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myOtaku.com: InuYashaFan4-ever

Thursday, August 16, 2007

   But I don't remember..

Currently Listening to: I Never Told You What I do for a Living_MCR


I stayed up from 12AM until...about 6AM. Then fell asleep. Woke up at 8AM. Had breakfast and went on the computer and messed with photoshop. How happy I am. ^^ Uh....I was on the computer most of the day. I made a wallpaper. :3 I went on DA and looked up so many things that my eyes hurt. ~_~ Okay my eyes didn't hurt but that's what mom always warns me about. Oh yeah...

Mom's job gave her a Blackberry. So now she has three cell phones. Gramps bought a new cell phone on a whim with an ear piece. It's a razor so now he has two cell phones. He also bought a new house phone so now he has five of them. Oh, mom bought me a new ipod stereo that works. ^^

The house looks a little empty now because all the photos are off the wall. It reminds me of someone moving in/out so it keeps surprising me. We better finish this painting thing soon.

Uh...Okay that's it. >>


Computer. I need to wash the dishes. I need to do my summer work. I need to pratice my viola. I need to writ my story for tomorrow. I think two of these things may get done but I can't be sure. *glues self to photoshop*


1) What is the most recent song you've listened to?

2) Do you like music in different languages?


Okay it's gonna be a poem cause I says so!

The Solution To All Your Worldly Problems

Drive your car, drive to work
Drive to work to pay for your car
Drive your car, drive to work
Drive to work to pay for your car
The way I see it, just get rid of the car
Then you won't have to drive to work
The reason why you won't have to work
Is 'cause you'll have no car to pay for.

Akara K.

What about food? And a house? And-

Inu: It's a poem. So shut up about it.

*grabs a doughnut**smushes it in his face* Now you can just shut up.

Icon of the Day

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Pic of the Day

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Hmm....I feel like it so I'll give you a second pic.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

*shakes head* Pervy Sage...

Have a nice day. ^^


Currently Listening to: The Jetset Life is Gonna Kill You_MCR

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