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Albany, Oregon
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Inuyasha, Dragonball Z/Gt, FLCL, Ruroni Kenshin, Wolf's Rain
To be an anime drawer
Hello and welcome to my site! I have recently change my site to a new topic. (Your probably saying "I know what his old topic is" becuase of my name. Anyways, Before you leave Sign my GB!


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 Which Inuyasha Character Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
 You're Sonic, the hero of the series! "I just only have a steadfast heart of gold!"
Which Sonic Adventure 2 Character Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Monday, November 29, 2004
Back at school
Hey everyone, I'm back at school and i'm bored, last night I had t finish 3 days worth of homework in 2 hours! ^_^ Luckly I got it done, except for one sheet. Anyway I got a new GF her names Whitney. She made everyone sign a welcome back note for me. She's pretty funny. Ok, I don't know why I brought that subject up... Can you hear me? . . . . . . I'M ALONE!!!!!!! Ok, well I guess I'm gonna do what I always do when I'm alone. *Starts singing in the shower* "I like big butts and I can not lie, you other brothers can't denie! When a girl walks in with an itty bitty waiste and that round thisg in your face I get..."
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Saturday, November 27, 2004
Not Much
Alright, you guys may not think this is funny but I was laughing my ass off when I heard this. Ok, so me, My sister Taylor, my step sister Lindsi, and my brother in-law Mike were at a restaurant, I don't remember the name it was Italian, but anyway we were talking about our church and in our church, we're not very good mormans (I'm not a freaky religuos guy), there are people who "bare their testomony" and even before they start talking they break out in tears and it's just so dumb. So we were talking about it and Mike said that "someone should go up and while they're crying should be like, While that persons getting ahold of herself I'd like to bare my testomony." And I thought that was so funny because these people should go get ahold of themselves because theres nothing to cry about, and when they cry people can't understand them and they take about an hour longer then they would take if they hadn't been crying. It's pretty funny if you think about it. I hope that me being morman doesn't affect or hurt any people of another religion. Especially Jewish people. I had a jewish friend once. PLEASE DON'T HURT ME!!! *runs off screaming for life*
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Thursday, November 25, 2004
Oh man, I'm so sorry I'm so sorry!
Hey everyone, I've been gone in Colorado for a long time and my grandparents (where I was staying) didn't have a phone jack so I was internetless! But now I'm back and I feel good. I get back to my old schedule. Alright so if you guys have anything to tell me then go on ahead becuase I probably missed a lot. Anyway Inuyasha isn't on as you know anymore, but every week day they show Inuyasha episodes and they are going to catch up with the new Inuyasha episodes. INUYASHA EVERY WEEK DAY!!!!!!!!! But not for a while, we just got to wait until they catch up to the other Inuyasha episodes. Anyway you could always watch Wolf's Rain on week days too. But it's not until later. Oh yeah one more thing, GET THE DISH! Everyone says it's bad but it's not! If you have a pro set it up then you won't ever loose the picture! And all your favorite shows 3 hours earlier for standered pacific time, 2 hours earlier for standered mountain time, and 1 hour earlier for the other one. I forget which one comes next. Ok well I got to go, so later!
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Monday, November 8, 2004
No More Inuyasha!?!?
Listen to me everybody, we have a crisis on our hands, they stopped showing the new episodes of Inuyasha! This makes me so mad I want to go to the Adult Swim place that they Broadcast it in, and beat the shit out of everyone who works there, then take a stick and beat them then take over Adult Swim and show Inuyasha everyday! My plan is awsome, but first I need to find where they are and how to get there without being arrested. Anyone want to help? (This Post is not true and I will never really kill the people from Adult Swim)
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Friday, November 5, 2004
Math Team
Hello, guess what, I made a math team that goes state, and there was this test that we had to take to see if we were good enough, we were split into groups of 4 and our group got that test and we shoved it in everyones face! We got all of them right, everyone else missed at least 1. hehe. Anyway, Christmas time is coming. I'm so excited. I really want an IPod. I could buy it myself, but I'm saving my money for my friend MaryKate. And I'm spending $55 on myself. I saw this really cool watch at Mervyns the other day. Yeah kinda selfish huh? But ya know, my parents will only buy me like 2 things, and my grandma's gonna give me more clothes. Well, here make a "5 gift wish-list".
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