myO Still <3's You
Saturday, April 30, 2005
nothing much post time-10:43AM
hey everybody well it's sturday nothing much to say. Sorry I didn't post earlier and you guys know NO poems on the weekend cuz I can't think of that many poems in one day soo you'll have to wait also I'll take requests. Like if you want me to write a poem for you then I'll write it for you and dedicated it to you and also if you want me to help you write a poem I will help this mostly goes to Akayo Kanachi for always asking if I could help him. So now I will and I will help everybody else to soo just PM me or just comment okay tell me a subject and I'll write a poem about that subject and dedicated it to you I love you all especially j2v(juggalo2violent)well see ya later
-Shay Hugs and kisses to all ^_^
Friday, April 29, 2005
Hey Friends!!!! post time-4:33PM(poem of the day)
Hey guys sorry I didn't post earlier but I told you already I don't write in the morning no more soo hey well my day was okay until gym we had to do the country run it sucked!!!>=( my time was 13mins and 03secs I'm happy I wasn't in first place cuz I don't have to do it again that thing was more than a mile run. My legs were hurting. Guys I heard the most horrible thing ever well to me of course. Well my friend Ayane(ChibiWolfGirl) is going out with the boy who called me a russian I wrote about it on wednesday(sp?)also the one who I gave a big bruise well him I was sooo grossed out I was saying to her "Out of all the boys in the school you picked him WHY!!!!!?" Well that's what she choses soo whateva. Well here is the poem of the day. (note to all I wrote this to my present boyfriend when he was feeling depress*this is before we went out and it's called "there is a girl who likes you" hope you like Hugs and kisses
-Shay^_^ enjoy
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Thursday, April 28, 2005
Poem of the day^_^ post time-4:33PM
Hey guys how are you well I'm fine. Well I'm in a hurry I can't stay online long cuz of bible study sooo as you can see I'm typing really fast.I'm leavin online around 6:00PM. I hope you had a great day wooooo I'm typing fast here you go the poem
hope you like
Hugs and kisses
-Shay ^_^
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Wednesday, April 27, 2005
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Me sorry and poem of the day post time-3:32PM
I'm soooo soooo sooo sorry friends. I couldn't go on in the morning becuz my mom works late now soo she drops me off at school. Guys when I type in the morining I'm at my nanny's house(grandma NOT babysitter) okay. sooo here is the poem of the day and Guys I'm really crept out my friend or whateva steven keeps staring at me since the trip and today this boy named kenny called me russian(no offense russian people out there) it all started cuz he calls these asian or muslim boy chinese and I said do you know what chinese people look like and he says yeah and he makes his eyes pointy you know and I have chinese friends and I said not all of them are like that and we went back and fort saying yes and no and he said how would you know your freaking russian and I said what(guys I'm real violent if you offend me of my culture cuz I'm black and half indian okay) so I try to choke him but he runs and the teacher was like go get him shay.(he's a cool teacher)and I ran after him and he jumped over the desk and guys I must have been real mad cuz I jumped over that desk pretty fast and I ran fast too. It's wierd I didn't know I could jump desk like that @_@ I never caught him but the teacher did and his foot got stuck in the wire and his overhead fell and every body was laughing so was I. But that's the third one that broke. (I didn't break the other 2 somebody else did) and I kicked kenny and he now has a big black and blue bruise on his leg I'm satified with my work(hahah evil yes I'am thank you) and I went up to kenny and just put my hand in his face and he jumps back(Go me Go me) that's not the first time a boy got on my nerves. He's lucky I didn't use the pen to stab him I did that last year and last year I was going for a record of slaping every boy in there I did except two boys but they were like my best boys as friends. anyways I said sorry to mr.willam and he said it's okay soo hey I'm off the hook well here is the poem of the day see ya guys I love you all HUGS AND KISSES AND LOTS OF KISSES ^_^-Shay(A;so Akayo kanachi no I don't write my poems down when I post and I don't write them down they just come up in my head and I type them on pictures. It's just what I feel sometimes I love you JK ^_^
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Monday, April 25, 2005
Quiz of the Day ( I look good too)
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Okay poem of the Day post time-10:53am
hey guys sorry I didn't post eariler I don't have school today. I got on the computer late =P don't kill me now and thanks for being happy that I have my voice back and my tatoo faded completly T_T oh well anyways here is the poem that you guys couldn't read I fixed it just for you guys okay well here is the poem destation bye ^_^
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Saturday, April 23, 2005
Hello Post time-12:03
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Friday, April 22, 2005
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BUSH GRANDENS(my field trip)post time8:50am time finshed posting 9: 51am
Ahhh man where do I start well lets see. The bus ride there was an hour and 1/2 long but it was fun we where listening to music talking and laughing like normal teenagers do. When we got there to the the theme park I seen this huge roller coaster and my friend brittany(animefanchick)said where surely goin on that ride. The ride was called the montu I'll tell you later about that when I get to that part okay okay. Anyways when we enter the park my friend james(I was in his group with his mom) went on the Ganzi it's a wooden rollercoaster. I don't do wooden rollercoasters noway. He took forever to get on and we waited forever and wasted time man. Well he finally got off and we saw steven's group with his mom so we combined with his group. After that we went on the water ride. It was fun it's suppose to look like an old african village but everybody died because of the tidle wave when they went on their conoes. So you go up and you go down real fast and then you drop and get wet of course. When we go off another group went on and drop in the water and splashed everbody on the bridge and they got soaked. Me and keyla(kagomehater852)ran before we got wet okay. Then we went to the phyton(sp?)it wasn't even worth the wait for that short ride and afterwords I had a headache cuz it bangs you head back and fort on the belt thing that goes over your head. Before we got on that ride steven was botering me not brittany(animefanchick)not keyla(kagomehater852)and not jomarie(inuyashalover125) but me just me and I said I'm allergic to flowers and he picks a flower up and says here's a flower. Just when I said I'm allergic to the pollen but I'm not allergic to it that bad so I took and said Ooooh thanks steven how sweet(sarcasticly). After that he throws a flower bud at me and it goes in my chest I'm soo lucky it didn't go any farter then where is was man. Of course I took it out. I should of done this. I should have said hey steven why don't you take out for me. I wouldn't really let him take it out from me that's disgusting or would I lets not think about that. Anyways after that we went to eat we finished eating and we saw the new rollercoast shekra being tested it's a rollercoaster that is 200ft high and has a 90degree drop my friends said when that opens up your goin on with me and those friends where keyla(kagomehater852) and brittany(animefanchick). They are rollercoaster freaks. Well after that we went on the kumba(rollercoaster with atleast 6 or 5 loops) We where waitin on line and I was singing T.I you don't know me song and I was singing the part when we T.I says"Cuz I'm a real O.G. and steven said I'm an real O.G I said your a real O.G really he said yup and james says whats a O.G I said it means original ganster and he said ooooh so your a gansta and the way he said it sounded sooo gay I said james stop just stop okay. Then we went on the rollercoaster and it was soo fast I was screaming cuz it was soo fun man and my picture(they take your pictures while you ride the ride) my hair was everywhere. When we got off that ride steven ask me did you have fun? well I answer him yes that was awsome. In my head I'm like why does he keep talking to me not that he's ugly or nothing just that he keeps doing stuff to me. Oh I didn't tell you when we was by the phyton his stupid ass tried to jump me. I don't think he was trying to I think he was trying to get my attention. He was tryin to get my attention all day and he got my gosh. Anyways after that we took the skyride to the montu and john saw me and scream HEY SHANTA!!! they call me that cuz it's short for my real name shantanique but they like to call me for my real nickname shay and I said HI JOHN WHERES GARET! HE SAID BACK THERE. I saw garet and said HI GARET(wow I'm talking about alot of boys on my trip huh. Well there was only us four girls(me,keyla(kagomehater852),brittany(animefanchick)and jomarie(inuyashalover125). Anyways after that we went on the montu and it's a floorless coaster your feet dangel okay and it was fun.When we were waiting on line I was talkin to brittany and keyla righ and I forgot what I said to them but at the end of the sentence I said, I said fine and steven said fine I know I'm fine. I said steven yeah you fine alright. He said I didn't know you thought of me that way. I said really I didn't know you didn't know cuz steven you are fine man your a cutie too.Guys I was being sarcastic the whole time.But I really do think hes cute I just don't like him does that make sense.That ride had about 6 or seven twists and loops man. After that ride we bought soda and what does soda have in it you guess it SUGAR man I swear me,keyla(kagomehater852),and jomarie(inuyashalover125)where dunk off of soda cuz it made us soo happy and now we have two new members in out group of perves at school keyla(perve#4)and jomarie(perve#5)nobody can take my place perve#2 ayane(chibiwolfgirl) is number one man. Anyways we where being perverted and everything and keyla do you know how to drop it like it's hot( you know from snoop dog drop it like its hot drop it likes hot) she said no. I said let me show you knowing that I was hyper I did it and I droped it and my knee was hurting for a minute or two. After that we went to go to the Rhino Rally and keyla was the navigator. Before we started the guy who was driving said "okay if we get lost who are we blaming" we all yelled KEYLA and he said"If we get ambush who are we blaming we said KEYLA and if where going to wendy's who buying we said KEYLA he said I'm starting to like you keyla. Well we where riding and kela got us lost and the brigde broke we where in the river flowing and and the waterfall got everybody wet in the back. Then we finally got rescue and we had a blast okay. Well me I say a place that gave airbush tatoos and it cost 4.95 for a small one and I got the small one and got a rose that is red and black Yay for me so did brittany(animefanchick)she got a moon and a star that's blue. Also me,keyla and jomari was soo hyper we said if this is how we are when were hyper think about when where drunk and where at a party wooooh that would be horible man. I made myself laugh with keyla and jomarie and spit my drink out it was funny and we where soo hyper we where singing ludacris part. it went like this"you put that sugar on my tum tum yepe yepe yum yum goodie goodie gum drops put them in a tougue lock did it to my body like num num" and we repharse it and said Later on HIS back back turn around give his bottom a smack smack" I said I wouldn't give his body no smack smack I will whip it with a whip and it would go crack crack and they were laughing man. Well after that it was almost time to go soo we went to a store and bought necklaces with hearts that are broken apar and one say best and the other says friends and I got the best part and mine is skyblue and so is brittany but she got the friend part. Keyla got the friend part while jomarie got the best part and theirs were black and when you put it together it says best friends cute uh yeah I spend $6.29 on out friend ship for mine and brittany and jomarie paid for hers and keyla's some friendship just kiddin. At the beginning I had $30.00 and came out with $3 and 81 cents nice way to spend money huh heheh. Well after that it was time to go and the worst thing happen when I tried to sleep on the bus the most horrible vision came to my mind me and steve kissing Oh God and I couldn't close my eyes cuz I saw me and him kissing it was horrible and I tried thinking about miroku and kurama didn't work and brittany says I can't believe I'm saying this but think about me trying to steal him away from you it worked but it wasn't a good way how it ended I was about to cry when I was thinking about it. Becuz brittany called me a bitch in the vision and said to steven why are you wasting your time with her she doesn't love you and he says yes she does but she convince him and he kisses her in my face and I said why did you do that and I ended up falling on my knees and break down crying saying why did you leave me all I ever did was love you and I kept crying and he slaped me in my face(remeber this is all a vision I'm having okay) and he said stop crying that's not the girl I feel in love with I fell in love with a strong girl not a whimp and he said brittany's right you don't deserve me and the vision ends and I almost cried really and I told brittany and she was huging me saying I would never do that to you. I know she would never do that cuz where like sisters so are me and keyla and jomarie but we show it by yelling and hitting eachother and laughing. Cuz if we showed it the mushy way we would look like lesbians okay. I'm straigh okay I would like it to stay that way and I said to them if I ever caught any of you kissing my boyfriend I'll kick my boyfriends ass then I'm coming for you guys" they said we would never do that and when my friend melanie heard on the bus I was thinking about steven she turned around fast and said what you was thinking about steven mac call and she said do you like him I said hmmm kinda I guess you know like 50:50 okay. Brittany says it looks like he's flirting with another girl. I said I don't care me and him where never together like I care about him whatever. Well we got back to the school and my mom picked me up and I went home took a shower and feel asleep I was tired and I lost my voice cuz I was hyper that always happens only when I'm hyper but my voice is coming back soo hey. Well that was my day yesturday it was fun and did you know this post almost took me any hour to write wow and my friend brittany thinks steve likes me cuz he was bothering me all day I said don't even think that one the boy is like proably up to my nose guys. Man he's not that short like he's proably between 5ft and 5'3 cuz I'm like 5'5 or 5'6 or 5'4 soo not that short but I feel real tall. Well that was my day and here is the poem of the day man you guys thought I forgot uh and I guess this is a conquicdent that I'm putting a poem called kiss kiss after I just told you what I thought of steve and me uh well here it is
See ya Shay
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