Past two days
Well it was class. Dance. Viola lesson for tuesday. My teacher wants me to get into this really good orchestra. I have to do a major and minor scale. Play a solo piece(Vivaldi) And play Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 6. Eh..I burned Cds during my lesson. Um..after I got him out of my house(He was on our phone for half an hour AFTER the lesson..) I watched t.v turned the computer on and started painting a landscape.
Inu: Multi-tasking is dangerous for you. Your brain might explode from the extra work.
*ignores* Gramps said that I painted the sky wrong....I was doing the night sky and it was a dark blue. Gramps called it black. I didn't even have black paint. So I had to stop painting and just watched t.v. Fell asleep and gramps shook me awake to take a shower at 10PM. I was too sleepy so I went into my room and blocked it off with my laundry. I fell on my bed and tried to sleep. Gramps yelled. I slammed the bathroom door and waited until he went to his room. I went to sleep and that's why I didn't post. So sorry.
Yesterday there was a dance. With a DJ and everything. There was rap music, hip hop, old school, and some swing dancing too. I recognized three of the songs. Avril Lavigne's Girlfriend. And two old school songs. The last song was "My Girl" The DJ was sponsored by Vans and I won a pair of sunglasses for dancing. I danced for the whole two hours. Two years ago when I was going to 7th grade I won a pair of concert tickets. When I got home I fell asleep. Woke up had dinner and watched the DVD Premonition.
*shrugs* Something about evaluations.
On my last post I saw that people were worried that I was cutting. *ahem*
Are you completely insane?
Inu: Oh, I
Know You're insane.
Shut Up Inuyasha and you wont have to lift up trains all day. Okay I would never cut.
Ever. One, blood makes me sick. I don't know why but I hate the sight of my own blood.
Inu: You don't mind looking at others bleeding?
Not really. Okay Number two: Sharp things scare me. If I can't handle paper cuts..*shiver* I don't cut. That's it I'm done on this topic.
OOo I just remembered..I have strawberries. Man I'm hungry..yuck! They're too sweet...
1) If you knew someone you didn't like was going to die, would you try to save them?
2) Who would you trust with your life?
“Have you ever been in love? Horrible isn't it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens up your heart and it means that someone can get inside you and mess you up. You build up all these defenses, you build up a whole suit of armor, so that nothing can hurt you, then one stupid person, no different from any other stupid person, wanders into your stupid life...You give them a piece of you. They didn't ask for it. They did something dumb one day, like kiss you or smile at you, and then your life isn't your own anymore. Love takes hostages. It gets inside you. It eats you out and leaves you crying in the darkness, so simple a phrase like 'maybe we should be just friends' turns into a glass splinter working its way into your heart. It hurts. Not just in the imagination. Not just in the mind. It's a soul-hurt, a real gets-inside-you-and-rips-you-apart pain. I hate love.” --Neil Gaiman
O-O; Long quote...
Icon of the day
Pic of the day
Hmm...It's 1:34AM while I that'd be 4:34am Otaku time. Oh well bye! ^^
Inu: Yeah..bye..leave me with miss crazy.