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| InuyashaDream
Thursday, August 3, 2006
My Life
Kouga: you understand that you'll lose...
**trembles, then reaches and grabs a cup**
(Announcer: and here we meet our heros is a fierce match of memmory, or whatever the game is called when you put something under a cup and ther other person has to guess out of three cups which one has the object under it.)
Kouga: **looks at announcer** and your still here?
Pay no attention to him, Kouga, I found out that he'll stay until I run out of peanuts.
Kouga: ...**still looking at the announcer**
(Announcer: A very stressfull moment for Akuma.)
**while Kouga is looking away, Akuma looks under all the cups silently then grins once Kouga turns her attention back to her** I choose this one **picks up cup**
Kouga: ...**looks at the bouncy ball underneath.** you cheated.
...**lifts an eyebrow** now, come on, do you see me as a person who cheated in a simple game like this? **imaginary halo appears on head**
Kouga: ... yes...
evil...**halo disappears**
Kouga: hmph...
Hn... and it's official I lost my Kouga Keychain.
Kouga: Hard to believe, isn't it.
What's that suppose to mean?
Kouga: baka
I noticed only one person voted was Magnus Lensherr. So, Arashi got 1, the pink box of doom got zippo!!!
Kouga: women...
**bonks on head** men...
Kouga: you are so evil
I know you are, but what am I? Well, anyway, We'll now answer your comments.
Kaiz Dark Angel05: (kouga) Peice of coke **tilts head**
Magnus Lensherr: (akuma) if I was to contain myself around Kouga for a week, Kagome would be eating out of a dogdish eating dogfood. But, if I lose, then I'll have to wear a pink dress to the FMA movie in LA... (kouga) I know she'll lose, after all, who can resist me. (akuma) **bonks kouga on the head** Let me guess, you were talking to Miroku.
kaitnic: (kouga) ...O.O... (akuma) @.@ MY TURN (kouga) NO, that won't be needed, your under a bet. (akuma) I knew that, I just wanted to fool around.
CrazedMiko: (akuma) actually today, he came so close to beating me today at fuedal fairy tale. **whew** maybe cause I got the japanese version and it's all backwards. And he's japanese so he got the controler down
Leiko Yume: (akuma) **hugs** it is long time no write. **hands a box of pocky** I think you are a great writer.
angel kat: (akuma) thank you thank you **bows** (kouga) don't over flatter yourself, now Akuma. **rolls eyes**
kikyo luver19: (akuma)...heh...I've allready met Inuyasha. right **gleams over to Inuyasha** Remember when you were young and I tried teaching you fighting teqniques, Inuyasha?
YugiohYamy: (akuma) **grabs cookie and sits in my usuall dark corner and nibbles** (kouga) OUCH, akuma stop her!!! (akuma) DO IT YOURSELF!!
kagomeinuyasha199: (akuma) Kouga is in a dress (kouga) IT'S A KILT, WENCH!!
lordsesshomaru: (kouga) It's on know **cracks knuckles**
Veggie-Ann: (kouga) I'M NOT SCARED, IT'S HER FAULT, SHE KEEPS ON SWITCHING AROUND MY WORDS **points to akuma** (akuma)**has a halo around her head**
Kouga's Pics.
Kouga: WHA, why did you have to use that one
Akuma: cause it'
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