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Sunday, April 2, 2006
My Life
As you can tell, it's Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha month due to a 'special day' this month. Keh, if you call it special.
Inu: Keh, come off it, it's your birthday in a week.
SHUT UP. And also, I will also have an early post this week because the family and I , which means Inuyasha, Sesshoumaru, and everybody else in our family, is heading to LA.
Sess: It's your birthday, that's why.
**ignores** I took away the Current News thing because I thought it was getting a little boring. I am keeping Anime news unless I can't find anything. Also, only this month, I found a album from our family's past. So in every post, only this month, I'm placing a few pictures from them. You can see it below this section. And they all deal with my RPG brothers, Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru.
Inu: WHAT. You never said that.
Sess: Oh come off it, you know it was expected.
I have also watched Memoirs of a Geisha today. And I sugest you all watch it. It's wonderful.
Sess: I've got to admit, that movie was cool.
Inu: Keh. **silence** Okay I liked it too. **turns and folds arms**
I would also like to point out that in the newest Inuyasha episode, when that Samurai woman pointed that star thing at that demon ninja (I can't remember their names right now) she shouted the seven rules of the samurai. I noticed that when she said Jin because I researched Jin's (from samurai champloo) name and found out it was one of the rules. It means benevolence (or however you spell it). And what's with all the farting noises from all of Saturday's Anime Episodes. I was watching it, and thought that a GIG character was haveing a farting problem, then all of a sudden, FMA came on, and it still was farting. I just keep on laughing. What do you think would happen if Inuyasha episodes were on. I would be laughing my head off seeing Inuyasha fart
hey, it would be a nice change from the drama and it will add to the humor.
The Inu Family's Photo Album
Sesshoumaru's First Attempt at Going Goth
First Time Inuyasha saw the aftermath of battle
Our Time at DisneyLand with everybody from Inuyasha
as you can see, Samurai Champloo and FMA both ended so Inuyasha is going to be alone for a while. So I added more info on the newest Inuyasha episode in America, until I find new anime to review
Inuyasha:The Great Duel at Shoun Falls (episode #139):an excelent 5 out of 5 What it's about:Inuyasha and the others go to meet the ninja demon, who has taken Kagome hostage, at Shoun Falls.
Episode Quotes: Inuyasha:Anything's possible if you want it bad enough!
Opposites Attack: Anime characters make matches in cosplay dating game
The lights are bright, the microphones are on, and the bachelors and bachelorettes are ready. After the right guy gives the best answers to a girl's probing questions, the audience applauds the happy couple: Faye Valentine and Naruto.
It sounds bizarre (and a little illegal), but it's just for fun, and audience members at Anime Boston's first Anime Dating Game had lots of it. During the game, cosplayers selected from applications stay in character as they participate. Four players answer questions posed by a single anime icon looking for love while an in-character emcee runs things. Answers are usually prepared in advance to up the humor, but when certain spirited characters interact, the audience never knows what will happen next.
"It was a riot," recalled Stephanie Lozen-Kowaiski, who played Inuyasha's Kagome during last year's event. "It was so much fun to take on the character's persona while interacting with the other characters from other series."
Anime Boston was the first con to debut the dating gave, and it was a huge hit - more than 350 con-goers showed up to root for the most unexpected pairings. It was so popular that the game will return to this year's Anime Boston, held from May 26-28. So far the game has only appeared at Anime Boston, so head east to look for love in all the strange places. -AH Video of the Week
With my brothers being so popular and all (don't you dare think I'm going crazy) Comes better movies. But I don't think this is one of them. But hey, it's your choice