Mom smelled a dead rat. I felt compeled to watch beauty and the beast after listing to the song. I haven't watched DVDs lately so they all had dust on them.
Rehearsal for mary's crowning. Little kids are sooo sweet! ^^ There is this little second grader who carries the crown of flowers in front of me and she told me everything I needed to know. And she said I was pretty, too.
Inu: *walks in with a muzzle on*
>:) That suits you well.
Inu: *incoherent mumbling*
We had some kind of display with the police. They asked us what to do when we meet a stranger and etc. Then we saw a police dog do tricks while other kids asked obvious questions. I do that sometimes, but usually because I forget one thing as soon as I remember another.
Rehearsal for confirmation, done twice. Jerks tried to spit on our Social studies teacher's car. Then they threw a chapstick container and missed. The sound of them spitting made me feel sick. And I was covering my EARS! Then I saw this other guy who flipped himself over a ledge and back again while the teacher went away. (Over 20 feet high)
Got my Vampire Knight vol.2 That manga is addictive. Viola lesson...if I don't practice my ipod will be taken away for a week(Or longer) by my teacher. Threats will make a procrastinatordo anything. I mean MY IPOD! I lost it once unwillingly and I'd lose it again(But that would be my own fault) I need to practice and my guardians need to find that battery. And we didn't have to buy a video camera. We have two already(Violin recitals, dance recitals, birthdays I forgot at chuck E cheese)
Fell asleep, woke up to pizza. Gramps and mommy talking and joking. Mom wants a new car gramps thinks she should get a used one. I usually side with the one who has the most reasonable answer(Gramps in this case) We are always joking when it's all three of us.
*gives some pizza out* Sorry I was full and couldn't eat anymore.
I'll be wearing a dress. A dress.....what do I do with my hair?!!
Um...math test and Science test along with Social Studies project will be postponed until Monday. English test.
A's to my own Q's
Do you like dogdeball? wasn't fun when the jerks were chasing me with a football and kept hurling it full force at me. I'm very good at dodging so they missed every shot(Though some zoomed by my face before) It was worse when they used a basketball......
Do you like taking pictures? Yes, they're al around the house. Photographers usually mention I'm good at taking pictures. Smiling is easy for me. ^^
How many books have you ever read? Um..let's see maybe around.......100+ maybe I can't remember.
Ever gone fishing? For crabs once, we used sausage as bait.
Ever do something involving tools? What was it? I nailed our hardwood floor in.
Do you like building things? Yes, I built a bathroom shelf and I think it was a squirrel feeder I did all by myself. My garage should be deemed a tool shop. 5 saws, 20 hammers, automatic drills, screwdrivers, glue gun, nail gun, etc.
Do you like to write poetry? Would you like to see some of my old ones? Yes but I usually don't have time. I'll show you some.
Oh and so you people know. Those chopsticks were brand new..and the first time I wore them. I super glued them back though.
1) Did you ever want a telescope?
I have one that gramps never built(Lost parts too) I think he threw away the directions as well...that's another thing we have in common. We don't like using those little directions in packages. My mom does, I don't. I didn't even know the ipod came with instructions....The telescope is a foot away from my foot right now.
2) Do you use directions?
3) Are you mad at me for not posting my story for 7(now 8) weeks?
Failure? I've never encountered it. All I ever met were temporary setbacks. -Dottie Walters
Poem/Haiku to be exact(these were made in seventh grade)
The day will brighten
Not just because of the sun
But because of us
Pic of the day
No story today. I need to brainstorm. *growls* Practicing, 8 stories. I need my new laptop soon....
Hope you have a good day!! ^^ And I'm sorry to those I didn't get to. T_T Dumb napping....>>