myO Still <3's You
Comments (6) | Permalink Wednesday, April 20, 2005
This is funny cuz I found this quiz on Akakyo kanachi site and his site is base on naruto and guess what me and the guy I like looks like
Poem of the Day^_^
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Tuesday, April 19, 2005
How old iam at heart
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Poem of the Day^_^
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Monday, April 18, 2005
I found the problem!!!
Hey guys I found out the problem it was the setting of my aol username cuz my mom made a username for me which is well yeah. the settings wouldn't allow me to see my pic and made me think something was wrong when nothing was. Well I'm stupid.
Well at school nothing much I wasn't hyper today cuz I didn't eat cereal thank God. Well I'm going to post a diffrent poem since you can't read that one soo it's going to replace the other one okay I love you guys bye. Also at school me and chibiwolfgirl(ayane) where acting perverted cuz I'm preverted girl number 2 and she's number 1 trust me if you go to school with me you would understand so go and imagin all the nasty perverted stuff we said about the anime boys. I know to many to think(hehehehehe) well I love you all bye.
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I'm pissed off right now my site pictures aren't working right now because doesn't want to work right now soo I'm sorry guys you can't see my poem it really does suck cuz the poem I wrote was about destiny so I'm going to have to put the default backround I'm sooo mad now I worked hard on making this site pretty and now it's ruin I feel like I'm about to cry now
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Poem of the day
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Friday, April 15, 2005
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I was hyper again^_^
Hey guys I went to school and when I knew the hyperness kick in was when I started talking fast. Then I started jumping around. At gym I was saying wierd and creepy things I was holdin my knees together saying I need sugar and I started to say this" he's a cutie with a booty and hottie with a body" wierd huh. Then it go wrost and yes I did it again I scream in the courtyard that devon was hot so help me God. Then I wrote his name on the wall and I was writing brent's( my bf) name on the wall. I had to erase it I don't want to get suspended I want to go on the trip which is 4 days away YAY^o^. Anyways at lunch I was acting perverted again. See my friend was puttin manayses(sp?) on her sandwich and you all know that's white so I said eww brittany you have white stuff on your sandwhich what guy or guys did it come from LOL man I'm perverted as hell and I kept on untill me and her couldn't breath that's how hard we were laughing man. I also said cuz I could breath" breath in breath out and then the pervertness kicked in and I said crock in crock out and me and her where dying of laughter man i'm sick. Well at 5th period this boy name justin had me crying cuz he had the wheel chair(for computers) and start fucking it it was funny and antony was in the chair and marlon was in the other and he said I love threesomes. I started cryin and laughing at the same time and I ran to the bathroom and I swear I was going to throw up and after that me and keyla(kagomehater852) started to yell out in the courtyard cuz she caught my hyperness yup it's contageous(sp?) and I yelled out put your bra back on man I'm wired plz people pray for me do something for me. Well at 6th period I was clam down and I was cure as you can see I was hyper all day hyperness is dangerous. Well I love you all I LOVE YOU TOO AKAYO^_~ Just kidding well thanks sweethart and akayo for commenting my poem. MirokuCharm plz stop this stupid jealously cuz I hate when guys are jealous of another guy it makes me man well I love you all. HOTTIE OF THE MONTH KURAMA
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