Friday: School. Took some pictures of a blossoming cherry blossom tree with my friend and got picked up by mom. Read my book and fell asleep twice. Stayed up once in Sacramento ate dinner and slept more.
Saturday: Breakfast. Played tennis with people who were about to leave, my friend, and my friend's cousin. Went back to the house. Left again so I could play tennis with my mom. Had dinner and went to sleep when Death Note didn't come on.
Sunday: Breakfast. Watched some parts of a movie. Went golfing and got pretty good. Got a free golf club too. Went back to the house and helped cook spaghetti. Ate dinner while sharing my music with the living room. Mother said listening to it made her want to slit her wrists... interesting since those were in the lyrics (MCR cemetery drive) Went to sleep at 6PM. So tired. Mom went to bed early too.
Monday: Holiday. Breakfast. Found a cut on my thumb that wasn't there when I went to sleep.. Got dressed and went to the mall. Bought two books. Drove home and went to the store. Got new black shoes and school bag. Got dinner. Came home, ate, washed dishes, read my book, and watched my show. Homework time...
School. Home. Chamber Group. Home. Dinner. Homework. Sleep.
Ever feel like you didn't belong somewhere?
Have you ever woken up with a random unexplainable cut?
“When you have come to the edge Of all light that you know And are about to drop off into the darkness Of the unknown, Faith is knowing One of two things will happen: There will be something solid to stand on or You will be taught to fly”
Patrick Overton
Have a nice day...^^