, she knew he was getting tired of people saying he was weaker than a hanyou. "Kousen, don't get over the top now" she tried to stop him, before it was something she couldn't stop.
"No Yuuki, this youkai and I have serious business to deal with," Kousen grinned and flexed his claws even more. Yuuki saw that his fangs seemed to be growing, and his eyes were growing a tint of red, which made his eyes seem purple.
"Keh, it's you're funneral little man." the huge youkai hissed and lunged forward, teeth barred.
Yuuki thought fast, Kousen will most defently turn uncontrolable in the battle. There is only one thing I should do, even if it won't work...or I die. She unsheathed her katana, then half way she sheathed it again, No, I can't do it.
"Come at me" Kousen's voice sounded raspy. Eyes were even more red. This gave Yuuki second thoughts.
Now, at least try. She saw the youkai was just a few feet away when, with the speed she developed over the years of training, unsheathed her sword. And right before Kousen's nose, slashed the youkai to death.
Kousen stared at the red youkai's body, which now was more red due to the maroon blood that was splattered. "What did you do Yuuki," Kousen's raspy voice was still there.
Yuuki hung her head, knowing that it didn't help except to stop the transformation. But not bring him back. She slowly sheathed her katana. "I'm sorry Kousen."
Kousen growled"You better be sorry, I almost had that youkai's blood under my claws. You had to stain your katana." He grasped her shoulders with his over-grown claws. "You understand that I'm the only one who fights, not some weak human."
"KOUSEN, I HAD TO DO IT" she screamed. "You will be changed if I didn't help you." She still didn't look into his eyes
Kousen stopped, and thought, Change? What does she mean. I'm still a wolfdog youkai that no one likes., "Yuuki, what do you mean?"
Yuuki gasped, and she noticed his voice, It's...I'ts back to normal. She glanced up, and saw his ice-blue eyes stare at her with that look she fell in love with. "Kousen" she whimpered, then smashed her head into his chest and stained the wolfdog youkai's haori with salty tears again.
"Yuuki, what's wrong?" Kousen grasped her.
Yuuki didn't tear away, "Never leave me again."
Kousen didn't know what to think. "Yuuki, please tell me?"
"Kousen..." was all Yuuki could say, when her dream flashed in her mind.
Kousen's dog ears had a devilish point to them, his fangs were long and dripped over his lower lip, his claws were full of sticky maroon blood, and his eyes glazed an evil red. She gasped when her image of her love changed, and showed him using his out grown claws, slaughtering...something she couldn't see. All she saw was him, getting blood splatering on random spots of his face and his white wolf tail was being stained with red. Then Kousen landed on his feet, and turned to her, his eyes were even redder as he gave an evil smirk.
"Yuuki" he growled. Yuuki backed off just a bit. She stared at the things he was killing, she could see them perfectly.
"Humans" she gasped. She saw innocent villagers eyes open wide, their mouths agape in terror as their blood flowed into their open mouths and on the ground, "Kousen" she yelled.
"Bitch" he growled as he raised a palm and back-slapped Yuuki across the face.
Yuuki fell to the ground. "Kousen what happened to you"
Kousen kelt beside her and grabbed the front of her yukata and pulled the cloth so her face was near her's. She could smell that he had been eating human flesh, "Yuuki" he shook her, "Yuuki" he growled again.
"I can't tell you" her muffled voice came through the coth.
Kousen snarled, It all makes sense. She didn't mate me because she loved me. She mated me for..., "You don't trust me do you."
Yuuki stopped, and glanced up to him, "What..."
"You felt sorry for me, and therefore agreed to mate me. Even though you didn't want to." Kousen tore from her grasp. "It is all clear to me now, you don't want to tell me because you feel like it's going to hurt my feelings. WELL GET THIS STRAIGHT YOU BITCH. I'M A YOUKAI AND IT WON'T. But I guess you are not dumb enought to think that, so you are thinking I am weaker than a hanyou because I'm a wolfdog"
"No Kousen, whatever made you think that." Yuuki calmly said.
Kousen spun on his heels, "It should have been clear to me when I first fell in love with you, wolfdogs don't deserve love. No one loves mixed breeds like hanyous. and me." He gave one final growl at Yuuki and ran off into the forest.
Yuuki stared at the red and white that was dissapearing, "Kousen..."
You've been gone for so long all that you know
Has been shuffled aside as you bask in the glow
of the beautiful strangers that whisper your name
do they fill up the emptiness
Larger than life is your fiction in a universe made up of one
cause you have been drifting for so long
I know you dont want to come down
But somewhere below you theres people who love you
and they're waiting for you to come home please come home
You walk in a room and the world stops to stare
You mesmerize all who are caught in the glare
of the spotlight that follows wherever you go
does it light up the emptiness
Larger than life is your fiction in a universe made up of one
cause you have been drifting for so long
I know you dont want to come down
But somewhere below you theres people who love you
and they're waiting for you to come home please come home
When Kousen knew he was far away from Yuuki as possible, he paused and walked. He growled and grumbled. "Damn it all" Kousen remembered the mating scar in his right hand, and stared at it. "I should have never mated you. You could have had a better mate. And I should have never fell in love with you"
"Marriage problems eh?" a voice came from up above.
Kousen glared up, and saw Tsumi, "What are you doing here"
"Now you see why I raped and hurt Yuuki. I was trying to give you a warning that she was lying to you" Tsumi jumped down. I never wanted to be enemies with you. You are too powerful of a foe."
"Don't give me the same lies. Like what everybody has told me." Kousen clenched his hands.
Tsumi sighed, "Fine, then I won't tell you how to get your revenge." Tsumi smirked as he slowly walked away.
Kousen's anger got the better of him, "Fine, I see you want to be my friend. do I know you are telling the truth."
Tsumi spun, a smile played across his face, "Just trust me."
"Fine." Kousen's mind wasn't thinking straight, "But how do I do it"
"Just shake, and everything will be clear." Tsumi streached out a hand.
Kousen stared at it, then thought of all the lies that he thought people gave him over the years he had been alive, and instantly grabbed Tsumi's hand. Tsumi's smile turned into a evil grin, in a second he felt the raven youkai bite it's neck.
Kousen screamed out in pain as the bite deepened. Just then, a voice went thought his mind.
"They all lied. They all hated you. No one loves you. I'm your only friend. I can help you kill everybody who lied, who cheated, who hated you. All you need to trust me."
Kousen felt his body drop on all fours as he tried to endure a pain he could not pin point where it was. Except all over his body. His fangs grew tremendensely, his dog ears pointed devilishly, eyes blood red. "Yes Master," his raspy voice growled, as his taste craved for the warmth of blood.

Comments (5) |
Friday, June 23, 2006
kail kail kail kail kail kail kail kail
My Life
Inutaisho: yo
Before I say anything, I have to point out that everyone that cares to read my story HAS to in their life read the notes before the chapter. Because this isn't a normal chapter today, it's more like a filler. I had the reqular play practice, except this time we had to video tape ourselves because our director wanted us to 'critque' ourselves. I was very mad at myself for standing there dumbfounded almost the whole intire time. **growls**
Inutaisho: uhh...yeah.
I'm watching Miner's Revenge on Sci Fi, I always seem to watch stuff on Sci Fi when I type my post. It's not that intresting, it's just about this miner that was murdered for murdering some girl and then in present day a few teenagers steal his gold and the miner kills them all. eww... The Miner just became one of the undead and he just bit off his own finger and spat it at this other guy, now he sworn to kill whoever touches his gold. and yada yada yada.
Inutaisho: Nice... there really nothing to talk about tonight? OH yes, At midnight, we probably get to fish becuase Midnight starts a certain Fishing Festival in my town that has been going ever since someone here caught the world's biggest Musky. I get to go fishing and enter the fishing contest.
Inutaisho: Can I smack you again?
HELL NO, Oh and I won't be moving to Cali this year, next year actually. But I'm visiting my mom's friend Charlie and he's going to take me to this Japanese Castle then he's maybe going to let me see a movie in the Chinese Theatre in Hollywood. ANd the Miner just went up in flames, and he just jumped in the lake.
Inutaisho: Come on, I want to smack you again. That was fun.
No, your not mister. Go to your room.
Inutaisho: Kay ma'am. **walks to room**
**laughs** I actually thought that wouldn't work.
Inutaisho: HEY WAIT A MINUTE **smacks Akuma across the head**
oww, I told you no.
Sakabato Samurai: yeah, it really does. FOIL **praises the shiny foil**
babiixkagome: I feel really sick right now, not to mention I actually have a sore throat, but not that big. It will pass soon. Well, finding out Kiba lied to her would make her forget her promise. Of course, **looks from side to side** Tsumi will **Inutaisho comes up behind her and covers her mouth, while he whisperes into her ear "You always want to give away the ending don't you?"**
lordsesshomaru: **bows** thank you again for taking your time to read my story. I'm glad you are almost done. And thank you for the...uhh...background music.
Note 1: Today's Song is...wait there is no song in this chapter. Note 2: Weeping Wolf is my Username on the site where I first posted my story, For purposes, I will change it. Note 3: This chapter is a make-believe world on what happens behind the scenes of 'Why Do I Have to Be Different?' Note 4: I am the Akuma in this chapter, and Cromartie High School is a GREAT anime, and I'm sorry for the humor lack, I was quickly changing from romance and drama into humor.
Chapter 19: Behind the Scenes.
"Hey Akuma" Ayame gleamed, "How's life on the moon treating ya" She placed a small bottle of Dr. Pepper on the moniter of the computer.
Akuma left her eyes on the computer, typing the 21st chapter of 'Why Do I Have to be Different?' Until she said something, almost like the tone of a robot, "No drinks on the computer please." Her fingers typed faster than the wind blows. Ayame swore she saw smoke coming from the keyboard, until Akuma stopped and re read a paragraph. "DAMN IT THIS WON'T WORK." Akuma shouted then deleted the whole chapter.
"Akuma..." Ayame said, Akuma ignored her, "Akuma..." Akuma still ignored her, Ayame then took the Dr. Pepper off the moniter, "AKUMA"
"What..." Akuma stopped and stared.
"Come, you need to get away from this place. Get outside for the first time ever since you wrote this..."
"No..need to type." Akuma's eyes were glued back to the screen."
Ayame sighed, then grabbed Akuma's arms and tore them from the keyboard, "COME NOW"
"No NO MUST TYPE..." Akuma shouted, but Ayame somehow got her into the living room"
In the living room was Miyuki, Kiba, Kouga, Satsuki, Yuuki, Kousen, and Tsumi. Everyone stared at the stuggeling Akuma. Kousen suddenly shouted, "MOM, CUT IT OUT. WE'RE GOING OUT AND YOU'RE GOING TO LIKE IT"
Akuma paused, "Can I type at leas-"
"NO" everybody in the room shouted, making Akuma cover her dog ears.
"Jeeze, you didn't have to shout. Fine I will come" Akuma sighed, "Hey, where's InuYasha and the rest."
"The're all sick" Tsumi sighed.
The whole crew exited through the front door, while Akuma glanced back and sighed.
Kousen and Yuuki walked hand in hand. Everybody rolled their eyes. Kouga was the most mad, "Why did my son, that would carry on a tradition mate a damn human."
"Remember Kouga, you were in love with a human as well." Ayame giggled.
Kouga and Ayame both backed away, "Don't have to go over board Akuma"
Akuma kehed and looked away, "whatever"
"So where are we heading" asked Miyuki, wanting to look away from the love scene in front of her.
Kouga and Akuma shrugged in unison. Ayame smiled "How about Chilies."
"No, I don't like their spice stuff...How about Ruby Tuesday" Akuma smiled.
Kouga growled, "You only like that place because it has your second name in it."
"WHO TOLD YOU MY OTHER NAME WAS RUBY" a wide-eyed Akuma shouted, "and that place has great food, okay maybe the Red Robin."
Kouga rolled his eyes, "I've been married to you for HOW LONG and how many times did I hear you say your other name.
Tsumi stepped up, "I suggest we go to the Pretty Pracing Pony restraunt." He's really serious
Akuma, who was still in her Fan Fic mode suddenly shouted, "AREN'T YOU SUPPOSE TO BE EVIL"
Miyuki and Kousen rolled their eyes at thier parents. Kousen whispered into Miyuki's ear, "Their at it again." Miyuki nodded.
While Kouga, Ayame, and Akuma were all fighting over the restraunt, the teens talked it over. It seemed like the younger characters got it all together while the other...not so well.
"How about that Japanese Sushi place that just came into town." Kousen shouted.
The wolfdog, two wolves, and the raven that were fighting stoppped, "Okay" they all grumbled.
While they were walking down to the Japanese Sushi. "Shi-" Akuma started to sing
Kagome started first, "Thank you Mr. Announcer Guy. Welcome to IDFFN or InuyashaDream Fan Fiction News"
"Where we bring you news from InuyashaDream's, or you might now her as Akuma, Fan Fics" Inuyasha smiled.
Kagome shook, "Inuyasha don't smile, you're scaring the readers."
"Anyway, I bet you are all wondering why Tsumi is here."
"Yeah, I was wondering why he was in this chapter. Isn't he suppose to be evil Kagome?" Inuyasha asked in a fake curious voice.
"Not really, Tsumi in the story is evil and a rappist." Kagome paused.
Inuyasha tried to keep in his laugh, "rappist" he said under his breath.
"Shut up, anyway he's actually a VERY radical dude" Kagome gleamed.
Inuyasha stopped, "Did Akuma make you say that"
"Well she's the writer so, yeah she did. Now shut up or do you want to be fired. Like I was saying Tsumi is nicer than in the Fan Fic. He actually donated his blood to hospitals all over the country and-"
"But isn't he a youkai Kagome" Inuyasha pointed out.
Kagome's mouth fell open, "That means their are these people who suddenly turned into hanyous..." Kagome gulped and calmed down, "Umm...oh yeah Tsumi also fostered and held a shelter for oprhan children."
"Yeah, until they suddenly all 'some how' disapeared" Inuyasha couldn't contain himself.
"Sit boy" Kagome sighed while Inuyasha fell to the ground. "Okay that's it for it now. Remember I'm Kagome"
"And I'm Inuyasha" Inuyasha's muffled voice came from below.
"And this was IDFFN, your trusted news in InuyashaDream's Fan Fics" Kagome smiled. "Go ahead Mr. Announcer Dude."
"Thank you Kagome, now back to the chapter."
Miyuki blinked, "That was weird."
"Hey, when did we get at the sushi place" Kouga stared all over the room.
Akuma spied something in the back, "AND WHAT'S A GORRILLA DOING IN THE KITCHEN." She saw the huge gorrilla that was making sushi in the back. It is really a gorrilla.
"He's not a gorrilla, he's a human just like everybody else." One of the cooks shouted.
Akuma spied her watch, "GAH, have to go write the FanFic. See ya. I would love to be in this episode of Cromarte High School, but I have to go. And you know what, I think this chapter is too short."
Kiba shrugged, "Just make one with 3,000 words next time"
Akuma sighed, "Whatever..." Akuma got up and went out the door.
Tsumi then waved, "hey wait a minute, wasn't Akuma the only one that can give us a ride back home..."
Everybody stared at Tsumi then yelled, "WE ONLY LIVE A FEW BLOCKS AWAY YOU BAKA."
Ayame slapped her palm against her forehead, "Damn it, we were suppose to keep her away from the computer today."

Comments (5) |
Thursday, June 22, 2006
hold your tounge
My Life
Inutaisho: yo
Didn't have to get to play practice till about 12:45 PM in my time, so I got to sleep in. But I found out I slept in a bit too late and woke up at 11. I couldn't take a shower cause it takes to long for it to dry and I have to have it dry so I can stop the frizziness from happineing, I don't like that frizzy stuff. Then my contacts were like hurting me like hell so I decided to wear glasses today, then my stomach was hurting from lack of food. I didn't eat anything since the day before's breakfast and I only drank green tea at play practice. And I was in too much pain to stand up and get something. I mean way too much pain. So I was happy when my dad finally came home to take me to play practice and he got me a banana and milk so I felt better, but was still hungry.
Inutaisho: bad day, eh
Not to mention I almost lost my voice at play practice because of my part requires yelling. And the other actors were making mistakes so I had to say this one line that I had to yell over and over again.
Inutaisho: ...are you done now?
And I was so happy that in Inuyasha last night they used one of my most favorite background music. It became my favorite when I first saw the first Inuyasha movie. It really was. And I thank everyone for trying to help bring Kouga back to the credits, but alas, he's not. **shakes fist at people who control credits** YOU HAVE WON THIS BATTLE, BUT THE WAR ISN'T OVER.
Inutaisho: **smakes Akuma across the head, making sure it's not too hard to make her say the c word**
oww, what in hell was that for?
Inutaisho: hey, that was actually fun **smakes Akuma across the head again**
Inutaisho: no...**smacks Akuma across the head again**
DO YOU WANT ME TO GIVE YOU A NICE HUG? Maybe a little kiss on the cheek between daughter and father.
Inutaisho: **stops** n-no. Don't you dare do that.
**smacks Inutaisho across the head this time** Hey, that was fun. Okay, back to your guy's Questions
Sakabato Samurai: I wanted to write the c-word thing a bit earlier, but when I read lordsesshomaru's post I decided to change a few things. So yeah. the C-word is evil. That's why I use kawaii.
Veggie-Ann: **bows again** I'm writting a sequel to the story I'm currently writting. But I write a lot. This just happens to be my best. The rest suck, except for the one I wrote just after this story, about spies. Sorry about the PotO(...hey Poto ^-^) things yesterday sorry
OnexPeicexNami: Sven is my fav out of Black Cat. Allen is my favorite from D.Gray-Man. Just wanted to point that out. Yeah, I ended up singing the songs from PotO all day. **shakes head**
lordsesshomaru: I know, when I found out a guy from Street Fighter had the same name as me, I was kinda freaked out and excited at the same time. And the C-word is too evil for it's own good. What did I just say? **looks around and sees a shiny peice of material** ohh shiny **praises the shiny thing**
Note 1: Today's song is Stupid by Sarah McLachlan.
Chapter 19: Stupid
Kiba looked across the feild at the grass moving with the wind and he sighed. It was near noon and Miyuki left to go hunting by herself. The wolf sighed, "Miyuki, what am I to do..." he scowled as he lifted his right palm to reveal the mating scar. "I should have never mated you," he growled deep in his throat and he clenched his right palm into a fist.
"What was that, Kiba" Miyuki came up from behind him.
"M-miyuki" Kiba studdered as he spun his head to face her green eyes, "You're back early."
"Well, it's been over two hours." Miyuki glared at him, "What I want to know is what you said back there." She kneeled to be at eye length with her mate.
Kiba looked away from her, I should tell her, it will be better if I told her now...then if she found it out herself., "Miyuki...I need to speak with you alone." He stood up, Miyuki following suit.
"What is it Kiba?" she noticed he had that serious look on his face.
"Just...follow me" he wrapped his arm around her shoulder and slowly walked into the deep forrest.
Once they were deep enough for Kiba he stopped and turned to face her, "Miyuki...Do you truely love me"
Miyuki kehed, "Of course, why would I mate you if I didn't" she started to laugh until she saw, in Kiba's amber eyes, a look of saddness.
"Just what if, I wasn't the wolf you expected to love. What if...I was only, suppose to love you just for a...plan"
Miyuki stopped breathing, What is Kiba saying?
"You must understand, Miyuki, I love you more than anything. What I'm about to tell you, you must think before you make your decision. Agree?"
"Kiba" Miyuki tilted her head, then nodded in agreement.
Kiba breathed in heavy gulps of air as butterflies fluttered through his stomach. The wolf slowly pulled his mate down to sit on a log. "Miyuki, remember when I came and I knew all about you and your tribe...well I was trained to-"
"Well, well what do we have here?" a booming voice came through the trees.
Kiba and Miyuki both spun to see a huge male wolf youkai with black hair and gray eyes. Kiba's eyes widened as his eyes layed apon the huge youkai. "Father..." Kiba growled.
Miyuki looked towards the youkai then back to Kiba. "Father? Kiba is this your father"
"Yes I'm young Kiba-kun's father. Miyuki-chan." the wolf walked closer. "My name is Kuro"
Miyuki stood up, "Hello Kuro-san"
Kiba growled once more, "Miyuki get behind me"
"Well I see, Kiba, that you won Miyuki's heart. Just like we planned."
"What..." Miyuki stared at Kuro.
"SHUT UP" Kiba shouted at his father.
Kuro just continued, "Well I guess Kiba hasn't told you he never loved you." the wolf youkai leaned against a tree.
"kiba..." Miyuki turned to him, "What's this all about. I don't understand."
Kiba walked up to her, "I was just about to tell you it..."
"Then why don't you..." Kuro smirked.
Kiba stared straight into is father's eyes. "Miyuki...I
Kuro shook his head, "That won't do Kiba...Miyuki, I shall tell you. Before Kiba was born, your mother led our tribe. She was the best leader we had, until we learned that she was engaged to Kouga. The whole tribe thought this would bring out the peace between the two tribes. But when Ayame married Kouga, nothing changed because when we noticed Kouga's other mate was Akuma, we knew she was a wolfdog. So we went to warn them
"Don't you all see...Akuma is a wolfdog" Kuro, a few years back, yelled.
Bujuko then came up, "Go back to your tribe, you are not welcomed here."
"What..." Kuro snarled, "OUR TRIBES ARE CONNECTED BY KOUGA AND AYAME'S MATING, Right Ayame." Kuro stared at Ayame, who was surprised by the fact that they knew Akuma was a wolfdog. But she didn't say anything.
"That doesn't prove anything" Bujuko stepped up, "Go"
Kuro glanced one more at them, "You will all be sorry" and he ran off, his wolf compainions behind him.
Miyuki rolled her eyes, "What does this have to do with anything...what I want to know is what you said earlier. About a 'plan'"
The huge wolf youkai sighed, "You are a persistant girl aren't you...well you should let me continue. Well, after Ayame left, I became the Alpha-male. I soon mated and we got Kiba. Of course, before Kiba was given life, the whole tribe and I decided on training him to win the heart of you, Miyuki, and get close to Ayame.
"Why would you want to get close to my mother" Miyuki shuddered at the thing she just said, "AND I STILL NEED TO KNOW OF THIS PLAN." Her mind then went through Kuro's words, 'I decided on training him to win the heart of you, Miyuki, and get close to Ayame.' Kuro's lying, Kiba loves me. He would never lie to me...would he?
"Remember what I told you, Ayame didn't help her tribe she grew up in or the one she was in charge in. She knew Akuma was a wolfdog and therefore kept it a secret. Ayame wanted tribes to be hateful of each other. And them all to kill. So I needed to get near her to kill her"
"YOU BASTARD" Miyuki shouted, "MY MOTHER DIDN'T WANT THE TRIBES TO KILL ONE ANOTHER. SHE WANTED PEACE AS MUCH AS YOU DO." She started to go head on to fight Kuro when Kiba grabbed her shoulders.
"Miyuki don't listen to my father, besides" he gulped as Miyuki faced him, "I have more important things to tell you"
Miyuki stopped and stared into Kiba's amber eyes, "What is it"
"Remember when my father said he trained me to win your heart." he shuddered, "He's...He's telling the truth. I was taught at a very young age, just like my father said, and once I reached the mating age. I confronted you and asked you to be my mate, I never loved you..." Kiba paused.
Miyuki slowly stared at Kiba, "What..." she slowly whispered.
"Miyuki, listen to me" Kiba pleaded.
"NO, YOU SELFISH BAKA. I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOUR FACE AGAIN" she punched him straight in the face and ran off.
Kiba paused, then smelled water and salt, ...Miyuki's tears.
Miyuki ran as fast as she could, "That f---ing baka." she cried out. After all we went through together. She clumsly tripped on a fallen branch. She landed on her knees and palms, and didn't bother to get up. Rain drops fell on her back, and soon mixed with her tears. She grabbed a handful of soon-to-be-wet soil when she clenched her right hand, then pounded it with her left. I was just a puppet, damn it. Just a puppet that helped with the plan to kill my mother. She lifted her left palm, I thought..., and glared at the mating scar, I thought, she clenched it tightly, I thought you really loved me.
Night lift up the shades let in the brilliant light of morning
But steady me now for I am weak and starving for mercy
Sleep has left me alone to carry the weight of unraveling where we went wrong
And all I can do to hang on, to keep me from falling into old familiar shoes
How stupid could I be
a simpleton could see
that youre no good for me
but youre the only one I see
Love has made me a fool set me on fire and watched as I floundered
unable to speak except to cry out and wait for your answer
and you come around in your time speaking of fabulous places create
an oasis that dries up as soon as youre gone
you leave me here burning in this desert without you
How stupid could I be
a simpleton could see
that youre no good for me
but youre the only one I see
Everything changes everything falls apart
I cant stand to feel myself losing control
In the deep of my weakness I know
How stupid could I be
a simpleton could see
that youre no good for me
but you're the only one I see
Kuro laughed, "That was a sight to see, now I know you finished off Ayame. I smelt her dead corpse a few days ago so I thought you went ahead without me."
Kiba didn't think this was funny, "I didn't kill Ayame...her tribe did"
"Well she's dead, and that's all that matters." Kuro turned, "Come, I found a nice female wolf to mate you"
Kiba glanced at his mating scar on his right palm, "no Otou-san"
"What was that you runt" Kuro growled, "You dare disobey me"
"Yes Otou-san," he gave his father the death glare, "I mated Miyuki"
"Jeeze Kiba, you didn't have to go that far to win her heart."
"No Otou-san, I mated her for a way different reason..." Kiba's glare dug deeper into his father's soul, "I love her. And I love her more than anything in this damn hell of a world."

Comments (3) |
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
My Life
Inutaisho: yo
Before I start with the post, I would like to say that my good friend John-Lee from Playpractice leant me some of his manga for tonight, Black Cat and D.Gray-Man. Black Cat was okay, but D.Gray-Man talked about "Akuma" a lot. I was surprised ot find a manga that used my name. Now that's done with, **sings** the phantom of the opera is there, inside your mind.
Inutaisho: sorry, she watched Phantom of the Opera again today, and she has the songs stuck in her head
**still singing** Angel of Music.
Inutaisho: okay, now you are singing words you can remember by random.
**stops** Okay, then I'll sing a song from a movie I KNOW all the words too. **sings** I sense there's something in the wind...**stops** **sings again** THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA IS THERE, INSIDE YOUR MIND
Inutaisho: **slaps head against forehead then smakes Akuma across the head**
okay, now that I"m out of the singing part, now I want a HUG...**runs towards Inutaisho with her arms spread wide** Come here, I want a nice cute hug.
Inutaisho: AHHHH SHE USED THE C WORD LIKE THE WORD WAS GOOD. , **smakes Akuma across the head again**
**sings** the phantom of the opera is there, inside your mind**stops**
Inutaisho: you know you used the c word.
crap? Cause that's not a big problem
Inutaisho: no, c_te, and you made it sound like it was...good.
AHHH, I didn't use kawaii? DAMN IT ALL, okay questions might make me feel better:
Magnus Lensherr: It all began with Mr. Giggles for me...ZABUZA, **sqeel** he's played by Scott McNeil, the guy who also voiced Kouga and Hohenheim, (did I mention I have a feeling towards Hohenheim. Also he voiced Dinobot, Animal Wars back in my 'Animal Wars Day,' I loved Dino-Bot. Okay back to you. Yeah, the girl who plays Hera is the one that is just like me, the girl who plays Athene loves anime and wolves, and the girl who plays Hermes loves Tim Burton films. And Phantom of the Opera is good.
Sakabato Samurai: CUT AND PRINT. THAT'S A WRAP PEOPLE.' Sorry, your lights, camera, action comment made me say that. Eureka Seven was good, but I was confused about the same thing. "Higher than the sun!!!!"
Veggie-Ann: Heh, **nervouse laugh** sorry about the top part then, and thank you for the five stars. **bows**
babixxkagome: yeah, but I would think some wolves would discriminate dogs because it means a wolf was mastered by a human and turned into a dog and there for tamed and weak and lazy. Some wolves admire power so there is a reason they would hate dogs, and hate wolfdogs more because of a wolf mates a 'weak freak of nature' I'm sorry, I'm guessing Yuuki is your favorite character? Or at least a character you like.
lordsesshomaru: thank you for starting to read this story so late, even though I'm all ready more than half-way through it.
Note 1: Today's song is Fearless by Cyndi Lauper.
Chapter 18:
Yuuki placed her clothes on, just waking up. She thought it was all a dream, and she was next to Kousen right now, safe. She looked down at the male figure body sleeping on the ground, and wanted to see Kousen's white hair. But her smile faded when all she saw was Tsumi. She backed away from him as possible, only to find out she hit the back part of the cave. She folded her legs and wrapped her arms around them and placed her chin on the knees. Kousen, did you only mate me for those reasons..., she hugged her knees closer when she thought of Tsumi's words, BAKA, don't you see it's mating season. Youkai's don't care about love, they only care about beauty and how well they mate. Kousen doesn't love you, he's just been playing an act so he could mate., Yuuki shook her head, NO, TSUMI'S LYING. Kousen loves me, he said so himself...I think. Her heart felt like it was torn in two, she stared at Tsumi, the raven who raped her. Kousen's smiling face was in her mind, and she started crying.
Kousen felt his scar burning, Yuuki, I will be there soon. Whatever your in, please hang in there...and believe., his running paced even more
"Brother, the sun" Miyuki pointed.
Kousen stared at the sun, it was heading down almost half-way there. "Run faster" he commanded.
"Kousen-kun, we are running as fast as youkais can. There is no possible way we can run faster." Kiba yelled.
Kousen glared at him, making the eyes his Uncle Sesshoumaru gave to him through genes. Only he mastered it faster because of his ice-blue eyes. "My father did"
"Baka, he had two Sacred Jewel Shards" Miyuki rolled her eyes.
"Yes, but our father lost them in a battle. A bit before he died, and he met you" Miyuki sighed, "If only he would have not helped Kousen's uncle...Inu washa or something like that, defeat this dude in a baboon suit, he might still have the shards and passed them down to us." She grasped the water youkai claw that hung around her neck when her parent's death replayed in her mind, and a tear rolled down her cheek.
"Miyuki what's wrong" Kiba lovingly stared at her, he didn't like when she cried.
"nothing" she said in a low growl in her throat.
"Enough chatting you two, we got to save Yuuki before sunset" Kousen yelled back at them. Miyuki and Kiba paced faster to catch up.
"I see you are awake" Yuuki heard a voice, and she lifted her head. She found out she fell asleep crying. She wanted to see Kousen's smiling face, but all she came face to face with was Tsumi's pale one.
"You stay away from me" Yuuki hissed.
"Woah, for a minute there I thought you were a snake youkai. You look beautiful when you are angry, you are always beautiful, " he placed his hand on her cheek and neared his lips towards hers.
"Get away" she placed her hand over his mouth and pushed him away.
Tsumi grabbed her arm and held it tightly, "I see we are playing hard to get, well sooner or later I'm going to win" he pinned her to the wall, making her motionless and forced a kiss on her lips. This ought to get Kousen insane.
While this was all happening, our heros finally got to the entrance of the cave where Yuuki and Tsumi were hiding.
"Wait, Kousen, are you sure this is even the right cave." Miyuki stared at the opening, "It seems so simple."
"Of course it is," his palm burned even more, "Cause the smell is strong here, and my palm is burning so much it's almost white. That only means that I'm near Yuuki and she's in danger." He stepped forward, then felt a strange out burst in him. "Oh-no" he looked up to the moon and saw it's full face. He fell to his knees, and felt the white furs go through his skin and his skull widen. His arms turned into the forearms of a wolf. Kiba and Miyuki stared at Kousen, he was a pure white wolf with ice-blue eyes. His fire youkai claw dangled.
"Ummmm...Kousen-kun" Kiba blankly studdered.
Kousen growled and rushed into the cave. Miyuki stared at her mate, "We'll explain later, come one we have to go" she ran after her brother. And Kiba followed.
Yuuki tore from Tsumi's kiss, and looked into his black eyes. "I don't love you" she growled.
"You're just saying that, " Tsumi smiled, then he smelt a scent, and he smiled even more, Finally that mutt has come. Time for my plan to go to action. He grabbed a handful of Yuuki's yukata and started to tear it off, Yuuki tried to struggle but he held a tight grip. Then Tsumi stopped and he let go. Yuuki looked and she smiled. A white wolf was knawwing on the leg of the raven.
"Kousen" Yuuki gleamed. The white wolf looked up to her and wolf-smiled.
"Damn wolfdog" Tsumi grabbed Kousen by the scuff of is neck, "I know it's you Kousen." Kousen growled as Tsumi continued with the conversation, "You're really a sin against nature eh." Tsumi smirked when he saw a little red outline Kousen's eyes, So this is how easy Kousen get's angry, I almost got him in an uncontrolable youkai even when he's in his full wolf form. This will be easier than I thought., "I knew your mother, she's the moon goddess, huh. She was a baka for not killing herself, after all she never wanted you."
Kousen's eyes became the color when a bright red mixes with ice-blue, and they were growing even redder. Yuuki's mouth dropped. Until she noticed that Tsumi wasn't paying attention to her, so she smaked against the raven in the back. Tsumi let go of Kousen and fell to the ground. They thought he was knocked out but Kousen didn't care. He ran to Yuuki and stared into her indigo eyes. "Kousen" she smiled and was about to wrap her arms around him, but then she backed off and looked in Kousen's eyes. Kousen tilted his head, and looked deep into her eyes as well. Yuuki thought of Tsumi's words again, No, Tsumi is wrong. Why would Kousen come for me if he didn't love me? but then again he might want me to give myself to him. She slumped down to her knees and slowly petted Kousen. I'm so confused.
Kousen let his guard down, Yuuki looked like she was torn in two. He smelt Tsumi on her, I get it, he growled, she wants to be with him. He tore from her reach, and walked back. Yuuki and him were unaware of what happened next. Tsumi came to when they were unaware and hit Kousen on the back of the head to knock the wolf out.
"KOUSEN" Yuuki cried, and kneeled down by the wolf and placed her hand on his head where he got hit. She stared into Kousen's eyes, she thought he would be okay by being a youkai. But remembered he could get easily killed being the wolf form he was in right now. Kousen's eyes didn't become the blue of ice that she knew, they started to look like a pale, pale blue. "Kousen" a tear rolled down her cheek and fell on the cave floor.
"YUUKI-CHAN, KOUSEN-KUN" a girl's and a boy's voice bounced of the back of the cave.
Yuuki spun her head, to see Kiba and Miyuki run into the cave. Miyuki gasped when she saw Kousen, and she paused. Kiba did the same. "kousen" Miyuki slowly said under her breath.
Yuuki felt a matter oozing between her fingers and she looked to her hand that was on Kousen. Blood was seeping. "KOUSEN" she cried.
"Wench" Tsumi, who was finally noticed, walked up behind the human and lifted a fist.
"YUUKI-CHAN" Miyuki shouted and ran to Tsumi, but it was too late. Tsumi had slammed his fist into the back of Yuuki's head and Yuuki was knocked out. Her cheek touched the white fur of Kousen and her blood fell on it as well. Yuuki began to dream...
Kousen's dog ears had a devilish point to them, his fangs were long and dripped over his lower lip, his claws were full of sticky maroon blood, and his eyes glazed an evil red. She gasped when her image of her love changed, and showed him using his out grown claws, slaughtering...something she couldn't see. All she saw was him, getting blood splatering on random spots of his face and his white wolf tail was being stained with red. Then Kousen landed on his feet, and turned to her, his eyes were even redder as he gave an evil smirk.
"Yuuki" he growled. Yuuki backed off just a bit. She stared at the things he was killing, she could see them perfectly.
"Humans" she gasped. She saw innocent villagers eyes open wide, their mouths agape in terror as their blood flowed into their open mouths and on the ground, "Kousen" she yelled.
"Bitch" he growled as he raised a palm and back-slapped Yuuki across the face.
Yuuki fell to the ground. "Kousen what happened to you"
Kousen kelt beside her and grabbed the front of her yukata and pulled the cloth so her face was near her's. She could smell that he had been eating human flesh, "Yuuki" he shook her, "Yuuki" he growled again.
"Kousen, do you love me" the human girl cried. Kousen stopped and stared into her eyes, "Did you only mate me because you needed a mate."
"YOU ONLY FIGURED THAT NOW. how stupid can you get Yuuki" he threw her to the ground, "I never loved you. It was only a trick, so you can go back to that Tsumi and be with him. Or even better..." he gave a wicked smile, "I can kill you right now..."
Yuuki blinked and gasped, she didn't know what to think. Until she stood up and got in his face, I am not a weakling., she thought to herself. But she was still afraid no matter what, but she had to get the old Kousen back
Sometimes I'm afraid when you go
sometimes I'm afraid when you come home
underneath it all...
I think I'm afraid when there's nothing wrong
But if I was fearless...
could I be your reckless friend
and if I was helpless...
could you be the one comes rushing in
There's something that I never told
when I find myself slipping off
of my pedestal
I'm a fierce believer afraid to fall
But I was fearless
could I be your reckless friend
and if I was helpless
could you be the one comes rushing in
Sometimes I'm afraid of the dark
I can't find the light in my heart
I can see my hand
pushing away from you hard as I can
But if I was fearless
I could be your wreckless friend
and if I was helpless
could you be the one comes rushing in
Sometimes I'm afraid
when you go...
"I love you Kousen, and I will stay by you, even when you kill me" Yuuki shouted. Kousen stared at her with guilty eyes, and she swore to see a small tinge of blue around those red eyes.
The blue disappeared and the red came back. Kousen growled, "WENCH" he lifted up his claws, Yuuki shivered, but then stood ground. And waited for the blow.
Yuuki's eyes popped open, it was morning. She was on someone's back. She lifted her head to see Kousen's white hair. "Good morning Yuuki" Miyuki gleamed. Yuuki turn her head to see the wolf with black hair and emerald eyes. Yuuki noticed Kousen turned his head, and he smiled.
Kousen sighed and turned his head to turn back to the trail and his thoughts came back to when she hesitated to touch him when he saved her, Being away from that cave confirms that she has mated with Tsumi. If Tsumi forced this on her, then I'm going to rip his heart out, his eyes became red again, like they were in the cave but soon became the blue ice they were always before, But what if Yuuki...
"Thank the Moon Goddess your alive" Kiba laughed. And Yuuki looked to see him as well.
"Where's Tsumi" Yuuki suddenly shouted and looked around.
"Gah, that old raven. We almost got him, when he flew up and went into this gassy matter and flew away." Miyuki growled, "Weakling. I wanted something to hurt, I was getting bored with no killing."
Kiba laughed and wrapped his arm around her, "I know I was pretty pissed as well." He drew his face closer to kiss her cheek. Yuuki noticed Miyuki didn't back away as the wolf's lips pressed against her cheek.
"Kousen, are you okay" Yuuki saw dry blood on Kousen.
Kousen paused in his steps and twisted his head to look at her, "yes, but are you okay."
"Yes," she massaged a bump on her head. "Umm...Kousen. I don't mind you carrying me and all, but would you mind just letting me walk."
"Sure" Kousen sighed and let the human off his back. Yuuki, who was on her feet again, looked at the wolfdog.
Miyuki and Kiba twisted their head back and forth to stare at the mates.
"Kousen" Yuuki stepped forward, then glanced towards Miyuki and Kiba, "May I speak to him alone, please"
"umm...sure" Miyuki and Kiba shrugged and slowly departed. Miyuki side-glanced towards them, Yuuki was looking at Kousen and Kousen's back was turned to Yuuki.
Once Kiba and Miyuki were behind bushes, Miyuki whispered to Kiba, "Let's watch"
"Wouldn't that be evesdropping" Kiba lifted an eyebrow.
"Come on you scardy cat" she pulled on his sleeve and pushed him behind the bushes where they got a perfect veiw of Kousen and Yuuki.
"Kousen," Yuuki whispered again, "may I ask you something?"
Kousen turned and fully looked at her for the first time today, "Go ahead."
Tsumi's words flashed through Yuuki's mind again, BAKA, don't you see it's mating season. Youkai's don't care about love, they only care about beauty and how well they mate. Kousen doesn't love you, he's just been playing an act so he could mate., her stomach tied into a knot, "Kousen, why did you mate me?"
Kousen tilted his head at her, "What do you mean Yuuki" he walked towards her and brushed a few strands of tangled hair out of her eyes. "I love you more than anything else, that's why I mated you"
"But Tsumi said that-" she stopped once Kousen's mouth dropped when she said those words.
"So this is all Tsumi's saying. What did he say to you, please tell me!" Kousen grasped her shoulders, "Yuuki you must tell me."
Yuuki gulped and she took hold of one of Kousen's arms, "Tsumi said something like, 'BAKA, don't you see it's mating season. Youkai's don't care about love, they only care about beauty and how well they mate. Kousen doesn't love you, he's just been playing an act so he could mate', then he..." Yuuki choked a bit, "he raped me Kousen"
Miyuki and Kiba's eyes were wider than they were ever and their mouths were almost touching the ground. Kousen looked the same, "Yuuki...I..." he didn't know what to say, all he wanted to do was rip Tsumi's heart out and eat it raw, he also felt a force inside him that made him feel like going insane. But he looked at Yuuki, her eyes looked like they were forcing tears inside her indigo eyes. Kousen grasped her in his arms and slowly whispered, "Yuuki, I am so sorry. If I have never left your side none of this would have happened to you. It's all my fault." he grasped her even tighter.
"Kousen, it was fate. You-"
"Don't make it any different Yuuki. Tsumi tricked me with a Dairi Spirit and I left you undef-"
"SHUT UP YOU BAKA" Yuuki yelled, forcing him to let go, "YOU'RE MAKING A COMPLETE FOOL OF YOURSELF TALKING LIKE THIS. It was not your fault. It was only trial and error. Let's just hope that this won't scar us for life." Kousen's eyes were confused and Yuuki sighed, releaved to get that off her shoulders, "Kousen, I'm sorry." She then placed a kiss on his lips.
Kousen forgot all about Tsumi and the sexual harassment he did to his mate, all he cared about was that Yuuki was safe, with him. And he never wanted her to leave her again. Yuuki, I know we survived through this one. But next time...I could lose you forever.

Comments (7) |
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Today, in Akuma's Life:
Inutaisho: yo
When I went to play practice, well, before I had thirty minutes to get ready and go when I got there and found out that I could have got there at 1, since play practice starts then. So at 10, I got to work with the lights. that was strangely fun.
Inutaisho: ...
Also, we 'gods' at the play talked about Hot Topic, and Phantom of the Opera, which is an extremly good movie. Also, my friend John-Lee let me borrow his Trigun manga for today. It had Wolfwood in it. **smiles**
Inutaisho: ...
Inutaisho: ...
...why are we doing this
Inutaisho: because I want to go to sleep
Inutaisho **raises eyebrow** keh.
Inutaisho: Akuma
Inutaisho: **smakes across the head**
**wakes up** AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ARE THE PINK BUNNIES ATTACKING? **breaths heavy** wait, a second...**glares at inutaisho** okay, questions now.
Magnus Lensherr: **hugs** I love Stephen King's works.
Sakabato Samurai: I don't know if Eyes of the Dragon is a movie, but I will look. Eh, I don't mind voilent and scary movies, as long as they don't make me dream of evil...things.
Veggie-Ann: your welcome, I double check to make sure everyone's name is spelled right. Thank you for the story comment thing.
KillMeCrimson: I know you are somewhere, so when you come back, I'll try to remember to tell you.
lordsesshomaru: thanks for adding me to your friend's list again...I think you somehow deleted me. Believe it. ^_o

Inuyasha: The Mysterious Light that Guides the Saint (Episode Number: 150 Season Num: 6): 5 out of 5
Episode Recap:
Princess Abi goes after a group of villagers who are hiding in a cave.
Episode Notes
This is the first episode where V6's "Brand New World" is the ending theme.
Eureka Seven: Higher Than the Sun (Episode Number: 10 Season Num: 1 ) : 5 out of 5
Episode Recap:
A massive amount of Trapar has erupted due to a tectonic shift that occured on the other side of the world. So, the Gekkostate group decide to go there to enjoy some lifting, but then end up at Monarchy, a Federation military base. Holland and Talho remember that life-changing place, which they'll never be able to forget - a past that Holland still can't put behind him
Episode Notes
First time Renton attempts to kiss Eureka
Episode Trivia:
This episode featured the song "Storywriter" by Supercar
Episode Allusions
Episode Title: Higher Than The Sun
This episode title is a reference to the song "Higher Than The Sun" by Primal Scream.

Note 1: **professer like** Today's chapter's song is Time by Sarah McLachlan
Fanfiction: Why Do I Have To Be Different, Written by Akuma (AKA InuyashaDream)
Chapter 17: Time
Kousen ran as fast as he could, the light of the rising sun was flickering through the tree's leaves. He noticed that the south was were his old tribe, and he noticed old memmories flashing through his mind. He tried to shake them out and keep his mind on saving Yuuki. But a few were stronger than his sheild, and played like a movie in his mind. Two that he never wanted to see again,
"Woah there," Jikken dodged, "I'm getting a question in my head," Jikken picked up Yuuki's left hand and stared at the scar in the palm, then looked at Kousen's right palm, which was open, "You mated with a human, you really are a sin against the code aren't you"
"All we know is that she's going to die, I hate it when people die, it ruins the happiness." Jodan excitedly shouted, "Hey you're a wolfdog mutt, didn't you mate with a human."
"I guess he's really a sin against nature" the Geki cried.
Kousen growled, "Even spirits hate wolfdogs."
"Of course, everybody hates wolfdogs. Wolfdogs are sins against natures, even worse than hanyous." Geki explained.
Kousen's dog ears twitched as he bared his fangs, Wolfdog, wolfdog, wolfdog. WHY DID I HAVE TO BE BORN A WOLFDOG. Kousen stopped and growled, "I am just a sin...a sin against nature." The words that he had shouted to Jodan and Geki flashed through his mind, I HAD ENOUGH OF PEOPLE TELLING ME THAT JUST BECASUE I'M A WOLFDOG I SHOULD BE DEAD.
"GAH, " he shouted, shaking his head vigrously. "I don't give a damn about that anymore, I got to save Yuuki" he lifted his foot to start running. Until a voice entered his right dog ear.
Kousen turned his head, and saw his sister, her black hair was tied back like usual and her elemerald green eyes were calm, but full of confusion. Kiba was by her, with his arm wrapped around her shoulder. "Miyuki, Kiba-kun."
"Bro, you can just call me Kiba. We are family" Kiba smirked.
"Bro?" Kousen lifted his eye brow.
Miyuki sighed and rolled her eyes, "Yep, Kiba and I are mates"
Kousen's dog ears pirked up straight and his eyes grew, "I-I thought you two hated each other."
"What gave you that idea?" Kiba stood behind Miyuki and wrapped his arms around her and kissed her slightly on the cheek. Kousen expected Miyuki to tear from his grasp and slap him across the face, like what Yuuki's mother did to her father. But instead Miyuki smiled and closed her eyes.
I guess they are really in love, he saw the happiness on Kiba's face. But his amber eyes were full of sadness, and a mixture of lies that he seem to want to run away from. Kousen shook his head, and got out of Kiba's eyes. "Yuuki's been kidnapped."
"WHAT" Miyuki tore from Kiba's grasp, and placed her face right in Kousen's. "Who kidnapped her?"
"Some guy named Tsumi?" Kousen's dog ears flattened against his skull.
"Tsumi-" Kiba stepped forward.
"You know him" the wolfgirl turned to him.
Kiba shook his head, "The name just sound familar."
Miyuki sighed, "You're great help"
"He told me to go to the Southern Mountains" Kousen turned, "I have to go now, who knows what he will do to Yuuki"
"I'm coming with you" Miyuki stood by his side.
Kiba stood by her, "And where ever Miyuki goes, I go"
"NO" Kousen bellowed, making Miyuki and Kiba step back a bit.
"Yes" Miyuki growled, "I'm your sister, and I will help you"
Kousen turned, "Fine, just don't get in the way. I don't need your help, just because I'm a wolfdog" he randomly shouted. He shook his head and ran off, with Kiba following.
Miyuki blinked, I don't need your help, just because I'm a wolfdog, flashed through her mind, "Kousen-"
"Come on sis, didn't you order me to take you with" Kousen turned his head, still running.
"Coming" Miyuki ran fast until she caught up with the guys.
Yuuki slowly opened her eyes and expected to se light. But it was dark, keeping her eyes closed or having them open hardly didn't change the light. "Kousen" she lifted the top part of her body and rubbed a sore on her head, it was a huge bump that was never there before.
"I see you are awake human" a growl entered her head. Yuuki turned her head to see a man with maroon stripes on his cheeks, deathly pale skin, black hair, and black eyes. A raven youkai, she could tell. The raven youkai was sitting down, making a fire.
"Who are you" Yuuki backed off a bit, just to hit a wall.
"Name's Tsumi" he finally got the fire to blaze, "and yours is Yuuki-san." He turned to her and smiled. "Man, your beautiful. No wonder even youkai's are stepping up to marry you."
Yuuki felt sick, "Wha-"
"OH excuse me Yuuki-san," he gave a bow, "how rude of me. I think it would a compliment for you. Come sit by me."
Yuuki didn't feel a threat from this guy, but she didn't trust him. Then again she was a youkai slayer's daughter, and she could handle whatever he threw at her. So she stepped over to him, and sat across the fire. She saw that there were fish that were being cooked the spit-fire way, which means they were on sticks that were dug into the groud and leaning over the fire. "Why did you kidnap me?" she slowly said, tensed up just in case he went crazy.
"I know that was very rude, but..." he gave a small chuckle, "this say sound crazy but I want to mate you."
Yuuki's eyes grew, "WHAT" she stood up, noticeing that the celing was low.
Tsumi stood up and walked towards her. Cornering her, "I love you Yuuki, and I want to mate you"
Yuuki stared into his cold black eyes. "But I'm allready mates with Kousen."
"Kousen, that wolfdog. A creature of your beauty should be the mate of a youkai," Tsumi laughed, which now sounded like a raven's beak clicking.
"Kousen's a youkai" she protested back, thinking she finally got the advantage.
Tsumi leaned his face towards her, making her back against the wall, "Yes, but he's a wolfdog. Which are even worse than hanyous."
"How is a wolfdog worse than a hanyou, how are hanyou's worse than youkai. Everyone of you are the same. Yeah, humans are weak and frail compaired to youkais, but we are the same as you." Yuuki growled and smiled when she saw a worried face on Tsumi, "And the only reason I mate is for love. And I love Kousen."
Tsumi's eyes gave a red glare and he cleched her shoulders, "BAKA, don't you see it's mating season. Youkai's don't care about love, they only care about beauty and how well they mate. Kousen doesn't love you, he's just been playing an act so he could mate."
Yuuki tried to remember those moves her mother taught her, but she was paralized. She slowly got down while Tsumi clenched her shoulders tighter and forced a kiss on her lips. He wasn't the calm gentleman he was before, he was something else. She felt him tugging at her yukata to tear it off. KOUSEN.... She slamed against the cave floor. The fire was forgoten
Time here all but means nothing just shadows that move cross the wall
they keep me company but they dont ask of me they dont say nothing at all
I need just a little more silence, I need just a little more time
You send your thieves to me silently stalking me dragging me into your war
Would you give me no choice in this I know you cant resist trying to re-open a sore
So leave me be, I dont want to argue I just get confused and I come all undone
If I agree well its just to appease you cause I dont remember what were fighting for
You see love a tight thorny thread that you spin in a circle of gold
to have me to hold me a token for all to see captured to be yours alone
I need just a little more silence yeah I need just a little more time
For courage to pull away there will be hell to pay deeper you cut to the bone
So leave me be, I dont want to argue I just get confused and I come all undone
If I agree well its just to appease you cause I dont remember what were fighting for
Time here all but means nothing just shadows that move cross the walls
They keep me company but they dont ask of me they dont say nothing at all
So leave me be, I dont want to argue I just get confused and I come all undone
If I agree well its just to appease you cause I dont remember what were fighting for
"GAH" Kousen stopped, grasping his right palm. The scar was itchy and painful. Something's wrong with Yuuki, he bared his fangs.
"Something wrong Kousen" Kiba looked at him.
"Tsumi is doing something to Yuuki." he showed him the mating scar, "Since our souls are connected, whenever she's in pain, I get it in the scar too, there is no time to lose we have to go." he started running again.
Kiba glanced at his mating scar, I wonder if I will feel Miyuki's pain when...when I tell her the truth.
"KIBA, COME ON YOU BOZO." Miyuki shouted at him.
Kiba looked up and ran after her, I got to tell her sometime. It will be better if I told her.
"Hey Kousen," Miyuki was at Kousen's side, keeping up with his speed, "How did Tsumi kiddnap Yuuki"
"He sent a Dairi spirit named Jodan and Geki and it transformed to look like my mother. I'm not sure what a Dairi Spirit is, but I think-" Kousen started to explain.
Miyuki interupted him, "A Dairi Spirit takes the form of any creature. There is two heads, one signifies happiness the other saddness. Together they 'borrow' most of the soul of the person who they are playing as." Kousen and Kiba both stared at her, and she sighed, "I read it in Kousen's mother's notes. She wrote a lot about spirits. I think she talked to the dead"
Kousen twitched, Do I have that power as well, "Then, miss smarty pants, why did my claws go through when I attacked, but it kept solid"
"Honestly Kousen have you never seen theatre" Miyuki stared into his ice-blue eyes.
Kousen shook his head, "Nope, never had."
Miyuki gave a sigh, "Then nevermind, it will be too complicated. Kousen, are you sure you want to fight Tsumi today"
"DUH, he has Yuuki, I can't wait a whole night just sitting around and not saving her until morning," he felt his scar burn again, making his eyes narrow, "Why"
"Cause tonight's the Full Moon" Miyuki frowned. Kousen's eyes grew and he gulped, and ran faster.

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