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Monday, June 19, 2006
late father's day
My Life
Inutaisho: yo
'We went to Duluth today, and I went to Hot Topic and bought my dad a hat there. For Father's day. I couldn't find the Pink Floyd CD (Wish you were here) he wanted. So I found a cool hat, that he wanted, and I bought it. Then he bought me 2 and 3 of Red River. Equvilant Exchange!!!!!!
Inutaisho: ... Did you realize it's father's day.
...and what's your point.
Inutaisho: **whispers to readers** crazy child
**spins, spins, spins, spins**
Inutaisho: Crazy
Pet Semetary made me dream of evil babies. And the reason I'm so late is because I've been watching Green Mile with my Dad.
Inutaisho: review
sorry, that has to be here tommorrow.
Inutaisho: you always leave it till tommorrow.
**blows raspberry**
Inutaisho: **sigh**
Questions YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Magnus Lensherr: aww...they replaced X-men? DAMN THEM. oh yeah, but Kouga can beat him anyday WHO HOOO
Sakabato Samurai: I've seen and read both of those movies. And Pet Semetary made me have nightmares about evil babies. That kills people. And that creepy laugh.
Veggie-Ann: Yeah, I don't think I'll buy it, or watch it ever again. yeah...**glares at father** it was...**shivers** as you say...cute.
babixxkagome: KOGA KICKS ASS. WHOO HOO. And Pet Semetary is scary, but strangly, I want to watch it again. And I know, that little bird was thinking the same thing.
Note 1: Today's song is Dire Wolf by Grateful Dead
Chapter 16: Dire Wolf
Miyuki had awoken from Kiba and her ordeal. Miyuki stared up into the nightsky and held up her left palm to show the healing scar that Kiba gave her last night. She noticed that Kiba was still sleeping so she put her cheek on his bare chest. "Kiba" she whispered in his ear. She liked watching Kiba sleep, but she wanted him awake.
Kiba moaned a bit, but he still was asleep.
"Kiba" she shook him.
Kiba eyes popped open and he growled, "Eh..."
The wolfgirl chuckled, "Wake up"
"Miyuki, can I please sleep a bit more" Kiba smiled, rubbing her unclothed back.
"No, we have to get up" Miyuki climbed on top of his chest and stared deep into his amber eyes.
Kiba brushed her hair, "It's stll night time" he kissed her on the cheek.
"Fine," she smiled, resting her head on his chest. She stared as the man she lost her virginity to lay down his head once more and felt him wrap his arm around her waist.
Yuuki and Kousen walked for a while. When they left the tribe, they lost contact with Miyuki and Kiba, so they went their own path. Yuuki gave a look towards Kousen. His ice-blue eyes stared off into the distance, with far-away eyes. "Kousen" she said.
Kousen kept on staring off, "Yuuki, how about we rest" Kousen finally said.
Yuuki stopped and stared at him, "what"
" get tired easily huh..." Kousen sighed.
Yuuki growled at him, "What so bad about..." she stopped and yawned.
Kousen smirked, "I knew you were tired."
"Fine" she spun her neck fast to crack a knot in her neck.
Kousen smiled as he looked around, and saw a small hut, "We can sleep there for the night"
Yuuki spied it, "Fine..." she repeated.
Kousen and Yuuki entered the hut Kousen sat down by the wall, and Yuuki followed him. She sneaked under his arms and made him set his arm around her shoulder. Kousen palced his cheek on the top of her head, "Go to sleep," he whispered.
Yuuki curled up closer to him. She closed her eyes, feeling safe with the one she loved, until a painful thought flashed through her mind.
Kousen's dog ears had a devilish point to them, his fangs were long and dripped over his lower lip, his claws were full of sticky maroon blood, and his eyes glazed an evil red. She gasped when her image of her love changed, and showed him using his out grown claws, slaughtering...something she couldn't see. All she saw was him, getting blood splatering on random spots of his face and his white wolf tail was being stained with red. Then Kousen landed on his feet, and turned to her, his eyes were even redder as he gave an evil smirk.
Yuuki tried to open her eyes, but they felt glued shut.
"Yuuki" he growled. Yuuki backed off just a bit. She stared at the things he was killing, she could see them perfectly.
"Humans" she gasped. She saw innocent villagers eyes open wide, their mouths agape in terror as their blood flowed into their open mouths and on the ground, "Kousen" she yelled.
"Bitch" he growled as he raised a palm and back-slapped Yuuki across the face.
Yuuki fell to the ground. "Kousen what happened to you"
Kousen kelt beside her and grabbed the front of her yukata and pulled the cloth so her face was near her's. She could smell that he had been eating human flesh, "Yuuki" he shook her, "Yuuki" he growled again.
"Yuuki" Kousen yelled again.
Yuuki's eyes popped open, she was staring into the ice-blue eyes. It felt strange, seeing these calm eyes when she just saw his red violent ones. She noticed that she was shaking, "Kousen" she gasped.
"Yuuki what's wrong, this is the second time you've been like this." Kousen had both his arms around her.
Yuuki was paralized, she didn't know what to do. Is Kousen ever going to be like that? Or is that just a dream..., her eyes saddened, she wanted to forget everything she just saw, and be with the one she loves. She dug her face into his haori and cried, "Kousen, what if" she stopped, letting out a few more tears, "what if, you ever change..."
Kousen was petting her hair, "Yuuki...what do you mean"
"What if...what if you ever" she paused, "Never mind," she stopped.
"Yuuki..." Kousen said again. Then he noticed that she cried herself to sleep. What did she mean by change, he then placed her in a tight grasp, carefull not to wake her up, Yuuki...I love you. And I will always.
"Kousen..." a strange voice was heard outside the hut.
Kousen looked towards the door, "Who's there."
"Kousen..." the voice sounded a bit more female.
"That vocie" Kousen gasped.
"Come to mother, my baby..." the female voice chuckled.
"MOTHER" Kousen gasped and ran out the door, leaving Yuuki undefended.
Kousen ran into the darkness, not even checking the moon just to make sure it was even her. mother, I want to see you agian..., he snarled. Kousen then stepped into an open feild. One he never seen before. "Mother" he stopped.
"Come to mother baby" a female wolfdog came into his veiw.
"Mother" he ran into her arms.
Akuma brushed his hair, "How's my little babe..." she smiled.
That's strange, Kousen stopped, She feels colder than usual. The last time I felt her, she was warm. He opened his eyes, something didn't feel right, he looked towards a tree, it's shadow was perfect, what...a tree's shadow at night won't be perfect unless the moon goddess is gone, or it's less than half a moon..., "Wait a second..." Kousen whispered.
"It's okay Kousen...Mama's here" Akuma tighted her grip on him.
Kousen tried to look at the moon, once he saw it he gasped. The moon's barrier was still there, "What" he screamed out loud, trying to tear from Akuma's grasp.
Akuma growled, "Kousen, STAY" she tightened her grip so hard that his breath was almost gone.
"YOUR NOT MY MOTHER" he looked up up at her and he gasped, what he saw was not the wolfdog woman he saw before. It was a dark shadow with two heads. The two heads looked like those mask that are a common symbol for theatre. One had a huge smile and the other beared a huge frown. Their eyes glowed red but their mouths never moved when they talked and a white light flowed out from them.
"Don't be silly Kousen, of course I'm your mother" the dark shadow laughed.
Kousen then saw that it's arms were long black shadows as well, "You get your hands off me" he slashed at them, but his hands went right through. "What the?", My claws went right through, but...why is the grip solid.
The shadow tightened the grip, "We are a Dairi spirit that takes the place of anybody." the smile laughed, "My name is Jodan, and my brother is Geki" Jodan motionedto the sad mask
"How do you know me," Kousen tried to rip out ofit's grasp, but his claws kept going through butit's grip was still solid.
"Let's just say a little raven told me" Jodan laughed.
"I know, it's very depressing huh" Geki slowly said.
Jodan laughed out loud, "You have been tricked, you've been tricked HA HA."
"Yuuki" Kousen gasped.
"Dramatic Love..." Geki sighed, "Drama always leads to death...either you or this Yuuki will be killed."
"How do you know of Yuuki" Kousen growled.
"All we know is that she's going to die, I hate it when people dies, it ruins the happiness." Jodan excitedly shouted, "Hey you're a wolfdog mutt, didn't you mate with a human."
"I guess he's really a sin against nature" the Geki cried.
Kousen growled, "Even spirits hate wolfdogs."
"Of course, everybody hates wolfdogs. Wolfdogs are sins against natures, even worse than hanyous." Geki explained.
Kousen growled, he felt like going insane. "I HAD ENOUGH OF PEOPLE TELLING ME THAT JUST BECASUE I'M A WOLFDOG I SHOULD BE DEAD." He slashed again, but it was the same thing. His claws went right thorugh. The Dairi spirit tightened. Yuuki, I'm so sorry...
Yuuki woke when a small tapping was on the door. "Kousen" she looked around, "Kousen where are you." the tapping was on the door again. Yuuki stepped towards the door and slowly opened it. Then she was upset she did. A dark shadow with red glowing eyes knocked her back to the ground. Before she was able to attack back, he grasped her throat. Yuuki tried to pry the bony hands off her neck, but they were the hands of a youkai, a raven youkai she could tell. But then her mind fell blank.
In the timbers to Fennario, the wolves are running round,
The winter was so hard and cold, froze ten feet 'neath the ground.
Don't murder me, I beg of you, don't murder me. Please, don't murder me.
I sat down to subber, 'twas a bottle of red whisky,
I said my prayers and went to bed, that's the last they saw of me.
Don't murder me, I beg of you, don't murder me. Please, don't murder me.
When I awoke, the Dire Wolf, six hundred pounds of sin,
Was grinning at my window, all I said was "Come on in"
Don't murder me, I beg of you, don't murder me. Please, don't murder me.
The Wolf came in, I got my cards, we sat down for a game.
I cut my deck to the Queen of Spades, but the cards were all the same.
Don't murder me, I beg of you, don't murder me. Please don't murder me.
In the backwash of the Fennario, the black and bloody mire,
The Dire Wolf collects his dues, while the boys sing 'round the fire.
Don't murder me, I beg of you, don't murder me. Please, don't murder me.
No, no, no don't murder me. I beg of you,
Don't murder me. Please, don't murder me
The raven tossed a small folded peice of paper to the floor, then slung her limp body over his shoulder, transformed into a huge raven, and flew off. "The plan is in action" he smiled.
Jodan looked up into the sky and saw the raven youkai fly off, "Geki, we have to go"
Geki looked up, and Kousen felt their grip lessen and soon he was on the ground, watching the Dairi Spirit fly off. He would have asked for a rematch, but he knew that Dairi spirit held him off while something happened to Yuuki. He ran all the way back to the hut and burst through the door, "YUUKI" he yelled. His head spun, she wasn't there. He saw a small note and picked it up and unfurled it. He gasped when he read it.
Dear Kousen-kun,
As you may or may not know, Yuuki is missing. If you ever want to see her again, then come to the mountains in the South. I will gladly give you Yuuki, but you have to do something for me.

Comments (5) |
Sunday, June 18, 2006
happy father's day
My Life
Inutaisho: yo
I slept in till like 12, and then I stuck around the house all day until we left to go see Cars.
Inutaisho: ...
It's a pretty good movie, I don't want to buy it, but it's a good movie. I loved Mater and Ferland(?) is that the VW's name? You know the hippie bus.
wow, there is a lot of love in this room **rolls eyes** Oh Sakabato Samurai and Magnus Lensherr made pretty good points yesterday. Dad, **turns to Inutaisho** Doctor Who is like living way into the future, and Kouga is almost 500 years in the past. Unless Doctor Who took his amazing time traveling spaceship and transported years in the past of Japan, then I think that would turn out something. But Doctor Who has only transported to the future so far.
Inutaisho: That made no sense...
**rolls eyes** sorry, I have to keep this post short because I'm going to watch Pet Semetary by Stephen King soon **runs around all happy like** I read the book, now I want to see the film. And Semetary IS spelled right.
Inutaisho: What about anime?
OH DAMN, their on tonight too. DAMN DAMN DAMN DAMN. Well, if I hurry, maybe I can...oh wait, **hands Inutaisho a present** Happy Father's Day.
Inutaisho: are really daddy's little girl aren't you? **hugs**
eh, **nervous laugh**
Inutaisho: ...
I figured I won't do the...umm review until Monday morning, because I WANT TO ENJOY ANIME NIGHT LIKE THE REST OF YA'S. Oh, and today is Paul McCartney's Birthday. He's 64. Like the song, **sings** Will you still need me, Will you still feed me, When I'm 64 **stops** whatever the name of that Beetles Song. If you never knew, then Paul McCartney was a part of the Beetles. So, I'll answer questions and all of ya's give your father's a nice present. **waves**
Magnus Lensherr: DALECS RULE **raises hand for high five** Don't worry, Kouga can handle whatever the Doctor gives him. Also, I'll give him apples. Like my Grandma Akuma told me., "An Apple a day keeps Doctor Who away"
Sakabato Samurai: Love your new avi. Haven't seen if you changed your site though. But yeah, lordsesshomaru added me to his friends list, then somewho deleted me. **shrugs** I keep on forgeting to tell him just in case he ended up deleting me by accedent.
Note 1: Today's song is Carnival by the Pillows. Song is all in Japanese. NOTE 2, AND A EXTREME WARNING: IF YOU ARE JUST A CHILD, DO NOT READ THE LAST PART OF THIS CHAPTER. It get's kinda detailed, but it's still rated PG-13.
Chapter 15: Carnival
Miyuki walked on a path, while Kiba was behind her, What's got Kiba so worked up, she wondered as she saw him blushing and twitching and mumbleing to himself. She replayed the scene she just had with Kiba in her head.
He spun around to face her, "Miyuki...I love you"
Miyuki looked at him for a second, until she laughed, "Good one Kiba, I know you are just saying this because of mating season, we are just good friends."
Kiba looked towards her for a minute, "But..."
"Kiba, it's just mating season talking to you. Forget about it" she turned and walked off, "Come on let's go."
Miyuki got that out of her head, it was just mating season, he doesn't me. She turned her head back to him, he was mumbling something that she couldn't hear, and she can't read lips so it was hard for her to know what she was saying. But what if it wasn't mating season saying that, and he really..., her heart leaped in joy.
Kiba never knew what to think, Miyuki's words still hung in his head, "Kiba, it's just mating season talking to you." Kiba growled, I do love you Miyuki. But then he thought of something, I guess she will never return my love..., his joy lowered.
"Kiba what's wrong" Miyuki said.
Kiba stressed up his head to see Miyuki's head turned to face him, "Nothing..." he sighed, She doesn't love me, I just know it..., "Miyu...I was wondering, have you ever loved anybody." he blushed
Miyuki looked at him strange and she blushed. What is he, jealous..., and she smiled at the corner of her mouth, "No, why would I. No matter how many men step up to mate me,there is no possible way I would love anybody else." she gasped when she noticed what she said
"What..." Kiba looked at her, there is no possible way I would love anybody else, rang through his head. And he smiled.
Miyuki spun, she didn't want to let Kiba see her blush, WHAT IN HELL MADE ME SAY THAT..., a picture of Kiba flashed in her mind, Kiba...but why would I say that to him?
"Miyuki" Kiba said.
Miyuki's heart leaped up into her throat, and flashbacks came through her head,
The wolf youkai girl closed her eyes, waiting for the blow when she heard a voice, "MIYUKI."
Miyuki opened her eyes, to see the four lizards in front of her slash in half, "Kousen..." Miyuki whispered, thinking it was him. But when the corpses fell, she saw Kiba, standing there, with his hand covered with youkai blood, "KIBA-KUN" she smiled and ran to him and hugged him tight.
She blushed when another one came through her thoughts,
"I figured you had an emotion towards this" Kiba tied the necklace around her neck, and brushed her hair out of her eyes, "you look beautiful in it"
"Miyuki" Kiba said again, getting her out of her fantasy.
Impossible, I can't be..., the wolfgirl clenched her teeth. Miyuki then thought of when she saw her mother die.
Miyuki twitched and grabbed Bujoku and pinned him to the ground. She went crazy and punched him over and over again, "YOU KILLED THEM YOU BASTARD, YOU KILLED THEM" she punched him again. Bujoku didn't know what was hitting him, he was too in shock to notice anything. "YOU KILLED THEM" she yelled again, taking more punches.
Kiba ran behind her and pulled her away from him, "MIYUKI STOP IT"
"LET ME GET HIM" Miyuki screamed, struggling to get out of his grasp.
"MIYUKI, you're going to kill him" he yelled into her ear.
Miyuki stopped, and stared down at Bujoku, he had bruises all over his face. Blood was dripping out of his nose and mouth. He looked like he was dead. Miyuki shuddered, I..was going to kill him..., the rain flattened her hair. No one noticed she was crying. "Kiba..." she cried. Miyuki turned to him and dug her face into his haori.
Kiba started to cry as well, although he didn't want to show it, knowing that Miyuki felt like she could only depend on him. He wraped his arms around her, and made his hand stroke her hair.
"I can't believe they are gone" Miyuki shuddered.
Kiba sighed, "it was...their time Miyuki, the grim reaper decides our fate. Not even the moon goddess can make the reaper spare even the most powerful of us."
Then another image of Kiba went through her mind, it was when she first saw him.
Miyuki's eyes popped open. She was still in the pool. She looked up to the sky with her emerald eyes, the sun was at it's highest. "It's noon," she sighed. And she got out of the pool. She tied her hair in a low ponytail and changed into her yukata. She laied in the sun to dry off. The sun made her eyes close, 'mate...', she thought agian. Until something weird came over her, a shadow came over her eyelids, that's strange, there is no tree there, she opened her eyes to look into the face of a wolf youkai with amber eyes and black hair which was falling on her face. His face was so close, that their lips almost brushed, "AHHHHH, WHO ARE YOU" she slid from under him, "and why were you trying to kiss me you pervert"
"I'm sorry Miyuki-sama," the boy bowed, "I thought you were dead"
Keh, yeah right, any youkai could tell a dead person from alive, Miyuki twitched.
"I am Kiba, of the Eastern Wolf Tribe, I have come to tell you a message."
Kiba sighed, "Can I be your mate"
She smiled how she noticed that back then she felt so angry when he said that. But now, it made her happy. How his eyes were a deep honey gold and his hair midnight black. She gulped down, but it felt like her heart was still in her throat, It's true then...I'm...I'm in l-love with..., she turned to face him, Kiba.
"Miyuki" Kiba repeated when she didn't answer back to him.
Miyuki turned to him, she grasped the water youkai claw in her hand, Mother, should I tell him. Mother does he even truely love me?
Kiba knew know that there was a small chance that Miyuki loved him, but he knew that he couldn't be with her. He remembered his plan he was trained to do ever since he was young. He never wanted to give Miyuki a heartbreak because of it, but he never wanted to leave her, What the hell my father says. Ayame is dead, the plan is off.
"Kiba," she finally answered.
Kiba walked towards her and placed his hand on her cheek, "What's wrong Miyuki?"
Miyuki placed her hand on his, and smiled. "Kiba, have you ever loved anybody?"
The wolfboy's heart leaped, Is this a sign, "Miyuki...I have never loved anybody." He paused for a minute, thinking about what he was going to say. He then noticed Miyuki's face sadden.
He doesn't love me, she sighed. The wolfgirl was ready to turn away from him when Kiba blurted out.
"Except you. I have never loved anybody except you"
Miyuki turned to him, "What?"
"I love you Miyuki, I don't care if you say it is the mating season talking to me. I know my feelings. I love you" Kiba grabbed onto her shoulders.
"Kiba" Miyuki looked deep into his eyes.
Kiba neared his face even closer, "What I want to know, is if you love me back?" he stared into her green eyes.
Miyuki couldn't breathe, "Kiba..." she choked out at last, "Kiba, I..."
The wolfboy neared his face even closer.
"Kiba...I" she couldn't keep it away anymore, "I LOVE YOU"
kanran sha ni hitori de kurashiteru
dai kirai na sekai wo mioroshite
matte tanda kimi to deau hi wo
kashikomatta hizashi ni koge nagara
boku dake no mado wo hiraite
matte tanda kokode kounaru hi wo
ie wo nobashite mo
mukuware nai jidai
sukuware nai mirai
kimi to kiss shite warai korogeru
satte itta renchuu no ashi ato ni
kiki me no nai jyumon de shukufuku wo
karuku natta atama de utai tai
tatta hitori kimi wa boku no mikata
me wo akete tara
tsuki sasatte itai
kaze no togatta yoru
kimi to kiss shite warai korogeru
futari douji ni
yume de mita no sa
umare kawatta jidai
niji no kakatta mirai
kimi to kiss shite naite shimatta
matte tanda kimi to deau hi wo
Kiba smiled as he forced a kiss on her lips.
Miyuki's eyes glowed as she noticed the kiss, and she kissed him back and let the kiss melt deeper. She wrapped her arms around his neck and Kiba wrapped his arms around her waist and held her close. Kiba and Miyuki's lasted longer than they knew. They thought it only lasted for a few seconds, but because of their youkai blood. They could hold their breath for a long time.
Kiba and Miyuki tore from the kiss, their arms still wrapped around each other. They breathed heavy when they let their foreheads and noses touched.
"I love you Kiba" Miyuki whispered, "I thought no one would love me, but I was wrong. You were the only one that showed me true love."
Kiba laughed, "You don't have to go that mushy Miyuki, I know you love me, and I love you too"
Miyuki laughed with him, and planted a small kiss on his lips, "you know it's mating season, don't you"
"You thinking what I'm thinking" Kiba smirked.
"Oh yeah" Miyuki kissed him again, this time they fell to the ground. Kiba untied her hair, letting her long black hair fall below her shoulders. Then he started to tear off her yukata.
Kiba twitched when his father's voice rang through his mind once more, Kiba, you can't fall in love with Miyuki. It will ruin everythng. And as Kiba felt like he was talking to his father right now in his mind he replied feircely, I don't care about that now father, the plan is off. You can't stop my love for her.
"Kiba" Miyuki brought him back to the real world.
Kiba shook his head, and saw that he was on his back, his haori was off, and Miyuki's yukata was off, and he could feel the valley of her breast touching his chest, "I was just zoning out" he wrapped his arms around her. And kissed her again. They rolled in the grass while their hair mixed.
A gold finch stood in a near by tree, then flew off. How could they do that out here, the bird thought in a disgust.

Comments (5) |
Saturday, June 17, 2006
'see you on the darkside of the moon.'
My Life
Inutaisho: yo
Again, a boring day. And I guess you all ended up finding out my little secret. **glares at Inutaisho** For a quick reminder, it's lordsesshomaru's birthday.
Inutaisho: WHAT?
**rolls eyes** nothing.
**walks around for no reason** I am just having a bad day.
Inutaisho: What? Are you still upset about Kouga being taken from the credits?
...don't ever talk about that again...
Inutaisho: We are currently watching Doctor Who right now.
DOCTOR WHO? **happy face and ends up bouncing around the room** DOCTOR WHO RULES.
Inutaisho: But Doctor Who is going to kill Kouga... Doctor Who won't kill Kouga. Or else, I will kill Doctor Who.
Inutaisho: aren't that funny tonight.
**watches TV,** awww poor Doctor Who...and that robot thing named Daelic. Doctor Who is all alone in the world, he's the last of his kind. AND DOCTOR WHO IS GOING CRAZY. Not only that, Rose looks like freaken chipmunk with those cheeks, I'm not surprised that Doctor Who is in love with her, but Rose just scares me that way. Oh, sorry, qestions. I'll answer them then go watch more Doctor Who.
Magnus Lensherr: **waits for you to go find other people** thank you. I'm sorry, I guess I was suppose to say they just attacked me playfully. It was fun. some of the girls attacked me playfully too.
Sakabato Samurai: intresting duck story. *heh*, and I'm doing just fine. And he's not old, look at him. Yeah he has gray hair but he acts 18. **shivers** that does sound strange. And I guess it was kinda obvious
babiixkagome: yeah, that's kinda out of the bag now. **blushes** I love him like a brother now though. But, don't go telling this to Inuyasha at any moment. I was actually crying when I wrote Koga dieing. I'm still wondering why I had to make him die to this very day. Even though I knew it had to go through the story, I still can't believe I made KOUGA of all people die. **curls up in a little corner**
KillMeCrimson: Eh, I think it was about these people opening a black hole in a town or something. Didn't get much into it. Yeah, I was in love with Inuyasha, but that was like the very first episode I saw. Now I love him like a brother.
Note 1: Today's song is Mother by Cyndi Lauper. Note 2: I'm sorry, but the chapter numbers are like all mixed up, but this is the 14th chapter. Wow, we are allready half way through the story.
Chapter 14: Mother
"DAMN" Miyuki punched a tree, making a few leaves fall by the vibration, "DAMN, DAMN DAMN"
Kiba ran behind her, "Miyuki stop it" he grabbed her shoulders and spun her so she could face him.
"LET ME GO KIBA" she tried to worm out off his grasp.
"MIYUKI" he slamed her back against the tree behind her, "please, control yourself."
"Kiba" she studdered, a tear rolled down her cheek. Then she dug her face into his haori, "HOW COULD I JUST STAND THERE AND LET MY FATHER AND MOTHER BE KILLED. DAMN IT. IT'S ALL MY FAULT" the wolf girl said between her tears.
Kiba wrapped his right arm around her waist and brushed her hair with his other hand, "'s not your fault. Remember when I said that the Reaper chooses our time, and plans it out. The plan is so perfect that no one, not even the moon goddess, can change it."
Miyuki's tears slowly stopped, but she didn't tear from his grasp, she felt safe there. And his knowledge made her feel better, "Thank you Kiba" she smiled and wrapped her arms around his body, Am love..., she shook that thought from her head, yeah right, love is no good for me...but still.
"Oh yeah" Kiba leaned back a bit, Miyuki's arms unraveled from his body. Kiba put his arms behind his head, and his hands moved in a wise motion until his arms returned to their normal state, but they were holding a string. The string was holding a water youkai claw, "you dropped this a while back" he held it in front of her.
Miyuki gave a small gasp as her hands fled to her neck to feel around for the necklace, "Kiba..."
"I figured you had an emotion towards this" he tied it around her neck, and brushed her hair out of her eyes, "you look beautiful in it"
Miyuki blushed, "T-thank you."
Kiba turned and blushed as well, OH come on Kiba, this is what you want, your tribe depends on have no time to fall in love...especially with the person you are only suppose to PRETEND to be in love with.
Kousen let Yuuki sleep on his shoulder. He stared up at the moon, it was so close. Why did my father have to die when I was so young..., he looked closer at the moon, What are Miyuki and I to do. Something didn't seem right about the moon, it seemed so, empty, wait a second, the moon's's gone...
"Hello Kousen" a voice came from nearby.
Kousen looked towards the owner of the voice, and he gasped. It was a woman who was a wolfdog youkai with silver hair, dog ears, wolf's tail, and a maroon yukata. She glowed with the shine from the moon. Mother..., "The moon goddess..." he choked out, Is mother...for real, I mean I know she would be a spirit, but is this my own imagination.
"Kousen, you don't have to call me the moon goddess" the woman steped forward.
Kousen looked towards Yuuki, she was still sleeping. He let her lean against a tree while he went to the wolfdog woman. "Excuse me, Akuma..."
"Son, don't you know me, hasn't your father taught you anything" Akuma laughed.
"ummm...are you truely my mother." Kousen sighed.
Akuma stopped laughing and looked serious, "of course I'm your mother."
"Mother..." Kousen's heart leaped up into his throat, It is her spirit, I just wish she was alive. He choked out, "did you know about father's death"
Akuma looked at her son, "Is that all you can say to me, after me being dead for your whole live..." she stopped when she saw the seriousness on her son's face, I'm sorry to say, but yes."
"Where is he know..."
"He's in the stars right now, Ayame is as well. I choose two spaces for them, right by me, so we can watch over our offspring every night." Akuma sighed, "Or if you want the real facts, they are in the spirit realm. Where I spend most of the time when the moon has no purpose at the moment. I don't have to watch the moon every waking second of my spirit life"
Kousen clenched his fist, "why did they have to die."
"Kousen, that's the same as asking why I had to die, it just is planned out. We have no purpose to die, except to not over populate the earth"
"Why do you think so negative" Kousen folded his arms as her words went through his head, 'We have no purpose to die, except to not over populate the earth'
"Being the moon goddess, usually makes you think logically"
Kousen clenched his teeth, "WHY DID YOU HAVE TO BE A WOLFDOG" he couldn't contain himself anymore.
"What..." Akuma backed off.
Kousen stepped towards his mother, "I wanted to love you as a mother, but when I found out you were a wolfdog, I didn't know what to think of you"
"KOUSEN, I CAN'T HELP IT IF I'M A WOLFDOG. I am sorry you had to live what I lived through, but you can't change your blood even if you tried."
"mother?" the wolfdog boy choked out.
"I wanted to change my blood when I knew I was a wolfdog, I put your father and Ayame in danger and I never wanted to, was part of the reaper's plan. And being a wolfdog is part of your plan, as Miyuki being a wolf part of her life plan."
Kousen had a tear roll down his cheek as his mother said those wise words, and he ran, ran right into his mother's grasp and hugged her. Surprisingly, she felt solid, It's like, she's still here...alive. He smiled.
"Kousen..." Akuma smiled, and wrapped her arms around her son, like she would have done if she was alive when he was just a little boy.
"Mother..." he cried.
Over land and over sea
She reaches out to me
weaving and threading the loom
from womb to womb
Slaves and merchants
pilgrims and thieves
felt her hand and charted skies
by following her moon
Some came and built with stone and bone
some planted fields on promised land
and harvested their dreams, then disappeared
As generations lose their memory
I'll try and remind my heart
and hope that it will set me free
Condemning my true nature
I stood outside of myself
outside of myself
I stood outside
conditioning is what made me
lose sight of myself
lose sight of myself
lose sight
Ravens cry out, tides pull in,
somehow she replenishes
giving birth again
Kousen shook off his tears, "What will Miyuki and I do now"
"Son, that's what you have to figure out for yourself, I can't help you choose your path." Akuma petted him between the dog ears.
"Mother, I wish you were still alive" he choked out.
Akuma didn't say anything, all she did was hold her son closer to her. This might be the only chance for her to be with him. Since she has to be with the moon a lot, she finds no time to go down to Earth and spend time with her son. She suddenly felt weak and airy, "sometimes me too, Kousen..." she saw that the moon needed her, "Kousen I have to go"
"NO MOTHER" Kousen held on even harder, "I don't want you to leave me again."
Akuma smiled, and brushed the white hair of her son, "I'm sorry Kousen, but the moon is calling me. I would stay more, but the moon will always pull me to it." she kissed him between the ears and gave him a final hug.
Mother...,Kousen held on even harder, but then felt her turning into her spirit form again, makng his arms go right through her. He looked up, seeing his mother fly up to the moon again, until the barrier around the moon's barrier seemed full again.
"Kousen..." Yuuki's voice was heard behind him.
Kousen turned his head, there stood Yuuki, here eyes were half asleep, "Hi Yuuki" he smiled.
"Who were you talking too" Yuuki yawned.
Kousen gave a final glance towards the moon, "No one..." he lied, "I just wanted to talk to myself"
Yuuki looked at him with a confused face, "Whatever, just come to bed"
Kousen looked towards her, and nodded as he followed her. Holding the fire youkai claw in his right hand, where his mating scar was, Yuuki...please don't leave me..or die. Besides Miyuki, you are the only peson who is there for me...,He grasped the fire youkai claw even tighter.
Miyuki looked at Kiba, whose back was sitll faced towards her then she placed her hand on Kiba's shoulder, "Kiba..."
Kiba placed his hand on hers, I admit matter how much pride I loose from my tribe by saying this..., he spun around to face her, "Miyuki...I love you"
Miyuki looked at him for a second, until she laughed, "Good one Kiba, I know you are just saying this because of mating season, we are just good friends."
Kiba looked towards her for a minute, "But..."
"Kiba, it's just mating season talking to you, "Forget about it" she turned and walked off, "Come on let's go"
BUT MIYUKI I LOVE YOU DAMN IT, he growled. And followed her, Sorry father, but I will have to give up the plan...

Comments (4) |
Friday, June 16, 2006
thank you everybody
My Life
Inutaisho: yo
While at play practice, we got to go swimming in a near by lake. Because the only pool for miles is crappy and expensive. **thinks** uhh...while we were swimming, the guys attacked me again. I sometimes got the better hand, but sometimes they would over take me. It was fun. We also saw a mother duck and her chicks swimming near by. Then I took a two hour nap.
Inutaisho: ...okay.
I am currently watching this movie called the Black Hole. Haven't been watching it that much.
Inutaisho: ...Akuma...
Inutaisho: ...Akuma...
Inutaisho: okay, since most of you allready know why her name is InuyashaDream...then it won't hurt saying the full thing.
NO YOU DON'T **jumps on Inutaisho, but this time Inutaisho tapes Akuma up before Akuma is to tape him up.** ;dfkafjkejfkdjfae
Inutaisho: Okay, before she realized she loved Kouga (she fell in love with him at first sight, but it took her six months to realize it)...before she decided to make herself role-play as Inuyasha's sister. She was in love...
kdjfakjekjjafkjekdjakjekjd **muffled scream**
Inutaisho: with Inuyasha.
...jadkjfekdfje **Inutaisho takes off the tape over her mouth** You are soo evil, did you know that? Okay, questions. Question question who's got the question?
Magnus Lensherr: that's okay, now that my FATHER told you my secret I don't give a damn right now. **sigh** thank you sooo much **tries to hug you, but I'm covered in duct tape** damn, well thank you soo much for helping Kouga get back on the credits. Even though I know he's not going to be back **sad face** I'll still watch the show. Don't even know why.
Sakabato Samurai: Keh, he's not THAT old. In human years he should be dead, in youkai years hes like 40. I hate it when they change the credits.
Note 1: Today's song is Don't by Shania Twain. Note 2: This has to be the saddest chapter out of all of them.
Chapter 12: Don't
Kousen stared off into the distance. Yuuki was still sleeping on his bare chest. He tried to go to sleep, but something felt wrong. Finally his eyelids grew heavy and once he was able to close his eyes, a distant voice came into his head, Revenge, death, take revenge, they killed your mother. Kousen popped open his eyes, that voice is back again, he growled deep in his throat. He grasped the fire youkai claw in he hand with the mating scar and tightened his grip, who killed my mother...?
"Kousen" Yuuki whispered when she felt the growl that woke her, "What's wrong."
Kousen looked down at her, "nothing," he sighed, "We better g-go back while Satsuki-sama and Sesshoumaru-sama are still asleep."
Yuuki sighed, she had to admit, they needed to go.
Miyuki has been running nonstop. She was focusing on to save her mother and father, she didn't care what was happening around her, or that she didn't eat anything at all and her energy was low. She stopped whe she heard her stomach growl. She didn't have time to eat anything, so she just looked around and grabbed some herbs and drank some water from a small pond. She didn't care there were fish swimming in the pond, she had to go. Once she took her second drink, a rustle was heard behind her. Miyuki was so deep in thought, she didn't take the warning.
Out of the bushes, jumped out a huge slim creature and it landed on Miyuki, making her lean forward and have her face hit the dirt, "Wolf youkai" the creature said.
Miyuki, who was of course out of her thoughts, identified the creature as a lizard youkai, "get off me" she kicked the youkai in the stomach, making it jump back as she stood up and got into postion.
"You are in the teritory of the lizard youkai, damn wolf, leave or we will have to kill you" the lizard snaked out his tounge.
"Keh, I can easily defeat a creature of your status" Miyuki grinned, leaping forward and aimed for a punch at the lizard, and she made it, making the lizard fall back from the shock of the blow. he didn't even try to dodge, is this guy even for real, Miyuki thought.
"Wolf Youkai, you are pretty good, but is that your best." the lizard got up.
"What do you mean, you are so slow you didn't even dodge" Miyuki growled.
The youkai gave a huge laugh, "Exactly..."
" are confusing me" Miyuki tilted her head, then she scented something and turned her head, behind her were ten more lizard youkais. Each one was bigger than the first one. She gulped.
"Leave now wolf" the one in the back, who was the biggest one, growled. Snaking his tounge in and out.
Must not show fear, once your enemy finds your fear, they now your weakness, your fear is your weakness. Everybody knows that, her father's words echoed in her mind. She smirked, "Join the fight, the more the merrier."
"Why you little" the first lizard she fought growled behind her, and lunged towards her. Miyuki simply just stood out of the way, making the lizard run into his compainions. Miyuki giggled.
The other lizards lunged towards her and she backed off, making them all land on the ground, "Clumsy...or just a bad fighters" Miyuki joked.
"WENCH" four more voices growled from behind her. Miyuki twisted her head to see four more lizard youkais.
Miyuki couldn't contain herself, "What, 15 youkais now, can I please just find my brother. Cause you guys are wasting my time." she rolled her eyes. She turned her head to see the other eleven youkais have formed a tight circle around her while the four new ones finished the circle, she was now trapped. "Umm...if you guys will just let me through, I think everybody will be happy" she walked forward, but the lizards didn't budge. Miyuki jumped, but was grabbed on the leg by a lizard and pulled into the middle of the circle again. Miyuki growled as she tried to slash at them, but was stopped when one grabbed her hand just in time.
"Now you just stay there, while we kill you" a blue lizard growled.
The wolf youkai girl closed her eyes, waiting for the blow when she heard a voice, "MIYUKI."
Miyuki opened her eyes, to see the four lizards in front of her slash in half, "Kousen..." Miyuki whispered, thinking it was him. But when the corpses fell, she saw Kiba, standing there, with his hand covered with youkai blood, "KIBA-KUN" she smiled and ran to him and hugged him tight.
Kiba blushed just a bit when he noticed what happened, he wanted to tell it to her, but he felt like to keep his mouth shut, to cherish the moment. He shook his head, pretend Kiba, you don't love her, "Miyuki..." he sighed.
Miyuki noticed what she was doing and tore from his grasp, and backed off, "did I just hug you" she twitched.
"Awwww...mating season love (remember it is still mating season), they say it never last" the big youkai lizards laughed.
"Miyuki, should we get those guys" Kiba smirked.
Miyuki smirked along with him, "no duh..." and they both lunged to the remaining eleven and slashed at them all, Kiba and Miyuki easily deafeted the lizard youkai. "Well that was easy," Miyuki sighed, "When will lizards become worthy opponents."
"I still can't believe you were trapped by them" Kiba laughed.
"You just shut up" the wolf youkai girl glared at him.
"Hey, can't you just take a joke" Kiba smirked.
"What's going on over there" a voice came off into the distance.
Kiba and Miyuki looked over, keeping as silent as possible. Until Miyuki scented something, two people, "Kousen..." she yelled, "Yuuki-chan, is that you"
"Miyuki" Kousen yelled as he tore through the bush, with Yuuki following him.
"Kousen" Miyuki hugged her brother, "I missed you"
Kiba stepped behind them, "Miyuki who are these...people." he eyed Kousen, "a wolfdog and human" that guy had better not be Miyuki's mate...I mean it will mess up the plan...I'm not jealous...
"Kiba, this is Kousen, my brother, Kousen this is Kiba and that human over there is Yuuki. Yuuki this is Kiba." Miyuki introduced everybody, knowing she was the only person in the whole group that knew everybody.
I forgot she had a brother. "Hello" Kiba growled.
"Are you in a bad mood, Kiba-kun," Yuuki giggled.
"Human" Kiba gruffed.
"Kiba" Miyuki nudged him in the ribs.
Kousen looked at the two, "Miyuki, he your mate"
Kiba and Miyuki both spoke at the same time, and looked towards each other.
"Kiba, are you still thinking I'm your mate" Miyuki growled.
"Of course," Kiba folded his arms.
"So which one is it" Yuuki tilted her head.
"Keh never mind that, Kousen, we need you to get back to the tribe. Mother and Father are in danger" Miyuki quickly remembered.
Kousen gasped, but then shrugged, "What did they ever do to me"
"Kousen they are going to die" Miyuki stressed out.
Yuuki glared at her mate, "Kousen go save your father and mother"
"Yuuki..." Kousen side glanced to her.
"Brother, they are in a trial when the tribe found out that they kept the secret of your mother against the them, please come home" Miyuki shook him.
"Fine..." Kousen growled.
"Come on then," Miyuki turned, "We have to get back."
"Yuuki, go back to Satsuki and Sesshoumaru, tell them where we are leaving, and thank them" he ran after his sister.
Miyuki turned to Kiba, "Kiba, I trust you to bring Yuuki back to the tribe."
"But..." Kiba growled.
"NO BUTS" she growled and ran off.
Kiba then noticed the water youkai claw that hung around his neck, "MIYUKI" he yelled, but she allready ran out of voice distance, even for a wolf.
Kousen and Miyuki finally entered the tribe's territory, Kouga and Ayame were forced on their knees with ropes and wolfs.
"OKAA-SAN, OTOU-SAN" Miyuki and Kousen both shouted.
Jikken turned, "Well isn't it the wolfdog mutt,"
"You let them go" Miyuki yelled, while Kousen was strucken with shock as he remembered the tribe's hatred towards wolfdogs.
"Why should we" Hakkaku smiled.
"Because you are a bastard" Miyuki smirked.
Jikken stared at the wolf girl, "what an adult word for a girl who just got into mating season."
"why you" Miyuki punched him right in the cheek.
Ginta ran up to her and grabbed onto her wrist, "You stay still"
"YOU LET GO" she kicked at him.
Ginta dodged, then grabbed her other arm, and pinned her to the ground.
"MIYUKI" Kousen yelled, lunging towards Ginta, but was stopped by Bojuko.
"Wolfdog" Bojuko growled, "come here" he dragged him to Kouga and Ayame.
"Kousen..." Kouga gasped.
Ayame stared at the wolfdog, "Why in hell did you return Kousen."
"You two shut up" Bojuko snarled.
Kousen bit at Boujuko's hand that was grasping him. "Don't speak to my father and Ayame that way" leaving four bleeding holes in Bujoku's hand.
"Damn brat" Bujoku slapped Kousen across the face.
"KOUSEN" Kouga and Ayame yelled.
Miyuki kicked at Ginta's stomach, "KOUSEN" once Ginta was off her she ran towards her brother and helped him up.
"you bastard" Kousen said through clenched teeth.
"You know what" Bujoku stepped up to him, "Maybe we need a little attitude adjustments."
Miyuki growled when two wolves came behind her and knotted her down with rope, just enough to make her useless.
"MIYUKI" Kousen yelled, running towards her, but was held onto by Bujoku.
"Damn Wolfdog" he threw him across the field, hitting a boulder.
Kiba ran into the field, with Yuuki on her back, "okay we're here, now get off my back you human" he leaned down to let Yuuki off.
Yuuki ran to Kousen, "KOUSEN" she knelt by him and held him in her arms. He didn't move.
"Kousen..." she gasped, "KOUSEN WAKE UP, DON'T DIE ON ME"
Kousen shook, then opened his eyes, "It's okay Yuuki, I won't ever leave you alone in this world," he stroked her cheek. Yuuki smiled.
"oh pulezze," Jikken stepped behind Yuuki and lifted her by the colar of her yukata.
"You let go of Yuuki" Kousen yelled.
"awwww I see where you are going with this" Jikken smiled, "You are in love with Yuuki"
"YOU GOT THAT RIGHT" Kousen punched at him
"Woah there," Jikken dodged, "I'm getting a question in my head," Jikken picked up Yuuki's left hand and stared at the scar in the palm, then looked at Kousen's right palm, which was open, "You mated with a human, you really are a sin against the code aren't you"
"I don't give a damn that I mated with a human." Kousen yelled.
Jikken then frowned and turned, Yuuki still in hand, and saw Kiba helping Miyuki be free. Everybody was so focused on the Kousen talk, that they didn't notice that Kiba was helping Miyuki, "Hey wolf" Jikken yelled, "What are you doing with Miyuki."
"Hey, aren't you the kid that helped Kouga and Ayame earlier" one wolf shouted.
"yes I am" Kiba yelled back.
"Dont' you dare hurt them" Kousen glared.
Jikken grabbed onto the scruff of his neck and held him close, "you are glad, wolfdog, that you will still be alive after your father and mother are dead."
Kousen gasped, then he noticed the sun had setted, making the moon come out. He stared at the cold face of the white moon, and thought he saw a face there, Mother..., he gasped, is is she crying...
"Wolfdog" Bujoku yelled, "Pay attention, don't you want to see them die or not." He had Kouga and Ayame both lean down so there necks were easly exposed, while a katana was slightly touching their necks.
"Don't you dare" Kousen struggled to get out of Jikken's grasp. Miyuki hurried up Kiba on the ropes that still tied her, when Bujoku raised the katana.
Kousen got out of the grasp at the same time Miyuki was set free and they ran to mother and father as Bujoku raised the katana.
"Stop I order you" Miyuki cried.
Kousen leaped when Bujoku let the katana fall and slice both the necks of Ayame and Kouga.
Kousen stopped and landed on the ground, "Father..." he looked up towards the moon, and he saw his mother, she was crying, he was sure when he saw thunder clouds surround the moon, and rain fell out, as his mother's tears. Mother, he grasped the fire youkai claw, he felt a rage grow in him, The tribe killed my father, and I am sure they killed my mother, they rejected them making her run away. If she didn't she would still be alive...damn it all. His grasp tightened and made the claw dig into his skin. He felt he was going crazy inside, until a touch made him feel better.
"I'm sorry, Kousen" Yuuki hugged on to him and dug her face into his haori.
Miyuki twitched and grabbed Bujoku and pinned him to the ground. She went crazy and punched him over and over again, "YOU KILLED THEM YOU BASTARD, YOU KILLED THEM" she punched him again. Bujoku didn't know what was hitting him, he was too in shock to notice anything. "YOU KILLED THEM" she yelled again, giving more punches.
Kiba ran behind her and pulled her away from him, "MIYUKI STOP IT"
"LET ME GET HIM" Miyuki screamed, struggling to get out of his grasp.
"MIYUKI, you're going to kill him" he yelled into her ear.
Miyuki stopped, and stared down at Bujoku, he had bruises all over his face. Blood was dripping out of his nose and mouth. He looked like he was dead. Miyuki shuddered, I..was going to kill him..., the rain flattened her hair. No one noticed she was crying. "Kiba..." she cried. Miyuki turned to him and dug her face into his haori.
Kiba started to cry as well, although he didn't want to show it, knowing that Miyuki felt like she could only depend on him. He wraped his arms around her, and made his hand stroke her hair.
"I can't believe they are gone" Miyuki shuddered.
Kiba sighed, "it was...their time Miyuki, the grim reaper decides our fate. Not even the moon goddess can make the reaper spare even the most powerful of us."
Kousen evesdropped on what Kiba said, That's why my mother cried, she knew the fate of my father and mother. And she knew she had no control over it. Or else she wouldn't have reason to cry.
Yuuki made her hug even deeper, Kousen sighed, "fine we will leave" he gave a final glace towards his father's corpse, and a small tear rolled down his cheek, but no one noticed because it mixed with the rain. He turned and Yuuki was still by his side.
"But Kousen" Miyuki tore from Kiba.
Kousen glared at her sister, "we have no reason to come back here," he continued on.
Miyuki understood, "come on Kiba"
Kiba followed.
Once Yuuki and Kousen were alone in the forest, Kousen finaly cried hard, and Yuuki heard. "Kousen, are you all right"
"Yuuki I just...I just" he fell to the ground on his knees, "I just wished I wasn't a wolfdog"
Yuuki kneled down beside him and wraped her arms around him, "Kousen, it wasn't your fault. It was no one's fault."
"KOUSEN YOU BE QUIET, IT WASN'T YOUR FAULT, it was no ones. Do you think your mother would be proud of you if she saw you like this"
Kousen gasped, and remembered his mother's tears that were still falling. The grim reaper chooses the fate, he plans it out...I was part of the plan. He grasped onto Yuuki and cried.
Yuuki brushed his hair, and remembered a song her mother once sang for her.
"Don't... don't you wish we tried
Do you feel what I feel inside
You know love is stronger than pride
Don't... no don't
Let your anger grow
Just tell me what you need me to know
Please talk to me don't close the door
Cause I wanna hear you... wanna be near you
Don't fight... don't argue
Give me the chance to say that I'm sorry
Just let me love you
Don't turn me away... don't tell me to go
Don't... don't give up on trust
Don't give up on me... on us
We could just hold on long enough
We can do it... we'll get through it
Don't fight... don't argue
Just give me the chance to say that I'm sorry
Just let me love you
Don't turn me away... don't tell me to go
Don't pretend that it's ok
Things won't get better that way
And don't do something you might regret someday
Don't give up on me
We can do it... we'll get through it
Don't fight... don't argue
Just give me the chance to say that I'm sorry
Just let me love you
Don't turn me away... don't tell me to go
Don't fight... don't argue (Don't give up on me)
Give me the chance to say that I'm sorry (say that I'm sorry)
Just let me love you (Don't give up on me)
Don't turn me away... don't tell me to go
Don't fight... don't argue
Give me the chance to say that I'm sorry
Just let me love you (don't give up on me)
Don't turn me away... don't tell me to go"
The rain stopped. Kousen looked towards his mate, "I love you Yuuki" he smiled.
"It's good to see a smile on your face again," Yuuki kissed him on the lips.
Kousen deepened the kiss, Thank you Yuuki,
Satsuki and Sesshoumaru looked out into the sky, after the rain disapeared and the clouds went away.
Satsuki blushed, "I wanted to tell you something Sesshoumaru..."
"What's wrong"
"Sesshoumaru...I'm..." Satsuki blushed even more, "I'm pregnant"
Sesshoumaru's eyes grew wide for the first time ever, "You're...WHAT"
Satsuki smiled, "I never saw you like this before"

Comments (7) |
Thursday, June 15, 2006
My Life
**is in corner and has arms around legs to make her look like a ball and is gently biting a knuckle** ...
Inutaisho: yo
**kind of hypnotized voice** same thing as yesterday, except I only had to go to play practice for three hours. **starts rocking**
Inutaisho: pay no attention to her, she is still upset about Inuyasha last night. They took Kouga off the credits.
Inutaisho: ...Akuma...
Inutaisho: ...Akuma...
...**starts rocking again**
Inutaisho: **rolls finger in the air in a circular form near his ear and points to Akuma** crazy...okay, so anyway I'll tell you. The reason her name is InuyashaDream is.
**jumps on top of Inutaisho and pins him to the ground** SHUT UP.
Inutaisho: But I'm telling everyone how you origionly lo-
**jumps on Inutaisho and places duct tape over his mouth...then all over his body** If you keep on doing this you are gong to end up with no skin at all one day by ripping that tape off.
Inutaisho: ...jdkjajda
...**looks at readers** WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT...oh, questions. Yes...**breaths in and out** okay, I'm better. Let's see what I can get at.
Magnus Lensherr: yeah, he's going to be allright. NO WAY YOU FOUND OUT. **grabs coller** WHO TOLD YOU, **lets go** sorry, I guess I am getting over myself. sorry ... and yeah, it's fun playing a god. I can't change my name unless I delete my account and start over, I would do it if it wasn't for the start over part. I'm not going to after what I put through to make this site in the mid-900's popularity rank **shakes fist**
babixxkagome: yeah, it was so fun throwing grapes at eachother, don't worry, I left his nose open. Yeah, I didn't think about that part so much. I was thinking of at least looking for him, but yeah I was weak in that part.
Mrs. Elric: yes, that is a little something you don't know about the gods on mount olympis that you now know. THat's what I'm going to do, but the play director said that I might have to be in the truck that's pulling the float and if there is a boat on the float hten I would have like a fishing reel and reeling in the boat like I was pulling it. **twitch** don't tell me that you know what's the reason behind my name!!!!
Sakabato Samurai: **sweat drop** heh heh **nervous laugh**
swtanimelvr: all you guys are ganging up against me...**twitch**
Note 1: Today's song is Time After Time by Cyndi Lauper. Note 2:
Chapter 12: Time after Time
Yuuki slowly opened her eyes, and saw herself on top of Kousen's chest. That night they slept in a small feild full of tall grass by the river. It was the first day of mating season, and soon, Kousen and her were to be mates. She slowly stood up, and streched her arms. "Morning" came the voice behind her, she turned and saw Kousen's ice-blue eyes seep into her indigo eyes. Those eyes that always were cold, it was either because they were the color of ice, or that they never seemed to show happiness, didn't feel cold anymore, they were full of warmth and love.
"Morning" Yuuki giggled.
"What's so funny" Kousen stood up beside her and kissed her gently on the cheek.
Yuuki sighed, "oh nothing" as she placed her head on his shoulder, "I'm just happy"
"Really" Kousen smirked, "Wait until tonight."
Yuuki almost burst out laughing, "Woah there, it's just your first day at mating season, slow down"
"Just my first day huh, is that the best you got" he wrapped his arms around her, and pressed a kiss against her neck.
Yuuki pulled on one of his dog ears and he pulled back, "What if Sesshoumaru and Satsuki see us" the youkai slayer explained.
Kousen tore his ear from her grasp, "You know I hate it when you do that." he rubbed his ear.
"Well it's the only way to keep you in order" Yuuki smiled.
"Very funny" Kousen rolled his eyes.
Yuuki hugged him, "I can't wait to be your mate."
Kousen blushed, and wrapped his arms around her, "me too" he gave a small laugh.
Yuuki gave second thoughts though, she felt like there was something wrong, What's this feeling I have, why does it feel like Kousen and my love bring us to danger, in a split second, she saw an image of Kousen in her mind.
His dog ears had a devilish point to them, his fangs were long and dripped over his lower lip, his claws were full of sticky maroon blood, and his eyes glazed an evil red. She gasped when her image of her love changed, and showed him using his out grown claws, slaughtering...something she couldn't see. All she saw was him, getting blood splatering on random spots of his face and his white wolf tail was being stained with red. Then Kousen landed on his feet, and turned to her, his eyes were even redder as he gave an evil smirk, "Yuuki" he growled. "Yuuki"
Yuuki shook her head and got back to the real world and saw she was looking straight into the face of Kousen, "Yuuki what's wrong" Kousen stared at her with concerned eyes.
Yuuki noticed that she was forming beads of sweat on her face and her breathing was heavy. She tried to calm down, "nothing, just a dream." all she could say, before digging her face in his harori and grasping him even closer.
Something is wrong...I know it...but I don't think she wants to talk about it, the wolfdog gave a sigh and held her and stroked her black hair. "I'll protect you, whatever it was"
You can protect me sure...but..,Yuuki's heart leaped in her throat, but can you protect me from you?
Miyuki popped open her eyes, she looked over the black haired amber eyed wolf youkai male that slept on the other side of the cavern. That night she brought Kiba to the tribe, Kouga hesitated to let him in the tribe but Ayame saw something in him, she didn't know what, but she knew that Kiba had to be with them. Why did Okaa-san even let you in, Miyuki growled, she grabbed the water youkai claw, just to make sure he didn't steal it over the night. It was still there, she opened her palm to look at the blue and purple mix in the claw and she stared back at Kiba. She never trusted him, as you can see. She glanced over to Kiba, his chest was rising and falling. She gave a small "keh" as she looked apon his face, I must admit, he does look kinda cute when he sleeps. she shook it out of her head, "Keh," she stuck her nose in the air and streched, and gave a side glance to him. Her hair was loose so it hung just below her armpits. The youkai tied her hair up in a low ponytail and sighed. The first day of mating, like hell I'll mate...,she smirked.
It was getting late, and nighttime was there, Kousen was twitching as he sat by Yuuki. They were eating with Satsuki and Sesshoumaru. Sesshoumaru was twitching as well, so was Satsuki. Mating season..., the three youkais sighed. That was why they were so twitchy, youkai mating season. Virgin or not, youkais will get the feeling like this around this time, the later into mating season, the huger the feeling will get. Satsuki stared at the scar in her palm, the one that Sesshoumaru gave her when they mated.
Kousen gave a side glance towards Yuuki,'s too tempting..., he tried to keep his mind off her by looking around the cave, but all he saw, was her face. He shook his head. Then he knew what he could do, he grabbed the black and red claw of the fire youkai that hung on a necklace, around his neck, the one his father gave to his mother. And looking at the moon he could almost see the face of his mother, or what his mother looked like.
Satsuki glared at him, "is somthing the matter Kousen-kun"
"I think Kous-kun is a little anxious at mating season" Yuuki giggled.
"Kous-kun?" Sesshoumaru wondered.
Yuuki and Kousen gave a blush, "Ummm...that was his nick-name back home" Yuuki stuttered, thinking of something quick.
"Yeah, uh-huh, sure" Satsuki smirked, taking another bite of the fish.
Kousen got up, he couldn't stand being by Yuuki any longer, "I'm going to go outside for fresh air" he stepped out and dissapeared from their vision.
Yuuki got up and followed him, "I'm going out too"
Once Yuuki left, Satsuki and Sesshoumaru gave a glance towards each other, they both knew what Kousen and Yuuki were thinking.
Yuuki caught up to him, "Kousen what's wrong"
"Season" was all he could say to her, still glancing forward.
Yuuki looked at the ground, "season" she repeated, "Would you feel better if..." Yuuki blushed.
Kousen turned to her, "What..."
"Would you..." Yuuki said again.
"A-ar-re you sure" Kousen grabed her shoulders, and stared deep into her eyes.
Yuuki thought for a minute, placed her hand on Kousens, and smiled, "Yes"
Kousen picked her up, without hesitation, and ran away into the forest.
Soon they came to a small hut. "Is...this what you want..." Kousen stopped and stared into her eyes.
Yuuki rolled her eyes, "Yes for the thousandth time."
Kousen let her down and they stared at the hut, "I we go" Kousen sighed, as they stepped in the hut, Kousen sniffed around, There is a smell of human, but it's stale...I don't think anybody lives here anymore.
Yuuki sat down, "So, how do you this, I want to go by your ritual..."
Kousen blushed, "Well..." he sat down by her, "Well give me your hand" he streached out his hand, letting Yuuki place hers in his. "This will hurt a bit..." with his other hand, he placed a claw on the side of her palm, and dug it in the skin and ripping a straight line across her palm.
Yuuki gave a small gasp and tore her hand back, "why did you do that," she stared at her palm, it was oozzing blood slowly. Soon little dripletts of blood fell down before she saw Kousen doing that to himself.
"Give me your palm again," Kousen calmly said.
"Explain first" Yuuki growled.
The youkai sighed, "When our blood combines, we have officially combined our souls, and there fore become mates"
Yuuki understood now and gave him her palm, which was full of blood. Kousen grabbed it and pressed it against his own hand. Yuuki twitched as the blood touched.
With their hands still together, Kousen leaned forward and pressed a kiss on her lips, Yuuki slowly kissed back. They fell backwards. Kousen gave his love in that kiss, and Yuuki returned it with all the love she had for him.
Lying in my bed I hear the clock tick,
and I think of you
Caught up in circles confusion--
Is nothing new
Flashback--warm nights--
Almost left behind
Suitcases of memories
Time after--
Sometimes you picture me--
I'm walking too far ahead
You're calling to me, I can't hear
What you've said--
Then you say--go slow--
I fall behind--
The second hand unwinds
If you're lost you can look--and you will find me
Time after Time
If you fall I will catch you--I'll be waiting
Time after Time
After my picture fades and darkness has
Turned to gray
Watching through windows--you're wondering
If I'm OK
Secrets stolen from deep inside
The drum beats out of time--
If you're lost you can look--and you will find me
Time after Time
If you fall I will catch you--I'll be waiting
Time after Time
If your lost...
You said go slow--
I fall behind
The second hand unwinds--
If your lost...
...Tme after time
...time after time
...time after time
...time after time
Kouga and Ayame stood staring at the moon in the sky, "I wonder what Kousen is doing right now" Ayame sighed.
"Keh," Kouga answered.
Ayame sighed, she knew Kouga loved his son, she just didn't know why he never wanted to talk about him, "He must still be upset about finding out he's a wolfdog"
"Nah...the kids Akuma's son, there is no way he could be that upset for a year" Kouga leaned back.
Jikken and Bujoku were heading on their way up to talk to Kouga and Ayame, when they noticed they were talking about Kousen and hid behind a rock.
Ayame brought back an old dangerous thought, one they haven't thought of ever since Akuma joined the tribe, "What do you think would happen if the tribe..." she felt like she shouldn't say the rest.
"What...if they find out that we were hiding the fact that Akuma was a wolfdog from all of them? Nah I don't think they will find out" Kouga kehed.
Jikken and Bujoku looked at each other, "They knew..." and went to tell the rest of the tribe.
The next morning, Miyuki was awoken to a yelling outside. She looked around the cave, Kiba was gone, so was her father and mother, Keh, Kiba must have gotten himself in trouble. she smirked and stood up then walked through the waterfall out into the open. She gasped as she saw the truth, her mother and father were fighting with the tribe, Kiba was behind them.
"Yes you did, you hid the fact Akuma was a wolfdog from all of us" Ginta growled.
Kouga barred his teeth, "You don't have proof."
Jiken got into his face, "I heard you and Ayame talking and saying that, are you saying I would lie to the tribe, " Jikken leaned in a bit forward, "Like you did"
"Yeah and what of it" Ayame got into his face, trying to take control.
Kiba stood by her, "Kouga only did that to be with one of the women he loved."
"Stay out of the way you runt" Bujoku struck Kiba across the face, making Kiba fall to the ground.
"Kiba" Miyuki ran to him, slowly lifting him up. Once Kiba was up, she glared at the tribe, "what's going on here..." she growled.
"I heard your father say that they hid a wolfdog in the tribe, without telling anyone. That is against the code. They have to be punished with death" Jikken said in her face.
Miyuki was paralized, she looked towards Kiba. Then she saw Hakkaku grab Ayame by surprise and tie her with rope, while Ginta worked on Kouga. Kouga and Ayame were so caught off guard, they couldn't attack back. Miyuki got out of her paralization and tried to attack them when Bujoku grabbed onto her and threw her across the feild.
Kiba ran to Miyuki, "Are you okay"
Miyuki stood up, and watched her father and mother be taken into a smalll and damp cavern that was used to house people who are sentanced to death. She felt dead inside, all she could do was watch...she couldn't move...and a tear rolled down her cheek, Come on legs, move...NOW., but her legs stayed still. And soon her father and mother were trapped, she side glanced towards Kiba, he was paralized as well, she couldn't blame him either. He was as shocked as she was.
"Miyuki" Kiba slowly whispered.
Miyuki barred her fangs, there was only thing she could do, she turned and ran, Kiba and I can't fight the whole tribe, we need two more people...even though they are a human and wolfdog, Kousen and Yuuki, will help save father and mother.
"MIYUKI" Kiba yelled, until he saw something on the ground. It was not a stone he has seen before. He leaned down and picked it up. It was a claw, it's color was a purple and blue mix. "This is the water youkai claw Miyuki wears..."Kiba turned the claw over in his palms. Somehow he felt a joy when he touched it and his finger cells ran over the smoothness. He tied it around his neck, and ran after Miyuki.

Comments (3) |
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
My Life
Inutaisho: yo
It was a normal, hot, short day. In play practice, since I'm a god, I have to stay on stage...during the whole freaken play. So they placed Mt. Olympis, or what it's starting as, on stage and I got to sit down so I didn't have to stand the whole thing. When the gods weren't during a scene, we got to throw around plastic grapes at each other, as long as we knew our cues and knew when they were going to be.
Inutaisho: ...intresting story **rolls eyes**
I also found out that I'm going to be in a play and I get to ride the float so I don't have to walk. Yeah, and I everyone there are some of the greatest people I ever knew. More than half like anime. Also for lunch break, we saw Xena Warrior Princess. It was an episode about Ulysses. Same story, different main character. I looked FREAKY, I mean Posidon, my character, looked like a freak. But everyone said they were scared of me now. lol, they were just joking.
Inutaisho: Do you readers ever wonder why she named herself InuyashaDream?
uh huh, you are not going to tell that story.
Inutaisho: Way at the first time she watched Inuyasha, before she met Kouga. And before she 'decided' to RP as Inuyasha's sister.
Inutaisho: She may say she got the name because it sounds like you're dreaming about the show Inuyasha.
Inutaisho: But the real reason is...before she knew she loved Kouga. She lo-
**jumps on Inutaisho and places duct tape over his mouth...then all over his body** Everyone, don't you listen to the dirty, old, crazy, man. He hasn't had his pills today **sweat drop**
**laughs and tears off duct tape over his mouth and plops a pill in there then covers the mouth again** sleep, you know what the doctor said. **Inutaisho slowly drifts to sleep** heh heh, don't worry about him. **everyone stares at Akuma** about some questions. Don't pay any antention to the guy wraped in duct tape and is sleeping...heh heh
Magnus Lensherr: Yep, it would be happiness, I haven't been feeling terror long?
Mrs. Elric: I need a blow up Kouga-Cola...sorry, that's one of my nick names for him. Kouga-Cola. BUT THEY DON'T FREAKEN MAKE THOSE. damn it all. I know, I'll make one myself heh heh **rubs hands together in an evilish way**
Sakabato Samurai: I know, I read all my comments. I forgive you on the Daddy's little girl thing, but DAD shouldn't have said that **Inutaisho muffles in background** ...great, do you need another pill... I gave it a three? damn it, I was going to give it a 4 in a half. Sorry, I'll change that. Don't know how much Kikyou died....10,000 times. but I know what happens to her in the end heh heh.
Note 1: Today's song is Water's Edge by Cyndi Lauper
Chapter 6: Water's Edge
A year passed by, Yuuki and Kousen were still living with Satsuki and Sesshoumaru in the wolf tribe. They noticed that the tribe didn't visit much and Kousen blamed himself for that. Kousen also noticed he was eighteen, and Spring was coming up, a wolf/wolfdog mating season was coming up for him. His seemed to have his heart beat faster everytime Yuuki passed by him. As it got closer to Spring, it got even worse.
"So Yuuki, you know Kousen's mating season is tommorrow" Satsuki looked at her. Yuuki was helping her herbs and potions, "And he needs to choose a mate"
Yuuki gave a nod and sighed, "I wonder who he's gonna choose."
Satsuki smirked, "Oh I know who..." she said in a teasing voice and watched how Yuuki reacted.
"WHO" Yuuki got in her face and accedently dropped a few of the herbs.
"Keh," Satsuki picked a few more herbs, "Like I'll tell you"
"oohh come on Satsuki-sama" the youkai slayer held her hands together and gave her the puppy face, "pweeese"
Satsuki turned on her heels, "it's not working" , she began to walk.
Yuuki gave a gruff and followed her to the cave. Did I just act like a total baka? I mean I don't care who Kousen mates..., she thought of the time when he asked when he wanted to run away with her a year ago, and she remembered how her heart leaped and went with him without a second's thought. When they 'kissed' about three years ago, and how she ran to meet him every time she could, then she gasped, as she found herself smiling, seeing Kousen's face in her mind, It can only mean one thing...I must love with...Kousen.
Kousen watched the whole scene from above on a tree, except he never heard what they were saying, cause he was concentraiting on more important stuff.
"Kousen" Sesshoumaru's voice came from his side.
Kousen almost jumped out of the tree by surprise, "GEEZZE UNCLE SESSHOUMARU, why do you always have to be so quiet and stealthy. It scares me half the time"
"That's exactly what your mother would have said." Sesshoumaru looked at his wife walk off into the distance, "have you decided on a mate yet"
"Wha..." Kousen gave his uncle a puzzled look.
"A mate, I mean Satsuki told me your first mating season is tommorrow." the inu youkai have him a side glance, "do you have one"
Kousen looked at the disapearing Yuuki, "I don't...think so.."
Sesshoumaru sighed, "You're in love with Yuuki aren't you"
Kousen barred his teeth, "EWWWW GROSS...LIKE I WOULD FALL IN LOVE WITH A HUMAN, what youkai OR hanyou would have the right mind to love a human," Kousen lied.
"Your other uncle did, he's a hanyou"
"You mean I have a hanyou for an uncle..." Kousen twitched.
"yeah I was kinda mad about it at first when I learned my father, your grandfather, fell in love with a human. But Inuyasha is my brother, and brother's don't fully hate each other." Sesshoumaru sighed, "What in hell did I just say? Brothers' can fully hate each other." he slightly kehed.
Kousen thought that time when he first met Yuuki, when Sango said something about a Sesshoumaru, I know Inuyasha, is he talking about the same person?, he saw a smile in the corner of Sesshoumaru's mouth, but he just forgot about it and thought it was a just his imagination, "What do you think is a good mate, wolf or dog"
Sesshoumaru decided to be as best of an uncle to him, "I think it's best to follow your heart...ya know," he hopped down from the tree, "after all, you're going to be stuck with her the rest of your life." he turned and walked off.
Stuck with her...for the rest of your life, he repeated in his mind as he sniffed the staleling scent of the female youkai slayer, "Yuuki" he whispered, then he thought the last time he saw her, how his heart leaped into his throat and his thoughts filled with her. "I don't believe it," he gasped when he added it all up, the years that he have always wanted to be with her, how he never wanted to leave her, how he felt whenever she was near, "it all adds up...Uncle Sesshoumaru," Kousen thought of what Sesshoumaru said earlier, You're in love with Yuuki aren't you, " right..."
While in the Southern Wolf Tribe, when Kouga and Ayame learned that Kousen ran away, they didn't even bother to go and find him, they thought it was best for him. Miyuki was now in charge of being the new alpha of the tribe and she needed a mate to do that. Of course she didn't know where to find one.
Miyuki slowly got into the hot springs near by and soaked in the water, Love, mating who needs it, the wolf youkai growled, after a year she has gotten a change of heart towards mating season. She never wanted to do it in her life, Of course, okaa-san and otou-san need me to I can become alpha...,she untied her low ponytail to let her hair fall. It went down to the middle of her back but soon floated to the top of the water as she slid further in. Mate who is the question I should be asking. Every 18 year old male in the tribe has lined up to take her hand as alpha-male, Keh, they only want to become leader of the tribe no doubt about it but still, I need to...,at that moment she rested her head on a rock and slowly dozed off for a sec.
Hakkaku was sleeping on duty when Ginta came walking towards him, "keh, he's at it again" Ginta snickered as he hushed at the wolves following him. Ginta tip-toed to where he was just behind Hakkaku's back and with an evil grin he yelled, "SPIDER"
Hakkaku flew up into the air and looked around, swinging his spear as he went, "A spider where, don't let it get nea-" he stopped when he noticed that there was no spider near him, instead there was Ginta, "You little..." Hakkaku glared.
"You had better be more carefull" Ginta put his hands behind him as he tried to lecture him in just one sentence. He looked behind Hakkaku and noticed a wolf youkai walking towards thim, "Hakkaku" he pointed.
"Oh no, I'm not falling for that again" Hakkaku folded his arms.
Ginta scowled, "I'm serious"
Hakkaku lauged at the wolf youkai came up behind him, "Excuse me"
Hakkaku jumped up into the air and hid behind Ginta, "I guess you weren't joking"
"Yeah" Ginta looked at the wolf that they just met.
The man had black hair, amber eyes, and a black kimono, "I am Kiba from the Eastern Wolf Tribe, I have come to see Miyuki."
Kouga and Ayame then walked to them, just seeing the new comer, Kouga stared at him, "What reason would you see my daughter"
"Ahh I see you are Kouga...and you..." Kiba looked at the green eyes of Ayame, " M'lady, you are Ayame-sama" he bowed, "Our previous alpha before you moved here"
"have you've been stalking us or something" Ayame growled.
Kiba gave a small laugh, "No, remember that all the tribes are suppose to be given news from other tribes."
Kouga and Ayame were still confused, "but why do you need to see my daughter"
Kiba sniffed the air, "I'm sorry, I need to go" he turned. He didn't need to ask to see Miyuki, he could easily find her through scent.
Miyuki's eyes popped open. She was still in the pool. She looked up to the sky with her emerald eyes, the sun was at it's highest. "It's noon," she sighed. And she got out of the pool. She tied her hair in a low ponytail and changed into her yukata. She laied in the sun to dry off. The sun made her eyes close, mate..., she thought agian. Until something weird came over her, a shadow came over her eyelids, that's strange, there is no tree there, she opened her eyes to look into the face of a wolf youkai with amber eyes and black hair which was falling on her face. His face was so close, that their lips almost brushed, "AHHHHH, WHO ARE YOU" she kicked his stomach and slid from under him, "and why were you trying to kiss me you pervert"
Once the boy regained his breath he sighed, "I'm sorry Miyuki-sama," the boy bowed, "I thought you were dead"
Keh, yeah right, any youkai could tell a dead person from alive, Miyuki twitched.
"I am Kiba, of the Eastern Wolf Tribe, I have come to tell you a message."
Kiba sighed, "Can I be your mate"
"w-what did you just say" Miyuki twitched, That was out of the blue.
"Can I be your mate, I have heard of your beauty all across the land and I came to see if it was true" he held her hand, "please be my mate"
"Now we just met, and all I know of you is that you are male, a wolf youkai, your name is Kiba, you're from the Eastern Wolf Tribe, and you're a total pervert."
Kiba gave a small laugh, "You've got it all wrong"
"What in hell would make me become your mate" Miyuki tore her hand from his, "there is no chance in hell I'm gonna be your mate", even if you are cute..., she giggled to herself.
"I see, you want to wait, huh, but you know it's tommorrow."
"Keh, of course I know it's tommorrow, now leave me alone" Miyuki got up and walked off.
Kiba gasped and followed her, "How about if I just stay with you unt-"
"no now leave and go back"
Kiba couldn't take it anymore so he ran in front of her and grabbed her by the shoulders, "Please if you will just listen to me, I need to be with you, cause I love you"
"yeah..." Miyuki tore his hands from her shoulders, "and after we just met I don't think so"
"have you ever heard of love at first sight" Kiba asked.
Miyuki rolled her eyes, "Love at first sight is only in tales the elders tell"
"no it's very real Miyuki-sama" he neared his face towards hers.
"You're not tring to kiss me again are you" Miyuki growled.
Kiba backed off, "no...but can I stay with your tribe"
Miyuki sighed, it seems that there is no way to get rid of this baka, "If my father agrees, then yes." and she walked on.
Kiba gave a smirk and ran to her side and followed her to the tribe, "so sorry about what happened a bit earlier" he sighed.
"Let me guess, mating season hormones" Miyuki laughed.
The wolf boy gave her a side-glance, "How did you know"
"Guys get like that around mating season, they see a girl and try to hump her as much as possible." Miyuki laughed even more.
Kiba blushed, "Women, you always thinking that you are superior, just because you can hold your hormones a bit more"
"I never said that, girls can easily get horny too" Miyuki said.
Kiba blushed even more, "So what will your father think of me," he wanted to change the subject, "I did meet him allready though"
Miyuki twitched, "YOU, MET MY FATHER" she stared at him wide-eyed, "W-what did you say to him"
"Oh just, 'where's Miyuki' and stuff" Kiba shortened.
"Hey, I just remember, your from the Eastern Tribe, isn't that my mother's old tribe." Miyuki pointed out.
"Yes," Kiba sighed, remembering, this is gonna be hard, I thought Miyuki would be easy, but it's much harder than I thought. A girl never made me so...
"Kiba..." Miyuki sighed, "Do you have a mate for mating season"
"Nope, you" Kiba, for some reason, felt tense, hoping for Miyuki to say no, why am I feeling this I must be working, it must be just hormones, hormones aren't the real thing...
"No, of course I see no reason for mating, all that comes after that is children and alpha...I don't see the reason for it." Miyuki smiled.
"Mating makes new life in the world, without it, there is no future. Everything that mates; animals, humans, hanyous, youkais, plants; will never exist. Soon the Moon Goddess will have nothing for responsibility, except to roll the tides in the sea and to make sure the moon rises and falls." Kiba explained.
"I never saw it that way," Miyuki smiled, "Now I understand, thank you." Thank you, what the hell am I saying, okay this is so not me. must be just hormones.
Kiba blushed as he looked at Miyuki smile, his black wolf's tail was wagging, until he shook his head to get out a thought and replaced it with a new one, It's just work, win her over and the rest will be easy. After all, I don't love least...I hope I don't love her. with that he grabbed his tail and stopped it from wagging.
Kousen walked on the grass, slowly the sun was setting, How do I..., he gulped, "I'm not ready for this, it's too early...too early..." he stopped and turned to walk away when a voice came behind him.
"Too early for what" Yuuki's voice came behind him.
Oh no...Kousen turned, "I was...was..." he stopped to think, he tried to keep way from the true subject as much as he could, " I uh...wanted to..."
"Going to your future mate" Yuuki sighed.
Kousen looked at her like a confused puppy, "how did you know" then he blushed.
"It's mating season" she could only say, and that gave the whole explaination.
Kousen gave a blush, "I just think it's too early to ask her," he kinda lied.
Yuuki's spirits fell, he has found another,
Kousen couldn't hold it anymore, "YUUKI" he grabbed onto her shoulders, "I love you and I want you to be my mate"
"What" Yuuki blushed.
"I loved you for almost as long as I knew you," Kousen loosened his grip when he realised what he said, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that," he turned, "After all, I'm a wolfdog, and not even a human wants a wolfdog"
"Kousen" Yuuki placed her hand on his shoulder. Kousen ignored her, "Kousen" she whispered again, Kousen still didn't look back. "Yes"
Kousen looked to her, "what..."
"I want to be your mate" Yuuki blushed, "I-"
Yuuki didn't know what happened, in just a flash Kousen wrapped his arms around her and pressed his lips agaisnt hers.
I went to the water's edge
forgot that I could swim
I went to the water's edge,
already to jump in
I saw the water shimmer
I heard the wind howl
I saw my own reflection
I just can't see it now
You say it's the way of the world
To somehow co-exist
That eventually life unfurls
To a path of happiness
So, whisper your little secret
And repeat it under my breath
I'll save it for you in my heart
In case we both forget
Oh, I wish I could wrap yourself around me
I am gripped by your loneliness
Oh, I wish you could wrap yourself around me
I'd be released in your tenderness
I went to the water's edge
and saw my life eclipse
I went to the water's edge and
then felt myself slip
I dreamed that I was floating
just coasting 'till I grew fins
I want to catch this tide back home
and feel you again
Oh, I wish I could wrap yourself around me
I am gripped by your loneliness
Oh, I wish you could wrap yourself around me
I'd be released in your tenderness
Kousen released her, "I love you"
Yuuki smiled, "I love you too"
They held each other in thier arms, and kissed each other again. Never letting go.
While a raven watched them in a tree, plan, going perfectly, the raven gave a small clack and flew off.

Comments (5) |
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
round and round and round
My Life
Inutaisho: yo
I'm back. I had a BORING day. Play practice was canceled so I was totally bored. I"m also glad that you liked the wallpapers and the chapter yesterday. That has to be my most happiest chapter I wrote in that thing. I believe. I treid to go to all of your sites, but I wasn't feeling good either. Hey, dad...
Inutaisho: yeah?
I know you're my dad and stuff but....WHY DID YOU SHOW THAT KOUGA PICTURE WITHOUT ME
You didn't even use his best picture. **looks at site** But you didn't use his worse. That pic is on my top.
Inutaisho: If I used what you think Kouga's best pic, I would regret it. THINK AKUMA, THERE ARE CHILDREN ON THIS SITE not that picture. I do realize there are children on here. I meant something else. **whispers** dirty old man
Inutaisho: whatever, anyway, Sakabato Samurai made a good point. You're daddy's little girl
what...what did you say?
Inutaisho Daddy's little girl
Inutaisho: **throws water on Akuma**
**calms down and glares** you are soo evil. **water drips off of hair**
Inutaisho: **pats** you were going to take a shower after this post anyway....
**lifts eyebrow** again, you are sooo evil. I'm going to use my money I saved on Car Insurance to sue you. Anyway, here is my connection to the public:
Magnus Lensherr: you're welcome. I would enjoy putting a picture up, but MY DAD did it with out me...
Sakabato Samurai: I'm BAACKKK don't worry, I'm sometimes absent on those nights due to somethng.

Inuyasha: Single Arrow of Chaos (Episode Number: 149 Season Num: 6 First Aired: Wednesday June 7, 2006 ): 4 out of 5
Episode Recap:
Inuyasha and the others are on a mission to find Princess Abi and her nest of "birds". However, they must get past Hakudoshi, first.
Episode Notes
This is the first episode where V6's "Brand New World" is the ending theme.
Episode Trivia
This is the last episode featuring Entei. (edit)
Princess Abi's "birds" look more like pterodactyls than birds.
Eureka Seven: Paper Moon-Shine (Episode Number: 9 Season Num: 1 ) : 3. out of 5
Episode Recap:
The Gekko arrives at Ciudades Del Cielo at the holy land of the Vodarac. The city itself is in ruins, but it's still called the "Beautiful City of the Sky." While they're there, Renton decides to have some fun lifting, but is interrupted when Holland punches him. This makes Renton fly away into the city crying. Afterwards, though, the beginning of a military bombing is signaled by sirens.
Episode Notes
Renton becomes an official member of the Gekkostate in this episode
Episode Allusions
Episode Title: Paper Moon-Shine
This episode title is a reference to the song "Paper Moon" by Natalie Cole.

Note 1: **professer like** Today's chapter's song is Runner's High by the pillows. Note 2: The Pillows are a Japanese band
Fanfiction: Why Do I Have To Be Different, Written by Akuma (AKA InuyashaDream)
Chapter 10: Runner's High
"Come on Miyu" Kousen growled at his sister, calling her by her nickname
Miyuki glared at him, her loose ponytail hit her shoulder as she spun her head, "DON'T CALL ME THAT KOUS-KUN."
"You now know why I use it" Miyuki blowed a raspberry.
Kousen growled, "COME BACK HERE" he started chasing her.
Miyuki ran, "TRY TOO" she giggled.
It was now two years later and they were 17 in human years, one more year until they get into full mating season, "KOUSEN-KUN" a girls voice yelled over the hills. Kousen and Miyuki stopped playing and looked in the girl's direction.
Kousen smiled when he knew who it was, "HEY YUUKI-CHAN"
Yuuki ran towards them, "Hi Miyuki-chan," Yuuki smiled at Miyuki.
"Hey Yuuki-chan" Miyuki folded her arms, she smirked as she remembered that day two years ago when she caused them to kiss, "I'm gonna leave you two alone" she giggled and quickly hid behind a bush to watch the two 'lovebirds.'
Kousen looked deep into Yuuki's indigo eyes, Yuuki always came once in a while when she was not busy, "So...whatja want wench."
Yuuki smiled, "After all these years, I'm still a wench in your eyes huh"
Kousen smirked, then tried to concentrate on something else, Damn, her smile...her scent, it's all to tempting. damn wolf youkai teen hormones, still after two years, Kousen didn't know he was a wolfdog, "duh"
"I'm surprised we are not enemies," Yuuki said, I would be, except something keeps on pulling me towards Kousen, and I never find any hate in my heart for him.
Kousen folded his arms, "Yeah..." I've noticed I only get this strange feeling, only when she's here. , "after two years ago,"
Yuuki stared at the ground, rembering the kiss, "yes, something hit me in the back of my head and I just leaned forward, I would expect us to be growling over it, but I guess I was wrong"
Yuuki and Kousen small talked for a few minutes when Kouga was heard far away, "Kousen, come here"
"Well I guess I have to be going" Yuuki turned and whistled, and Kirara flew down from the sky, Yuuki got on and waved to Kousen before flying off. Kousen gave a small wave and ran to his father.
"Yes, Otou-san." Kousen walked up to his father, he saw Ayame by him. That instant, he knew something was wrong by the way their faces had a serious touch to them.
"Can you follow Ayame and I into the cavern," Kouga turned as Ayame folled him. Kousen titled his head as he slowly stepped forward into the cave.
After they got deep into the cave, Kouga turned to him, "Kousen, you are seventeen, we both agree that's old enough for you to know the truth"
"Truth?" Kousen repeated.
Ayame looked at him, "We told the whole tribe that we are gonna tell you the truth, so they all know they don't have to hide it any longer."
Kousen was way confused now, What in hell are they talking about?
"When your mother was still alive, she went through...problems" Kouga sighed, "She tried running away from these problems cause she wanted to protect us, and she knew you would go through the same problems so she wanted to protect you"
Ayame continued, "She died running away from that problem,"
Kousen glared at them, "What's the problem, cause i'm not getting it"
Ayame sighed, "Kousen, your...a wolfdog"
The wolfdog stared at them and started to laugh, "oh you almost got me there, I thought you said I was a..." he looked back at their faces, "Oh no, that can not be true. I can't be is that even possible, my mother was a wolf, unless...father" Kousen gave a growl towards his father.
"No Kousen, way before you were given life" Kouga began, "I married her and we both kept the secret that she was a wolfdog from the tribe,"
"LIAR" Kousen barred his teeth.
Ayame stepped up to him, "Your father is telling the truth, we wanted her in the tribe, but the code went against it. She could have been murdered after the tribe found out about her"
"But would you guys be killed as well" Kousen calmed down, "You know, for keeping this a secret"
"Yes" Ayame nodded, "But...Akuma, she covered for us"
Kousen couldn't listen anymore and ran towards the waterfall and broke through the falling water. "Hey what's wrong" Miyuku looked to him as he passed.
Kousen snapped his head to her as he stopped, she saw that he had glossy eyes, that tried to hold in tears, "You knew didn't you"
"Knew what" Miyuki, being his sister, tried to step forward to calm him down.
Miyuki gasped, Kousen, how will I explain, "Yes I did, but Otou-san and Okaa-san ordered me not to tell you"
"So they made everybody know about me, EXCEPT ME" he growled, Miyuki scented a salty tear run down his cheek as he turn and ran out.
"KOUSEN, WHERE ARE YOU GOING" Miyuki barked at him.
Kousen turned to him, tears were rolling down his eyes, "somewhere" he growled through clenched teeth and jumped through the water fall to escape.
Escape from the sinking!
Do you see what I mean?
Freedom beats the kingdom!
and I saw you in my dream
iki wo tome te zutto hashiri tsuzuketa
kodou ga kikoeru ka
Just. Runners High!
Escape from the sinking!
Do you see what I mean?
Freedom beats the kingdom!
and I saw you in my dream
me wo tojite itatte subete ga mieta
kaze wo kaki wakete
Just. Runners High!
Dizzy my future
Silly my way
Miyuki wanted to follow him, her only brother that she loved dearly. But something made her feet stay in place, "Kousen" she whispered and fell to the ground, palms over her eyes as she tried to hold back her tears, "Why do you have to run away," she tried getting up, and she succeded. Then she ran out the waterfall and into the full moon. There stood a white wolf. "Kousen"
The white wolf turned to her, and stared at her with ice blue eyes, Miyuki...
I forgot, Kousen transforms into a wolf on the night of the full moon, just like his mother., Ayame sighed, "Kousen don't go, we can work things out"
Kousen turned and bounded off into the distance, his white tail wavering until he was gone from Miyuki's sight, This is the only time, I am ever truely wolf, Kousen thought angerly, My whole life has been a joke, a hoax. Everybody lied to me, EVERYBODY. Maybe even Yuuki.
They all hate you, huh, a voice entered his head.
Kousen stopped and looked around, but saw nothing, What the hell was that...,
The voice came again, but not in his mind, "They all hate you, don't they sonny..." Kousen turned his head again, and faced a black bird, possibly a raven. "Can you talk" the raven clacked his beak. Kousen shook his head, and the raven smiled, or what Kousen thought was a smile, "You want revenge on them, Kousen?"
Kousen backed off, this raven seemed scary, he didn't want to be around him anymore. He turned and ran even more, faster than normal, Damn raven...
Kousen stood with his back turned, until he heard a voice. The wolfdog turned to see Miyuki facing him. "Miyuki...what are you doing here"
"Don't speak to me you damn wolfdog mutt." Miyuki growled.
"What..." Kousen stood to her, What's wrong with her, then he noticed that her eyes were filled with anger.
"Why did I have to have a brother like you, I HATE YOU" she punched him hard in the cheek bone.
Kousen fell down by the shock of the blow, "MIYUKI, WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU"
"DAMN SIN AGAINST THE CODES" she scratched him across the face with her wolf youkai claws. Before Kousen could come back to fight her, she grabed his neck and closed his windpipe, "I've always hated you Kousen..." she growled.
Kousen struggled to get out of her deadly grasp, when he heard that voice again in his head, Revenge...Kousen...they always hated you, Kousen then felt something he never felt before, I can help you Kousen, the voice came again. This feeling Kousen had, it made him feel stronger. He felt that something bad was happening. Before she knew it, a power surged over him and his eyes slowly turned a bright red. He ripped at Miyuki's hands until they tore off his neck. He slashed at her, not knowing what was happing. Until he stopped and saw his sister, in a puddle of blood. The wolfdog looked at his hands, they were covered with wolf youkai blood. Now, didn't that feel good Kousen. Kousen grasped his fist, and he smirked, " did"
Kousen awoke in an instant. The sun has rosen and he was back to his normal self. That night after the raven incident, he found a small patch of bouncy grass to sleep on. Sweat beaded on his face as his breathing grew heavy. It was only a nightmare...I hope..., he leaned against the tree. Then a smile creeped on his face, when a smell filled his nose, no matter how sad I am, that scent somehow always brings be back together. He stood up and walked to the field nearby, and saw Yuuki sitting on the grass.
"Hey Kousen" she smiled.
Kousen tilted his head, "How in the world did you know I was here."
"It's easy when you are trained to become a youkai slayer, all you need to do is listen" Yuuki smirked as her indigo eyes spun to him.
Kousen then remembered, he frowned as he walked towards her and sat down next to the youkai slayer, "Yuuki, what would you do, if I wasn't the person you thought I was"
Yuuki gave a giggle, "Well that's out of the blue..."
"I'm serious..."
Yuuki friendly pushed him, "come on Kousen, what is it."
Kousen tunred his head, "What would you think of me...if I was a...wolfdog."
"Wolfdog..." Yuuki smirked, "are you a wolfdog youkai"
Kousen turned to her with a puzzled look, "you mean you never knew"
Yuuki tilted her head, "Of course I didn't" Yuuki nudged him.
"Well, what do you think of me then, everybody hates a wolfdog, so I bet you do too," Kousen growled.
Kousen gasped at what she just said, he turned to her, " about me?"
Yuuki nodded, then blushed, "You friends."
Kousen's mood lowered, "Just friends...", Just...friends" he gave a sigh.
Yuuki stared at her with her deep indigo eyes, a small breeze messed with her hair and Kousen's as well, just friends, "Hey come on, lighten up, " she tugged on one of his ears. "You must admit, the dog ears got to be the best part of being a wolfdog."
"Keh" he pulled away, Yuuki sighed as the dog ears got out of her grasp, he thought for a moment, "Yuuki,"
"Will away with me"
"I need to leave, and I don't want to leave without you," he held her hand.
Yuuki blushed when his soft youkai skin touched her's, "But Kousen..." she thought, Kousen...really wants me with him, Yuuki lowered her head as she thought somemore.
Kousen tensed up as he waited for her answer, It's not like I'm asking her to be my mate or can't be that hard after all, we are just friends.
The youkai slayer turned to him, "Kousen, I given this a lot of thought, and " she tensed up, "I will run away with you.
Kousen's heart lifted, so he stood up, "Get on me, it will get quicker, he kneeled down so she would have an easer time to get on him, "Hold on" he jumped into the air, Yuuki held her arms under his armpits and around his chest while her chin rested on his shoulder. Kousen got a side glance of her, She smells so sweet, and he gave a small blush as he felt her grasp tighten when they jumped to another tree as they made their way North.
It got dark when they saw a small cave with smoke coming out. Kousen stopped and gave a sniff, "Kousen, is it okay" Yuuki whispered in his ear.
"Yeah, it's only a healer from the northern wolf tribe" Kousen landed on the ground and let Yuuki get off, "For some reason, she smells familar. They walked further in the cavern, until they saw where the smoke came from, a wolf youkai woman with black hair and a purple yukata, a lighter shade that Yuuki's. "Excuse me" Kousen said.
The wolf youkai turned her head to face them, she had black eyes, "hey I know you" she smiled. "Kouga's son...Kousen?"
Kousen gave her a puzzled look, "How do you know my name?"
"I'm back" a inu youkai stepped in the cave.
Yuuki hid slid closer to Kousen as they stared at the muscular youkai with white hair and amber eyes, and a glare Kousen had. Kousen and Yuuki knew, cause he was giving it to them. Kousen thought Yuuki was scared so he wrapped his arm around her waist, but she slapped it away.
"Who are these" the inu youkai pointed at them.
"Don't you remember, Akuma and Kouga's son, the girl, I think she's the daughter of Sango...Yuuki I think." the wolf youkai smiled.
"Will someone please tell me what's going on" Kousen snarled.
"Oh sorry, I am Satsuki, of course healer of the Northern Wolf Tribe, and this is my husband. Sesshoumaru. Kousen, he's your uncle.
"My WHA..." Kousen bellowed.
"I'm your mother's sister," Sesshoumaru explained as he sat down, his fluff flowing.
Kousen twitched, This muscular my...uncle...sweet...even though he's a dog. SWEET, he shook his head, "Wait a minute, Satsuki you said you were a wolf youkai, and Sesshoumaru is a inu...then wouldn't your tribe go against it.
Satsuki smiled, "After what happened to your mother, we learned a lesson. So we did everything we could, and now Sesshoumaru is offically part of the tribe, and everyone knows he's a dog."
Kousen still didn't get it, but he thought it was best not to ask any further.
"Come sit down by the fire" Sesshoumaru said in his calm voice.
Kousen shook out of his fantasy, and walked to the fire and sat down near his uncle, Yuuki hesitated for a minute.
"You can come too" Satsuki giggled.
Yuuki quickly sat by Kousen, she still didn't trust these youkais. She looked at Sesshoumaru again and neared Kousen a bit more, she felt more safe near him. Even thought she was a youkai slayer.
Kousen noticed that Yuuki felt a little skittish and he tried to make her feel better by placing his arm around her waist and pulled her close a bit more. This time, Yuuki didn't pull away, "So...I was wondering, can we stay with you, until the trouble at our tribe calms down"
Satsuki looked at Kousen, "sure..." of course she knew what the problem was, "Stay as long as you like"
Kousen and Yuuki smiled, Yuuki stared at the dancing flames of the fire and slowly, her eyelids became lead and she fell asleep. Not before placing her cheek on his shoulder. Kousen blushed a bit, and placed his cheek on the top of her head.
They look just like Inuyasha and Kagome, Satsuki chuckled in her mind.
Sesshoumaru rolled his eyes, He just had to get his love life from Inuyasha didn't he.

Comments (5) |
Monday, June 12, 2006
My Life
Inutaisho: yo. Hey, It's the full moon tonight soo only I am going to talk tonight. She will answer your questions tommorrow and she will give reviews tommorrow. IF you don't know why it's the full moon and she's busy. Well, she turns into a wolf on a full moon. She also wanted me to tell you that the Pink Floyd and The Wizard of Oz is not scary, it's just kinda freaky on how the albums sounds like it fits into the movie. She'll tell you more later. Anyway, Magnus Lensherr wanted to see Kouga, so here he is
Inutaisho:Thank Starclan she's not here to see that. SHe would be screaming.
Also, Akuma made some wallpapers, tell her what you think of them later kay?
Inutaisho: So, she'll be back tommorrow. See ya.
Note 1: This chapters starts 15 years later from the last chapter. Note 2: Today's song is Tiger Rose by Robert Hunter. Note 3: I'm just gonna say for these wolf youkai and wolfdogs, when they reach 18 in human years. They are 18, after that they just have youkai lives.
Chapter 9: Tiger Rose
Fifteen years later. A wolfdog youkai boy with white hair and ice-blue eyes looked off a hill. He wore a red haroi that looked like his Uncle Inuyasha's and a fire youkai claw on a necklace that his father gave to him, he said that it use to be his mother's. "Hey Kousen" a girl's voice came behind him. Kousen turned his head to look at his sister, a wolf youkai girl with black hair that was tied back, and dark emerald eyes. She wore a dark blue yukata kimono with a water youkai claw necklace.
"Hey Miyuki" Kousen sighed, "What do you want." he looked at the Tiger Roses that grew near the river's edge.
"Father needs to speak with you" Miyuki crossed her arms, "Something to do with...oh I don't know...CHORES" the wolf youkai folded her arms and stressed out the word. Unlike her, Kousen didn't do his chores.
Kousen gave a growl, "can I just do them later Miyuki"
"So just because father said your mother is the Moon Goddess, doesn't mean that you get a excuse for not doing chores" Miyuki bared her fangs.
The wolfdog gave a sigh, "So that's what you think of me, hiding behind the fact that my mother is the Moon Goddess, you've got it all wrong," Kousen looked to his sister, "I JUST HATE DOING THOSE DAMN CHORES" he scowled.
Miyuki twitched, "whatever...just come and do your chores..." she turned on her heels and walked off, "COME ON, we haven't all day"
"Coming..." he then whispered to himself, "Damn sister" he turned his head to take a final look out to the sun, and sighed.
"Kousen..." Ayame growled.
Kouga looked at his son as well. Kousen stared at the both of them, "What..." he snarled.
"Son...just do your chores" Kouga gave a deep growl.
The wolfdog rolled his eyes, "yes father..."
"What was that runt" Ayame growled.
"yes...father, yes mother." Kousen sighed, "I will get straight to work."
Kouga turned to his daughter, who was trying not to laugh her head off, "Miyuki"
Miyuki tried to look as serious as possible, "Yes father"
"See Kousen you should act more like your sister" Kouga smirked. Ayame smirked as well.
Kiss up, brown-nosing, back-stabing sister, Kousen gave her sister the glare that he inherited from his Uncle Sesshoumaru, who he never knew that he was his uncle
Kouga ordered, "You will go with the hunting warriors and lead them."
Kouga looked at his son, Kousen...your a wolfdog, no one in the tribe will ever listen to a wolfdog. It is true that everybody in the tribe knows he's a wolfdog. But he never did. Kouga ordered the pack not to speak of this. Of course the pack found a loophole in that order and treated Kousen sorta like a wolfdog, but simply not tell him. Kousen never told his father about it though. Even Miyuki knew about it, but she figured that Kousen should tell on his own. Kouga simply lied, "Well if you just did your chores, then maybe you will go hunting.
Miyuki grabbed her favorite katana and left the cave that was hidden from a waterfall. Kousen sighed and started cleaning up the cave.
"Hello" Miroku's voice was heard outside the cave.
Sango bursted through the cave, "Hello is anybod...oh Hi Kousen-kun" Miroku followed suit.
Kousen turned to the both of them, "Mama, Papa...Sango-chan and Miroku-sama are here"
"Well that means the mutt-face is here huh" Kouga sighed. Ayame growled.
"No actually, we came here alone Kouga-kun" Sango lifted up her hand.
Miroku wrapped his arm around her, "We wanted to talk about some business with the tribe's territory and a problem on it"
Ayame looked at the both of them, "You came here alone?"
"That's the problem, while Inuyasha-sama and Kagome-chan are fighting the problem on your territory, their son is traveling to his Uncle Sesshoumaru's home to talk something out, we had to come and let you agree on it." Miroku sighed, then slowly moving his hand towards his still favorite spot after fifteen years.
Before Miroku even got a chance, Sango's hand hit the same spot as always, "Not here you pervert" Sango finaly got out of her angry mode and smiled, "We also brought along our daughter."
Daughter, Kousen thought. He had known Miroku and Sango ever since he was born, but he never seen their daughter, she was always in training or something that made her busy. He knew her name was Yuuki.
"You mean Yuuki-chan" Ayame said.
Kouga knew what these meant, "KOUSEN"
Kousen turned to his father, "Yes Otou-san"
"Go with Yuuki-chan, she will need protection, after all, she's a fifteen year old human girl in a wolf youkai pack, you don't know what the other wolf youkais would do to her." Kousen nodded to agree.
"Woah there, I am not letting Yuuki go with your son...who knows what they could end up doing" Miroku snapped, "Can't you send Miyuki-chan"
Ayame sighed, "Miyuki is off hunting, Kousen is the only one left."
Miroku sighed, "Fine"
"Come Kousen, I will show you Yuuki" Sango motioned for him to follow.
Yuuki stood outside the cave, "Kousen-kun...I've never seen Kousen-kun before...or Miyuki-chan. I bet Kousen-kun is one ugly dude...,"then she saw Hakkaku pass by and add to herself, ...who puts his hair up in a mohak.
They stepped under the waterfall into the open air. There by the cave entrance was a girl with her head turned. All they could see was that she had a purple yukata kimono on with black hair. Kousen thought to himself, I bet Yuuki-chan is nothing more but an ugly bit...
"Yuuki" Sango said.
"yes Okaa-san" Yuuki turned around to reveal two deep idigo eyes.
Kousen's jaw almost dropped, but he didn't want to humilate himself, She's...beautiful. She looked a lot like her mother, in some facial features but ended up with her father's eyes and hair color.
Yuuki gazed into Kousen's amber eyes. Kousen was way more different than she thought
"Yuuki, this is Kousen-kun He's gonna protect you while your Otou-san and I talk to Kouga and Ayame"
THIS is Kousen-kun. Yuuki gasped, Woah, she then turned to her mother "bye Okaa-san"
Sango headed back into the cave while Kousen and Yuuki were both staring at each other.
"so uh...Yuuki, what do you want to do" Kousen rocked back and forth.
Yuuki blushed a bit, "Want to go for...uh...walk"
Kousen nodded and they headed towards the river. They sat under the huge tree that Kousen's mother sat under...long ago. The tree was on top of a big hill by the river's bank. "So..." Yuuki looked at the rivers edge.
"So..." Kousen sighed, Damn, she smells so good, he looked over to her, it's so tempting to..., NO, he looked away, must not let these teen hormones get to me...
"So what is your sister like, Miyuki-chan..." Yuuki turned to him.
Kousen looked at her again, "M-miyuki, well she's just a suck up and what not..." he had to look away, it was so tempting...These are not only teen hormones, these are wolf youkai teen hormones. I mean it's spring...just three more years until I will get these feelings at mating season..., he gave a gulp.
Yuuki stared at him, "Kousen..."
Her voice..., he looked at her, "yeah"
"What's wrong"
"Oh nothing, I-i've just...I've just never been around a pretty girl before..." he started blushing once he knew what he said, "NO I DIDN'T MEAN THAT"
"So you think I'm not" Yuuki glared at him.
"No, wench," he has learned the language his father spoke a lot of times, "I just didn't mean to say those words that way"
Yuuki stood up, "SO I'M A WENCH IS THAT IT"
Kousen stood up, "YEAH WENCH"
"BASTA---AHHHH" Yuuki slipped and fell down the hill, she grabbed onto Kousen's haroi for support.
"Hey what the.." they fell down the hill holding onto each other as they rolled down the hill. Kousen over Yuuki, Yuuki over Kousen, and vise versa again. They rolled through a patch of Tiger Roses.
They finally got to the bottom and ended up by the river's side. Yuuki on top of Kousen.
"SEE THE MESS YOU GOT US IN" Yuuki bellowed in his dog ears, they were both unaware of the position they were in.
Yuuki started to mock, 'I've never been around a pretty girl before, I didn't mean that' ha my ass that you didn't start this fight"
Kousen neared his face to hers, "That does not sound like me"
"Yes it does"
"No it doesn't" their faces neared.
"yes it does" their noses touched when Yuuki neared her face.
Kousen's hormones got over him again, She's so...near...she's so beautiful.., "No, it doesn't" Kousen neared his face a bit more, just enough to make him more..., Damn, bad move...
"Well let me tell you mister, I would have like you as a friend if you didn't..." for some reason, a small rock flew out and hit Yuuki on the head and made her head tilt forward just enough to make their lips brush.
Kousen's and Yuuki's face began to glow red, Kousen blinked, We're...kissing...
Yuuki blushed, wha...
Tiger Rose got new clothes
The ladies love her so
They laugh at her connections
But they don't say no
Get down high, get down low
Get your heels in tow
We don't care what
Mama don't allow here anymore
Tiger tea, tiger gee, you my Tiger Rose
Gently roll me, honey, while I sing your song
On the bank where children play ring-a-levio
Come on and show me somethin' I don't know
Good day breaking, windows shaking
At my cabin door
Love me like you did last night
Just one more time
I know it don't make sense
But then it don't intend
If you keep coming by
We'll make it up again
Get up, Johnny, sing along
Get along now, get along
Could be right, I may be wrong
Pretty soon be long gone
Lay me down in worried sleep
Listen to the sweet river weep
Thought I heard it sing a song
Delta Queen done come and gone
Tiger tea, tiger gee, you my Tiger Rose
Gently roll me, honey, while I sing your song
On the bank where children play ring-a-levio
Come on and show me somethin' I don't know
Come on, big-eyed Handsome Moll
And be my party doll
We'll live in jive-o county
'Neath the waterfall
If people say: What can you play?
Just tell 'em anything
Cut-glass spur or a silver chime
Can make 'em ring
Tiger Rose, Heaven knows
I just love you so
Maybe that's the reason
That you don't say no
You get high, get down low
You my rodeo
We don't care what Mama don't allow here anymore
Tiger tea, tiger gee, you my Tiger Rose
Gently roll me, honey, while I sing your song
On the bank where children play ring-a-levio
Come on and show me somethin' I don't know
Yeah on the bank where children play ring-a-levio
Come on show me somethin'
Come on show me somethin'
Come on and show me somethin' I don't know
Yuuki and Kousen suddenly got out of their La La Land and broke apart the kiss. What's this feeling..., Yuuki looked deep into Kousen's blue eyes. Yuuki and Kousen then noticed the postition they were in.
"AHH GET OFF OF ME" Kousen pushed her off.
"HEY" she shouted as she landed on the ground.
Kousen suddenly became soft, "Maybe...I think your otou-san and okaa-san are...l-looking for you"
"Yeah" she got up and looked at the river, We..., she started to blush again.
Kousen looked at her, "I think I will walk you back" he walked to the tribe village while Yuuki stood by his shoulder.
Miyuki, who happened to be the one who threw the rock, started laughing wildly.
"HEY MIYUKI-CHAN, COME HELP US WILL YA" one of the hunters in her group shouted.
"Coming" Miyuki walked back.
Back at the den, Sango, Miroku, and Yuuki were leaving. Yuuki turned to them as they decended, "see ya Kousen-kun" she started blushing.
"See ya...Yuuki-chan" Kousen blushed.
Ayame leaned over to Kouga and whispered so softly in his ear, "I think Kousen got his love life from Inuyasha"
"Falling in love with a human...of course from Inuyasha..." Kouga nodded.
"But I remember you falling in love with a mortal" Ayame glared.
Kouga rolled his eyes, "just because she could sense the sacred jewel shards"
I care for you Yuuki...even though we only knew each other...for a day. I still care about you. Kousen sighed to himself.

Comments (6) |
Sunday, June 11, 2006
My Life
Inutaisho: yo
I stayed the whole day at the cabin. I walked down memory lane today by looking at all my GB signings from when I first started here and looked at all my post from the whole time too. It was funny. I also found some records from my mom's high school year and I listened to those. Hint: Listen to Pink Floyd Dark Side of the Moon and Wizard of Oz together at the same time. It's scary. Start the album from when that lion (who's name is Leo), at the begining of the movie, roars for the third time. We had to go into town for a bit. I was suppose to get eye drop for my contacts in a store, but I found Inuyasha Trading cards and I brought them to the cashier desk. Except my mom found me and I ended up not buying them. They had cards of Kouga in them too. I don't have a Kouga card yet. **dog ears droop**
Inutaisho: Again with the Kouga. You are way too obbsessed
I know, but I do have this card that has one of those pictures Shippou drew in one epi. It had Shippou's drawing of Kouga on it, I forgot what he was doing. I think it was the one with Kouga holdng Kagome **growls** damn her
Inutaisho: ...**lifts eyebrow** kay, whatever
Inutaisho: ...
stop placing dots all over the place you idiot.
Inutaisho: You dare call me an idiot?
**anime vein appears on top of head** WHO ARE YOU CALLING LITTLE GIRL YOU!!!!
Inutaisho: I AM. why does that bother you so much? Little prepy pink wearing girly girl
**grrr** SHUT UP
Inutaisho: Calm down Akuma, here is the money that you saved from yesterday
One LITTLE problem
...what the hell. Anyway, I don't own a car.
Inutaisho: Then why in hell did you get car insurance?
cause I wanted to. heres some quesions.
Sakabato Samurai: Kouga in a loincloth means it could end the rumors about him wearing a skirt. In the manga they call it a loincloth. Although I do not know how it can connect with Geiko...**thinks** unless Kouga works at Geiko and he's filing a law suit for the jokes about his skirt that is actually a loincloth or a kilt.
Magnus Lensherr: I guess there is a good thing abut having a lame bookstore. I don't have to spend too much money on anime and manga. Wal-Mart is the only place I can buy anime near by, and they have the stuff that is too popular, like the movies. (Inuyasha for example) and stuff like that.
Note 1: Today's song is The Thin Ice by Pink Floyd. Note 2: The kids may act older than they should.
Chapter 8: The Thin Ice
"Hey you mutt-face" Kouga smirked.
Inuyasha gave a growl, "puny wolf"
"Stop it you two" Kagome growled.
"Wench" Inuyasha glared.
Miroku, Sango, and Shippou sighed, "5...4...3...2...1"
Inuyasha fell to the ground making the cave almost fall down, Miyuki and Kousen started laughing.
The group stared at the the two kids, Inuyasha then stared at Sesshoumaru, "WHAT IN HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE"
"We were just leaving" Sesshoumaru stepped over Inuyasha and left the cavern., "Let's go," Satsuki nodded a farewell to Ayame and followed suit, Rin did as well.
"Now that the jackass has left, let's get down to real business" Inuyasha stood up.
Ayame scented something off Kagome and Sango, "hey Kagome, why do you smell a lot like Inuyasha, and Sango, you smell a lot like Miroku and..."Ayame traced down to their abs, "AND YOUR PREGNANT" her eyes widened once she saw the bulging bellys of the both of them.
"Of course we're pregnant and we're at our ninth month, didn't Akuma tell you" Sango pointed out, "Inuyasha said he went to her and told it"
Ayame glared at Inuyasha, "as a matter of fact, we didn't" Inuyasha began to blush.
"Inuyasha" the whole crew glared at him.
"Baka" Shippou repeated his most famous line as everybody sat down
Kouga growled, "But you guys have been married for like...10 can you be pregnant..unless."
"Just shut up" Inuyasha glared.
"Yes, Sango and I have been 'busy" Miroku placed his hand on...what else...but Sango's behind.
Sango gave him a big slap, while Kousen and Miyuki both laughed. Inuyasha placed his eyes on the children, "Who are the brats"
Ayame gave a smirk, "This is my daughter, Miyuki, she was just born today, and this is Kousen...Uncle Inuyasha...born yesterday"
"UNCLE" Inuyasha bellowed.
"Yes, Akuma's son." Kouga smirked.
Miroku realized, "So if you guys been married for six months...and you have babies now..."
"SO WHY ARE YOU CALLING US PERVS THEN..." the inu hanyou bellowed.
Kouga had no backtalk, "You just shut up"
"So where is the big brainless wolfdog that somehow became my sister anyway" Inuyasha smiled.
Kouga's smile faded, "She's..."
Ayame finished, "dead"
"What..." Inuyasha's eyes grew wide, his teeth clenched, and his eyes got glossy, My sister...dead?
Mamma loves her baby
And Daddy loves you too
And the Sea may look warm to you babe
And the sky may look blue
Ooooh babe
Ooooh baby blue
Ooooh babe
If you should go skating
On the thin ice of modern life
Dragging behind you the silent reproach
Of a million tear-stained eyes
Don't be surprised when a crack in the ice
Appears under your feet
You slip out of your depth and out of your mind
With your fear flowing out from behind,
As you claw at the ice
"I'm sorry Inuyasha" Kagome gasped, as she leaned on him, "I'm so sorry" she whispered
Inuyasha looked at Kousen, Kousen is all that's left of her blood, "how did she die"
"A raven, who killed her mother, went after her. Made Akuma lose almost all her power and she went into labor...ended up losing the rest of her power." Kouga put it the short way, "oh and she was infected by Ketsueki." he growled, he never wanted to talk on how Akuma died ever again.
Inuyasha knew what Ketsueki was, being married to a miko and stuff, "I knew Akuma was gonna bring herself death" he clenched his fist and pounded the floor, "DAMN IT"
"Inuyasha" Kagome nudged her elbow into his ribs, "stop it."
"IT'S THE TRUTH" Inuyasha glared.
Kagome saw a small tear run down his cheek, Inuyasha...
Kouga smiled, wanting to lighten up the mood, "So Uncle Inuyasha, want to see your nepew..."
"No..I am so not good with children" Inuyasha shook his hand.
Shippou folded his arms, "believe me when I say I found that out the hard way"
The inu-hanyou growled, "Why you damn brat"
"oh come on Inuyasha, you are never gonna be good with your own child unless you train a bit first." Ayame placed Kousen in his lap. Kousen looked up at Inuyasha, Ayame pointed to the inu hanyou, "Kousen this is your Uncle Inuyasha, your mother's brother"
"Inuwasa" Kousen smiled. "Uncel Inuwasa"
Ayame's eyes grew wide, "His first words."
"Yeah that's great kid, " Inuyasha picked Kousen up by the armpits. Say you look a lot like Kouga, except for the dog ears and white hair.
Kousen looked to the top of Inuyasha's head, "fuy eaws" he lauged.
"what was that ki.." Inuyasha stopped when Kousen grabbed Inuyasha's ears and started pulling, "HEY YOU BRAT"
"FUNY EAWS.." Kousen began to laugh.
Inuyasha began pulling Kousen away. Miyuki began to laugh. Once Inuyasha was able to pull Kousen away he quickly handed him to Kagome. "Kagome, will you please tell that kid that he has ears like me and that once someone starts pulling his ears, he will understand my pain." he looked away. Kousen tore from Kagome's grasp and went into Inuyasha's lap again, "What do you want kid" Miyuki climbed onto Inuyasha's lap as well. After a bit, they both hugged him.
"Well it seems that they have taken a liking to you" Miroku smirked.
"GAH...GET OFF YOU BRATS" he picked them both up by the scruff of their necks and quickly handed them to Kouga and Ayame.
"It's true though Inuyasha, they do seem to like you" Sango sighed.
"Keh" Inuyasha turned.
"Hey wait a sec, they are like first born children, how could they do that NOW" Kagome pointed out.
"DUH, the're youkais. They grow a lot faster than humans...and a bit faster than hanyous." Ayame sighed.
"Listen we better go" Inuyasha stood up.
"Yes, we only came by to chat" Kagome and the rest followed suit.
"Bye bye Inuwasa" Kousen and Miyuki both waved.
"Bye you runts" Inuyasha waved to them.
Kouga and Ayame stood outside, Kousen in Kouga's arms and Miyuki in Ayame's. Watching their friends dissapear in the distance, "Kouga...what do you think Kousen will turn out to be like" Ayame wondered.
"If like Akuma, badass joker...sometimes..., jumps into fights, hardcore, obsessed with something and sticks with it for about a year, ya know the whole junk and stuff." Kouga shruged, "And if Miyuki turned out to be like you, then that will be a nightmare...I could't even describe it."
"How about you don't and shut up." Ayame growled, "I'll bet anything that Miyuki will turn out like you,"
"Isn't that a good thing" Kouga smiled.
Ayame snarled, "ARE YOU MAD...THAT WILL JUST BRING MORE TROUBLE IN MY LIFE. And if Akuma was still alive, then she would just go bonkers."
"Like Akuma has never gone bonkers before, and someone's in a bad mood" Kouga smiled.
"Oh...I'm not in my bad mood," Ayame made a fist, "IF YOU WANT TO SEE MY BAD MOOD THEN KEEP IT UP"
Kousen began laughing, Miyuki growled.
"What did I say, Akuma would be laughing too if she saw us fighting like this" Kouga pointed out.
"And we both will be growling" Ayame smiled.
Kouga looked down at the pups, "yep, I think Kousen will turn out just like his mother"
"Just what we needed, another Akuma" Ayame slapped her forehead.
Kouga placed a kiss on her lips, "I guess we will just have to live with it"
Ayame kissed him back, "I just hope we survive."
That night, the family were in the grass by the river staring at moon. Kousen and Miyuki were laying in the grass by their parents. The moon was waning, "You know Kousen, your mother is the Moon Goddess"
Kousen looked to him, "Mon Godeth?"
"The Moon Goddess or Moon God, whoever the gender is, is a person, or youkai, that goes up to the moon's barrier and makes sure that the Moon rises and sets as it is suppose to. The moon, besides the sun, is the most important heavingly body up in the sky. It makes the tides move and other things. Without it, our life will cease to be here. It's a bit to complicated for you now." Kouga tried to explain as best as he could, "And when you...leave our will become the new Moon God, unless your mother does a good deed and makes their family the new Moon God/Goddesses before you do, that's also a bit hard to explain."
Kousen was rubbing his head, "daddy make my hed huwt". Ever since the incident with Inuyasha, Kousen has been learning new words and motions.
" KOUGA...this is so not like you" Ayame pointed out, "It's scary when you act all smart like"
"Hey...can I at least explain something to my son" Kouga growled.
"KEH, yeah right, besides you are just making him confused.
"KEH" Miyuki growled.
"Whatever" Ayame sighed.
Kousen began laughing, "beauty and the beast"
"I nevwer kwew I wa whaat goowd wooking" Miyuki smiled.
"Did they just recite our joke" Kouga looked.
"Except for the fact that Akuma usually never said that. It was me most of the time"
Kouga smirked, "but Miyuki wasn't suppose to say it, I was."
"But Kousen knew when to say it, just like his mother. weird how his joking is coming so fast, like Akuma"
"Scawey" Miyuki blinked.
Kouga and Ayame both began to laugh, Kousen rolled his eyes, "Bakas"
" deja vu" Kouga repeated.
"Towal deva ju" Miyuki stressed.
Kousen lowered his dog ears and growled, "get off my back"
"Now he's turning Inuyasha...great" Ayame sighed.
"INUWASA" Miyuki and Kousen both jumped, their wolf tails wagging, Kousen's dog ears twitching.
"Funwy Eawes" Kousen smiled.
"You have funwy eawes too big bruther...see" Miyuki pulled one of Kousen's ears.
"OWAA-SAN" Kousen yelled, "OOFU-SAN"
"Miyuki...stop it" Ayame sighed.
"Sowwy big bruther, sowwey owaa-san" Miyuki sighed.
"Yep, Kousen has a bit of Inuyasha's blood inside him." Kouga glared at the moon.
"I wonder where's his Sesshoumaru blood" Ayame looked at the stars.
"Don't know...we will just have to wait and see" Kouga sighed.
"So what do you think Kousen will react when he finds out that he's a wolfdog and how bad their treated." Ayame looked at the moon.
Kouga frowned, If Kousen should end up as I think he ends up, then he will just be trying to prove at all angles that he's not in no freaken way, that he's a wolfdog. It will take a while for him to face the facts. He ended up lieing, "I don't know...I just...don't know.."
Kousen stared at Kouga, Wof..dowg..whaws I a wof dowg..
Somewhere else, deep inside a forest somewhere, at Ayame's old wolf pack. A wolf youkai was given birth.
"What should we name him, " a male wolf youkai looked at his mate, who was holding a small male pup with black hair, black wolf's tail, and amber eyes.
"Kiba, I've always wanted to name my child that, right Kuro"
Kuro smiled, "and do you think Kiba will be ready for his training"
"Training?" the female wolf youkai tilted her head.
"Yes...remember when Ayame left our tribe to go with Kouga..."
"oh yes...I remeber, Kiba will be perfect. Don't fail us Kiba"
Kiba looked up to his parents and smiled.

Comments (3) |
Saturday, June 10, 2006
My Life
Inutaisho: yo
I didn't have to go to play practice. Also I got a new Inuyasha manga, my bookstore is sooo lame. The only good manga they have there now is Beserk, Inuyasha, Kenshin, and Ranma 1/2. So I skimmed through the inu book, and I saw a pic of Kouga so I instantly bought it.
Inutaisho: Is that the only reason you bought it?
no, it had a few cool parts, like when Inuyasha first showed his tears and stuff. I also bought this manga thing for the computer, but it's being a bastard so I have to return it. damn it all, and I went to the cabin again. So there will be a late offical post again **hugs everybody** sorry everybody. But I have good news Kouga has a cute little loincloth. **smiles** And I saved a lot of money on my car insurrance by switching to Geiko
Inutaisho: ...**lifts eyebrow** you are a strange child
**shrugs** keh, at least I'm not boring.
Inutaisho: **whispers** yeah right.
Inutaisho: Do you want Izayoi back here?, I'll be a good little girl. **halo appears on top of head**
Inutaisho: hmph, how long did it take you to learn that scam
**switches to normal mode** you are too good.
Inutaisho: I'm your father, I've known you almost my whole life.
Inutaisho: Akuma...don't be angry at me **hugs** I never knew you were going to be born.
Okay, just don't start acting like my real father. Who I hate very much. Mebe some questions will make me feel better.
Sakabato Samurai: I have my reasons not to tell him if I'm not moving, I'll tell him at school next year. I know it is, I wanted to tell him next year, but with the moving and all, I have no idea what to do. His brother won't be in the same school for that one year to torture me and Jared. So I have only that year to tell him with out his brother messing it all up.
Mrs. Elric: Hey, he hasn't said a humiliating thing about me all day. Yay
Note 1: Today's song is Sisters of Avalon by Cyndi Lauper. Note 2: Satsuki is a friend of mine who loves Sesshoumaru.
Chapter 7: Another Death in my Life?
The sun was peaking over the horizon, Kouga was walking back to the tribe, Kousen was sleeping in his arms. Kouga stared at him, Kousen's dog ears were drooping. His mother is the moon now...he sighed as he grasped the fire youkai claw that Akuma placed around his neck.
"Kouga" Ayame's voice was heard, Kouga looked up to see her run towards him, "Who's this little guy" Ayame smiled down at Kousen.
"Kousen" the wolf sighed, "My new son"
"Kousen," she smiled, then looked aound, "Where's Aku..." her eyes fell on the claw, "," she knew what it meant and her eyes got a little glossy.
Kouga knew what his mate was thinking, "She's dead, and became the new Moon Goddess" he stared at the ground, a small tear left a trail on his cheek.
Ayame's emerald eyes looked at Kouga and cleched her teeth, but calmed down and huge tears fell from her eyes, I will never see her again, my friend...we fought over Kouga...but that's how we became friends, she clenched her fist tighter, DAMN, DAMN DAMN DAMN DAMN DAMN...WHY NOW. If only I was there to stop her..., she faced Kouga, eyes bloodshot from crying, "If only I stopped her, If only I was there to stop her, " she growled, "How...did she...die" she slowly stressed out through her tears.
"A raven, named Tsumi, attacked her and I wasn't save her in time. She died a bit after labor...If I just got there in time, she could've had enough power to live." Kouga placed his arm around her shoulders, "Don't cry, it was not your fault Ayame, Don't blame yourself." he kissed her on the lips. Don't ever blame yourself, it was Akuma's choice, was all my fault she died..
Once Kouga broke the kiss, Ayame stopped crying, "I hope your right Kouga, Ayame took Kousen and let him rest in her arms, "Is he fed" she rocked her arms.
"Yeah." he took his arm away.
"How are we ever gonna explain Kousen to the tribe" Ayame looked into Kouga's rain-blue eyes.
Kouga looked at Kousen, "We can just say that he is a wolf youkai, that should be good enough"
"Kouga, that is the same thing that we did to Akuma, it won't be long until the pack figures out" Ayame yelled in his face.
"Well you think of a better idea"
Ayame looked to Kousen and she agreed, "Okay"
Kouga wrapped his arm around her shoulder, "Don't worry, if Kousen will turn out to have the same spirit as his mother, than he should be just fine." then he kissed her gently on the cheek and with that, they headed back to the tribe.
"AWWW look at the little baby" Hakkaku smiled.
Ginta put his finger in Kousen's face, "He's so CUTE"
Ayame twitched, They are acting like total morons...can't believe I'm in the same tribe as them.
Hakkaku put his pointer fingers at the sides of his mouth to streach his lips wider, stuck his tounge out, and crossed his eyes.
Kousen stared at him and tilted his head.
"Stop it your moron, your scaring him" Kouga punched him on the head. Kousen started to laugh, "hey, he likes that," Kouga smirked and puched Ginta this time. Kousen laughed even more.
"His first laugh," Ayame smirked, He doesn't understand that his mother died from running away, just so he won't go through all that she went through.
"Where did Kousen-kun come from" Hakkaku rubbed his head where Kouga hit him.
Hakkaku remembered, "Kouga-sama, we've noticed Akuma isn't around, where is she"
Kouga gave a small gulp, "She's...she's dead"
Ginta smirked, "About time that wolfdog..." he stopped when he saw Kouga bare his teeth, He must still be heartbroken, after all, she broke his heart when he found out she was a wolfdog. Ginta thought, of course he didn't know the half of it.
"Kousen is her son" he calmed down.
Hakkaku growled, "Then he should be killed"
"NO" Kouga growled, "He may be a wolfdog, but he still has my blood" and that goes for everybody, he noticed that the whole tribe was around him, "KOUSEN WILL NOT BE KILLED" The whole tribe gave a huge groan, they most defently didn't want a wolfdog in the tribe.
"hey wait Kouga, wouldn't you need word from the Elders if you intend to keep a wolfdog in the tribe, I mean it's not a dog" Jikken pointed out, and then a murmer of agreement fell on the tribe.
Kouga began to growl, "HE HAS MY BLOOD, the elder's rule doesn't apply to the alpha's pup, YA GOT THAT" everybody in the tribe fell silent and nodded their heads.
"AHHHH" Ayame fell to her knees, Kousen still in her arms, "Kouga, I think it's time" she looked up to him.
Kouga's eyes widened, Hakkaku and Ginta started screaming. Then Kouga picked Ayame up, with Kousen still in her arms, and and took her to Yakuso.
Once inside Yakuso's hut, Ayame was laying on the mat, hand in Kouga's. Kousen was sleeping in a bundle of cloth. Kouga felt this was weird, of course he was still use to when Akuma was in labor. There's hardly any blood, it's strange he looked around. His mind went back to Ayame when she squeezed his hand more, causing it to go purple.
"Kouga-sama I need you to leave," Yakuso carried herbs that were different.
"Why" he turned to the healer.
Kouga didn't care about tradition, he first broke it when he 'fell in love' with Kagome, then he married a wolfdog and kept it a secret. Tradition didn't mean a damn thing to him anymore, "Tradition, I'm staying wit..."
"KOUGA-SAMA DON'T YOU DARE GO AGAINST THE HEALER, I'm the closest thing to the Moon Goddess there is in this tribe" she growled.
Kouga rolled his eyes, Think again old woman, I was married to the moon goddess' daughter. "did you ever see her" he growled, "I did"
Yokuso sighed, "fine, just don't talk so the spirits won't know your here."
Kouga agreed. Yokuso took the herbs and made Ayame eat a few, Kouga noticed that she was doing the ritual different than Kiri-sama did. Yokuso placed a wet cloth on top of Ayame's forehead, Ayame squeezed his hand more. How long does it take to birth a baby, Kiri-sama did it a lot quicker. I should have gone to her instead, Kouga sighed. His eyelids started to droop, the smell of the herbs around him, many of the scents made him sleepy, then he dozed off.
A teenage boy, around 18 with white hair, ice-blue eyes, white dog ears, and a white wolf's tail was walking down a forest path, beside him was a teenage girl, about the same age with black hair that was pulled back, a brown wolf's tail, and green eyes. The boy had a red harori with a fire youkai claw on a necklace hung around his neck while the girl wore a dark blue yukata with the water youkai claw on a necklace that was also hung around her neck.
"Kousen, I know you are in love with that girl" the girl smirked.
The girl smiled, "What made you think it was Yuuki-chan."
"What about you and Kiba-kun" Kousen glared.
"AHH you got to be kidding me, I'm not in love with him." the girl exploded.
Kousen smiled and started singing, "Kiba and Miyuki sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G." and he started laughing.
"KOUSEN YOU ARE SO DEAD" Miyuki growled and chased Kousen.
Kousen ran while Miyuki cursed and chased him.
"HEY YOU TWO," a woman's voice was heard, "No rough-housing today"
"Kay Okaa-san" they both cried.
"KOUGA-SAMA, WAKE UP" Yokuso shook him violently. Kouga popped open his eyes, Yokuso had a sad look in her face. "The baby is born" she whispered.
Kouga looked down to see a baby girl in Ayame's arms. She had black hair and a brown wolf's tail. Kouga smiled until he noticed something wrong with the child. She's...She's not breathing, It was true, the child was there, but it's chest wasn't going up and down like it was suppose to. Kouga turned to Ayame, she had tears flowing out of her emerald eyes. "Ayame..." he wanted to cry as well, No, I musn't cry, her best friend died, now her child. She needs a person to tell her that everything is gonna turn out okay...even if it's not...,he clenched his teeth.
"Koug..." Ayame tried to say though her tears, damn, why do two people have to die today...DAMN.
Kouga wraped his arms around her, "Shh...try to calm down, he stroked her short brown hair," he turned to Yokuso, "Is there anyway...
Yokuso shook her head, "Us healers have amazing powers, but...there is no way to bring back the dead."
Kouga thought of his dream and remembered that girl, the girl with black hair. Miyuki....Kouga looked out the window and saw that the moon was out, man I was asleep for a long time, he stared at it, until he noticed, the barrier, the barrier around the moon, it's broken..., a bright light came at the corner of his eye, he turned his head to see a bright light there. Ayame and Yokuso saw it as well.
"It's..It's" Yokuso studdered.
The light formed into the shape of a woman.
"It's the Moon Goddess." she bowed.
Akuma, Kouga gasped.
It was true, Akuma stood there, she glowed with the brightness of the full moon, "Hello Kouga, Hello Ayame" she nodded towards them.
Ayame's tears were drying up slowly, Akuma...
"How does she know your names," Yokuso looked to Kouga and Ayame., "No duh she's the Moon Goddess, she knows everybody." she looked at the Moon Goddess, "Moon Goddess, why do you take the form of that damn wolfdog..." Yokuso growled.
Akuma ignored her and walked towards Ayame, she sat down by Kouga and looked at Ayame and the girl. Kouga stared at her, she was there, but she was not there. He wanted to hug her. But couldn't. No matter how much he wanted to. He looked away, he wanted Akuma to sit somewhere else besides near him. It was to tempting, knowing that the spirit of her was there.
"Ayame, let me have the child" Akuma streched out her arms.
Ayame looked in her eyes and slowly placed the girl in her arms. Akuma slowly started singing
"Felt someone calling me into the howling of the wind...
I heard the reflection of a sound echoing through my skin...
And a distant drum rumbling under the ground gently guides me on...
Through my wild heart...
Whispering to me the Sisters of Avalon...
Sisters of Avalon...Sisters of Avalon...
She is a awakening in the dark swells and mystery.
Unbridled night mares powerful and running free.
You could still hear her cries reverberating, through the trees...
For the trampled flowers, the daughters of Eve, The Sisters of Avalon...
Sisters of Avalon...Sisters of Avalon...
They brought her in in a new white dress...
But the stain left an ache on her mother's breast...
Now all that's left are the ghostly steps from a distant corridor...
And a distant drum rumbling under ground gently guides me on...
Through my wild heart...
Whispering to me the Sisters of Avalon...
Sisters of Avalon...
Come on sisters...come on sister..."
The baby began to suck in air, and her eyes opened to reavel dark emerald-green eyes. Everybody gasped. "Here you go" she handed the child to Ayame.
Ayame took the girl into her arms, "Akuma..."
Akuma turned to Kouga and smiled, then got up. She slowly walked towards the other side of the hut, "WAIT MOON GODDESS, " Yokuso yelled, "I thought that after you do something for someone, they have to do something in return."
"Keh, all I want from them is to give Kousen and their child parental love." she smiled at them, and glowed until she was gone.
They all were silent, except for the baby's crying, Ayame started to nurse her, Thank you...Akuma, she smiled. "So what should we name her" Ayame faced Kouga.
Yokuso stared at them, they were all in the same room as the Moon Goddess, and they act like nothing happened.
Kouga remembered his dream, "How about Miyuki" he smiled.
Ayame nodded, "Miyuki"
Akuma looked down at them from the sky, "Be happy my friend, and my love. I wouldn't want to make you cry anymore." she turned and continued to the moon.
Miyuki was fed and Kouga looked down at her. She looked like Ayame but with black hair.
Their peace was broken by a shout from Jikken, "YOU DOG, LEAVE NOW"
Kouga sniffed the air, Not my brother-in-law AGAIN, Kouga stood up, with Kousen in his arms, and so did Ayame, with Miyuki in her arms. They exited the hut to find a male inu youkai with long white hair and anber eyes. Beside him was a wolf youkai woman with black hair and black eyes in a purple yukata, a girl with black hair in a orange plaid yukata, an imp with a huge staff, and a two-headed dragon.
"Get away you inu, and take your humans and imp with you. The wolf youkai can stay" Bujoku growled.
"Damn okamis" the inu youkai growled.
"What was that" the woman glared at him.
Kouga knew these people, "Bujoku, Jikken, let them be, I know them."
Bujoku and Jikken glared, then let them pass.
"So what brings ya here, Sesshoumaru" Kouga crossed his arms.
"Ayame" the female wolf youkai stared at Ayame.
"Satsuki" Ayame smiled.
"Ayame, it's been such a long time." Satsuki steped up to her.
"yeah" Ayame cradled Miyuki.
The little girl came up to Satsuki, "Satsuki, who is that"
"Rin, don't you remember Ayame-sama" Satsuki looked down at her.
"Satsuki..." Ayame growled, "You called me THAT"
"keh, sorry AYAME, hey who's the runt" Satsuki pointed at Miyuki.
Ayame looked down, "Miyuki, my daughter"
"DAUGHTER, well it seems you and Kouga have been 'busy" Satsuki grinned.
"Keh, what about you and Sesshoumaru, I smell him ALL over you" Ayame smirked, "So what have you been up to lately."
"Ah you know, being the healer of the Northern Tribe...and all that jazz." Satsuki sighed.
Ayame looked at her, "Oh yeah, I forgot you were the healer for the Northern Tribe"
"I'll never understand woman" Kouga growled.
Sesshoumaru nodded. Ayame and Satsuki turned to them, "WHAT WAS THAT"
Kouga sighed, "let's go inside," he saw the crowd forming around them,
Sesshoumaru turned to the imp,"Jaken stay here with Ah Un"
Jaken looked up to him, "Yes m'lord."
They all went inside the cave that is Kouga and Ayame's home. Kouga handed Kousen to Ayame. "So what did you come for Sesshoumaru" Kouga growled.
"It was all Satsuki's idea," Sesshoumaru sighed, "never knew that once you marry a wench, she becomes the winner of all the battles."
"Just think about marring TWO woman" Kouga chuckeled, Sesshoumaru gave a small smile.
Ayame and Satsuki both glared at them, "Men"
"So who's the other runt" Sesshoumaru looked at Kousen.
"Kousen" Ayame looked at him
Rin stared at Kousen, "Sessoumaru-sama, Kousen-kun has the same ears as Inuyasha-sama and Akuma-sama"
Sesshoumaru looked apon Kousen, "So where's my sister"
Kouga lowered his head, "she's dead" he whispered.
"Dead" Satsuki and Sesshoumaru repeated.
Ayame nodded, "and this is her child, Ayame looked towards Kousen.
"Sesshoumaru," Satsuki wondered, Did I just hear Sesshoumaru, impossible, "what should we do about Akuma's share of the western lands."
Sesshoumaru thought for a minute, "I guess I will leave it in the hands of Kouga, until Kousen grows of age"
"ME" Kouga stared blank-eyed at the inu youkai.
"Of course, after all, you were Akuma's husband and Kousen is all what's left of Akuma's blood" Sesshoumaru gave a small parchment to Kouga, "Take care of it well, brother-in-law."
Kouga opened to look at it, it was the deed to the lands, then he rolled it up and stuck it in his armor, "So is that all you need"
Sesshoumaru got up, "I think that's it...right Satsuki"
Satsuki got up as well, "yeah, ready to go Rin"
Rin nodded and followed suit. Kouga and Ayame did as well, "Well thank you..." Kouga bowed.
"Back off, damn it" a man's voice was heard.
"DON'T BE SO RASH" a woman's voice screamed.
"No you can't go in there, " Bojuko yelled.
"MAKE ME" the man growled. Soon the waterfall was broken to reveal Inuyasha with Kagome by his side, Sango, Miroku, and Shippou were hiding behind them, "Well ya mangy wolf, long time no see

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