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| InuyashaDream
Friday, August 18, 2006
It was a dark and stormy night.
Ruby: hello
Kouga: Yo
Akuma: hey
Kouga: Ruby and I were surprised this morning.
Ruby: When we woke up, we smelled sausage cooking along with eggs and pancakes.
Akuma: wait for it...
Ruby: Kouga and I walked into the kitchen and SAW Akuma with her hair in a ponytail and out of her eyes, with an APRON on, and SINGING a happy tune while cooking breakfast.
Kouga: she looked just like that Snow White person from...what's that movie called?
Akuma: I don't know, **thinks** Sleeping Beauty?
Kouga: Are you sure it wasn't Lady and the Tramp?
Ruby: No, I think it was the Hunchback of Notredame.
Akuma: ahh, that sounds correct.
Ruby: After she gave us breakfast, she made us all Organic Egyptian Liccorice Tea. I bought the food last time and got us all organic food.
Kouga: hmph. Then after that, she became tired and slept till...I don;t know...4 pm.
Akuma: heh, hey, I was tired.
Kouga: She must have stayed up all night for her to be that hyper in the morning and sleepy over the day.
Ruby: yeah, so we decided that after she post this, we are taking her to bed.
Akuma: ...
Kouga: NO, don't you understand, Ruby, that she could make breakfast for us. (namu)
Ruby: yeah, that sounds like a good idea (namu)
Akuma: oh, so now i'm a servant girl. Keh (namu)
lovinmanga4eva: (ruby) so did Eel, but it was good.
Veggie-Ann: (kouga and ruby) hmph (akuma) ^^ I don't want to replace Kouga with Roy (kouga) THANK YOU (akuma) but I have a little surprise in the next message I give you. (kouga) uh oh...**blush** I don't love Akuma... (akuma) so you hate me **fake tears** (kouga) GAH, DON'T CRY!! (akuma) I KNEW IT
YugiohYamy: (akuma) hmm...assistants in jars. How intresting... (Kouga and ruby) uh oh...
lordsesshomaru: (akuma) I had those chicken fries too!!!! **looks at leaves** so that's why I chose the leaves in that colour. That bothered me for a long time.
Kouga's Pic Picks
Kouga: I could just see Akuma in a Kouga costume
Akuma: I wouldn't dare **carefully hides Kouga cosplay costume**
Ruby: **sigh**


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