Got a graduation present(Ballon, candy, bubbles, and a picture frame) Went to the mall(I had to decide between five places) I know of four different bookstores, four different hot topics, and four different claire's. I know a lot of Starbucks's. After we decided I got four manga and a book while mom got some dresses. Then we went to the Barnes and Noble Starbucks and I got a brownie and hot chocolate. Once while mom was grocery shopping I opened the door because it was an unusually hot day and I set off the car alarm. While I pressed buttons all over people stared at me panicking.
We went home and I washed dishes. I broke a wine glass and collected the pieces and put them in a baggy. Washed more dishes. Tried super-gluing the broken one. Continually glued my fingers to the glass or another finger. And no I didn't accidently cut myself with the broken glass pieces. Went back to the dishes and had gramps yell at me and pull my ipod out of my ears. I had my ipod in a holder that hooks around my waist and gramps kept pulling it. He didn't know it but he was tightening it so I kept yelling at him to let go and go back to watching t.v. I came up with a bathroom excuse and read manga until he left.
Me and mommy watched a little of the Titanic before watching Notes on a Scandal.
I have a dentist appointment.
I do not usually enjoy the music stylings of Britney Spears. That one song was played while at dance class and it got stuck in my head. I bought it I played it I can't stop listening to it. I once liked her music when I was about 7 but it kinda stopped when She shaved her head and went to rehab...
I'm not eating too much chocolate. Mom and gramps make sure. Mom says I don't eat half the sugar she used to. She makes sure I have a balanced meal so no one worry.
Even though it's summer, I might not get to sites because....well Gramps. It's his comp so his rules...but I'm sure if I was using mine he'd still kick me off that. Why can't I use mine? Pop ups and other junk that could contain viruses that could spike my computer and kill what's left of it....which isn't much
I have a habit of taking about food? hmm..*shrugs* I thought it was just chocolate I talked about.
Has it ever been really hard to say no to someone? Why?
I have lots of ideas. Trouble is, most of them suck.
-- George Carlin
Icons of the day
---> Remeber I don't MAKE the icons, I CHOOSE them. That is all <---
Pics of the day
Buh-bye. I'll try getting to sites.