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| InuyashaDream
Thursday, June 15, 2006
My Life
**is in corner and has arms around legs to make her look like a ball and is gently biting a knuckle** ...
Inutaisho: yo
**kind of hypnotized voice** same thing as yesterday, except I only had to go to play practice for three hours. **starts rocking**
Inutaisho: pay no attention to her, she is still upset about Inuyasha last night. They took Kouga off the credits.
Inutaisho: ...Akuma...
Inutaisho: ...Akuma...
...**starts rocking again**
Inutaisho: **rolls finger in the air in a circular form near his ear and points to Akuma** crazy...okay, so anyway I'll tell you. The reason her name is InuyashaDream is.
**jumps on top of Inutaisho and pins him to the ground** SHUT UP.
Inutaisho: But I'm telling everyone how you origionly lo-
**jumps on Inutaisho and places duct tape over his mouth...then all over his body** If you keep on doing this you are gong to end up with no skin at all one day by ripping that tape off.
Inutaisho: ...jdkjajda
...**looks at readers** WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT...oh, questions. Yes...**breaths in and out** okay, I'm better. Let's see what I can get at.
Magnus Lensherr: yeah, he's going to be allright. NO WAY YOU FOUND OUT. **grabs coller** WHO TOLD YOU, **lets go** sorry, I guess I am getting over myself. sorry ... and yeah, it's fun playing a god. I can't change my name unless I delete my account and start over, I would do it if it wasn't for the start over part. I'm not going to after what I put through to make this site in the mid-900's popularity rank **shakes fist**
babixxkagome: yeah, it was so fun throwing grapes at eachother, don't worry, I left his nose open. Yeah, I didn't think about that part so much. I was thinking of at least looking for him, but yeah I was weak in that part.
Mrs. Elric: yes, that is a little something you don't know about the gods on mount olympis that you now know. THat's what I'm going to do, but the play director said that I might have to be in the truck that's pulling the float and if there is a boat on the float hten I would have like a fishing reel and reeling in the boat like I was pulling it. **twitch** don't tell me that you know what's the reason behind my name!!!!
Sakabato Samurai: **sweat drop** heh heh **nervous laugh**
swtanimelvr: all you guys are ganging up against me...**twitch**
Note 1: Today's song is Time After Time by Cyndi Lauper. Note 2:
Chapter 12: Time after Time
Yuuki slowly opened her eyes, and saw herself on top of Kousen's chest. That night they slept in a small feild full of tall grass by the river. It was the first day of mating season, and soon, Kousen and her were to be mates. She slowly stood up, and streched her arms. "Morning" came the voice behind her, she turned and saw Kousen's ice-blue eyes seep into her indigo eyes. Those eyes that always were cold, it was either because they were the color of ice, or that they never seemed to show happiness, didn't feel cold anymore, they were full of warmth and love.
"Morning" Yuuki giggled.
"What's so funny" Kousen stood up beside her and kissed her gently on the cheek.
Yuuki sighed, "oh nothing" as she placed her head on his shoulder, "I'm just happy"
"Really" Kousen smirked, "Wait until tonight."
Yuuki almost burst out laughing, "Woah there, it's just your first day at mating season, slow down"
"Just my first day huh, is that the best you got" he wrapped his arms around her, and pressed a kiss against her neck.
Yuuki pulled on one of his dog ears and he pulled back, "What if Sesshoumaru and Satsuki see us" the youkai slayer explained.
Kousen tore his ear from her grasp, "You know I hate it when you do that." he rubbed his ear.
"Well it's the only way to keep you in order" Yuuki smiled.
"Very funny" Kousen rolled his eyes.
Yuuki hugged him, "I can't wait to be your mate."
Kousen blushed, and wrapped his arms around her, "me too" he gave a small laugh.
Yuuki gave second thoughts though, she felt like there was something wrong, What's this feeling I have, why does it feel like Kousen and my love bring us to danger, in a split second, she saw an image of Kousen in her mind.
His dog ears had a devilish point to them, his fangs were long and dripped over his lower lip, his claws were full of sticky maroon blood, and his eyes glazed an evil red. She gasped when her image of her love changed, and showed him using his out grown claws, slaughtering...something she couldn't see. All she saw was him, getting blood splatering on random spots of his face and his white wolf tail was being stained with red. Then Kousen landed on his feet, and turned to her, his eyes were even redder as he gave an evil smirk, "Yuuki" he growled. "Yuuki"
Yuuki shook her head and got back to the real world and saw she was looking straight into the face of Kousen, "Yuuki what's wrong" Kousen stared at her with concerned eyes.
Yuuki noticed that she was forming beads of sweat on her face and her breathing was heavy. She tried to calm down, "nothing, just a dream." all she could say, before digging her face in his harori and grasping him even closer.
Something is wrong...I know it...but I don't think she wants to talk about it, the wolfdog gave a sigh and held her and stroked her black hair. "I'll protect you, whatever it was"
You can protect me sure...but..,Yuuki's heart leaped in her throat, but can you protect me from you?
Miyuki popped open her eyes, she looked over the black haired amber eyed wolf youkai male that slept on the other side of the cavern. That night she brought Kiba to the tribe, Kouga hesitated to let him in the tribe but Ayame saw something in him, she didn't know what, but she knew that Kiba had to be with them. Why did Okaa-san even let you in, Miyuki growled, she grabbed the water youkai claw, just to make sure he didn't steal it over the night. It was still there, she opened her palm to look at the blue and purple mix in the claw and she stared back at Kiba. She never trusted him, as you can see. She glanced over to Kiba, his chest was rising and falling. She gave a small "keh" as she looked apon his face, I must admit, he does look kinda cute when he sleeps. she shook it out of her head, "Keh," she stuck her nose in the air and streched, and gave a side glance to him. Her hair was loose so it hung just below her armpits. The youkai tied her hair up in a low ponytail and sighed. The first day of mating, like hell I'll mate...,she smirked.
It was getting late, and nighttime was there, Kousen was twitching as he sat by Yuuki. They were eating with Satsuki and Sesshoumaru. Sesshoumaru was twitching as well, so was Satsuki. Mating season..., the three youkais sighed. That was why they were so twitchy, youkai mating season. Virgin or not, youkais will get the feeling like this around this time, the later into mating season, the huger the feeling will get. Satsuki stared at the scar in her palm, the one that Sesshoumaru gave her when they mated.
Kousen gave a side glance towards Yuuki,'s too tempting..., he tried to keep his mind off her by looking around the cave, but all he saw, was her face. He shook his head. Then he knew what he could do, he grabbed the black and red claw of the fire youkai that hung on a necklace, around his neck, the one his father gave to his mother. And looking at the moon he could almost see the face of his mother, or what his mother looked like.
Satsuki glared at him, "is somthing the matter Kousen-kun"
"I think Kous-kun is a little anxious at mating season" Yuuki giggled.
"Kous-kun?" Sesshoumaru wondered.
Yuuki and Kousen gave a blush, "Ummm...that was his nick-name back home" Yuuki stuttered, thinking of something quick.
"Yeah, uh-huh, sure" Satsuki smirked, taking another bite of the fish.
Kousen got up, he couldn't stand being by Yuuki any longer, "I'm going to go outside for fresh air" he stepped out and dissapeared from their vision.
Yuuki got up and followed him, "I'm going out too"
Once Yuuki left, Satsuki and Sesshoumaru gave a glance towards each other, they both knew what Kousen and Yuuki were thinking.
Yuuki caught up to him, "Kousen what's wrong"
"Season" was all he could say to her, still glancing forward.
Yuuki looked at the ground, "season" she repeated, "Would you feel better if..." Yuuki blushed.
Kousen turned to her, "What..."
"Would you..." Yuuki said again.
"A-ar-re you sure" Kousen grabed her shoulders, and stared deep into her eyes.
Yuuki thought for a minute, placed her hand on Kousens, and smiled, "Yes"
Kousen picked her up, without hesitation, and ran away into the forest.
Soon they came to a small hut. "Is...this what you want..." Kousen stopped and stared into her eyes.
Yuuki rolled her eyes, "Yes for the thousandth time."
Kousen let her down and they stared at the hut, "I we go" Kousen sighed, as they stepped in the hut, Kousen sniffed around, There is a smell of human, but it's stale...I don't think anybody lives here anymore.
Yuuki sat down, "So, how do you this, I want to go by your ritual..."
Kousen blushed, "Well..." he sat down by her, "Well give me your hand" he streached out his hand, letting Yuuki place hers in his. "This will hurt a bit..." with his other hand, he placed a claw on the side of her palm, and dug it in the skin and ripping a straight line across her palm.
Yuuki gave a small gasp and tore her hand back, "why did you do that," she stared at her palm, it was oozzing blood slowly. Soon little dripletts of blood fell down before she saw Kousen doing that to himself.
"Give me your palm again," Kousen calmly said.
"Explain first" Yuuki growled.
The youkai sighed, "When our blood combines, we have officially combined our souls, and there fore become mates"
Yuuki understood now and gave him her palm, which was full of blood. Kousen grabbed it and pressed it against his own hand. Yuuki twitched as the blood touched.
With their hands still together, Kousen leaned forward and pressed a kiss on her lips, Yuuki slowly kissed back. They fell backwards. Kousen gave his love in that kiss, and Yuuki returned it with all the love she had for him.
Lying in my bed I hear the clock tick,
and I think of you
Caught up in circles confusion--
Is nothing new
Flashback--warm nights--
Almost left behind
Suitcases of memories
Time after--
Sometimes you picture me--
I'm walking too far ahead
You're calling to me, I can't hear
What you've said--
Then you say--go slow--
I fall behind--
The second hand unwinds
If you're lost you can look--and you will find me
Time after Time
If you fall I will catch you--I'll be waiting
Time after Time
After my picture fades and darkness has
Turned to gray
Watching through windows--you're wondering
If I'm OK
Secrets stolen from deep inside
The drum beats out of time--
If you're lost you can look--and you will find me
Time after Time
If you fall I will catch you--I'll be waiting
Time after Time
If your lost...
You said go slow--
I fall behind
The second hand unwinds--
If your lost...
...Tme after time
...time after time
...time after time
...time after time
Kouga and Ayame stood staring at the moon in the sky, "I wonder what Kousen is doing right now" Ayame sighed.
"Keh," Kouga answered.
Ayame sighed, she knew Kouga loved his son, she just didn't know why he never wanted to talk about him, "He must still be upset about finding out he's a wolfdog"
"Nah...the kids Akuma's son, there is no way he could be that upset for a year" Kouga leaned back.
Jikken and Bujoku were heading on their way up to talk to Kouga and Ayame, when they noticed they were talking about Kousen and hid behind a rock.
Ayame brought back an old dangerous thought, one they haven't thought of ever since Akuma joined the tribe, "What do you think would happen if the tribe..." she felt like she shouldn't say the rest.
"What...if they find out that we were hiding the fact that Akuma was a wolfdog from all of them? Nah I don't think they will find out" Kouga kehed.
Jikken and Bujoku looked at each other, "They knew..." and went to tell the rest of the tribe.
The next morning, Miyuki was awoken to a yelling outside. She looked around the cave, Kiba was gone, so was her father and mother, Keh, Kiba must have gotten himself in trouble. she smirked and stood up then walked through the waterfall out into the open. She gasped as she saw the truth, her mother and father were fighting with the tribe, Kiba was behind them.
"Yes you did, you hid the fact Akuma was a wolfdog from all of us" Ginta growled.
Kouga barred his teeth, "You don't have proof."
Jiken got into his face, "I heard you and Ayame talking and saying that, are you saying I would lie to the tribe, " Jikken leaned in a bit forward, "Like you did"
"Yeah and what of it" Ayame got into his face, trying to take control.
Kiba stood by her, "Kouga only did that to be with one of the women he loved."
"Stay out of the way you runt" Bujoku struck Kiba across the face, making Kiba fall to the ground.
"Kiba" Miyuki ran to him, slowly lifting him up. Once Kiba was up, she glared at the tribe, "what's going on here..." she growled.
"I heard your father say that they hid a wolfdog in the tribe, without telling anyone. That is against the code. They have to be punished with death" Jikken said in her face.
Miyuki was paralized, she looked towards Kiba. Then she saw Hakkaku grab Ayame by surprise and tie her with rope, while Ginta worked on Kouga. Kouga and Ayame were so caught off guard, they couldn't attack back. Miyuki got out of her paralization and tried to attack them when Bujoku grabbed onto her and threw her across the feild.
Kiba ran to Miyuki, "Are you okay"
Miyuki stood up, and watched her father and mother be taken into a smalll and damp cavern that was used to house people who are sentanced to death. She felt dead inside, all she could do was watch...she couldn't move...and a tear rolled down her cheek, Come on legs, move...NOW., but her legs stayed still. And soon her father and mother were trapped, she side glanced towards Kiba, he was paralized as well, she couldn't blame him either. He was as shocked as she was.
"Miyuki" Kiba slowly whispered.
Miyuki barred her fangs, there was only thing she could do, she turned and ran, Kiba and I can't fight the whole tribe, we need two more people...even though they are a human and wolfdog, Kousen and Yuuki, will help save father and mother.
"MIYUKI" Kiba yelled, until he saw something on the ground. It was not a stone he has seen before. He leaned down and picked it up. It was a claw, it's color was a purple and blue mix. "This is the water youkai claw Miyuki wears..."Kiba turned the claw over in his palms. Somehow he felt a joy when he touched it and his finger cells ran over the smoothness. He tied it around his neck, and ran after Miyuki.

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