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| InuyashaDream
Sunday, June 18, 2006
happy father's day
My Life
Inutaisho: yo
I slept in till like 12, and then I stuck around the house all day until we left to go see Cars.
Inutaisho: ...
It's a pretty good movie, I don't want to buy it, but it's a good movie. I loved Mater and Ferland(?) is that the VW's name? You know the hippie bus.
wow, there is a lot of love in this room **rolls eyes** Oh Sakabato Samurai and Magnus Lensherr made pretty good points yesterday. Dad, **turns to Inutaisho** Doctor Who is like living way into the future, and Kouga is almost 500 years in the past. Unless Doctor Who took his amazing time traveling spaceship and transported years in the past of Japan, then I think that would turn out something. But Doctor Who has only transported to the future so far.
Inutaisho: That made no sense...
**rolls eyes** sorry, I have to keep this post short because I'm going to watch Pet Semetary by Stephen King soon **runs around all happy like** I read the book, now I want to see the film. And Semetary IS spelled right.
Inutaisho: What about anime?
OH DAMN, their on tonight too. DAMN DAMN DAMN DAMN. Well, if I hurry, maybe I can...oh wait, **hands Inutaisho a present** Happy Father's Day.
Inutaisho: are really daddy's little girl aren't you? **hugs**
eh, **nervous laugh**
Inutaisho: ...
I figured I won't do the...umm review until Monday morning, because I WANT TO ENJOY ANIME NIGHT LIKE THE REST OF YA'S. Oh, and today is Paul McCartney's Birthday. He's 64. Like the song, **sings** Will you still need me, Will you still feed me, When I'm 64 **stops** whatever the name of that Beetles Song. If you never knew, then Paul McCartney was a part of the Beetles. So, I'll answer questions and all of ya's give your father's a nice present. **waves**
Magnus Lensherr: DALECS RULE **raises hand for high five** Don't worry, Kouga can handle whatever the Doctor gives him. Also, I'll give him apples. Like my Grandma Akuma told me., "An Apple a day keeps Doctor Who away"
Sakabato Samurai: Love your new avi. Haven't seen if you changed your site though. But yeah, lordsesshomaru added me to his friends list, then somewho deleted me. **shrugs** I keep on forgeting to tell him just in case he ended up deleting me by accedent.
Note 1: Today's song is Carnival by the Pillows. Song is all in Japanese. NOTE 2, AND A EXTREME WARNING: IF YOU ARE JUST A CHILD, DO NOT READ THE LAST PART OF THIS CHAPTER. It get's kinda detailed, but it's still rated PG-13.
Chapter 15: Carnival
Miyuki walked on a path, while Kiba was behind her, What's got Kiba so worked up, she wondered as she saw him blushing and twitching and mumbleing to himself. She replayed the scene she just had with Kiba in her head.
He spun around to face her, "Miyuki...I love you"
Miyuki looked at him for a second, until she laughed, "Good one Kiba, I know you are just saying this because of mating season, we are just good friends."
Kiba looked towards her for a minute, "But..."
"Kiba, it's just mating season talking to you. Forget about it" she turned and walked off, "Come on let's go."
Miyuki got that out of her head, it was just mating season, he doesn't me. She turned her head back to him, he was mumbling something that she couldn't hear, and she can't read lips so it was hard for her to know what she was saying. But what if it wasn't mating season saying that, and he really..., her heart leaped in joy.
Kiba never knew what to think, Miyuki's words still hung in his head, "Kiba, it's just mating season talking to you." Kiba growled, I do love you Miyuki. But then he thought of something, I guess she will never return my love..., his joy lowered.
"Kiba what's wrong" Miyuki said.
Kiba stressed up his head to see Miyuki's head turned to face him, "Nothing..." he sighed, She doesn't love me, I just know it..., "Miyu...I was wondering, have you ever loved anybody." he blushed
Miyuki looked at him strange and she blushed. What is he, jealous..., and she smiled at the corner of her mouth, "No, why would I. No matter how many men step up to mate me,there is no possible way I would love anybody else." she gasped when she noticed what she said
"What..." Kiba looked at her, there is no possible way I would love anybody else, rang through his head. And he smiled.
Miyuki spun, she didn't want to let Kiba see her blush, WHAT IN HELL MADE ME SAY THAT..., a picture of Kiba flashed in her mind, Kiba...but why would I say that to him?
"Miyuki" Kiba said.
Miyuki's heart leaped up into her throat, and flashbacks came through her head,
The wolf youkai girl closed her eyes, waiting for the blow when she heard a voice, "MIYUKI."
Miyuki opened her eyes, to see the four lizards in front of her slash in half, "Kousen..." Miyuki whispered, thinking it was him. But when the corpses fell, she saw Kiba, standing there, with his hand covered with youkai blood, "KIBA-KUN" she smiled and ran to him and hugged him tight.
She blushed when another one came through her thoughts,
"I figured you had an emotion towards this" Kiba tied the necklace around her neck, and brushed her hair out of her eyes, "you look beautiful in it"
"Miyuki" Kiba said again, getting her out of her fantasy.
Impossible, I can't be..., the wolfgirl clenched her teeth. Miyuki then thought of when she saw her mother die.
Miyuki twitched and grabbed Bujoku and pinned him to the ground. She went crazy and punched him over and over again, "YOU KILLED THEM YOU BASTARD, YOU KILLED THEM" she punched him again. Bujoku didn't know what was hitting him, he was too in shock to notice anything. "YOU KILLED THEM" she yelled again, taking more punches.
Kiba ran behind her and pulled her away from him, "MIYUKI STOP IT"
"LET ME GET HIM" Miyuki screamed, struggling to get out of his grasp.
"MIYUKI, you're going to kill him" he yelled into her ear.
Miyuki stopped, and stared down at Bujoku, he had bruises all over his face. Blood was dripping out of his nose and mouth. He looked like he was dead. Miyuki shuddered, I..was going to kill him..., the rain flattened her hair. No one noticed she was crying. "Kiba..." she cried. Miyuki turned to him and dug her face into his haori.
Kiba started to cry as well, although he didn't want to show it, knowing that Miyuki felt like she could only depend on him. He wraped his arms around her, and made his hand stroke her hair.
"I can't believe they are gone" Miyuki shuddered.
Kiba sighed, "it was...their time Miyuki, the grim reaper decides our fate. Not even the moon goddess can make the reaper spare even the most powerful of us."
Then another image of Kiba went through her mind, it was when she first saw him.
Miyuki's eyes popped open. She was still in the pool. She looked up to the sky with her emerald eyes, the sun was at it's highest. "It's noon," she sighed. And she got out of the pool. She tied her hair in a low ponytail and changed into her yukata. She laied in the sun to dry off. The sun made her eyes close, 'mate...', she thought agian. Until something weird came over her, a shadow came over her eyelids, that's strange, there is no tree there, she opened her eyes to look into the face of a wolf youkai with amber eyes and black hair which was falling on her face. His face was so close, that their lips almost brushed, "AHHHHH, WHO ARE YOU" she slid from under him, "and why were you trying to kiss me you pervert"
"I'm sorry Miyuki-sama," the boy bowed, "I thought you were dead"
Keh, yeah right, any youkai could tell a dead person from alive, Miyuki twitched.
"I am Kiba, of the Eastern Wolf Tribe, I have come to tell you a message."
Kiba sighed, "Can I be your mate"
She smiled how she noticed that back then she felt so angry when he said that. But now, it made her happy. How his eyes were a deep honey gold and his hair midnight black. She gulped down, but it felt like her heart was still in her throat, It's true then...I'm...I'm in l-love with..., she turned to face him, Kiba.
"Miyuki" Kiba repeated when she didn't answer back to him.
Miyuki turned to him, she grasped the water youkai claw in her hand, Mother, should I tell him. Mother does he even truely love me?
Kiba knew know that there was a small chance that Miyuki loved him, but he knew that he couldn't be with her. He remembered his plan he was trained to do ever since he was young. He never wanted to give Miyuki a heartbreak because of it, but he never wanted to leave her, What the hell my father says. Ayame is dead, the plan is off.
"Kiba," she finally answered.
Kiba walked towards her and placed his hand on her cheek, "What's wrong Miyuki?"
Miyuki placed her hand on his, and smiled. "Kiba, have you ever loved anybody?"
The wolfboy's heart leaped, Is this a sign, "Miyuki...I have never loved anybody." He paused for a minute, thinking about what he was going to say. He then noticed Miyuki's face sadden.
He doesn't love me, she sighed. The wolfgirl was ready to turn away from him when Kiba blurted out.
"Except you. I have never loved anybody except you"
Miyuki turned to him, "What?"
"I love you Miyuki, I don't care if you say it is the mating season talking to me. I know my feelings. I love you" Kiba grabbed onto her shoulders.
"Kiba" Miyuki looked deep into his eyes.
Kiba neared his face even closer, "What I want to know, is if you love me back?" he stared into her green eyes.
Miyuki couldn't breathe, "Kiba..." she choked out at last, "Kiba, I..."
The wolfboy neared his face even closer.
"Kiba...I" she couldn't keep it away anymore, "I LOVE YOU"
kanran sha ni hitori de kurashiteru
dai kirai na sekai wo mioroshite
matte tanda kimi to deau hi wo
kashikomatta hizashi ni koge nagara
boku dake no mado wo hiraite
matte tanda kokode kounaru hi wo
ie wo nobashite mo
mukuware nai jidai
sukuware nai mirai
kimi to kiss shite warai korogeru
satte itta renchuu no ashi ato ni
kiki me no nai jyumon de shukufuku wo
karuku natta atama de utai tai
tatta hitori kimi wa boku no mikata
me wo akete tara
tsuki sasatte itai
kaze no togatta yoru
kimi to kiss shite warai korogeru
futari douji ni
yume de mita no sa
umare kawatta jidai
niji no kakatta mirai
kimi to kiss shite naite shimatta
matte tanda kimi to deau hi wo
Kiba smiled as he forced a kiss on her lips.
Miyuki's eyes glowed as she noticed the kiss, and she kissed him back and let the kiss melt deeper. She wrapped her arms around his neck and Kiba wrapped his arms around her waist and held her close. Kiba and Miyuki's lasted longer than they knew. They thought it only lasted for a few seconds, but because of their youkai blood. They could hold their breath for a long time.
Kiba and Miyuki tore from the kiss, their arms still wrapped around each other. They breathed heavy when they let their foreheads and noses touched.
"I love you Kiba" Miyuki whispered, "I thought no one would love me, but I was wrong. You were the only one that showed me true love."
Kiba laughed, "You don't have to go that mushy Miyuki, I know you love me, and I love you too"
Miyuki laughed with him, and planted a small kiss on his lips, "you know it's mating season, don't you"
"You thinking what I'm thinking" Kiba smirked.
"Oh yeah" Miyuki kissed him again, this time they fell to the ground. Kiba untied her hair, letting her long black hair fall below her shoulders. Then he started to tear off her yukata.
Kiba twitched when his father's voice rang through his mind once more, Kiba, you can't fall in love with Miyuki. It will ruin everythng. And as Kiba felt like he was talking to his father right now in his mind he replied feircely, I don't care about that now father, the plan is off. You can't stop my love for her.
"Kiba" Miyuki brought him back to the real world.
Kiba shook his head, and saw that he was on his back, his haori was off, and Miyuki's yukata was off, and he could feel the valley of her breast touching his chest, "I was just zoning out" he wrapped his arms around her. And kissed her again. They rolled in the grass while their hair mixed.
A gold finch stood in a near by tree, then flew off. How could they do that out here, the bird thought in a disgust.

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