Sesshoumaru: It's because of her recent schedual for the weekend
Inu: I wonder why their is a sch in schedual, any way, Akuma has to read ('HAS' is what Akuma really said) the Da Vinci Code before she sees the movie. Then there is the fact that she just got a new bike, and she has to paint and put together a VW convertable plastic model, then she has to watch some movies she rented, then she has to watch her Inuyasha tapes and record a few things.
Sesshoumaru: But she took a break tonight to watch Eureka Seven, and drool over Holland.
Inu: Why does she like that guy????
Sesshoumaru: maybe it's because of his cool ride...(watch the episode to get it)
Inu: No, Akuma...wait...Akuma likes airplanes a bit but Akuma liked the guy before she saw the Geko
Sesshoumaru: And Akuma is REALLY readin the Da Vinci Code. And we are in charge of the post tonight. So here we are.
Inu There is no Anime News today due to that she hasn't gotten the latest anime insider yet. Also, she just got Final Fantasy IIV, so that added to her schedual. So don't expect her to visit over the weekend and her comments are still on the Album part...and we're being totaly boring here so KILL ALL THE SQUARLLS AND ADVENGE OUR CHIPMUNKS
Sesshoumaru: **sniffle** I'm not crying, I have no emotions, you didn't hurt my feelings **sniffle, sniffle** excuse me **leaves**
The Inu Family's Photo Album
What's with Sesshoumaru this week.
Recent news, we just caught Kagome and Sesshoumaru K-I-S-S-I-N-G.
Sesshoumaru wanted to look cool for this week (hmph)
Inuyasha:3,000 Leagues in Search of Father(Episode Number: 143 Season Num: 6):5 out of 5
What it's about:
When Inuyasha and his friends visit a a new town, they find out that a headless demon has been frightening the townspeople.
Episode Notes:
The title of this episode is from the title of an old anime show called "3,000 leagues in search of Mother."
Episode Quotes
Kanta: I'm a... Inuyasha: Raccoon dog Kanta: I'm an otter!
------------------------------------ Kanta: Let's be friends, raccoon-dog! Shippo: Thanks, but I'm a fox. Kanta: No, you're a raccoon-dog. Shippo: I'm a fox!
Episode Trivia
Chokyukai reappears for the first time since the episode, Chokyukai and the Abducted Bride
Eureka Seven: Motion Blue(Episode Number: 3 Season Num: 1 ) : 5 out of 5
What It's About:
Due to the pressure from the United Federation Forces, the Bellforest airport is forced to shut down. This leaves the Gekko, the Gekkostate's ship, without any escape whatsoever. So, Holland goes over to the airport in order to help the Gekko. Meanwhile, Renton is faced with a life-changing decision as he's asked by Eureka to join her as part of the Gekkostate.
Episode Notes
The Japanese scrolling text above Renton at the end of this episode is actually a weather report.
Jobs, Moondoggie, and Mischa (three Gekkostate crew members) all make their debuts in this episode without any dialogue.
Compared to the previous episodes, Eureka's attitude has gradually changed in this particular episode.
This is the first episode where Renton pilots the Nirvash typeZERO alongside Eureka. This excludes the previous event, where the Nirvash piloted itself and caused the Seven Swell effect.
Look Hard: The magazine that Renton was reading is titled "Pante Press.
Episode Quotes
Axel: Renton. Renton: Grandpa, I'm sorry. Until now, I think I've been running away. Axel: Away from what? Renton: From things that I have to do and things I thought were weighing me down. So I'm gonna stop running away now. I'm gonna stop. I'm not gonna run anymore. I'm gonna go get some training. I wanna train so that some day I can become a mechanic, just like you, Grandpa. Axel: Good, you've come to your senses. It'll be tough. Renton: I know, but it's all right. And that's because I'm your grandson. Axel: (crying) Idiot. It's not nice to make an old man cry. (walks away) Renton: (with tears in his eyes) Grandpa...
Eureka: (raises hand) Like this. You just raise your hand up towards the sky. Now you try it. Renton: Huh? Eureka: Hurry! Renton: Um, okay. (raises hand) Hey, can you really read the waves just by doing this? Eureka: Stay quiet. Renton: Oh, sorry. (stares at Eureka's lips; turns red)
Episode Allusions
Episode Title:Motion Blue
This episode title is a reference to the song "Motion Blue" by Index Al.
I am soooooooo sorry for the ever so late post, again, evil
Inu: Stop saying evil
evil, anyway, evil...I have no idea what to talk about today...oh yes. all we did in LA was go to the beach and to Hollywood. and...we almost went to Disney land but umm...we got caught up in all this hub bub...evil
Inu: STOP SAYING EVIL!!!! (and who knows, we might be moving to San Diego someday)
uhhh...yeah(evil), but don't say it yet, I don't know if it's official yet you moron (evi)
Inu: stop saying evil you dimwit
No, you are the dimwit. evil
Inu: No you are!
No, you are, EVIL
Sess: STOP IT YOU TWO. Akuma, why are you saying evil over and over again?
I have no idea...
Sess: Ever since tuesday you've been, well, saying evil and cookie a lot. And you are hardly depressed, actually this week you've been...happy.
Inu: Akuma tried to go a whole seven days without mentioning: Kouga, Jin, Kaji, Houshou, Hohenehim, and Mustang.
OKONA. evil
SessForget about Okona, he was...a Star Trek TNG character. Anyway, when can you talk about those guys again
i don't care...evil. Tuesday
Inu Okay, that's it. I'm going to hit you so hard, that you will forget the word 'evil' ever existed
Inuyasha:Untamed Entei and Horrible Hakudoshi(Episode Number: 142, Season Num: 6 ):3 out of 5
What it's about:
Naraku's child Hakudoshi kills Rygokoki, takes his weapon and earn the right to ride on the legendry horse demon Entei
Eureka Seven: Blue Sky Fish(Episode Number: 2, Season Num: 1) : 5 out of 5 (I watched it)
What It's About:
The Gekkostate, led by Holland, get involved in a massive battle with the United Federation Forces, as they chase the Nirvash, piloted by Eureka. Noticing Eureka is in trouble, Renton decides to use his ref-board in order to protect her. Will he succeed?
Episode Notes
It was revealed that Holland was really known by Renton's family in the past. His relationship with Diane, Renton's sister, is what probably led to this.
While Renton still has no clue of Eureka's name, he may already have an idea after the Compac Drive showed it a number of times.
As the title states, Sky Fish are small, flying organisms, which have an appearance similar that to a butterfly. They appeared when Renton finally got his hoverboard to work after recklessly jumping off the cliff.
This episode premiered first online on Adult Swim's website as part of their Adult Swim Fix on Friday, April 21st, 2006, along with premieres of other Adult Swim shows.
Episode Quotes
Dominic: Any further combat is useless. We should return to base immediately! Dewey: That's ridiculous! I lost two KLF squadrons. I can't possibly return empty-handed! Dominic: But, sir, now that we've confirmed the seventh swell effect, we can't fight with what we have here. Dewey: That's enough! In case you've forgotten, you're supposed to be a mere observer aboard this ship. I think information officers should act like information officers! Dominic: (clenches fist) Fine, then. I will exercise my right as information officer. Dewey: Hmm? Dominic: In accordance with article 56 of military law, I hereby take command of the ship's high speed craft!
Digger: Old man! Hey, old man! Renton! (looks at the damaged house) Oh, no. (starts crying) Poor, old guy! Axel: Hey, Digger. Sorry to bother you, but can I get a light here? It seems this thing got busted in all the excitement. (holds up broken lighter)
Eureka: Are you... ? Renton: I did it. I actually did it! I was actually able to pull off a full speed cutback drop-turn! It was thanks to you. I was able to do it because of you. You are so amazing! I think that I'm in love with you! Eureka: What? Renton: You see, I did it because of you, and I can't do it without you. I guess that I'm... totally in love with you! (hugs her)
Holland:(about Renton) He just did a cutback drop-turn! Matthieu: Wicked! He totally nailed it! Episode Trivia
This episode featured the song "Storywriter" by Supercar. Episode Allusions Episode Title:Blue Sky Fish
This episode title is a reference to the song "Sky Fish" by Color Variation.
Seventh Piece:'One Peice' Goes mecha for newest movie.
There's a new castle hitting Japanese theatres, and this one is even deadlietr than the last. Luckily the pirates of One Peice are set to stop it in The Giant Megha Soldier of Karakuri Castle, the seventh One Piece movie, which appeared on March 4.
In this latest theatrical escapade, a gold-toothed woman lures the rubbery pirate Luffy and his crew to her island by explaiting their usual weakness, the promise of treasure. She of course doesn't mention that the island is run by her devious inventor son, Ratchet and that Ratchet has mined his Karakuri ("Mechanized") Castle with booby traps that culminate in a sky-scraping, gear-grinding, milennium-old robot.
One Piece TV series and the first film diretor Kounosuke Uda returned to heim this movie, while Gorou Inagaki became the fourth voice actor from J-pop boy band SMAP by bringing Ratchet to life. The film opened during Japan's spring break, and early ticket holders got their own treasure - a free phone strap with a Mecha Luffy or Mecha Chopper marionette
Video of the Week
Yes I will take the video of the month away, unless I find a cool movie. But not until next month's theme.
I am soooooooo sorry for the ever so late post, again.
Inu: Evil Akuma, twice in a month you do this
It's not my fault, we had a long trip to the cabin and came back monday. I needed rest, and to play my new game. Also, before we mention any further, I would like to say that my anime news more with Japanese custom than anime.
Inu: That Final Fantasy Tactics for the GBA? That stupid game
uhhh...yeah(and it's not stupid). I'm trying to get the real thing, but I don't have a PS2 yet.
Inu: Keh, all you have is that GameCube, GBA, GBA SP, and a Nintendo 64
Sess: Do they still make games for the Nintendo 64?
I have no idea...but anyway. I saw three of the first Batman films because they were directed(except the third one was produeced by) by Tim Burton, actually I knew that he did those films, I just never really sat down and watched them. My favorite Villan is, of course, the Riddler
Sess: I like the Riddler also. Except maybe Two-Face was more my type
Inu: I thought CatWoman was sexy
INU, you had an OOC (Out of Character) moment. ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
SessOh yes, happy late that was a good holiday
oh yes, we all got DVDs, Sesshoumaru got the "Matrix", I got "Monty Python and the Holy Grail", and Inuyasha got "Stewie Griffin, the Untold Story" Also, I'm not sure if any of you have see Eureka Seven on saturday, but I missed the first episode. I decided that that series should be my new review, and it will go along with Inuyasha perfectly. Just for fun, I would also have the quick facts that each episode holds...oh yes. I am predicting that the world will end (I'm being serious here) in-
The Inu Family's Photo Album
Another pic from when the inu's were wee little lads...okay maybe sesshy is not small in this
A kinda of a romantic pic with Inu and Kags
our first christmas as a family, the reason I'm not in it, it's because somebody (i have no idea who) was pinching me to death
Inuyasha:Entei, The Demon Horse Unleashed!(Episode Number: 141 Season Num: 6 ):4 out of 5
What it's about:
Inuyasha and his group decide to investigate a series of murders which they hear were committed by a woman with a baby.
Episode Allusions:
There is an actual Pokemon called Entei. It is one of the three legendary beasts found in the burned tower in Pokemon Silver and Gold. It is the legendary beast of fire.
Entei the fire horse demon is similar to the Pokemon Rapidash. Rapidash is a fire-horse Pokemon, with a flaming mane, a fiery tail, fiery hooves and a horn . Entei the fire-horse demon looks just like him, except without a horn.
Eureka Seven: Blue Monday(Episode Number: 1 Season Num: 1) : 5 out of 5 (according to one of my friends)
What It's About:
Renton Thurston is a 14-year-old boy, who leads a normal, yet boring and uninteresting life with his grandfather mechanic at a backwash town. One day, a mysterious mecha LFO referred to as the Nirvash typeZERO comes by their garage, and the pilot within is the most beautiful girl Renton has ever seen. But the next day, her arrival has attracted much of the United Federation Forces, and she is forced to stop them at any cost. Renton however makes the most life-changing decision in his life. Will he make it, and will he get the Amita Drive to the pilot of the Nirvash?
Episode Notes
The hoverboard sport that mainly focuses on the show is given the term "Lifting." However, the original term for the sport is described to as "REFfing."
This episode premiered first online on Adult Swim's website as part of their Adult Swim Fix on Friday, April 14th, 2006, along with premieres of other Adult Swim shows.
Episode Quotes Dominic: Why did you fire? Dewey: What do you mean why did I fire? I don't think we were ordered to protect typeZERO, were we? Dominic: As a member of the Intelligence Bureau, I cannot let this pass. Dewey: Are you saying we should bring even more shame upon ourselves? Dominic: That's not what I... Dewey: Watch your mouth, information officer Dominic. Up in the sky, orders from airforce officers are given higher priority. Didn't you learn that in cadet school? Dominic:(turns away; quietly) Imbecile.
------------- Talho: Holland, did you copy that? Holland: I don't want to go. Talho: What? What are you talking about? You're the one who suddenly announced you were going to Bellforest. That's why everyone tagged along. Holland: Yeah, yeah. Fine. Fine, I'll go already. (looks out window) Geez, what a Monday.
------------- Stoner: In other words, that which we call memory in no way exists all on its own, which means it is inexorably connected to the environment surrounding it. Do you know who it was who said that, Matthieu? Matthieu: I have no clue. Stoner: Man, you are really uneducated. I said it.
Episode Trivia
This episode featured the song "Storywriter" by Supercar.
The regular 90-second opening theme song, "Days" by FLOW, has been shortened to 30 seconds for this episode.
Episode Allusions Episode Title: Blue Monday
This episode title is a reference to the song "Blue Monday" by New Order.
Parting Shot
Next time your parents send you to your room, you should be grateful. Why? Because in Japan, some parents send their kids to walk over burning hot rocks...for fun. Yes, a barefoot boy is supposed to be enjoying himself during this, as a Buddhist monk helps usher him over the smoking-hot ground of Mt. Takao, near the outsirts of sububan Tokyo. More than 10,000 people, along with 100 monks, actually joined willingly in the proceedings at the ancient Takaosan temple , as well as (according to an AP news ariticle) praying for "World Peace, traffic safty and longevity." We're betting that after a few seconds, most of the participants began praying for shoes
-Robert Bricken
Video of the Week
I wonder, should I take away the video of the week after this month? And I swear, I hate this song
I am soooooooo sorry for the ever so late post. But we came back from LA yesterday and we wanted a well deserved rest.
Inu: We still need a well-deserved rest
Anyway, we had a great time in LA. On the plane, Inuyasha was bothering both of us about wanting to be near the window so we let him. So in the three seats, Inuyasha sat by the window, I sat in the middle, and Sesshoumaru sat near the aisle. Then Inu was complaining that his ears were popping while we were in the air.
**ignores** I told him that he should have chewed on gum when we were taking off, I leanend when I was VERY young that I should chew gum on the plane before I lift off so your ears don't pop on the way there.
Inu: WHAT. You never said that.
Sess: Oh come off it, you know she said it, even though I hate to admit it
Sesshoumaru bought Howl's Moving Castle and I brought the portible DVD player so Sesshoumaru and I watched the movie while Inuyasha was yelling at us, you won't beleive how many times the flight attentands told him to stop or they were dropping us off at the next airport. Sesshoumaru and I came up with a great idea.
Sess: ...
Oh shut up. I should have pictures in the upcoming post. I just have to down load a few of them. Also, I will tell of our time in LA. But I'm too bored right now to put it all.
SessOh yes, happy late birthday sis.
Inu: too late.
The Inu Family's Photo Album
A current school photo, the reason Kouga and I are not in it, it's because I and Kouga were 'sick'
This a picture that Inuyasha and I needed a little revenge on Sesshoumaru and we found something and added a 'few' details
It may seem totaly not like me, but I love this picture of the first time Inu and Sess were getting along. Did I mention that most of this pictures Inu and Fluffy don't want me to tell you about?
as you can see, Samurai Champloo and FMA both ended so Inuyasha is going to be alone for a while. So I added more info on the newest Inuyasha episode in America, until I find new anime to review
Inuyasha:Eternal Love, The Naginata of Kenkon
(episode #140):3 out of 5 (too much romance)
What it's about:Hoshiyomi plans to destroy humanity using the Naginata of Kenkon.
Episode Notes:
When Akitoki is walking down the road, the ending lyrics to Come can be heard playing.
Episode Quotes: Miroku: Now, now. There are different ways to show one's kindness remember. Inuyasha: Shut up! You fake lecherous Monk! Miroku: I won't argue with you about being a lecher, but how dare you call me a fake! Sango: What was that?
Pushing Ten Detective Conan celebrates 10th anniversary with 10th Movie
Gosho Aoyama's pint-sized P.I. has a good tenth anniversary year so far. Commemorating a decate of Dectective Conan (a.k.a Case Closed) anime, Shinichi Conan starred in his first 3D and first IMAX movie at the same time this past January, but April 10 sees the premiere of the tenth movie, Requiem of the Detectives.
In it, a mysterious man invites Conan and his gang to Yokohama - only to capture them all and hold them as hostages. The "client" attaches a bomb to inept detective Kogoro and his daughter Ran, and threatens to blow them up in 12 hours if Conan doesn't sold a mystery for him. Studio TMS (Lupin the 3rd, Hamtaro) celebrates by bringing both Conan's detective achrival Heiji Hattori and Conan's criminal arch-nemesis KID back for cameos.
As you can tell, it's Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha month due to a 'special day' this month. Keh, if you call it special.
Inu: Keh, come off it, it's your birthday in a week.
SHUT UP. And also, I will also have an early post this week because the family and I , which means Inuyasha, Sesshoumaru, and everybody else in our family, is heading to LA.
Sess: It's your birthday, that's why.
**ignores** I took away the Current News thing because I thought it was getting a little boring. I am keeping Anime news unless I can't find anything. Also, only this month, I found a album from our family's past. So in every post, only this month, I'm placing a few pictures from them. You can see it below this section. And they all deal with my RPG brothers, Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru.
Inu: WHAT. You never said that.
Sess: Oh come off it, you know it was expected.
I have also watched Memoirs of a Geisha today. And I sugest you all watch it. It's wonderful.
Sess: I've got to admit, that movie was cool.
Inu: Keh. **silence** Okay I liked it too. **turns and folds arms**
I would also like to point out that in the newest Inuyasha episode, when that Samurai woman pointed that star thing at that demon ninja (I can't remember their names right now) she shouted the seven rules of the samurai. I noticed that when she said Jin because I researched Jin's (from samurai champloo) name and found out it was one of the rules. It means benevolence (or however you spell it). And what's with all the farting noises from all of Saturday's Anime Episodes. I was watching it, and thought that a GIG character was haveing a farting problem, then all of a sudden, FMA came on, and it still was farting. I just keep on laughing. What do you think would happen if Inuyasha episodes were on. I would be laughing my head off seeing Inuyasha fart
hey, it would be a nice change from the drama and it will add to the humor.
The Inu Family's Photo Album
Sesshoumaru's First Attempt at Going Goth
First Time Inuyasha saw the aftermath of battle
Our Time at DisneyLand with everybody from Inuyasha
as you can see, Samurai Champloo and FMA both ended so Inuyasha is going to be alone for a while. So I added more info on the newest Inuyasha episode in America, until I find new anime to review
Inuyasha:The Great Duel at Shoun Falls (episode #139):an excelent 5 out of 5 What it's about:Inuyasha and the others go to meet the ninja demon, who has taken Kagome hostage, at Shoun Falls.
Episode Quotes: Inuyasha:Anything's possible if you want it bad enough!
Opposites Attack: Anime characters make matches in cosplay dating game
The lights are bright, the microphones are on, and the bachelors and bachelorettes are ready. After the right guy gives the best answers to a girl's probing questions, the audience applauds the happy couple: Faye Valentine and Naruto.
It sounds bizarre (and a little illegal), but it's just for fun, and audience members at Anime Boston's first Anime Dating Game had lots of it. During the game, cosplayers selected from applications stay in character as they participate. Four players answer questions posed by a single anime icon looking for love while an in-character emcee runs things. Answers are usually prepared in advance to up the humor, but when certain spirited characters interact, the audience never knows what will happen next.
"It was a riot," recalled Stephanie Lozen-Kowaiski, who played Inuyasha's Kagome during last year's event. "It was so much fun to take on the character's persona while interacting with the other characters from other series."
Anime Boston was the first con to debut the dating gave, and it was a huge hit - more than 350 con-goers showed up to root for the most unexpected pairings. It was so popular that the game will return to this year's Anime Boston, held from May 26-28. So far the game has only appeared at Anime Boston, so head east to look for love in all the strange places. -AH Video of the Week
With my brothers being so popular and all (don't you dare think I'm going crazy) Comes better movies. But I don't think this is one of them. But hey, it's your choice
Hey there, I'm at my cabin at the moment, watching the third Inuyasha movie. Because I can. As you will notice, I added a new thing to my post, Anime News. I know Blink has something like it, but I am not stealing this from her. Anyway, I got the newest Anime Insider, I think it's the newest. #31. Anyway, I decided to share some of the anime stuff inside it. Not to mention I'm just a person who lives secluded from the world in a small town so I don't get any of the anime channels or lots of manga. So don't expect me to know a lot of anime. I'm going to move some where than here and...yeah. Anyway, Sacabato Samurai wanted me to post my story, I will. I'm just really busy so I can't do it this week. Woah, I just thought of something, If I have enough money to buy magazines, and I don't have enough to buy anime or manga. I wonder if...
Shippou That's because you don't have a job yet. did you get here?
Shippou: It's 'Shippou Month' here isn't it. And you haven't asked me to guest star on your site. You didn't do that to Miroku and Sango either.
They were busy. And I'm going to get a job you little creature from the black lagoon.
Shippou: but it's the last week that I'm going to be your theme. And you don't want me on. YOU'RE MEAN **cries**
Shippou, that stuff won't work on me. I know that you are connected to leprechauns somehow.
Shippou: Leprechauns? what are those
AH HA. you're trying to trick me into thinking you are not an leprechaun. Well that won't work because I've got my foil hat on **blows raspberry**
Shippou: well, first of all. Foil hats were from that movie 'Signs' and they were meant to stop aliens from controling you mind. And second of all, you are not wearing a foil hat.
But-but...oh I see, your leprechaun tricks are trying to fool me. Well it's no use.
Shippou: baka
WHAT DID YOU SAY YOU RUNT **punches Shippou multiple times.
as you can see, Samurai Champloo and FMA both ended so Inuyasha is going to be alone for a while. So I added more info on the newest Inuyasha episode in America, until I find new anime to review
Inuyasha Mountain of Demons: Survival of the Duo (episode #138): 4 out of 5
What it's about: While on a mission to purify the Ken blade, Kagome and Akitoki become separated from Inuyasha and the others.
Episode Allusions:
Yu Yu Hakusho
The names of the demon ninjas: Genbu, Byakko, Seiryu, and Suzaku are the same as the names of demons from the Yu Yu Hakusho episode, "Beasts of Maze Castle".
What's in a name? Apparently, a lot of for Japanese anime and manga connoisseurs. The term "otaku" has long been the label for hard-care Japanese fans of manga and anime, but it's mostly stood for the males in the nations nerd sector - since otaku have predominantly been males. With the recent spike in otaku culture, however, female geeks have been on the rise - and they've got a new name to prove it.
Female otaku are increasingly calling themselves "otome," reports the Japanese weekly magazine Josei Jishin. The term translates as "maiden" (as in the my-HIME sequel My-Otome), and even lends its name to Otome Road, the slang term for a street in Tokyo's Ikebukero district, filled with shonen-ai manga and bisshonen related goods - an understandably popular gathering ground for female manga fans, much in the same way that male geeks cluster around the stores of Akihabara in Tokyo.
Not to be outdone, male otaku are aslo changing - if ony in name. Instead of their typical title, many of the latest generation of anime fans are going by "ota-kei", which roughly equates to "otaku-type." - TC
Current News
Film Shoot Mistaken for Hostage Crisis
FERNANDINA BEACH, Fla. - A movie set at the downtown post office turned all too real for a group of high school filmmakers.
Members of the high school Spanish club were shooting a movie Thursday night when the police showed up believing a hostage crisis was going on inside the post office.
But apparently, someone saw the teens carrying toy guns into the building on Centre Street, which is the heart of the town's historical district. When they couldn't get an answer to calls placed inside the building, they assumed the worst.
Police cordoned off the block, cleared nearby buildings and surrounded the post office ready for a hostage crisis. When a group of students left the post office, they were ordered to get on the ground, face down.
Postmaster Ron Steedley had given permission for the school group to use the post office after hours to make a movie, "Rolling Thunder." Steedley said he didn't think the student's movie would frighten anyone.
Devon Menendez, the film's director, said his film career is over.
"I'm not accepting any more offers to direct a movie," he said.
Video of the Week
guess what, the last Shippou AMV for the year YAY. No one hardly makes Shippou AMVs on you tube so there are hardly any good ones. (sorry to those people who made Shippou AMVs.) And also people hate Shippou. I do
Shippou: how many times to you have to punch me like Inuyasha.
let's put it this way, if my love for Kouga was put in numbers. Then that's how many **evil smile**
the last episode of FMA, but theres a movie coming
My Life
Welcome back. I had an awsome week. On Sunday, I got writing the 21st chapter of my story. Monday, a snow day and a major blizzard not to mention I got to write the 22nd chapter of my story. Tuesday, Another snow day and wrote the 23rd and 24th chapter of my story and Inuyasha. Wednesday, okay there was nothing good on wednesday except for writing the 25th chapter of my story. Thursday, I wrote the 26th chapter of my story. Friday, I had a fun science test and wrote the last chapter of my story. Today, I continued writing a story that is not posted on FanFiction yet, but I watched the Godfather twice today. I love that movie. Also I found a song that I never grew tired of, Mr. Brightside (note the moving words above.) I swear, I listened to it for the 100th time TODAY and I never grew tired of it. I listend to it before, but wasn't that good for me. Now I got in on my MP3 player and I burned it onto a CD with a bunch of songs from Inuyasha and Rolling Stones, Ronny Wood, and Beatles.
Shippo is in english, Shippou is for Japanese. okay, now that's more straight for me. I kenw that about Kouga and Sesshoumaru, but I don't know. I am a total blonde right? And the return of Hojo Akitoki tuesday. I'm scared of that guy, also I learned that this episode is the first episode that had a character or something from any of the movies in Inuyasha. Next episode, Akitoki tries to kiss Kagome. Not that it's not obivious or anything. Oh yes, if any of you care, here is a profile of Shippou that told me that Shippou was 50 in human years, to look at it Click here. And if you read carefully on the page, it proves that Shippou is almost 50 years old it says:
Even though Shippo looks like he's about 5 years old, he's actually closer to 50 years old. Demon's age differently than humans, and usually its a lot slower. In episode 75, when InuYasha and the group are listening to the story of when the cat demons attacked (which happened about 50 years prior), Shippo says he doesn't remember it, and InuYasha says of course he wouldn't because he would have been a little baby at the time
I can't believe it, Mustang almost died. I don't give a damn about Alphonse (excuse me for saying that to all you Alphonse lovers) but Mustang was my second love on FMA. I took many test and found out I have the likeness of Hawkeye. So it was very unusual for me and Hawkeye to say the same things at the same time also I would say something I want Riza to do, and she did it. I even cried too. Mustang, you are always in my heart. Just hope in the movie, he will return. Mustang turned out to be the first anime love for my friend Joy. Until she loved Edward, then Shinji Ikari from Evangelion. But she gave up on Mustang a long time ago, but I never did. Damn you Archer, damn you Pride, Damn you all. InuyashaWindScar, if you are reading this, don't worry. Wait a sec, HOHENHEIM ELRIC YAY....I have to many anime loves
Inuyasha: 4 out of 5
Samurai Champloo: remember, there is no more Samurai Champloo, going to have to do another anime
Full Metal Alchemist: 5 out of 5 we must not worry FMA fanatics, the series doesn't end until the movie comes out in America
Current News
Town Auctioned on eBay Up for Sale Again
BRIDGEVILLE, Calif. - The first town ever auctioned on eBay soon will be back up for sale on the online auction site.
Nearly two years after he bought the tiny town of Bridgeville, Orange County financial adviser Bruce Krall said Friday he plans to re-auction the Humboldt County hamlet on eBay next month.
"Due to family reasons, I'm pretty much tied to Southern California for the foreseeable future," Krall said. "We can't move up there. It only makes sense to pass it on to somebody else."
Krall said the auction will open April 4 with a minimum bid of $1.75 million — more than twice what he paid for the 83-acre property about 40 miles southwest of Eureka.
Bridgeville, a picturesque village with about 25 people on the Van Duzen River, sparked a bidding war in 2002 when it became the first town ever put up for sale on eBay.
The buyer, who won the auction with a $1.78 million bid, never came to see the property and the deal fell through. The property was eventually posted on traditional real estate listings, and Krall bought it for about $700,000 in May 2004.
Since then, Krall said he's invested "multiple hundreds of thousands of dollars" to restore old buildings, remove dilapidated structures and clean up mounds of garbage. He also found new tenants for the houses and received a conditional use permit for a riverfront resort.
"It's come full circle," Krall said. "Now it's been fixed up, and I think it's actually ready to be sold on eBay."
Video of the Week
again, I wish I could find better AMVs for Shippou on YouTube, can't wait until next month. Sorry if I'm ruining your ears and eyes.
Well, This week sucked. I believe all my off line friends are slowly walking away from me. You guys are the only friends I can talk to. Well anyway, I know last weeks video sucked the heck out of you guys. Well, I think this weeks is a good one. I don't know, whenever I watch a Shippou video I start to pound stuff. Because, I hate the little guy. Well the Acadamy Awards sucked. They only choose what movie did better at the box office, people only go to the movies mostly if the commercials tell that it's a good movie. Then they go and it sucked. People thought Corpse Bride was scary, well THEY ONLY WATCHED THE FREAKEN COMMERCIALS. Then once they saw it, I bet they were ashamed of themselves. Poor Tim Burton, not only he is married to Helena Brohm Carter who stared in his Corpse Bride film, he lost to her. **cries** Well, anyway I am so glad InuyashaWindScar is back, because I miss him very much but I know he is going to be gone for a while again. I enjoy those times of the month when he's here. What in the world am I doing. GAH...I don't get it. Keh...*folds arm and sits, dog ears twitch** who needs love...**growl**
About the Inuyasha episode, it just scared me. Samurai Champloo, it made me cry. It was the last episode and I confirmed I saw every single episode of that series. I just wish it didn't end like that. So no more Samurai Champloo episode reviews...ever. Or Full Metal Alchemist for that matter. Full Metal Alchemist had it's last episode in America Saturday night(I Might be wrong, but most likely I'm not). ...WHAAAAAAAAAAA **CRIES** What am I to do when Inuyasha ends in America. I can't do anything else then. I don't get much channels where I can watch different anime, and I can't buy anymore for a while.
Oh, and I'm not sure what some people were saying, but Shippou is spelled either Shippou or Shippo, I never figured out which one. Also I had to get triped out last month to do the whole site changing thing. Also I change everything to Shippou theme on my WHOLE COMPUTER. Like last month I had it all Miroku and Sango. Also I am not sure Shippou is 50, but he is 50 in human years and like 6-9 in fox demon (youkai) years. Remember Inuyasha is like 200 years old in human years, and he is somwhat 18 (even if he acts younger than 10) in dog demon-human (hanyou) years. Okay that's another thing to add to my list of "Things that Makes Inuyasha and I So Alike It's Scary" **writes** "Acts younger than actually is"
Inuyasha: 3 out of 5
Samurai Champloo: 5 out of 5
Full Metal Alchemist: 4 out of 5
Current News
California court: Peeing in public illegal-It 'interferes with comfortable enjoyment of life and property'
SAN FRANCISCO, California (AP) -- Emptying one's bladder in a public place is a crime, even if there is no specific law prohibiting the practice, a state appeals court ruled.
Ruling on an appeal brought by a Berkeley man who was charged with cocaine possession after an officer stopped him mid-pitstop, the Court of the Appeal for the Second District said Wednesday that public urination is a crime that justified the officer's search of the man's pockets.
"Urination on or near a busy commercial street interferes with the comfortable enjoyment of both life and property," Presiding Justice J. Anthony Kline wrote in an opinion that concluded public peeing qualified as "a public nuisance."
"The sight and smell of urine are vile and offensive, and those who use the public streets and sidewalks cannot be freely subjected to such unpleasantness," Kline continued.
The case involved David McDonald, who was detained after an Oakland police officer allegedly spotted him urinating in a Berkeley parking lot three years ago. The officer arrested McDonald and while searching him allegedly found cocaine in the suspect's pocket.
McDonald tried to have the cocaine evidence suppressed by arguing that because there was no law that specifically prohibited heeding nature's call, the officer did not have a reason to search him.
The motion was denied after prosecutors argued that public urination would violate both littering and public nuisance laws. McDonald was convicted and sentenced to drug treatment and probation.
Video of the Week
remember when I said that Shippou's AMVs are super bad. Well let's just say that we have to go another three more weeks (including this one) with these. (why did Shippou HAVE to remind me of leprechauns)
Well, now you know, it's Shippou Month. Yep. All through February, I was thinking on what my March theme would be. St. Patricks Day came into my mind, then leprechauns, then Shippou. I'm serious, doesn't he look like a little leprechaun. He can do pranks, like leprechauns, and the color he reminds me is green (or orange). He is also 50 years old in human years (I got that from this official website or something) but he's short. And let's get this straight, I love the little...who am I kidding here. I hate the little guy. Let's face it, Inuyasha and I are alike in some things. Like being thick-headed about our love and other stuff. But when it comes to Shippou you can't tell us apart. Next time you see Inuyasha muliply punch Shippou, just imagine Inuyasha is a girl. Then you will see what I mean.
see. Oh and I can't wait for the acadamy awards to come on tonight. I want to be a movie director someday, so, I CAN'T WAIT. Oh and I had the 4N6 state challenge this week. I can't explain 4N6, so I won't. Anyway I won a blue ribbon, cause I got an A, A-, and B+ at the challenge. okay 4N6 is a 'play' kinda thing where you have to preform some sort of skit in front of people from other towns and stuff. While at the State Challenge, I met another Inuyasha Fan. She was fun to talk to. Also I met these girls that KNEW how to speak Japanese fluently. They sorta knew some anime. So I thought that was awsome.
Also I am soooooooooo sorry for the video last week. It was the worst ever.
Inuyasha: 5 out of 5
Samurai Champloo: 5 out of 5
Full Metal Alchemist: 4 out of 5 (the return of HOENHEIM YAY!!!)
Current News
Knitters Purl for Gold in "Knitting Olympics".
TAKOMA PARK, Maryland (Reuters) - More than 4,000 knitters in some 20 countries who took part in an informal Knitting Olympics did their final purling and cursing last Sunday as they struggled to finish projects during the closing ceremonies of the real Olympics.
One of the knitters was Emily Cooke, 23, a financial management analyst at the Department of the Army who started knitting in January to help her quit smoking.
"I wanted to do something with my hands" while she watched the real games, she said at a Knitting Olympics party in Takoma Park, Maryland, stroking a blue-grey Irish hiking scarf she had finished on Sunday morning.
The Knitting Olympics was suggested by Stephanie Pearl-McPhee, who writes a knitting blog called from Toronto, Canada.
She urged her readers to choose a project -- a challenging one -- cast on during the opening ceremonies and finish during the closing ceremonies, even if it meant ignoring families, jobs and housework.
The number of people who responded "and the sheer fanaticism" surprised even Pearl-McPhee.
More than 4,000 knitters e-mailed her to sign up. There were "teams" from 22 countries, but most of the knitters appear to be from Canada and the United States, according to entries on the blog.
A doctor wrote in to say patients could wait and a prosecutor said she was joining the event even though she was supposed to be preparing for a big trial.
"Will there be drug-testing?" one knitter queried, while others pledged to keep knitting no matter how much coffee and chocolate were needed.
Another knitter at the Takoma Park party was Jennifer Rothschild, 25, a children's librarian who has been knitting for seven years. She finished multicolour tote bag on Sunday that was knit using a stitch called entrelac, which she had never done before, and felted, or intentionally shrunk in the washer.
"I had to tear out one of the blue rows," she said, which cost her about six hours worth of work. "I screamed and shouted and muttered when I was tearing it out and threw it across the room and it stayed there for about a night." Video of the Week
heh heh **nervous laugh** Shippo month, includes...shippou movies. A bad one at that to start off a great month, with Shippou allready ruining it.
Boring week again. Mike is over here. He's my friend, his user name is Mikester. Chill Chalenge was this week. It's this thing at school that we have to go outside and freeze our butts off. But my grade won anyway at the challenges. Also we had no school day on Friday because of a Choir Concert. We got all 1's. Which is the best you can get. That's all that's happening. Sorry I should make this post longer, but I can't.
Inuyasha: 4 out of 5
Samurai Champloo: 5 out of 5
Full Metal Alchemist: 5 out of 5
Current News
Street thingie
LOS ANGELES - Farfrompoopen Road, the only road to Constipation Ridge, lost to Divorce Court and Psycho Path, which placed No. 1 in an online poll of the nation's wildest, weirdest and wackiest street names.
Mitsubishi Motors sponsored the poll on the Web site and more than 2,500 voters cast their ballots during a week of voting that ended this month. Winners were announced Friday.
"Our readers really stepped up with some insane street names," said Web site publisher Paul Eisenstein. "Our panel had a difficult time narrowing several hundred down to the 10 our readers voted on.
"But we learned a lot about the byways of this country, not to mention the collective sense of humor of city planners everywhere."
In first place was Psycho Path in Traverse City, Mich., followed by Heather Highlands, Pa.'s, Divorce Court in second and Tennessee's Farfrompoopen Road in third. Eisenstein said all the roads were verified, although some are private and hard to find.
The complete top 10 list included:
10. Tater Peeler Road in Lebanon, Texas
9. The intersection of Count and Basie in Richmond, Va.
8. Shades of Death Road in Warren County, N.J.
7. Unexpected Road in Buena, N.J.
6. Bucket of Blood Street in Holbrook, Ariz.
5. The intersection of Clinton and Fidelity in Houston
4. The intersection of Lonesome and Hardup in Albany, Ga.
3. Farfrompoopen Road in Tennessee (the only road up to Constipation Ridge)
2. Divorce Court in Heather Highlands, Pa.
1. Psycho Path in Traverse City, Mich.
Video of the Week
the last Miroku and Sango movie of this month. Next week it's a...nope don't want to spoil the surprise!!!!