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Monday, August 16, 2004

   Hey guys, I get to see the Yu-Gi-Oh movie today, Some may think that it is gay but I have nothing better to do. Oh yeah ya know how at school they grade you A B C D F? Well they do that for movies to, well IRobot got A- and spideran 2 got A+ (go spidey!) but Yu-Gi-Oh got a F. Can you believe it? Yu-Gi-Oh got an F!!! They said it's not good because all it's about is a stupid card game, but i mean look at Pokemon it got a B. No one likes Pokemon!!! Pokemon is only about stupid little animal things battling. Thats pretty gey. I am going to see it in a little bit then i'll post up what my A-F ranking of it is.
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Sunday, August 15, 2004

Well, I just finished watching another great episode of Inuyasha. Can't wait till the next one on Saturday. I can't wait!!!
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Saturday, August 14, 2004

New site!!!
hey guys i found this really cool website! it's called www.RuneScape.com. What it is, is a place to go where it's all midevil and alot of other people are on. It's a 3-d game that everyone can play. You have to go through the tutorial but then you get to the real thing. If you want to talk to me on it, i'm DragonScar40.
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6:00 o'clock
every night at 6:00 o'clock I'll be on AIM (AOL Instant Messager). If you guys want to talk to me then thats ok. On the left, info is my screen-name.
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InuYasha's on tonight!!! InuYasha's on tonight!!! InuYasha's on tonight!!!
It's saturday, and that means InuYasha's on tonight!!!

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Thursday, August 12, 2004

!!!!!!!!!~inuyasha True or False quiz~!!!!!!!!!
brought to you by Quizilla

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Sorry... Again
Hey guys you know what. I guess i'm just going to stop my story, because I don't think it's very good, and alot of you don't think it's very good. I might try again. But not today.
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Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Alot of people don't like my story too well. Some say not enough detail, others say it's not long enough. So at 9 o'clock I'll do chapter 8 and I'll make it longer and with more detail.
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Chapter 7 The Legend of Link
I've decided to post up the next chapter because tomarrow, I won't be here, because My moms Sister is coming over and I have to watch her kids. Oh, well heres the next chapter.

As they aproached the enterance of the temple, they started hearing noises from inside. They were came closer, they saw a sign. But it was very difficult to read. Link rubbed it and then it became visible. "Beware coming to South falls temple to not enter unless permited enterance by great Deku." "Should we go in?" Link asked. "Well of course!" Jeane said. Then she started for the enterance. Link followed. They both steped in at the same time. Nothing happened. They took another step. Nothing happened. They started walking normaly and then a deep voice said, "You have entered the temple without grantage from the great Deku! From this point on you will be attacked until dead, unless you leave now. That is all." "Thats weird..." Jeane said. "who cares lets go on." Link said. So they started walking again.

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Chapter 6 The Legend of Link
As Link woke up, He looked to the floor. He saw all the peices on the ground and almost went out again. Jeane came over and helped him on to his feet. "What hapened?" Link asked. "Well, just look. I killed the sucker!" She said. "I see That!" Link said. "Let's keep moving." "Right!" They both hopped on Apona and rode off. After a long while of riding, They came to a small town. This town had no place to stay, but was filled with shops. But if I would have told you the name before they got there then you would have known it had no where to live. The town was called Shoptown. Link had few rupees, but was able to afford food. Jeane on the other hand, had many rupees and bought food and suplies for both of them. Jeane still had rupees left over, but Link was broke. So they left. They traveled for many days, but after the fourth day of travel, they came to a giant, temple.
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